━ ill fated || a very messy w...

By maIlsoft

1.4K 31 11

(the fanfiction is written assuming you've already watched wii deleted you, if you haven't i suggest watching... More

update lol !1!!1


61 3 0
By maIlsoft

eteled and kyle two had a bit of a disagreement last night. kyle two had cut marks almost everywhere on its body and eteled's clothes still had some 'blood' on them. every time sam asked what happened, none of them would tell.

in reality, kyle two had accidentally deleted eteled by shoving him into the button. in its defense, kyle two didn't know it deleted them and just thought it was a mii randomizer button. that didn't stop eteled from trying to kill kyle two.

it was that red axe that set kyle two off, causing him to have an extremely deep fear of it without an explanation. kyle two wouldn't go anywhere near eteled now, and only tried to stick around austin from now on.

now, almost an hour after sam had got home, kyle arrived through the door. she trusted him enough to let him through without emptying his pockets, and took down the room barrier.

kyle immediately noticed the cuts on kyle two and asked it what happened. it said it would only tell if sam left the room and if eteled wasn't around. sam reluctantly left the room, and kyle forced eteled off-screen.

"now tell me what happened," kyle said softly.

"eteled tried to kill me! i shoved him into this one circle button and he came back all mad and stuff!"

kyle's face remained even, but inside he was getting very angry very fast.

"then he got this axe out of NOWHERE. and kind of chased me around with it. but i was too fast! so he lost."

"i knew he wasn't fucking sorry," kyle growled as he whisteled up the miis.

"hey, whatever your name is. tall mii with claws. you have my complete permission to fuck up eteled however the hell you want to, and i won't stop you."

"wAiT wHaT? uSuAlLy YoU gUyS aRe AgAiNsT tHaT," austin said with a confused look.

"well now we aren't because a certain SOMEONE hasn't LEARNED THEIR LESSON and on top of that NEVER SAID SORRY TO KYLE TWO," kyle hissed.

eteled looked off to the side and didn't look at kyle.

"kyle? is kyle two done now? can i come in yet?" sam called.

kyle looked at eteled and said "you're so lucky right now. you snitch and i'll have you deleted so many times that stupid room will run out of hospital beds."

"yeah, he's done!" kyle said in a completely different tone, dismissing the miis.

sam walked in and kyle gave her the wii remote.

"you didn't do anything bad, did you?"

"no, i just had to help eteled and kyle two work out some things. hey, sam. do you think i can come by later at night to keep watch of the wii so those two don't fight again?"

"well, couldn't i just do it?" she asked.

"no offense, but i really don't think anyone on this wii but eteled will listen to you."

sam opened her mouth to object, but she knew kyle was mostly right about that, so she agreed to kyle coming over later. she knew her mom didn't allow boys over anyways, but she would just have to sneak kyle in her house until her mom went to sleep.

"so, we were trying to find out about that third mii, right? i don't think he's exactly hostile with us. we could probably just ask him," kyle suggested.

"why don't we ask kyle two? it probably had to talk to him at some time, right?"

"yeah, i guess so."

sam had the wii remote and was searching the mii channel for kyle two. she found him halfway offscreen so she dragged to the center of the channel.

kyle two stared at both of them through the screen with a strange smile.

"okay, kyle two. we're trying to find something out here. who's that tall mii we keep seeing? do you know?"

"eteled said his name was austin. i know austin hates eteled because eteled said so. oh, and austin has this little toy that lets you control the wii. like, he can teleport and turn the wii off. that's how i woke you up that one time. there's a little box where you can type the message and stuff," kyle two explained.

"austin has a control panel?" sam asked.

"yeah.. also there's more rooms behind the mii channel. a long hallway with hospital beds. and beyond that there's a room with an electric chair. austin usually hangs out there, i think."

"there's more than the hallway? i didn't know there was another room," kyle said to sam.

"on his control panel there's some weird buttons. in that one tab where you can warp, there's a button that says 'OUTLANDS,' but i'm not sure what happens if you press it. and there's also a command to move the camera angle in the mii channel."

"how does he have all of this?" sam muttered softly.

"not sure. i could try and get the control panel back if you'd like," kyle two suggested.

"if it's not too dangerous."

"eh, i'll be fine. i was messing around earlier and broke the light in the electric chair room. he didn't do much."

"sam, what if kyle two dies? like, does it just respawn? you saw how angry austin got that one time at it," kyle cautioned, "besides, why don't we make eteled do it instead? he's been here longer than kyle two."

"but eteled's like- more alive than kyle two! wouldn't that be cruel?"

kyle two frowned and got reminded of why it hated sam so much.

"what happened to ais having feelings?"

"i don't know! i just know eteled better.. plus, who knows if we can even trust kyle two! if its anything like you, then it probably wants to kill eteled and destroy the wii."

"i had lots of opportunities to assist in his murder, believe me," kyle two hissed, "and yet he's still alive. so don't act like i'm a menace to eteled's well-being."

"fine. sorry. i'm just paranoid," sam apologized.

"you two should send eteled as a distraction while i get the control panel. that's the better plan, you know," kyle two pointed out.

"but-" kyle began.

"yeah, i guess so. are you fine with being around eteled?"

"yes. fine," kyle two said in a monotone.

"if you say so," said kyle.

"okay, you and eteled go get that control panel from austin and we'll watch from the sidelines. if anything goes bad, uh, just scream real loud and we'll whistle you and eteled back," sam announced.

"got it," said the mii and went off to find eteled.

as soon as kyle two walked off screen, it was tackled by austin. it was easily held down by the larger mii. austin put his hand over kyle two's mouth, preventing the small mii from speaking. not that it was going to.

"wHaT dO yOu ThInK yOu'Re DoInG~?" austin hummed.

kyle two rolled its eyes at austin's dramatics. it sighed and moved one of austin's claws off of his face.

"what do you think? you obviously overhead it. it's not my fault, she really wants to figure out stuff about you. so why don't you make my life easier and go tell her some things. but in a cryptid manner, or something."

"sAm? I'm NoT tElLiNg HeR sHiT. sHe CaN gO sUcK uP tO hEnRy If ShE wAnTs To KnOw ThAt MuCh."

"speaking of him, have you seen him around? i haven't seen him since.. the little talk he got."

austin shurgged.

"you sure?" kyle two yawned, "'cause i really need to find him."

austin looked at the ceiling for a bit. he opened up the control panel, then paused.

"hOlD oN, i ThOuGhT yOu WeRe GoNnA sTaY aWaY fRoM hEnRy FoR aWhIlE," he pointed out.

"changed my mind," it explained, "plus, it's boring around here. he never even said sorry like kyle said to."

"gO aSk YoU-kNoW-wHo To WhIsTlE uP hIm, ThEn."

kyle two exhaled moodily. it walked in front of the camera again and saw sam and kyle, both intently watching the screen.

"can you find eteled?" it simply asked.

"you barely even looked. see, i knew kyle two wasn't gonna help," she said to kyle.

"nevermind," the mii said, walking off.

as it was walking, it heard kyle angrily complain to sam.

"can you stop being such a dick to kyle two?? what did it even do?"

"well, kyle, eteled probably would've had this sorted out already," sam huffed.

"go ask eteled then, smartass," kyle hissed and snatched the wii remote out of her hands.

he whistled the favorites, which was only kyle two.

"change of plans, sam's being a bitch and wants eteled to do it instead. so you can do whatever now."

"i am not!"

"...but eteled would do a better job," sam muttered.

kyle two threw its hands up, frustrated.

"fine, whatever. have fun trying to find eteled."

and with that, he disappeared. it didn't mean to, it just happened. kyle two appeared in a dark void with white tiles forming where it stepped.

"austin- this isn't funny. teleport me back right now," kyle two said to the expanse.

no response.

"what a bitch..." it hissed and started walking forward.

eventually it came across a screen. or at least kyle two thought it was. the 'screen' was more of a textbox floating in the void. there was a wii remote next to it.

the mii picked it up, and pressed a. the placeholder textbox faded away and there was 3 recordings of the mii plaza neatly organized by date. text at the top read 'SYSTEM CAPTURE CARD DATA.'

which was strange, because wiis don't have those. (not trying to be quirky, this wii is just built different.)

kyle two pressed the d pad to move to one of the videos, and selected play. it was an extremely low quality recording of a mii that looked exactly like kyle two getting killed by eteled. the video wasn't long, and had no audio apart from a strange rendition of the mii channel theme.

this was enough to convince kyle two that it wasn't supposed to be here. but it wanted to watch the other videos. moving the selection box to the middle video, kyle two's hands lightly shook. maybe it didn't want to see.

with a wince, it selected to start the video. this one had a name. test.exe. not even a video format. the video only had eteled staring at the camera with his infamous smile. reverse laughter played.

"my mans made a whole creepypasta with the wii movie maker. is that even a thing?" kyle two said to himself.

the file seemed to last awhile with nothing happening, until kyle two pressed a. the image changed to a human with long black hair, and dull blue eyes. pressing again revealed a text box.


another tap of that button made an image fade in. a photograph of a body. it looked to be a young man with red-brown hair. the familiar evidence markers of an investigation were not present, and blood was smeared everywhere.

kyle two felt sick. the mii itself wasn't even human, but there was something horribly wrong with this image. kyle two didn't have to be human to feel sick. the mii used the wii remote to go onto the 'next slide.' a text box brightened into view, which read 'AUSTIN SANDERS.'

only now did kyle two notice that the man was killed in the same way its counterpart was in the video earlier. decapitated and legs chopped off. it kept going on with the file. an image of austin appeared. it looked like a school photo of him.

distorted singing of a choir played while yellow text appeared under his photo.


the mii was done at this point. it wanted out. this file filled it with a primal feeling of fear. kyle two skipped through the slides as fast as it could. the flashing pictures looked like security footage of henry, but kyle two couldn't make it out. pictures of bloody axes, handkerchiefs, and duct tape littered the slides. the final slide ended with 'BURN IN HELL AUSTIN.'

a loud scream of someone shouting 'HENRY!' blasted from the screen. the scream glitched itself out and repeated parts of it, making it sound like austin. after that ended, more chaotic screaming from a man blasted through the area.

kyle two, still holding the wii remote, took off running back from where he came.

its feet pounded on the glass tile that formed under them, and kyle two was running as fast as it could. but when it tried to stop, it couldn't. the mii realized that the whistle button had been used.

kyle two then teleported to the mii channel. he was still holding the wii remote. eteled was nowhere to be found, and the mii channel looked dark. it stared at sam and kyle through the tv. they looked terrified.

"the whistle button isn't working!" sam cried in distress.

"gimme that," kyle hissed and took the wii remote from her. he kept tapping on the whistle button, but nothing was happening. although kyle two was lined up, the two did not react to its presence. they couldn't see it.

kyle two needed to find austin. and fast.


words: 2147 

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