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eteled and kyle two had a bit of a disagreement last night. kyle two had cut marks almost everywhere on its body and eteled's clothes still had some 'blood' on them. every time sam asked what happened, none of them would tell.

in reality, kyle two had accidentally deleted eteled by shoving him into the button. in its defense, kyle two didn't know it deleted them and just thought it was a mii randomizer button. that didn't stop eteled from trying to kill kyle two.

it was that red axe that set kyle two off, causing him to have an extremely deep fear of it without an explanation. kyle two wouldn't go anywhere near eteled now, and only tried to stick around austin from now on.

now, almost an hour after sam had got home, kyle arrived through the door. she trusted him enough to let him through without emptying his pockets, and took down the room barrier.

kyle immediately noticed the cuts on kyle two and asked it what happened. it said it would only tell if sam left the room and if eteled wasn't around. sam reluctantly left the room, and kyle forced eteled off-screen.

"now tell me what happened," kyle said softly.

"eteled tried to kill me! i shoved him into this one circle button and he came back all mad and stuff!"

kyle's face remained even, but inside he was getting very angry very fast.

"then he got this axe out of NOWHERE. and kind of chased me around with it. but i was too fast! so he lost."

"i knew he wasn't fucking sorry," kyle growled as he whisteled up the miis.

"hey, whatever your name is. tall mii with claws. you have my complete permission to fuck up eteled however the hell you want to, and i won't stop you."

"wAiT wHaT? uSuAlLy YoU gUyS aRe AgAiNsT tHaT," austin said with a confused look.

"well now we aren't because a certain SOMEONE hasn't LEARNED THEIR LESSON and on top of that NEVER SAID SORRY TO KYLE TWO," kyle hissed.

eteled looked off to the side and didn't look at kyle.

"kyle? is kyle two done now? can i come in yet?" sam called.

kyle looked at eteled and said "you're so lucky right now. you snitch and i'll have you deleted so many times that stupid room will run out of hospital beds."

"yeah, he's done!" kyle said in a completely different tone, dismissing the miis.

sam walked in and kyle gave her the wii remote.

"you didn't do anything bad, did you?"

"no, i just had to help eteled and kyle two work out some things. hey, sam. do you think i can come by later at night to keep watch of the wii so those two don't fight again?"

"well, couldn't i just do it?" she asked.

"no offense, but i really don't think anyone on this wii but eteled will listen to you."

sam opened her mouth to object, but she knew kyle was mostly right about that, so she agreed to kyle coming over later. she knew her mom didn't allow boys over anyways, but she would just have to sneak kyle in her house until her mom went to sleep.

"so, we were trying to find out about that third mii, right? i don't think he's exactly hostile with us. we could probably just ask him," kyle suggested.

"why don't we ask kyle two? it probably had to talk to him at some time, right?"

"yeah, i guess so."

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