
By kishu6926244

8.7K 498 835

"I have been shouting your name for so long. You heard and still ignored me." The girl didn't like his ignora... More

chapter 1.1
chapter 1.1 ( republished)
chapter 1.2
chapter 1.3
chapter 1.4
chapter 1.5
chapter 1.6
Chapter 1.7

chapter 2.1

492 33 31
By kishu6926244

Guys, I have made a resolution even before New year to update regularly. I have decided to write 1000 to 1500 words everyday so that I can update within 4 to 5 days regularly. I know it would be a bit difficult for me to make it and a bit but writing is something I enjoy a lot and this much I can do for what I enjoy so much.

What I enjoyed the most is reading all of your comments.

So please don't forget to comment. ❤️❤️❤️

Please. Please. Please.

Meaning inner me: yeh bhi koi tarika hai bheekh mangne ka.😒
It didn't seem them to realise that there is anything else in this world apart them.

It was not like they both were lost in each other's eyes but they had their own reasons for not letting each other go.

Vishwajeet was trying to figure out where he must have seen this clumsy girl and Karishma was afraid what if this tough expression man leaves her wrist.

Please don't leave my hand.

I have not planned to die this young.

But Vishwajeet seemed to have different plan. He suddenly let her hand go which definitely made her fall. Vishwajeet didn't even flinch seeing her going down as if it didn't affect him at all.

Karishma knew that she is over until she realised that she fell on something soft and fluffy.

She had shut her eyes very tight considering these to be the last moments of her life but it once she felt the soft surface beneath her, it was a different story.

Have I fallen in heaven?

Ofcourse, that was not the case.

It was not heaven. It was the truck full of very delicate material kept in big containers covered by extra fluffy, soft and thick cotton base mattress.

She sat up to see Vishwajeet but she couldn't see him as he left as soon as she fell.

What a jerk. Huh!
Parakram and his tail Deepak were also in the hospital campus. Probably for their next motive.

Parakram- Is everything going on good here?

Mr Gupta- Yes sir. Everything has been taken care of. But the construction going on behind.....?

Parakram- I told you to not to interfere in it.

Parakram sounded very rude. It was his deliberate action to make Mr Gupta understand what he actually meant.

Mr Gupta- I would not sir but it's impossible to not to pay attention there. We are soon going to inaugurate the hospital and that construction of yours does not seem to be over even after 6 months. It is a matter of concern.

Parakram- Maybe but it is none of your concern.

Shiva- It might not be his concern but it's ours.

Parakram hears Shiva's voice from behind. He turned to see and it would be an understatement if said that he was surprised but it didn't affect Shiva even a bit.

Parakram- What are you doing here?

Shiva- As I said that the construction is our concern. I am the new incharge of the research these medicines have been transported for.

Shiva came close to him and gave him a file.

Parakram- This can't be true.

Parakram whispered in disbelief looking into the file.

Shiva- It is true. That's your problem if you cannot believe it.

Deepak- How can papa do this? He had promised you this project. There is no way he would betray you.

It wasn't as hyped as Deepak wanted to sound to Parakram. He spoke as if he was instigating Parakram against his father.

'What a lizard. Life would have been so easy if Parakram didn't have his influence.' Shiva wondered in himself about Deepak.

Shiva- This is not about betrayal and he has done nothing like that. Boss just wanted someone trustworthy to help Parakram and who can it be better than me.

Deepak- These things are just to say. No one is dumb here to not to see the reality.

Deepak continued to spill his poison to provoke Parakram.

Deepak never leaves even a single chance to do so as his existence is all dependent on Parakram's hate and grudge towards his family.

Shiva- Well! It does not matter to anyone what is real for you. I am here for the work which is given to me.

Parakram- Which work? Interrupting mine?

It was evident that Deepak's tricks always work on Parakram.

Shiva- That depends on you.

Even Shiva knew that there is no way he can make Parakram feel different that's why he chose to not to pay attention to this anymore.

He turns look Mr Gupta.

Shiva- Mr Gupta. Have all the chemicals arrived?

Mr Gupta- Yes sir. Only the one truck is left and that too will reach shortly.

They hear the voice of screeching wheels and horn.

Mr Gupta- Ahh... There it is.

Shiva went forward to open the lock of the trolley attached to the truck. But as soon as he touched the lock, his hands were held by Parakram.

Shiva- What do you think you are doing? You already saw the papers.

Parakram- Of course I did and I know what papa wants but I don't want you present here. I don't want you to interfere. So just pretend being engaged in my matters and leave everything up to me.

Parakram had threat for Shiva in his eyes because he could not threatened him directly. Not because he fears that It wouldn't affect him but he also knows that Shiva has the most stable and upgraded image in his father's eyes. Sometimes, he does not understand that why his father gives so much importance to a guy who is not even his son.

It wouldn't be wrong if said that Mr Singh favours Shiva more than Ankit.

Shiva- You should have known me by now Parakram. Pretending is the last thing I am good at.

Shiva jerks Parakram's hand off and opens the lock of the door.

Everyone was expecting that trolley to have chemicals kept cautiously but to their surprise, they have a young girl wearing red top and cream long skirt with the chemicals.

Everyone was surprised to see Karishma. Even Karishma was flustered to see so many unknown faces and that too in such embarrassing situation.

Deepak- Who are you? What are you doing here?

Karishma- Hi....hello.

Karishma smiled weakly and waved her hand hesitantly.

Parakram- Who are you?

Karishma- My name is Karishma.

Are you dumb Karishma? They are of course not asking for your name.

But she couldn't think of anything else.

Deepak- No one is asking you for your name. We are asking who you are and what are you doing here.

Deepak was kind of accusing Karishma for being found as if she was sneaking here.

Deepak- Wait! Are you the one of the employers?

Parakram- Deepak. Get your eyes treated first. She looks too decent for being a labourer.

Meanwhile, Shiva gave his hand to her. She got down off the trolley with Shiva's help. Shiva didn't pay much attention to her and started looking the ways different chemicals and medicines were kept according to their need.

Mr Gupta- You are right sir. She is not an employer but the one who made all the arrangements to bring these chemicals here.

Shiva- Is that so?

Shiva seemed surprised.

Karishma couldn't understand what his reaction was for.

Did I do something wrong?

Mr Gupta- Yes sir.

Parakram- But I have not seen you before neither I know you.

Parakram was suspicious of her.

Karishma- Actually.......

Shiva- Well! I must say. The way you have arranged everything is very poor full proof.

Karishma- Thank you sir.

Karishma somehow controlled her excitement due to being praised.

Deepak- But I don't understand that what were you doing in the truck.

Karishma- Actually. I fell in it.

Karishma scratched back of her head.

Shiva- You fell?

Now, Shiva's attention was caught.

Deepak- Brother. This truck was the only truck came from the backyard.

Deepak whispered in Parakram's trying to hint of something fishy.

Which definitely effected him.

Parakram- How did you fall in it?

Karishma- It's a very wierd incident. I saw something which was even more weird.

Karishma wasn't able comprehend how should she explained it.

But Shiva already understood that this girl might have seen something which she shouldn't and is definitely not needed Parakram to know about.

Parakram- What did you see?

Parakram asked suspiciously.

Shiva- What she saw does not matter. What matters right now is that I want to see rest of the chemicals. So I need to take her with me as she has worked as a supervisor for today's transportation.

Shiva interrupted before Karishma for say anything. He wanted to be sure that there is nothing problematic.

Shiva- Come with me.

Karishma simply nodded and Shiva took her with him.

Karishma- ..........and this is how I have arranged everything.

Shiva- Well! Not bad at all. Infact I would say you have done a good job. It could have been better but I cannot ignore the fact that you had just few hours to prepare everything. Well done.

Karishma- Thank you sir. Thank you so much.

Shiva- By the way, how did you end up in the trolley of the truck?

He asks to know whether he has something to worry about or not. He was expectant not to hear what he feared but unfortunately........

Karishma- Oh that! It's nothing. I just ran into some idiot.

Shiva- Who idiot and where?

Karishma- On the constructing building where the inflammable chemicals are kept. He was running after somebody. Everything happened so quickly that I couldn't understand how to react. I was about to fall but he grabbed my wrist but he left it too. He could have pulled me. Stupid.

This was the point where Shiva understood that Karishma must have seen Vishwajeet.

And this was major concern for him.

Shiva- Would you be able to recognise him if you see him again?

Karishma- I would be able to recognise him even in my next birth. I cannot forget his eyes which seems looking right through my mind. I still am having goosebumps thinking about them.

Shiva- What did he look like?

He knew that it was Vishwajeet only but he wanted to confirm it.

Karishma- Ummmmm..... There is nothing specific to tell but yes, he somehow looked like the man I saw there with you.

Shiva- Which man? There were two.

Karishma- The taller one. His facial features were quite similar to the guy who pushed me in the trolley.

Karishma was talking about parakram. Shiva too understood that and now it has been hundred percent confirmed that Karishma ran into Vishwajeet because being biological brothers, they look similar.

Shiva could not alter what has happened but now he has to do what can avoid causing them further trouble.

Shiva- Do you know who is he?

Karishma- One who pushed me?

Shiva- No. The one you saw with me a while back.

Karishma- No. Who is he?

Karishma asked curiously.

Shiva- He is the son of Mr Singh.

Karishma- Really?

He tooooooooooooo.......

Shiva- Hmmm. In fact they both are brothers.

Oh my God.

I think I'll go insane.

How many more brothers does my Jijaji have?

I guess I will have to remember them by their numbers instead of names.


Is this man also so his brother?

Karishma- Are you also one of them?

Shiva laughs.

Shiva- No. I am just a employee here. I am a doctor. I am the head of the research which will start here.

Karishma didn't seem to be sure of what to do or say next. Her unsurity was gradually converting into nervousness which didn't go unnoticed by Shiva.

Shiva- What I am trying to tell you is that if parakram and Deepak ask anything regarding the incident happened with you in the backyard, just ignore it. Make up some excuse and try to avoid to tell what you saw there.

Karishma- Why?

Why doesn't he want me to speak the truth?

Shiva- Because the one you saw there was also his brother.

One more.


But what does it have to do with me not telling the truth?

Karishma- What do you mean?

Shiva- See. This is a family matter. If you will say anything about him then you will be misunderstood. Look, they are family. They will end up being one even if they have issues but you will be the bad person here. You will look like the one who tried to cause trouble between brothers. And it's better to stay away from one's family matter. Isn't it?

It might be sounding a bit weird but considering what so far, this man is making sense. Why do I need to indulge myself into something I am unaware about?

This place is weird.

People are strange.

It would be better for me not to draw unnecessary attention.

I am here for my sister and I should concentrate only on her happiness.

Karishma- Yes sir. I understood.

Shiva- Good. Don't be stressed. Nothing like this will happen as long as you keep your mouth shut.

Karishma stayed quiet.

Shiva understood that he sounded a bit threatening to her. He was not intentionally trying to put this girl in a tough dilemma but he had to do it. He was understanding what happened didn't have her fault.

Shiva- By the way you have done really a very good job. I shall recommend you for other works also. You might even get a chance to work in the hospital.

Karishma- No no. Actually, I have done this work because my sister asked me to.

Shiva- Your sister?

Karishma- Yes. I am not sure whether you know her or not but Mr Anmol Singh is my brother in law.

Shiva- Are you Sonam's sister?

This was a surprise for Shiva.

Shiva- I should have guessed that such an active and cute girl cannot be a labourer here. But why did you do everything on your own? You could have instructed only.

Shiva was not pretending at all. He was genuinely glad to see Sonam's sister.

Karishma- I enjoyed what I did.

Karishma mood has lighten up as day have started talking about Sonam.

Shiva- I like your spirit.

Karishma look down suppressing her smile full of excitement.

Now when he knows that Karishma is Sonam's sister then it has become a little convenient and relieving for him to persuade her to not to spill the beans.

Shiva- By the way, if Parakram and Deepak ask you anything regarding what happened in the backyard, avoid them telling the reality.

Karishma- Sure. I understand. Do you know my sister?

Karishma has already forgotten what they were talking about a while ago when they started talking about Sonam. She was very happy knowing that Sonam is recognisable to some people here, otherwise what she has seen have made her conclude that Sonam is just a piece of decoration for this family.

She was happy to know that someone well mannered and soft spoken person like Shiva is in her friend circle.

Shiva- Of course I do. I know her very well.

This made her more happy.

Shiva- By the way, I guess your work has been over here. How did you get here?

Karishma looked on other side not knowing how to say that she wasn't given any special treatment.

That's right.

Shiva- Don't tell me that you came with the rest of the labourers.

Karishma pouted in embarrassment.

Shiva- Oh God! What is Sonam doing with her little sister. Anyway, my car is parked very right in the parking lot. It is of black colour. Go there and wait for me. We shall go home together.

Karishma- Are you sure?

Shiva- Why not? You are Sonam's sister. I cannot leave you here. Go now.

Shiva- Is everything fine there? Did you find anything suspicious?

Shiva asks Vishal who was coming out of the hospital premises.

Vishal- I have not but Vishwajeet has.

Shiva- I know.

Vishal- You do? But how?

Shiva- It's a bit long story.

They both started walking.

Vishal- Parakram must have been startled seeing you and those papers.

Shiva- His reaction has never been the problem for me. The problem is Deepak influence on him. I wish parakram could see his real motives.

Vishal- Do you think even if he did, he would be able to suppress his personal greed?

Shiva- Who is not greedy?

Vishal was astonished hearing this. Shiva could see the confusion in his expression.

Shiva- Everyone is. There is no single being on this planet who is not greedy. It's just some people can control it and some cannot. But the third kind of peoples are like parakram. Greed has been fed into his mind. He has been manipulated all his life. How do you expect him to react when he sees someone as threat?

Vishal smiles at his answer and kept on walking.

Vishal- You know what? My father has 7 sons but he always listen only Kritika di. You are the only one whom he listens apart her. Now I understand the reason.

Shiva- Really? Why?

Vishal- Because you are as insightful as her. In fact more than her. You are probably the only man except papa, who is not intimidated by her.

Shiva- Do you really think so?

Vishal- Of course I do. I have seen you numerous times standing in front of her without even blinking your eyes which is kind of a big task in itself.

Shiva stayed quiet without looking at Vishal. He seems to have a lot to say but he chose to remain silent.

Karishma was impatiently waiting for Shiva near his car.

He is taking more than expected time.

Ending her wait, she sees Shiva coming towards her.

Karishma- Why have you taken so long? I have been waiting...............

She stopped her high pitch voice as she saw a very handsome guy coming behind Shiva. He is the most attractive face she has seen in her entire life.

Her eyes forgot to blink while seeing him.

Her heart were skipping several beats seeing him coming towards her.

Her tongue got stuck not knowing what to say.

Karishma never had a crush on anybody except those Hollywood stars.

Vishal was the first one to charm her within the second her eyes laid on him.

Who is he?

How do you think the story will take turn now? 😌

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