He's a player (Niall Horan AU)

By micks_bitch

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Niall Horan, football captain at the college. Parties, drinks, fights. Get's whoever he wants, whenever he wa... More

Introduction to: He's A Player (Niall Horan AU)


85 3 0
By micks_bitch

Olivia Green

When we reached the drug store, she held my hand and laced our fingers. She didn't know what was going on but she followed without question. I got to a certain isle and seen what I needed. I felt Scarlet's grip on my hand tighten but I just grabbed every test they had on the shelf and we walked to the counter. I set all 8 on the counter and the woman at the register gave me a worried look. I just nodded and she started scanning them.. when she was done, I gave her my money and literally had to borrow 3 more dollars from Scarlet to buy them.. We took the bag and went out to her car. When we got in, she grabbed my hand again and looked me in the eyes. 

"Please tell me.. I mean, I understand what's going on but... ya know, context?"

I nod slowly and feel my eyes fill with tears. I don't look away from her eyes though.. They're so comforting..

"My boyfriend and I.. this sounds so dumb.. we never even considered being careful.. Like the fact that I could get pregnant wasn't even in our minds.. and.. well.. I've been sick a lot.. and smells of certain things make me sick.. and.. I just realized.."

She nodded then pulled me into a hug over the center console of her car. I started crying and she held me tighter. 

"Wanna take them in my apartment? All 8?"

The last part made me giggle a bit, which was her intention, and I nodded. We pulled away from each other but I didn't let her hand go. We drove back to the apartments and used the elevator to go to hers.. When we got inside, she lead me to the bathroom while saying "Don't mind the house, it's kinda a mess." but of course I didn't mind. I was just so fucking grateful for her..

We got to the bathroom and she handed me a cup after we had all the tests opened and ready.

I stared at it then looked back at her with confusion written all over my face.

"I've had to take a pregnancy test before.. I took three.. not eight.. but still, It's easier to pee in a cup then soak them all in the pee so, ya know, you can take them all at once easier."

I nodded then she said "I'll turn away while you pee in the cup" I nodded again and she turned around. We had already opened all the tests so I just pulled my pants down and held the cup under me.. I did quite a successful job, didn't get any on me or anything, then I slid my jeans back up and awkwardly said "Uh.. Done" and she turned around and took the cup from my hands. She grabbed all the tests and set them all into the pee. 

I slid my back down the wall and folded my legs into my chest. She left the cup on the counter and sat right in front of me on her knees. She reached forwards, taking my face in her hands, then she kissed my forehead. I immediately wrapped my arms around her and cuddled into her chest. She held onto me and rubbed little circles and other patterns into my back as we waited.. 

A good 5 minutes go by and I hear her whisper "Do you wanna look now?" 

I shake my head 'no'

"Do you wanna look with your boyfriend?" 

I violently shook my head 'no'.

She sighed and asked "Can I look?"

I looked up and we made eye contact. I slowly nodded and she gave me a small, sad, but reassuring smile.

She pulled herself away from me and stood up. "Okay.. I'm gonna look"

I nod and she turns around and takes the cup in her hands.. I watch her body language carefully as she examines all the tests.. She stares for way too long. I jump up and grab the cup and the tests.. I look at all of them.

2 lines means I'm pregnant.

1 line means I'm not.

I pick up the first.. 2 lines..
The second.. 2 lines
Third.. 2 lines..
Fourth.. 2 lines

And so were all the rest..

I can't even process what's happening anymore. I know Scarlet took me out of the bathroom, but my vision is blurry.. not from tears, everything is just spinning and out of focus. All sounds are muffled, like I have my hands over my ears, but I don't.. I don't feel her hand in mine or my feet on the floor. I don't feel anything. Suddenly my sweater is being lifted. I just let it happen. A new shirt that smells like caramel is put on me, then my jeans are off and tiny shorts replace them. I'm moved to a bed where my shoes and socks are removed then I'm laying down. The bed moves next to me and I feel arms wrap around me. I recognize this as Scarlet and I curl up in her arms. 

"We're gonna figure this out.." I nodded against her chest. "thank you so much" She nodded this time then placed a soft kiss in my hair..

When I woke up this time, I was laying completely on top of Scarlet. She was still asleep. I carefully got off of her then covered her up and left a note that said 'I had to go back up to my flat.. Text me. *phone number* -Olivia' 

Before I left, I stopped in the bathroom and grabbed all the tests and put them in a baggie. I reached my apartment and opened the door. As soon as I did, I was scooped up in a hug by Liam. "Shit, Live! Where have you been?!" He lets me go and I see Niall asleep on the couch. His eyes are puffy, his nose is red, and his pale cheeks have obvious tear stains.

"I-Is he okay?" 

"He barely slept last night.. tossed and turned when he finally fell asleep.. also kept waking up crying or unable to breathe..."

"Fuck.. Fuck, I am so sorry"

His body started to move and I let go of Liam's hand and walked over to my broken boyfriend. I got on my knees, sitting in front of the couch on the floor, and I ran my fingers through his hair. His eyes opened slowly then he gasped and pulled me right in to kiss him.. despite the morning breath.. but neither of us really cared. When we pulled apart, he said "where were you? What happened? I called, texted, we went everywhere looking for you.."

"I have something to tell you.."


He sits up. Liam sits next to him. 

I get off the floor, instead, I sit on the coffee table, facing the both of them.

I reach into my pocket.. and I pull out the baggie of tests. I keep them in my closed hand. They haven't seen what they are yet.

"The smell of liquor makes me puke.."

I took a deep breath.

"I've been sick a lot lately.. in the mornings, at night.."

The boys nod..


I hold out the baggie. Niall slowly takes it from my hands.. He suddenly looks at Liam, who is still staring at the bag of positive tests. Liam, instead of looking back at Niall, looks at me. Not in the eyes though, he looks at my stomach. Niall slowly turns and looks at me as well, but he looks me dead in the eyes.

"Olivia.." Liam starts.. "..you're really..?" he can't even finish his sentence. 

I nod slowly, fear prominent on my face.

Niall hasn't stopped staring in my eyes since he looked up.. I looked away from Liam and locked eyes with Niall.. "I-I seen a commercial.. with the affects.. the sickness and.. I just.. realized.."

He still didn't speak..

"I went to the drug store.. and.."

Then Liam said "Bough eight." 

He tried to lighten the mood... and that joke definitely would've had me smiling at least a little.. but not now..

Now, I was staring into Niall's eyes.. just trying to read him since he wasn't talking.

We were all dead silent.. and I couldn't take my eyes off of Niall. His eyes were still a pretty blue.. but not like usual.. they showed uncertainty, possibly fear, and definite worry..

"Niall.. P-please say something.." My voice was barely above a whisper..

And he suddenly said, with such confidence it almost scared me..

"I love you"

So simple.. yet right now, it explained everything that was running through his mind.

 fear, worry, determination, and  assurance.

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