4. Do You Dream of Me?

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I can't sleep.

What's wrong with me?

The picture! I just need to look at it again, that'll help!

Here it is!

I held Y/N's smiling portrait.

"Aww you're so pretty Y/N! Would you like to sleep next to me?"


"I love you too, Y/N! If only you could actually be here though... but that's ok! This is enough for now...

you'll really be with me soon enough, Y/N."



I had trouble sleeping last night.

When I got home from school yesterday, I realized that I had somehow lost my self portrait from class! Maybe I just left it at school? But I remember very clearly putting it in my bag!

If that wasn't enough, I'm still not very used to sleeping in such a huge home like Rohan's. Every creak I heard made me a little frightened to be honest. Sometimes I thought I could make out a figure in the dark, but of course its just my mind playing silly tricks on me.

But it was enough to keep me from sleeping very well...

I yawned, slowly getting out of bed. At least I'll get to see my friends again today! Maybe I'll get to walk with Okuyasu again. He seemed a little down yesterday, so its the least I can do.

"I'm leaving, Rohan!!"

"I'm right here, you don't need to shout." He said, sipping his coffee.

"Aren't you going to say 'bye' or 'have a nice day'?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Aww come on!"

He sighed. "Have a nice day. Also please don't bring Josuke around here."

"Alright alright." I giggled. Rohan was sweeter than he let on.

As I walked, I could've sworn I saw some girls from class giving me the side-eye. I'm not sure what I could've done to them to make them upset at me. Maybe they think I'm ugly?

Thankfully, I didn't have to think about it for too long.

"Y/N! Let's walk together!" I heard a familiar German accent.

"Hey Richard! Sure, I could always use the company."

"I'm surprised you're not walking with that big group of girls back there. I thought you would be the most popular girl in school by now. Are we still eating lunch together by the way?"

I rolled my eyes. "You're just saying that. Also, about eating lunch today, I think you should come eat with me and my friends, Josuke and Okuyasu. I think it'll be cool if we all hang out together!"

"Josuke? That's that dude that all the girls in school are in love with, isn't it?"

"Oh?" I didn't realize Josuke was so popular, but I guess it made sense. As we walked, I spotted another familiar person walking alone ahead of us. "Hey Okuyasu, wait up!" I called to him.

Happier Than Ever (Yandere Josuke x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum