2. Miss You

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I woke up, thrilled about getting to start school in Morioh! I hoped to make a lot of new friends, and see the two boys that I met yesterday. It would probably be easier for me to make friends with them, since we've already met, but I especially wanted to apologize to Josuke again for how Rohan behaved yesterday.

Even after we got home from the café yesterday, Rohan continued to rant about how "horrible" Josuke was, and how stupid Josuke's friend was. I thought that it was really rude and it kind of soured my mood too, so I tried to avoid Rohan for the rest of that day.

Tried and failed.

"Y/N! Y/N! Come look!" Rohan had yelled to me that afternoon. I went over to his study and he quickly dragged me over to the window. "Didn't I warn you about him?! Look at him scheming down there!"

I looked out of the window to see... nothing. He must really not like this Josuke for him to be so intent on me not associating with the boy. I guess I really just didn't see what Rohan saw in him. Sure, he got a little defensive at the café, but Rohan did kinda insult him.

"Um... are you ok, Rohan?" I asked.

"What?!" he quickly looked back out the window. "Y/N, I swear he was right there and he was staring right up here!"

"I believe you." I said, raising my hands. "Maybe he was just passing through."

Rohan sighed. "Maybe you just have too much faith in people, Y/N."

I smiled sadly and left the studying, finished up the rest of my coffee from that morning and threw it away in the garbage can outside.

I shook off the memory from yesterday. There was no reason not to put the whole incident behind us and start fresh. It was a new day after all! I put on a f/c school uniform and did my hair the same as I always did.

"Good morning, Rohan!" I said in my usual lively tone. I hoped he wasn't too upset at me for trying to give Josuke the benefit of the doubt.

He sighed, but then turned and smiled at me, holding two plates of breakfast in his hands. "Morning. Are you excited about your first day?" He laid one of the plates in front of me.

I nodded eagerly. "I can't wait to meet so many new people! And make some friends too!"

"About that, Y/N. You know how I feel about... Josuke." he shuddered. "But, you are free to spend your time with whomever you please. I won't stop you. Just please don't bring him around here!"

I laughed. "Don't worry, Rohan, it's not like I'm going to spend all my time with Josuke. I'm not even sure he still wants to be friends after how you spoke to him yesterday."

"I sure hope he doesn't." Rohan muttered under his breath.

Soon enough, I was on my way to school. Morioh seemed much more lively with all the students walking in groups, happily chatting amongst themselves. I couldn't contain my smile as I took in all the beautiful details of the town around me, loving the shining sun and soft breeze that touched me. If only I had someone to share this feeling with!

"Oi, Y/N!" I heard a gruff voice call my name behind me. It was Josuke's friend! I realized that I wasn't able to get his name before leaving with Rohan the other day, but he seemed nice enough. His face scars grabbed my attention and I wondered how he got them. I thought it made him unique.

"Hey, I remember you! Sorry, I didn't catch your name yesterday." I stopped and waited for him to catch up to me.

"I'm Okuyasu Nijimura! You're really pretty, ya know?"

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