Happier Than Ever (Yandere Jo...

By Queen__Alice

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Welcome to Morioh, Y/N Kishibe! What a dazzling smile you have, I've never seen one more beautiful! Here we g... More

0. Stuck With Me
1. Love Buzz
2. Miss You
3. Picture Perfect
4. Do You Dream of Me?
5. I Want to Hold Your Hand
6. Heard it Through the Grapevine
7. Dust and Bones
8. Love Her Madly
9. The Fallout Pt. 1
10. The Fallout Pt. 2
11. Dig Up Her Bones

12. Red Moon/ Fanatic

325 21 16
By Queen__Alice

*18+ sexual content in part of this chapter! As stated at the very beginning if you are not comfortable with sexual or any other mature content, this story is not for you.**


Josuke POV

I'm sure it was nothing.

I was busy in an empty classroom, putting my art project together. There were so many pictures to sift through. Everything of the time since Y/N came to this small town of ours. All here.

All my hard work, it was all here. Everything I've done for her, all here. She would know how much I loved her by the end of today.

Why couldn't I find her?! WHY?!

Something in the distance pulled my focus away from my project. Was it a creak, footsteps, a voice? It was a faint noise, and I figured it was just the building or maybe an animal outside. Maybe it was even just my imagination.

I've definitely lost it enough to make up sounds in my head.

I'm sure it was nothing.

It was the middle of the early morning, after all, the dim light of the waning moon shining softly through the classroom window. Who else would be here?

"Oh Josuke, I was looking for you. I couldn't stop thinking about you."

I looked up, and there she was looking at me. But I knew better. Just a fantasy. I was definitely losing it, no doubt, but I wasn't about to give in to some fantasy when the real thing was right at hand. Still, it was a good "vision," I guess. Something to look forward to.

"Did you do all this just for me?" That figment of my imagination was looking wide eyed at every aspect of my project.

She seemed so real.

I got up and grabbed her arms, pressing her against the instructor's desk. I could feel her! But I knew, I knew it was not her, not truly, just how I wanted to see her in this very moment with me.

"Do you love me?" I asked it. What was I thinking?! Talking to a fantasy!? If I wasn't careful, I could reach a point where I wouldn't be able to distinguish anymore, I knew it to be true. And then the real Y/N would be lost to me.

But she was just so tempting.

So tempting...

"Yes, Josuke. And I want you so badly..." she lifted up her school skirt to show me a wet pussy, nearly dripping, crying out for me.

I lifted up her shirt, taking off her bra, and pressed my tongue flat against her nipple, giving it a good lick before sucking on it like a bottle. Occasionally, I flicked it with my tongue as she ran her hands through my hair.

I didn't care if she messed it up!

"Touch me, Josuke... claim me..." she led one of my hands to that warm wetness underneath her skirt. I slipped in one finger, then two as she urged me on.

"Ohh Josuke! Yes! Yes!"

My face next to hers, we both panted as we enjoyed our intimacy, faces turning red. The wet noises coming from her pussy turned me on so much...

I could feel her about to clench down on my fingers when---

I returned to my body, my reality. Did all of that really not happen?

I was still here on the classroom floor, my numerous pictures of Y/N laid out before me.

But no Y/N.

I sighed. As much as I told myself that she hadn't been real, I still became quickly consumed by my lust for her. If something hadn't unfortunately pulled me out of it, I might've been content to stay right where I was.

I was almost ready to damn the real Y/N when this one felt so real.

Let me live and die right here in my head if I could have her!

But something had pulled me out. Something... real. It wasn't a fantasy. It surely wasn't in my head. Which means I had heard a noise.

Someone was here.

Could it really be? Were all my fantasies about to become reality? It was Y/N! It had to be! She must've known I was here. Maybe she came to confess her love? Tell me she couldn't live without me just like I couldn't live without her?

It had to be... it had to be. It couldn't be anyone else. Y/N and I had that connection that only soulmates could have.

But I had to make sure of course. I had to remind myself that it could be anyone. I kept my guard up, ready to strike with Crazy Diamond, just in case.

I peered my head outside the classroom and turned on my flashlight. The morning was coming soon, but I wanted to see everything.

As far as I could tell, there was nothing down the hall. No sign of movement, not even a rat.

I could gone back to my project and my fantasies, getting ready for Y/N to come and see all the love I have for her. But, something just told me to keep going and make sure there was truly nothing and nobody on school grounds.

I walked slowly down the hall. Well, at least it felt slow. Perhaps slow wasn't even the right word. It felt like I was not moving at all, walking endlessly down what seemed to be an infinite hall. Passing the same doors, walking over the same tiles.

Was this my mind playing tricks on me again?

I couldn't handle it, my mind causing me to panic. I slumped down against the wall, hyperventilating.

"It's Su's, I know it is!"

It was distant, but I heard it. I knew it! It was real.

My body got up and began running like a maniac before my mind even knew it was happening. It was still trying to process the voice. That voice. It wasn't Y/N.

It was the one person I saw while trying to find Y/N just a few hours ago.


And I doubt she was alone. I should've known. The way she looked at me earlier, she knew something was off. She was smart. Or maybe it was just so obvious already that I had lost it and I just couldn't tell anymore.

Her voice had come from above. From the roof. Did she know about...?

No. That wasn't possible.

I opened the door to the stairwell and ran up two steps at a time.

Who were you here with, Celine? Could it be my Y/N? I will protect her from whatever you have to say.

I reached the door to the roof, turned the knob, and pushed.

I expected to be greeted by the sight of Celine, whoever else was with her, and the early morning sky. Instead my vision instantly went all red! I was blinded!

Celine, a stand user?!

But it wasn't her.

It was him. Of course it was him.


"Roter Mond!"

Richard yelled loud and clear, pointing to Josuke as he came through the door.

Josuke immediately put his hand up to his face, his other hand outstretched and grasping, as if desperately trying to find something to hold on to. He tripped over himself and fell scattering dust and small rocks everywhere.

"What is this?!" He cried. "Y/N! Y/N!" He called out to me, now on his knees, trying to feel and grasp his way around like a man in complete darkness.

I nearly gasped as he took a swipe near me. It was if he could feel my presence, feel the exact spot I was at, but he just couldn't see. And he was afraid to walk at all, possibly fearing he might fall off the roof.

Richard put his hand over my mouth before I could gasp. He looked into my eyes and I knew he was directing me to take slow and silent steps away from Josuke. And so we did, like a couple in an incredibly slow waltz, he guided me away, around Josuke and slowly back to the roof door.

If we could just get there and shut the door without Josuke hearing us. We would have to make a mad dash after that of course.

Celine also clutched to Richard's elbow, fearful. Trying to keep her distance from the crazed, blind, wild beast that was now Josuke Higashikata.

We finally made it to the open doorway and Richard let us both go ahead of him as he stayed behind to shut the door. At that moment with the sound of our movements, Josuke realized where we were and lunged toward the door as Richard tried to shut it, their strength evenly matched. A kick from Celine rattled Josuke enough to shut it, and the three of us hurried down the stairwell.

"Josuke can't see. Why?" I asked in-between bated breaths.

"It is Roter Mond-- Red Moon. My power. A stand."


"Ja, it manipulates a target's eyes, and how they perceive light, among other things. But, no time now, Y/N, keep going!"

We ran down the hallway now. Josuke had already opened the door up at this point. Though his journey down the stairwell was a fall instead of a run.

He would be able to follow the sounds of our footsteps for a certainty. But we were almost at the door! I was already imagining the wide open space outside where we could run away, leave Josuke behind forever.


How could it have even gotten this bad so quickly? His slowly deteriorating mind had been slowly rolling down a hill, only to reach a cliff.

Now it was in free fall.

I remembered the sweet, somewhat shy boy who was caring and kind. Or maybe it was just masking an immense darkness the whole time.

I shook it off, kept running. We saw the door. Why was it taking so long to get there? Like we were in some sort of infinite hallway, it just never seemed to stop.

But finally, we were right there!


Josuke's voice echoed from down the empty hall. I wasn't entirely sure where he was, or why he yelled that out specifically, but suddenly the door-- our exit! It turned into some mangled form of itself, no longer able to open, no matter how hard we pushed and banged on it.

Was this the power that Richard was talking about? A "Stand?"

"Scheiße!" Richard let out in frustration. We had to find another exit. Josuke was surely mad enough to kill Richard and Celine if he caught us.

Was he even mad enough to kill me? Even though I was what he wanted? I felt panic rising within me just to think about it. Now was not the time!

Richard pulled me away from the door. "This way," he whispered, hoping Josuke would not hear. That must've meant Richard still had him blinded. We silently crept away to a corner of the hall, as quickly as we could while remaining silent.

And sure enough he was. Josuke ran full on into the door that he deformed, probably thinking that we were still there trying to open it. He knocked himself down with the force that he hit the door with. He just didn't care! His face and parts of his body would have surely been bruised with such a hit.

Josuke stayed on the floor for a bit, stumbling around. He groaned out in pain and anger that he still hadn't caught us.

"AGHHHH!" He grasped around him furiously trying to feel around him. "Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU?!" His voice boomed. "Happy--- happy--- we could be happy!! If you just came to me. Right... Now. You make me so happy... I NEED YOU!"

Josuke continued on his crazed rant, his words making less and less sense as he went on. It came to the point of what seemed to be him spouting out the half formed thoughts in his mind without any second thought, without any filter.

Celine pointed to an open classroom door and we slowly slipped inside.

Though, I wasn't sure what the plan was from this point. Hide it out here? Wait for Josuke to be gone and make our way to another exit? Maybe slip out through a window without him hearing? If only Richard's Red Moon could also take away Josuke's hearing as well.

I was so occupied with my own thoughts, trying to figure out a plan to get out of here...

I didn't even realize what was around us. Of course, it wasn't just any old unused classroom. No, there always seemed to be something more to everything in my life these days.

"Y/N--" Celine whispered with shaky breath beside me. She tugged at my clothes but didn't even look at me. Her eyes were only focused straight ahead, and so were Richard's.

"My God--" Richard began, though if he had anything more to say, he just couldn't bring himself to finish.

Only now had I noticed the dim red glow of the room.

Pictures were plastered all over the wall facing us, some were of me, though the longer I looked at the grand collage, the more I realized that most were of me.

Was this... the project Josuke was talking about? The collage of pictures were placed in a way that formed an image of my face from afar. A smiling image that portrayed happiness, but as I reached out and stepped silently closer, I saw the horror that made it all up.

Me in school, in the hallway, walking on the street, eating lunch, sleeping in my bed...

I shuddered at some of these. The fact that Josuke could even bring himself to do this, it was mind-boggling.

But it wasn't all just me, of course. I felt some pressure squeezing my heart as I looked at some of the others. These were people! Our classmates, our friends, acquaintances! These pictures detailed Josuke turning them into some frightening amalgamations like he did with the door just now!

All for me...

It was all for me....

This was my fault....

In my heart of hearts I knew this wasn't the case. I didn't ask for any of this! But I couldn't help but feel the guilt that Josuke was so compelled to hurt people over me.

I backed away from the horror, slumped back against the classroom wall next to Celine, who grasped onto me, shivering. She almost couldn't keep her teeth from chattering as if we had just been suddenly dumped in Antarctica with nothing but our normal clothes.

I held her close and embraced her to give what little comfort I could, but I was also terrified.

I looked over at our last saving grace, the one thing that kept me from falling over the edge into despair at our situation. Richard.

He was not deterred, not discouraged. He crouched here at the back of the classroom like the rest of us, but not a huddled shivering mess in the corner like me and Celine. Richard was ready for a conflict. And he looked as though there was no doubt he would win.

We all heard the stumbling just outside the door of the still blind Josuke. He yelled my name over and over until I could barely even recognize it anymore. It just sounded like gibberish.

Still, he came ever closer, no doubt trying to make his way back into the classroom that held his so called "gift"... that twisted confession of eternal love.

Josuke crawled in, feeling his way around with his hands along the wall.
He chuckled. He was sure we were here... and if we didn't move he would surely find us.

Richard caught my attention and nudged his head toward the adjacent wall, on the opposite side of the classroom door. There was a window. High and small, but a window we could definitely squeeze though.

We just had to get to there while not alerting Josuke.

Richard pulled the two of us to him and then pushed us ahead of him. He intended to stay back in case Josuke tried anything or discovered where we were.

Celine and I made our way and proceeded to climb atop a desk right under the window as slowly and as silently as possible. Our legs buckled in fear that we would make a sound loud enough to tell Josuke where we were.

I pushed the windowpane...

But nothing!

Celine climbed and squeezed next to me. The desk was barely big enough to fit the both of us standing on it.

"The latch--" Celine whispered and pointed. She fumbled around with it. No doubt this window hadn't been opened in a while.

"Y/N.... please...." Josuke groaned out, now begging. I couldn't imagine what he must've been going through. He was injured, hurt, and for the past eternity since the roof he's been blind. "I love you-- you make me so... so happy... "

Even after everything, I felt some small amount of sympathy... though he didn't deserve it... I knew he didn't deserve it.

Celine finally opened the latch... only to slip while doing so.

"Ughh!" she let out as she hit the ground. She kept it as quiet as she could, but it wasn't quiet enough.

"Y/N?" Josuke turned his head in our direction. We were both frozen with fear. Something something, animal in headlights? Everyone knows the saying, but if you held a gun up to my head I couldn't think of it for the life of me. People always said it, but did they know what it actually felt like? 

The adrenaline rushing through, time slowing, labored breathing that you just couldn't control... the sound of your own racing hard pounding being the loudest thing in the room.

"Is that you, Y/N?" Josuke's anger shed immediately. Was it all a ruse? Or was it actually true? Regardless, his lips quivered, eventually forming a wide smile. "I'm-- so happy-- you're here! Speak to me, my diamond-- your voice-- let me hear your voice..."

I crouched down to where Celine was leaning against the desk now and put my hand over her mouth. She looked like she was on the verge of screaming. So was I, continually swallowing my air in some sort of attempt to keep it down.

Josuke's scowl returned again. He flipped like a coin. "Speak to me, diamond. Don't you know how happy your voice makes me?" He got up with full confidence, as if he could see again. Unblinded and determined.

"Maybe we should just go away somewhere, huh? Somewhere private. Would you speak to me then? You can tell me anything, you know?"

His hands balled up into fists.

"Let's tell your little friends to go away."


Celine and I embraced each other as he let out a yell.

"AHHH!" Richard cried out. But not in pain. Not in a way that someone screams when they're scared. It was in rage, a battle cry.

Suddenly, Josuke's head snapped back, and he was flung back across the room. His lip was split open, blood trickling out.

Richard stood in between us and Josuke. "It's time to end this, Josuke! I hadn't realized how far gone you actually were. I won't let you hurt anyone else. Not Y/N, not Celine... and you're going to bring back everyone you used your stand powers on."

Josuke chuckled. "You think you can make demands? Fine, you're right...

let's end this."

**Thank you for reading! Yes, this has been a very long time coming, and I cannot apologize enough to the people who were waiting for an update. Endings next! There will be multiple, including a lemon!**

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