By stunna4cee

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" Having somebody by your side to help you, can make them everyday battles easier... especially if that wasn'... More

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4.1K 199 80
By stunna4cee

" So y'all ain't talk about it since it happened? ", Roddy questioned stopping at the red light. I shook my head, " Nah. "

I don't regret kissing Kaycee, but I feel bad for putting her in a situation like that knowing she's messing with Trell. Then on top of that, I went behind Trell back and kissed his girl... that's some foul ass shit yo.

" I think y'all should talk about it, it could make shit less weird between y'all. How y'all supposed to be working together if y'all avoiding each other? ", he continued. I just thought about it and didn't say anything. I ain't know what ta say.

I ain't talked to Kaycee since the night I kissed her. I had an appointment with the doctor the next morning and everything was coo. I still gotta walk on my cane and shit but there really wasn't a reason for Kaycee ta stay at my crib anymore. I wanted her to stay a li longer though...

" I don't know yo... because what about Trell? How I'm supposed to tell the nigga ' Oh yeah, I kissed yo girl while she was staying at my crib '?, I said being sarcastic. " You can't just bring that shit up in normal conversation. "

And even if I did bring it up, I know Trell gone be shitty cause I would be shitty too. How one of my closest friends, somebody I been knowing from since we were little, kiss my girl? I can't really do much but apologize and tell him I ain't mean to do it.

" Have Kaycee tell em. ", he suggested. I look at him with a dumb face. Why would I make her tell him, if I kissed her? I shook my head and he shrugged, " Look nigga, I don't know. You wanted some input and I gave you some so It's up to you and what you do. "

I don't know what ta do.


I eye Kaycee as she's on her phone, " Put that down yo. We having a conversation. " She looks at me and slightly rolls her eyes. I don't say anything and I keep talking to the people.

" So somebody been telling Doom's secrets and he missing supplies? ", Roddy clarified. The people who used to work with my dad nodded they heads. They usually don't come to visit me unless it's serious so when they popped up, I knew it was something bad.

" So you needa figure out who you can trust or it's over. If yo secrets about this business or your dad get out.. people gonna want your head Deion. ", one of them told me. Kaycee looked over at me and her face was scared and shocked at the same time. It's hard to read her face and what she's thinking sometimes.

" I trust everybody in this room or they wouldn't be in here. ", I replied. My dad people shrugged and started standing up, " We'll look into it. " They left out the room and I sighed. Roddy and Boogie started getting up and leaving out too.

Kaycee was packing her stuff up.

" Kaycee can you stay.. I wanna talk ta you real quick. "

She huffed and I looked at her with my face scrunched, " Can we just talk for a minute yo? Why you acting like we can't talk to each other? "

" I never said we couldn't talk to each other... ", she mumbled.

" That's how you acting though... we ain't talked about that night since and I want to because it got us being weird around each other and Ion like working like this. I like when we communicate and we ain't been doing that lately. ", I explained. She sighed and sat back in her chair.

Her arms were crossed and she was waiting for me to say something but I ain't even have a clue how to start this conversation to be real.

" I fucked up kissing you and shit since you messing with Trell, that's my bad for putting you in a situation like that. I was just in the moment and wasn't thinking... I wanna tell Trell cause I would feel more shitty than I already do if I didn't, he should at least know. You feel me? ", I finally spoke up saying. She looked at me, " He already knows... "

My eyes got kinda wide, " You told him? "

" I told him that I kissed someone else and he got upset and I haven't talked to him in a few days, he doesn't know it was you though. I never told him. ", she shrugged. I didn't know what to say. Do I tell him it was me and add onto him being mad or just let him continue on without knowing who Kaycee talking about?

" But I kissed you though, so It's really not yo fault so he can't be mad at you. ", I reminded her. I don't want Trell mad at her when she didn't do anything. I did what I did and Im taking accountability for it.

She shrugged, " It doesn't matter. He wont respond to my call or texts so I left it alone... and I think you should too. Why make him more upset by telling him it was you? "

I thought to myself, I don't wanna add on to him being upset by I can't sit in his face smiling and laughing knowing I'm keeping that from him. It don't sit right with me...

" Aight. ", I agreed. I ain't gone tell her that Ima tell Trell it was me because she don't want me to so...

She continued packing her stuff up and I watched her, " So we good? " She nodded. " Aight, call me assum later so we can go over work. "

" Okay. ", left her mouth before she walked out the room.


" Nigga a li too happy... what happened ta you? ", Boogie teased sipping from his cup. I ain't even have to call Trell over cause he invited us over.

Trell smacked his lips. " I am happy, I'm single! ", he yelled waving the bottle in his hand around. I made a confused face, " You and Kaycee broke up? " Kaycee didn't say they broke up, broke up. I just thought he wasn't talking to her and needed a break assum to think.

" Yeah bro- well, I ain't told Kaycee I'm done with her because I been ignoring her but hopefully she get the message. ", Trell shrugged. " Not explaining shit ta her, she hurt my feelings... I was really feeling her and she gone go kiss another nigga. It's crazy cause I was actually being loyal to her ass. "

I looked over at Roddy and he looked at me. " Dang man... sorry ta hear that. ", Roddy spoke up. Trell shrugged and took a sip from his bottle. He tryna act nonchalant but I knew he was feeling Kaycee... I really fucked up yo.

" It don't matter. I'll get over that shit, I always bounce back. It ain't never my loss. ", Trell ranted and we all stayed silent. We ain't never seen him act like this about nobody before.

" I should beat the nigga she kissed ass- Deion lemme ask you sum. ", Trell said looking at me. My eyes kinda got wide, so he know and he asking to see if Ima tell him the truth?

" That night when you got stabbed the nigga punched you in the face, choked you, and stabbed you right? ", he questioned. I smacked my lips and shook my head, " Hold on yo... how you know allat? "

Boogie looked at me confused, " What you mean? Nigga we was all there. " I shook my head and stood up, " Nah yo... I never told any of y'all how it went down and me getting choked yo. And Trell didn't come around the corner till after. "

I was just thinking to myself... tryna replay the memories from that night. I remember one dark figure standing in front of me and somebody behind me as I was turning around. I know the person behind me was Ron but I couldn't see the other guy.

Roddy stood up, " Deion you good? Whatchu getting all worked up for? "

Somebody telling my secrets... stealing from me...

Nah, can't be Trell... can't be...


girl n e ways...

i know i ain't give yall a chapter in a minuteeee, y'all gone have to be satisfied with this until chapter 12 🥸. ima give y'all a good next chapter.

i think trell got sum explaining ta dooooo

anyways for next chapter, maybe... both deions and kaycee pov in one? y'all like that? yeah? no? y'all don't? awl ima do it anyways

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