Death & Tequila [mxm]

Por Hopestrife

288K 15.8K 2.6K

[COMPLETED] Law enforcement was never in the cards for Jaiden, but the badge happened to fall his way. Howev... Más

Death and Tequila: A note from HopeStrife
1. Jose Cuervo
2. Mixto
3. Cup of Coffee
4. Milagro Añejo Tequila
5. French Press Coffee
6. Chamomile Tea
7. Agua Fresca
8. Bloody Mary
9. Bloody Maria
11. Espresso
12. Patrón
13. Pinot Noir
14. Glass of Water
15. Corona
16. Breakroom Coffee
17. Long Island Iced Tea
18. Tequila Sunrise
19. Merlot
20. Mexican Hot Chocolate
21. Shot of Whiskey
22. Energy Drinks
23. Beers and Espresso
24. Drinking Roses
25. El Vacho
26. Club Soda
27. Monte Alban Mezcal
28. Una Vida
29. Don Julio
30. Moscato
31. Molasses
32. Ice Cubes and IVs
33. Sunshine Stout
34. Four Loko
35. Acid
36. Fireball Whisky
37. Bottle of Rum
38. Mai Tais
39. Lemon Drops and Margaritas
40. Lemonade
41. Clase Azul
42. Tequila Sunset
43. Casa Noble
44. Tequila Komos [End]

10. Bloody Ceasar

7K 403 36
Por Hopestrife

Toni... out of all people never expected him to arrive on the crime scene.

Jaiden eyes roamed Toni's body. Tight jeans and shirt with his shoulder holster under a black leather jacket. A badge was clipped on to his belt much like Jaiden's.

He looked undeniably good.

The amusement in Toni's eyes faded almost immediately as he saw Jaiden's face. He reached out and gripped Jaiden's chin. He stared intently at the bruise and cut on his lip. "Hijo de puta. Who fucking did this?"

Jaiden smiled. "It's nothing major. I was just in a small confrontation last night."

Toni frowned. "Where is the pendejo?"

"Nursing his broken nose." Jaiden said with a smirk. "You do realize that everyone is watching you, right?"

Toni froze and then dropped his hand. Their conversation was hushed so no one could make out what they were saying. They only saw Toni angrily grab Jaiden.

Toni nodded his head to a side room and they both left the room, away from the crime scene.

Toni leaned against a wall and looked at him with a questioning gaze. "So, this is job that you're too focused on."

"It is."

Toni shook his head. "Suddenly, you make a lot more sense."

Jaiden ran his hand through his hair. "Listen, Toni. About yesterday..."

How could he finish his thought? He had no idea what to say. Should he apologize or justify running away?

Toni raised an eyebrow. "You don't do relationships often, do you?"

Jaiden smiled a little, embarrassment briefly reflecting in his eyes. His relationships were more like temporary fuck buddies with a clear expiration date. "Not really."

Toni shrugged a little, unfazed by the declaration. "At least I didn't have to wait too long for our next meeting. I just didn't expect it to be so... bloody."

"And I'm assuming that the cold asshole you have to deal with is actually me." Jaiden said with a wry look.

Toni laughed. "At least you're consistent. Lucky me."

Jaiden shook his head. " I guess this means we need reintroduce ourselves... again. You're Detective Alvarez, right?"

Toni gave him a blinding smile and held out his hand. "Toni Alvarez. Been on the force 15 years, detective for seven of those years."

Jaiden's lips curled and took his hand, but he winced a little when Toni gripped his hand. Toni groaned and turned his hand over and saw the cuts and bruises on his knuckle. "Jaiden..."

Jaiden coughed a little. "It takes effort to break a nose."

He ran his other hand through his hair. "Jaiden Ryder. Been part of the force about nine years. Close to three years as a detective. Considering your tenure, I'm still fresh."

Toni gave him an exasperated smile, his thumb lightly brushed over the cuts. "Jaiden Ryder... I have heard you have had a solid career and one hell of a mentor."

"Carlos Jaramillo. He was the best." Jaiden said. He was smiling but his eyes reflected his pain. Still, he felt pride knowing that Toni knew about Carlos.

Toni placed a hand on his shoulder. "We lost a good man when he passed. I can't imagine what you went through. I'm sorry."

Jaiden nodded slightly. "Thanks."

Toni gave his shoulder a small squeeze. "So those idiots accidently called both of us to the scene. I would normally be pissed, but I'll forgive their error because it benefited me in a way. I know you reached the scene first, so I can let you take the case."

Jaiden rubbed the bridge of his nose again. "Actually, this one doesn't feel right. I was going to ask the captain to partner with someone... specifically you."

Toni raised an eyebrow. "I heard you normally don't work with others."

Jaiden sighed. "And I know you don't either. Still, I feel like this is a fucked up case, and I need help but I won't accept just any jackass with a badge. I have high expectations of those I work with and not many meet my standards."

Toni grinned. "So, I meet those standards?"

Jaiden shrugged and a smile tugged at his lips. "You're more than a pretty face. You have a reputation for getting shit done. Besides, you're already here... that is if you don't mind being shackled to me."

"Shackled to you? No, I don't think I would mind." He gave him a playful wink.

No men - scratch that rule.

Toni turned and looked towards the room that held the crime scene and ran his hand along his jaw in deep thought. "I admit that this case is peculiar... it's not my ideal date, but in these circumstances, it'll do..."

He turned back and revealed that arousing confident smile. Jaiden couldn't tear his gaze away.

No distractions – throwing away that rule too.

"However, I do have seniority, so they will probably have me take the lead on this case." Toni said quietly, concerned that Jaiden would be upset.

"I know when I'm in way over my head. I won't fight you taking lead." Jaiden said with a shrug, trying to control himself and focus on the case.

Unfortunately, he felt that his remaining rule, 'only focus on work', was hanging on by a thread. How could he unravel so quickly after months of strict determination?

Toni laughed. "Detective Ryder... they kept telling me how stubborn and standoffish you were. You surprise me."

"I may be standoffish, but you're a perfectionist." Jaiden smiled and crossed his arms over his chest.

Toni shook his head. "Well, I can't dispute that. If you're sure about teaming up, I can call the chief and let him know."

Jaiden nodded. "I'd appreciate it."

Toni nodded and stepped away to make his call. Jaiden went back to examine the body but felt his head throbbing. He took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes. When he stopped and focused again, his gaze landed on the hutch in the corner. He pursed his lips as he noticed something unusual. He walked over and knelt by the hutch's corner, finding a small trace of blood. It wasn't a simple drop, and it was too far from the body. It seemed like something small and covered in blood was thrown there.

Nate was next to him again. "Holy shit. Everyone is freaking out! It's brilliant! They thought you would be at each other's throats because of your personalities. I mean, Detective Alvarez is a lone wolf, and you are you, yet you're planning on working together? On top of that, isn't this the third meeting which means you have to ask him out?"

Nate was beside himself, and when he was excited, he tended to ramble. But he suddenly sobered up. He placed a hand on Jaiden's arm and gave him a concerned look. "Even if he is Toni, are you going to be ok with a new partner? You never worked with anyone after... you know..."

...Since he lost Carlos. If this case didn't look so horrendous, he would never have considered partnering up with someone. But if he had to, he might as well partner with one of the few detectives that Carlos had complimented... Even if he found himself blushing like a fool every time Toni was near.

"Toni and I feel like there's something more to the case." Jaiden said as he held out his hand. "Give me your camera."

Nate's eyes seemed to sparkle as he stared at Toni across the room. "You sure you're not trying to make up for yesterday? Get back in his good graces because you ran away like a bitch?"

Jaiden frowned. "Camera."

Nate ignored him and looked back at Toni, letting out a low whistle. "Now that I see him in proper light, I understand why you like men. 'Specimen' was a good descriptor."

Jaiden glared at him. "Nate, pay attention. I need your camera."

"But how did you not know he was the Detective Alvarez? You spent all night with him."

Jaiden flushed. "We never brought up our last names or what we did for a living. Given, we didn't do a whole lot of talking when we got to his place... are you going to let me use your camera?"

Nate sighed as he handed his camera to Jaiden. "Your Cup of Coffee is standing right in front of you, and you're choosing to look at blood and gore instead."

Jaiden snorted and positioned the camera, so the lens was just under the hutch and snapped a picture. "Unlike you, I know how to separate my brain and my dick."

"You're no fun." Nate pouted. "What are you doing with my camera?"

Jaiden was looking at the screen of his camera, not paying attention to Nate. "What is that?" He murmured.

He turned on the flash and took another picture. This made Nate's curious, and he knelt with him, looking at the camera's screen.

This time, his picture caught something glinting under the hutch. He zoomed in on the screen. "There's something there."

Nate patted him on the shoulder. "Hey Jaiden."

"Hold on." He positioned the camera again.

"But Jaiden."

"Give me a sec, Nate."

"But your Cup of Coffee-"

With his growing headache, Jaiden was reaching the peak of his patience a cut Nate off. "Mention 'Cup of Coffee' one more time, Nate, and I swear you'll be a new addition to this crime scene."

"I think that would complicate matters, so I will ask that you refrain from murdering others." Toni's voice rumbled by his ear.

"Fuck!" Jaiden jumped a little, almost losing his balance, and Toni held on to his shoulder to help him stay steady. "Sorry... I'm normally not so easily startled." He tried to explain.

"Oh. Is that so?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I guess you have that effect on me." Jaiden said, almost regretting it immediately after saying it.

"I'll take that as a good thing." Toni chuckled. "And now that we are officially partners on this case, I'll see what other effects I have on you."

Jaiden handed the camera over to him, trying to change the subject to hide his embarrassment. "There's a small trace of blood by the hutch's leg. It's at an odd location because it's so far from the body and doesn't match and blood splatter patterns. When I took a picture, the flash reflected off something underneath the hutch.

Toni became serious as he looked through the pictures. He then turned his attention to the hutch, examining at the blood.

"You have a good eye." Toni said quietly. "There is definitely something under there..."

Toni turned towards the gawking technicians. "Evidence, check under the hutch." He ordered.

Everyone moved according to his orders. He gave Jaiden's shoulder a small squeeze and pulled him back a little. They quelled their anticipation as the technicians carefully pulled out a small figurine that was about five inches tall. It was white, except where the blood stained it. Many hissed when they made out what it was, and it even drew out an angry 'mierda' from Toni.

Jaiden examined the small figurine and realized that it was of the Lady of Guadalupe. However, a deep gash was scratched over her eyes and her porcelain hands were cut off. A normally beautiful and holy symbol was tainted. No wonder everyone had such an angry reaction.

Jaiden looked between the body and the figurine. "Posed to be a fucking mockery." He whispered as he noticed the similarities.

He pulled out his phone and looked at pictures of the Lady of Guadalupe. This was an iconic figure in the Southwest, so he was very familiar with it.

The old story told that the Virgin arranged roses in a young man's cloak.  And when he opened his cloak later that day, the roses fell to the floor revealing the image of the Lady of Guadalupe.  She was depicted with light haloing her. Her eyes were always reflecting mother love, and she held a graceful prestige with her hands clasped in prayer.

But the victim was framed in blood, not light. Her eyes were gouged out and her hands were removed completely, marring her maternal grace. The damned rosed were on the floor above her head, as if the flowers had painted the scene.

"Madre de Dios." Jaiden whispered.

His headache was turning into a migraine. "I need some air." He said quietly and walked out of the house and around the corner where he was away from prying eyes and useless chatter.

He grabbed the cigarettes from his pocket and lit one, enjoying the dose of nicotine. He closed his eyes as he exhaled.

"You put your guard down when you smoke." Toni's tantalizing voice broke through his headache.

"Then you should watch my back." Jaiden said with a smile and eyes still closed.

Toni chuckled and took the cigarette from Jaiden's hand. He took a long drag from it and exhaled with a sigh.

"Are you ok?" He asked Jaiden.

He let out a deep breath. "Besides the nightmarish scene back there? I'm fine... just taxed from the bullshit from last night. Don't worry, I won't slow you down."

Toni raised his hand and lightly pressed the cigarette against Jaiden's lips. Jaiden was surprised at first and opened his eyes, catching Toni's playful smile. He opened his mouth and accepted the cigarette, letting his lips brushing against Toni's fingers.

"I was never worried that you would. Besides, don't you owe me a date now?" Toni asked.

"You're getting more than a date. You now have a really fucked up murder to investigate with me, so you're getting me all day and night." Jaiden said with a laugh.

"Not as romantic as I had hoped, but I'm looking forward to it." Toni said happily, his fingers loosely intertwined with Jaiden's.

"Although alcohol is most definitely out of the question right now, how about some coffee while we work this case?" Jaiden offered, not bothering to pull his hand away.

"I'll settle for that."


Just going to slip this second update here. I hope you enjoyed!

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