How to Seduce an Earl

By SinfullyIndulgent

57.6K 1.7K 684

To escape the clutches of a forced political marriage, Lady Annabeth decides to find a husband of her own cho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (M)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 4

3K 101 51
By SinfullyIndulgent

A/N: I own nothing. Enjoy!


Not two days had passed since the promise of hot tea, and she was sitting in his parlor room, sipping hot tea calmly as though she was not an unmarried woman who had strode straight into an unmarried man's house. Society would have a fit if anyone had seen.

What a tempting vixen.

They had been out on a boating trip when the boats were suddenly attacked by a few lake kelpies. While the other noblewomen panicked as they floundered in the water as the guards and noblemen dispatched the creatures, Percy had observed Annabeth calmly procure a small knife (really, where was she keeping it?) and finish off a foolish monster who dared to venture near her. Within moments, the creatures had been dispatched.

"Here, you must be freezing." Percy unfastened his cloak and draped it around her shoulders. The water had made her dress practically see through, accentuating her slender curves. He leveled a death glare at some men who were taking unnecessary glances at the unaware Lady Annabeth.

"Thank you, and for pulling us out of the water. So it is no rumor that the men of Atlantis are quite strong swimmers as well as brave warriors." Annabeth brushed an unruly wet curl out of her face.

"You're not so bad with a knife yourself, Lady Annabeth."

A dainty eyebrow lifted as she smiled pertly. "You saw that?"

"Anyone with a decent pair of eyes can see your skill with a knife."

Annabeth opened her mouth to speak but a sneeze came out instead. "Achoo!"


"Stop laughing!" She sneezed again.

She was like a cute golden retriever puppy who had taken a dip in the pond. Percy tucked her more snugly inside his cloak.

A few people were staring with interest, but Percy had never given a crap about what other people thought.

Staking a claim, as the old-fashioned might say? She wasn't a trophy to be won, and frankly, Percy was sure Annabeth could easily stab him if he ever made such a remark.

"You'll catch a cold at this rate. We should get you somewhere warm. My place isn't very far."

Lady Annabeth smiled. "My, my. If anyone else had heard those words, they might think you had other ulterior motive up their sleeves."

He gently lifted her chin up so she faced him. "As if my lady doesn't have ulterior motives of her own. No?" Her cheeks were flushed, almost as pink as her lips.

He knew very well what she had been doing that afternoon when they rode back to the castle together the other day. And he couldn't deny that he liked the feeling of her smaller body encapsulated in his.

Percy had seen how the wet cloth of her dress had clung to her body just before he covered the sight with his cloak. One of the shoulders of her dress had been sliding off, exposing her collarbone and just the top curve of her right breast. No, he couldn't have other people seeing her like that.

Had Annabeth noticed the way her body was slightly heaving? Her dress and corset must have been made of thin silk as he had seen the chill air hardening her nipples, pressing against that mere cloth barrier. Now they were hidden from sight by his cloak.

But his cloak was also blocking other people from seeing what he could do next. He could slide his hands underneath his cloak, hiding from view that he could cup an enticing breast in his palm. His thumb would then brush against that nipple, eager to see what reactions he could elicit from her body.

"Then lead the way, Your Grace." Those pink lips quirked up in a knowing smile as if knowing exactly what he was thinking. Then Annabeth took one step and pressed herself closer to his body. He shivered, not knowing if it was from the chill or from the shape of her figure curling against him. The lake water, although wetting every surface of her body, had not dampened the fresh lemon scent of her hair.

Damned vixen.

A barely inaudible growl formed at the back of his throat. Percy could easily imagine those pink lips teasing at his ears, his jawline, the sides of his neck until they dipped deeper and lower. A low heat was beginning to build in between his thighs. He was tempted to wrap his arms around and pull her closer to him, just so she could feel exactly what he was doing to him.

But now was not the time for that. Think with your head, he reprimanded himself. No, not that head. Regrettably, he had to take a step back to take a fresh breath of air.

Soon, they were bundled into the carriage and off to his small residence. Percy called his servants for fresh tea and a hot bath.

"Did you just buy this house?" Annabeth looked around, curiously inspecting the architecture. He could almost sense the inner workings of her mind, redesigning the mansion to greater heights.

"It was a gift of the Imperial Family." As a citizen of the Atlantis Empire, Percy had no land here in the Olympus Kingdom. But as the ambassador from Atlantis and a reward in fighting alongside the Olympus Kingdom, he had received a house as a gift of good faith, though the house was actually more of a mansion. Jason's influence, no doubt.

He much preferred having his own house compared to having a wing of his own in the palace where unmarried noblewomen lurked to jump at their prey. Really, they were scarier than being on the battlefield.

Thirty minutes later, they sat in the sitting room sipping on delicious, hot tea with freshly baked cookies. She was wearing a borrowed maid's uniform underneath his military overcoat as he had no other women's clothing to offer. Distractedly, Percy thought she looked quite good in the blue of his uniform, just like she had looked like a fairy dressed in blue the first night he had met her. Her blonde hair was loose over the shoulders, a nice contrast to the blue.

"Mmm, this is nice. Blueberry? With green tea and pomegranate?" Annabeth delicately sniffed the warm aroma.

"My mother made the mix and sent it from the Atlantis Empire. She's been getting into tea quite recently."

Annabeth took another content sip. "Your mother is an excellent tea brewer."

Percy thought he detected just a hint of wistfulness in her voice. Ah, yes. He recalled that Annabeth had lost her mother when she was only seven.

"By the way, Your Grace. It seems like engagement party is heading our way. I know, I know." She smirked at his pained expression of yet another boring ass ball. "His Highness and Duchess Piper, which to the surprise of nobody, are planning to officially announce their engagement in the next two weeks or so."

"Ah, I was beginning to think he would never have the guts to ask her."

Annabeth set down her teacup and paused, as if gathering her breath. "I was wondering...since I don't want to face another bout of suitors..." Her voice trailed off as pink roses started blooming on her cheeks.

He hid his smile behind his cup. Sometimes it was entertaining to play the oblivious card. "What is it, Lady Annabeth? I'm afraid I can't quite hear you. You're going to have to speak louder."

She pouted her pink lips. "You're impossible, Your Grace."

"Am I? So I've been told."

And that was how he ended up escorting her to the newest Imperial engagement party.

"You look stunning, my lady." Percy said as he helped her into his carriage. He presented her with a blue rose, a rare variety to be found back in his nation. He helped her pin it to her hair.

He had spoken the truth. Her hair lay in soft golden waves, highlighting the curve of her jaw. Small sapphires in the shape of delicate roses worth a fortune were woven throughout her curls so they twinkled with every move. He never really took notice of clothing, but her blue silk dress flowed with every step. The neckline was not as low as last time (not that he was checking it out, mind you), only showing a tantalizing glimpse of her collarbones.

Simple but elegant. He wondered briefly if she was deliberately wearing his favorite color.

"And you look dashing as well, Your Grace."

With his blue coat and his military medals, he was matching with her. "Don't I always look handsome?" Percy joked.

Annabeth tsked. "Never mind. Your ego is far too big now. I'm never calling you handsome again." Still, she gracefully sat down next to him.

Percy could feel the eyes and whispers as Annabeth and he entered the party with their arms linked. Scowls were sent his way from noblemen but he coolly stared them down.

Jason lifted his eyebrows when he saw them together while Duchess Piper cast a knowing glance towards Annabeth. Happy blessings were bestowed upon the Crown Prince and the future Crown Princess. Percy could have spent all night talking and cracking jokes with the new couple and Annabeth but unfortunately duties prevailed. Then there were the customary greetings he had to give, which usually annoyed him immensely.

But tonight was different, probably because Annabeth was by his side. Since Annabeth had been a part of the Olympian society since her debut, she connected him with several people he could contact about favorable trade conditions with the Atlantis Empire. Then, she would make a comment or two about people from the vile end of society, and he would return them with a few sarcastic remarks of his own. An enjoyable night, indeed.

He was still glad when they had made enough of an appearance that it wouldn't be rude to disappear discreetly from the party.

Annabeth let out a sigh of relief as they made their way out of the palace into a side garden, free from nosy eyes. "Formal balls are really not my thing."

"Nor mine." A small feather had fallen onto her hair, possibly from that one elderly lady who had tons of peacock feathers sewn into her dress. "But I did enjoy your company."

"So did I, Your Grace."

They smiled at each other. Percy couldn't help but see how pretty the moonlight sparkled on the sapphires in her hair. Did fairies exist in this world? If so, she looked like an ethereal fairy to him.

With the music drifting from the ballroom in the background, the soft moonlight, and the waft of sweet roses in the garden, something made Percy step in closer to her.

"What's this?"

Her hand brushed against his jawline. He winced as her thumb grazed against a tender spot.

"Ah, I must have cut myself while shaving."

"Shaving, huh?"

Unbeknownst to her, her fingers were slowly grazing against his jawline. Her grey eyes were wide and unassuming as she took in the feel of a spot where he had missed shaving. Percy had met a wide variety of seduction techniques, but Annabeth was touching him as if she was merely exploring the feel of a man's jawline for the first time.

Something twisted in his stomach as he thought of Annabeth with another man. Jealousy?

He was realizing that he liked spending time with this woman. A lot, actually.

His head lowered without him realizing. In the pale moonlight, Percy couldn't see her blush, but her eyelashes fluttered close as she tiptoed up.

Regrettably, more voices were coming into hearing as attendees began spilling into the gardens. Percy tugged onto Annabeth's hand and they slipped out of the gardens and out of the palace walls.

The carriage ride was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. Percy still held onto her hand as if the warmth was a precious thing he had to guard. Within moments, he could feel Annabeth's head drooping onto his shoulder. Cute. She looked much younger and relaxed in her sleeping state, as if no longer having to worry about keeping a facade in front of others.

Too soon, the carriage had arrived in front of her family's mansion. Though it was night, Percy could tell that Annabeth had had a hand in designing the house.

"Lady Annabeth, we're here." He loathed to wake her up, especially when she was leaning so comfortably on him. Her shape molded perfectly into his. "Lady Annabeth."

"Mmm," she murmured.

"Your stepmother is coming out to greet us."

That got her eyes open. She muttered a curse word under her breath. "Shoot, I'd better get out." Annabeth turned back as she got out. "Thank you for tonight, Your Grace. I really enjoyed it."

She tiptoed and placed a shy kiss on the side of his cheek. Then she ran off into her house.

He had been kissed before, in various parts of the body, but this was the first time such a kiss felt like it had been seared into his mind.

Percy couldn't help but have a foolish grin on his face on the way back to his own home.

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