He's a player (Niall Horan AU)

By micks_bitch

4.3K 112 10

Niall Horan, football captain at the college. Parties, drinks, fights. Get's whoever he wants, whenever he wa... More

Introduction to: He's A Player (Niall Horan AU)


94 3 0
By micks_bitch

Olivia Green

I've been living in England for 3 weeks now.. Niall and I are practically together, but neither of us has actually asked the question that makes it all official.. Niall went to that radio place and his song made it through.. He's also going to talk to someone about getting bigger gigs and maybe even doing an actual show that'll be announced on the radio and eventually, some day, he could make an album and do tours and be famous!

We've been switching between sleeping at my house or his pretty much every night. We've literally been inseparable since I got here.

I love that stupid boy..

Now I'm blow drying my hair.. He's gonna be on his way over here in an hour and I need to be ready. I just got out of the shower and I've already brushed my teeth so that's all taken care of.. When my hair is dry, I put on deodorant then pick out some clothes.. Niall said just to dress causally so that's what I did..  I put on a long sleeved green shirt that had cute stripes on it and I wore coveralls over it with a pair of Converses that have cute hearts on the sides..

Niall sends me a text, telling me to come down, and I walk over to the elevator and step in as I text back a simple 'omw' (on my way). 

When the elevator opens, I walk out and see Niall standing by his car. He's wearing a jean jacket, dark blue jeans, brown boots, and a white shirt with stripes.

In a way, We sorta matched.. The jean jacket and my jean-overalls. The striped shirts. 


He greeted me with a quick kiss then we got in his car and he started driving.. Half way to wherever we were going (he wouldn't tell me the destination), the radio announcer said "Now, we've got a song by a new artist- He was doing little gigs in bars and clubs but his girlfriend talked him into coming here a couple weeks ago- Niall Horan! This song is called This Town"

I stared at Niall and he blushed. I turned the radio up and he groaned as his face was still a bit red.. 

His voice rang through the speakers and I didn't stop smiling the entire time.. About halfway through, he turned it down and I said "You sound so amazing!" He reaches over, taking my hand, and he thanks me and keeps his attention on the road.. When his song ends, the announcer says "Honestly, I think he's got talent. That guy is gonna get somewhere in life.." and the second announcer says "Yeah, he best love that girl right since she's the one who talked him into coming on here."

I grin and squeeze Niall's hand.

But then..

I realized, this entire time..

They've been calling me his girlfriend..

and the only way they would even know that is if NIALL told them I was his girlfriend.

"Niall fucking Horan" 

He looked over at me with a huge grin on his face.

He laughs and I smile widely. He parks the car at Olive Garden but I don't get out. 

"Are we.. ya know, boyfriend and girlfriend?"

He reaches over, taking my cheek in his free hand, and he says "Will you be my girlfriend?" I nod

We kiss. 

"Fuck.. I love you.." he whispers against my lips and I of course say it back.

After we eat, I get a text from Harry, asking if I'll hang out with him, and I tell him yes. We decided that I'd come over in like 20 minutes and Niall was gonna drive me.. Apparently Louis was busy and Harry missed me so that's why I'm going over..

Niall told me he had to talk to a sorta big manager dude today anyways..

Niall dropped me off, kissing me quickly before I got out of the car, then I walked up the stairs to Harry's apartment which he gave us the address to, and I knocked on his door. The door opened a minute later and he hugged me. He didn't smell right though.. he smelled like alcohol.

"hey, haz." I said, sounding quite unsure about this whole situation

He let me in and we went and sat on his couch. He had obviously been drinking but he wasn't acting drunk.

"So, Niall got that radio deal a bit ago" he rolled his eyes and said "Niall-This. Niall-that. Let's talk about you!" I thought he was just joking, so I giggled, and then he said "You've got such a sweet laugh, you know." I thank him then we turn on the tv and start watching Netflix. There's this show, called Friends, and it's honestly really funny so we watched like half of our favorite season, Season 4, until we were both in the mood for coffee so we called a fancy-coffee shop and asked them to deliver us a couple of Frappe-Mocha-Whipped cream-cold coffees. And that one phone call made Harry have the grand idea of prank calling a bunch of places.. so that's what we did, even though we know it's really annoying and pissed people off.

When our coffees arrived, we moved to the kitchen and sat on the tile floor. It was comfy, don't judge! We were sitting right across from each other, both of us had our backs against the cabinets and our feet in front of us so our legs were overlapping. I got my phone out and set my coffee on the floor next to me. I dialed in a random number that sounded like it made some sort of sense then I pressed call and put them on speaker.. 

"Hey, this is Mary Anne"

"Hi, Mary Anne.. I'm Melissa from your insurance company. We were actually just going to ask you about your car.."

"My car?"

"Yes, it was reported, uhm, stolen"

The woman gasps and suddenly yells for someone in the background, she says "Joseph! The car's been stolen!" then, into the phone, she starts to speak but I just hang up.

Harry gets his own phone out and types in a number while taking a drink of his frappe thing.

The phone rings and rings and then finally the person answered.. He sounded like they just woke up.

"Ugh, Hello?"

"Hey, Jess, I was just wanting to apologize for making that joke about your grandma.. I know losing her was hard on you, but I just, you've gotta admit.. what I said was kind of funny. It was just too soon"

I cover my mouth, literally holding back my laughter, then Harry says "And, yeah.. the rumor about me and your sister is true. She's pregnant.. and.. it's mine"

The man sighed into the phone and just said "Boy, you've got the wrong number.. but it sounds like you've got a hell of a lot going on.."

"What? Shit, is this not Jess?"

"Uh, No.. My name is Larry.."

Harry does this loud, fake sigh, then he says "Well, Lar-bear, Have a good day. Love you, baby. Sweet dreams. Kisses and cuddles, darling." then he hangs up before the guy can say another word.

We laugh loudly and I say "We should prank call one of our friends, but use that fake number thing so they can't tell that it's us calling." He agrees and we have to google the fake number hack before we can call any of our friends..

(yes this is a real thing. Put *67 in front of a number b4 you call it and they can't see who's calling)

Finally, we figure it out and decide to call Liam..

I clear my throat then press call..

"Hello?" In a slightly different voice than my own, I say: "Hey, Liam.. We dated way back in the day.. well, we didn't really date but we were seeing each other, I-I'm sure you remember.." I pause for a second but before he can say anything, I continue.. "It's just.. that was almost three years ago.. just before college, ya know? and.. I was pregnant"

Harry widens his eyes at me and I hold in my laughter as Liam answers..

"I-I'm sorry, you must have the wrong guy.."

"This is Liam Payne, right?"

I hear him whisper "This can't be happening.." 

and Harry bursts into laughter next to me. I yell "No! Harry! He's gonna know we're pranking him!" Then Liam yells "OLIVIA?! SHIT YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A DAMN HEART ATTACK!"

After a while, I get a cab and leave Harry's.. I get back to my apartment and just sit on the couch and play on my phone. Niall's still busy, I've just come back from Harry's, and now I'm bored.. I go to my room and look through my closet.. I see a light blue, silky-material dress. I take off my clothes, except my under wear, then I slip into the dress and look at myself in the mirror..

I grab a pen and a paper then write 'Went out to bar. Was bored. -Liv x' and left it on my table before grabbing my purse that held a bit of money and my phone then I got in the elevator and called a cab..

In the bar, I sat on a stool and ordered a fancy martini thing with a cute umbrella in the top.. and I was gonna drink it, but the smell made me feel sick..

I left it on the counter with money to cover it then I went to the dance floor and started to dance by myself. I was having fun until some guy came over and tried dancing with me.. I had been dancing with a few girls who were also there alone but not guys. I tried to walk away from him but he took my hand and pulled me back.. Suddenly there was someone between us and I heard them shouting at the man who was trying to dance with me. The person between us turned around and I kinda thought they looked familiar but I wasn't sure.

"You okay, Olivia?"

They know my name?

"Uhm.. yeah.."

I looked into his dark eyes and suddenly, flashes of memories came rushing through my mind..

Chocolates, pizza, movies, the kiss, then... my first time


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