The Curse of Swan Lake

Por Amsrarsma

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Hermione survived the Wizarding War and returned to Hogwarts to finish her last school year, along with Harry... Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Five

378 27 1
Por Amsrarsma

I turned my head left. Then right. I eyed myself in the mirror, skeptically inspecting every single hair and freckle.
I didn't really...look different, did I?

I cocked my head again.
My eyes look different, I thought suddenly. They're...fuller.
As if that made any sense.

Filled with light.

My brown eyes were no longer a pale brown with a few golden dots here and there. The irises had darkened to a rich dark brown color, reminding me of hot chocolate. And in both of my eyes were more of these golden flecks that glinted slightly.

But the weirdest change was that my cold had disappeared. Gone were the fever and the headache, gone was my stuffy nose and my pale complexion. I was brimming with health and I looked better than ever.

No one will notice my eyes. Everyone is too busy nowadays to keep track of other people's eye color.

But you always think about Professor Snape's eyes, a little voice reminded me haughtily.

True. His black, deep eyes haunted me in my sleep and even during the day when my thoughts were drifting off. However, since I knew that Professor Snape did not have any feelings for me, I doubted he spent as much time thinking about my eyes as I did about his.

And besides, it's not that big of a deal.

I had spent the entire day yesterday (which was the 26th of December) in my room, pretending to still be sick. It would be really weird if I was cured overnight of my cold, so I decided it was best to wait a day.
It wasn't as if I had been bored. I had the best reading material ever, after all. Professor Snape's book was so awesome, I finished reading it after four hours straight. He explained the way ingredients reacted together, not just by stating the typical appearances of a potion, such as color, fumes, bubbles, et cetera, but also by describing what happened on a molecular level.
Seriously, the Wizarding World needed to get chemistry into the students' lesson plan because I never actually realized how important it was to correctly adjust the ph-value of your potion. For instance, how come not a single potions book in Hogwarts' library mentioned that Lionweed only worked as a medicinal plant at a ph-value over 8? Once the potion got acidic, the plant became useless.

I shook my head to gather my thoughts and focused on getting dressed.
Buttoning the blouse of my school uniform, I whistled the tune of 'Oh holy night' and then grabbed my bag to head out of the door. That song seemed to have become my favorite for now.
As I walked down the corridor, I thought about the night I gave Professor Snape a feather.

Why did I even do that?

I remembered seeing- or actually sensing Professor Snape's presence in the shadows. There was something dark and dangerous about him, as if he was...someone else. But at the same time, I could feel something about him that made me believe he needed help. I wasn't sure what kind of help yet.
But I then decided rather spontaneously to show Professor Snape that I had plenty of my light to give. And that he could have some whenever he needed it.

By the time I reached the potions classroom, I had practiced my neutral-slightly-sick face and was determined to act as if I had just gotten over my cold. I pushed the door open and found Professor Snape already brewing. Judging by the purple smoke billowing out of the cauldron, it was the Draught of Living Death.

"Miss Granger", said Professor Snape curtly, his eyes fixed on the cauldron. "Get a copper stirring rod and come over here."

I did as he asked and walked up beside him, peering into the purple liquid. Bubbles popped at the surface, releasing the fumes into the air. "The Wormwood and Asphodel have already been added", said Professor Snape, handing me  a small bean. He took the copper stirring rod from me and pulled the golden one he had used until now out of the potion.

I recognized the bean as a Sopophorus bean and laid it down on a cutting board, ignoring the tingling feeling I felt when Professor Snape's hand had brushed mine.

"The juice of the bean needs to be poured in soon. The instructions tell you to cut it, but to effectively release more juice, you will-"

"Crush it", I mumbled, remembering the note in Harry's Potions book from sixth year.

Professor Snape glanced at me out of the corner of his eye.
"You read my notes."

I smiled guiltily.
"When Harry talked about the helpful comments in his Potions book, I couldn't resist. Many of your notes are in your manuscript too. You must have been working on that book for a while."

A silence settled between us, only disturbed by the sounds of the popping bubbles. I picked up a silver dagger and started pressing it down on the bean. A brown juice sloshed out on the sides.

"It was a life's work", Professor Snape said suddenly, his eyes fixated on the purple potion. With slow movements, he stirred the draught clockwise, using the copper stirring rod. "It took me many errors and dead ends to write it."

I paused, the knife hovering above the halfway squished bean.
"Are you going to write a second book?"

Professor Snape remained silent. I wasn't sure if that meant yes or no, but it seemed as if he was not in the mood to talk any more. That was fine with me.
I concentrated on collecting the Sopophorus bean's juice in a glass phial, then washed the dagger and the cutting board in the nearby basin. When I moved to return to the cauldron, a wave of dizziness hit me.

Whoa, I thought surprised as I stumbled. My hand pressed against the cold wall, supporting my weight. I blinked confused when my vision got blurred and a rushing sound filled my ears.

What's happening?

"Granger", I heard a distorted voice. I shook my head, trying to clear it of the fuzziness, and blinked again. My knees started trembling and I felt my fingers turn ice cold.

A strong hand suddenly wrapped around my arm, pulling me back up. I hadn't even noticed that I was about to slide down onto the floor.

"Breathe, Granger", a deep voice suddenly said into my ear. I could feel a breath tickling my neck, but barely noticed it.

Who's speaking?

The entire room had become a mass of black and brown dots. Now a green blotch appeared in front of my face.
I couldn't feel my legs anymore. For all I knew, I could be kneeling, or hanging upside down and not even realize it.

"Drink, Granger", the familiar voice commanded and the green blotch neared my mouth.

Now way am I drinking something I don't know, I thought dazedly and pressed my lips together. The green blotch faded as my view darkened. I could feel my eyes slide shut, but wasn't particularly worried. Everything had become a warm, fuzzy dream to me.

"Damn it, Granger, open your mouth!", the voice said sharply. I felt cool fingers press against my lips, parting them forcefully. A cold liquid dribbled into my mouth, tasting like old socks. I swallowed in surprise, then spluttered disgustedly.

I suppressed the urge to cough and turned my head away from the green blotch. My view became clearer and the rushing in my ears stopped, although I still felt extremely exhausted. I blinked tiredly, feeling the tickle in my throat stop, and tried to orientate myself.

The ceiling above me was the one of the Potions classroom. The familiar bricks faded back into view, followed by the sensation that I was laying on the cold floor. Except, the upper part of my body was resting against something warm and firm.

"Granger?", the deep voice said again. A face appeared over me. "Can you hear me?"

I stared up into those black eyes, trying to process what was happening.

I'm laying on the floor, I realized when my sluggish brain started working again. And Professor Snape seemed to be kneeling behind me. With me leaning against him. I could feel his arms around me, supporting me. One of his hands was holding a phial filled with a green liquid.


"Hmm?", I mumbled sleepily, fighting to regain control of my limbs.

"Can you move your legs?"

I tried to test it, but only managed a slight twitch of my big toe.
"N-no", I croaked out, swallowing to get the disgusting taste out of my mouth.

Professor Snape let the phial disappear and leaned further over me.
"Don't startle", he said firmly and slid an arm under my knees. Before I understood what he was planning, I felt myself being lifted up.
I couldn't keep my head up and let it fall backwards, my eyes threatening to close again. Since the world had turned upside-down, I couldn't really recognize the door we passed through. And then I passed out.

Severus' P.O.V.:
I looked down at Miss Granger, who had lost consciousness again. The door closed behind me and I approached the long black couch, which stood in the center of my living room. She would be fine since I gave her the antidote, but I could not exactly predict when she would awake again. Perhaps in about an hour, two at most.

When I carefully laid her onto my couch, my eyes fell onto her exposed neck. I could clearly sense the veins running under her skin and swallowed.
Thank Merlin I had already eaten a few days ago.

Once she was laying safely on the couch, I wrote a short note for her and placed it on the coffee table. Then I returned to the Potions classroom to finish the draught. She would be fine now that I had given her the antidote. I should have brought her to Madam Pomfrey, but I knew the matron was out to visit her niece today. My quarters could be accessed from a door in my private lab, even though they were in a different part of the dungeons. Since it did not make any sense to bring Miss Granger to the Hospital Wing when there was no one there, I had decided to let her sleep in my living room. It was a little discomforting, knowing that a student was in my private quarters, but that way I could check on her easily.

I banned the mixed emotions I was feeling, forcing myself to concentrate. It didn't matter that I had gotten a shock the moment I saw her face turn grey. I was actually surprised I had felt anything at all. Worry. Anger at letting this happen- and relief when she had instantly reacted to the antidote.
I shook my head and continued brewing.

Hermione's P.O.V.:
When I opened my eyes, I didn't recognize where I was. Panic rushed through me and I sat up, instantly reaching for my wand. When I found it in my sleeve, I exhaled in relief.
Then I turned my head, taking in my surroundings.

I was laying on a long couch in a living room of a sort. There were rows of bookshelves lining the walls and several closed black wooden doors. A plaid blanket covered my legs and beside me was a coffee table with a note on it. I bent sideways to read it.

Summon me with your patronus if you cannot walk. I am in my office.

I straightened up again and pushed back the blanket, staring unsurely at my legs. The feeling in them had returned, but they still felt awfully shaky. I wasn't sure if it made much sense to walk and then collapse again, so I opted casting my patronus.

I lifted my wand, pictured me receiving my Christmas present from Professor Snape, and said loudly: "Expecto Patronum."

A large, brilliant white swan burst out of the tip of my wand. I stared at it in shock, watching how it landed at the foot of the couch and gaze at me expectantly. It looked exactly like a Cygnus Cantare, except that the beak and the typical golden markings were a silver-white color.

Okay, no way in hell was I going to send him that.

I let my patronus disappear and puffed up my cheeks. Then I exhaled confused.

Where's my otter?

I hadn't used my patronus since-
I cocked my head to think. The last time was actually a year ago, before my nineteenth birthday. My eyes closed and my head fell forward.

Of course. My swan transformation must have affected my patronus.

The sound of an opening door made my head snap up and I looked to the right. Professor Snape stepped into the room, the door closing behind him on its own.
"Good. You are awake", he said curtly.

My voice sounded as rough as a chainsaw and I cleared it quickly. "Why did I pass out?", I tried again.

Professor Snape took a seat in the black armchair on the other side of the coffee table and crossed his legs.
"The fumes of the draught affected you, more than I had expected. Since we were brewing a modification of the original potion, their effect was much stronger."

Aha, so that explained it.
"You seem fine", I pointed out.

Professor Snape inclined his head slightly.
"I have- a tolerance against many potions", he said evasively. "I did not expect the effects to be quite so severe and I apologize for the shock."

I looked down at the blanket that was still partially covering my legs.
"Well, thank you for the antidote", I said and looked up again. I smiled slightly.

Professor Snape watched me with a look in his dark eyes that I couldn't quite read.
"Can you stand?", he asked.

I swung my legs over the couch and carefully set them down on the emerald-green carpet. My feet tingled slightly. I leaned forward, putting more weight on them and my knees instantly started trembling.

"Stop. Lean back", Professor Snape ordered and pulled a phial out of his cloak. I recognized it as a Strengthening potion and accepted it when he handed it to me.
"Drink this. You should be able to walk again in about ten minutes."

I downed the liquid, grimacing at the taste, and gave him the phial back.
"Sir, what about the draught?", I asked. "When should I finish it?"

"I completed it", he answered. "You will be brewing a batch of Baneberry Potion with me next week."

I furrowed my forehead.
"Next week? But-"

"You will be resting the rest of today and tomorrow", Professor Snape cut me off. "The effect of the draught's fumes are not to be taken lightly. Since the students return the day after tomorrow, your appointment will be next Friday, six p.m."

My face fell. I had been so looking forward to brew the Draught of the Living Death, since I had not succeeded in Professor Slughorn's lesson. Yet I knew Professor Snape was right.

"Yes, sir", I said and looked down at my feet, not sure what else to say.

Professor Snape stood up.
"Second door to your left", he said tersely and left through the door he had come in.

I stared after him. Then I looked around the room again. I paled when the reality of the situation hit me.

Holy sh- I'm in his PRIVATE QUARTERS?

I let my head fall forward into the palm of my hand.

I'm in Professor Snape's private quarters.
I'm in his quarters. His private-

YES, Hermione! Shut the fuck up and get your shit together!

I exhaled sharply and straightened up again. Okay. I had to return to my room before I had a heart attack.
With shaky legs, I stood up from the couch and left the room, through the second door on my left.
I made sure to fold the blanket on the couch.


The students returned, classes resumed and I found myself being completely absorbed in my studies. Three times a week, I brewed for Madam Pomfrey the potions she asked for and every Saturday I assisted Professor Snape with a difficult potion. To my surprise, we now brewed in his private lab. The first time I had been in his lab, I hadn't paid much attention to it because I had felt so awful.
But to formulate it in one sentence, Professor Snape's potions lab was a dream come true for any potioneer. There were organized shelves with hundreds of phials, glinting in red, green, blue and even silver. Other shelves held the ingredients, sorted by their properties. And at least six different doors led to smaller, yet still very large storage rooms. One held cauldrons, another the equipment to collect all kinds of ingredients, and so forth.
I was in heaven.

If I wouldn't know better, I'd say that Professor Snape almost smirked at my gobsmacked face when I took everything in. He most likely did not have the opportunity to show it that often to others, so he probably relished in seeing my large eyes.

I told Ginny, Ron and Harry about my apprenticeship. Ginny was happy for me, but the boys needed a moment to digest the news before they could (more or less) express their happiness for me.

My nights on the black lake were still stressful because thick ice was covering it once more. I didn't dare sing again to try to melt it, just in case any student would hear me. I really didn't need gawping students staring at me every night. Instead, I'd started practicing to sing in the bathroom with my normal, human voice. I wasn't that good, but I could hit the notes right at least.

On a Wednesday morning at the end of January, I ate breakfast with Luna and Ginny, sitting at the Ravenclaw table. My eyes kept drifting off to the High Table, but I forced them to stay glued on my cereal bowl. I wasn't going to gawk at him like a lovey-dovey teenager.
Yet that was how I felt. The butterflies in my stomach had gotten worse and every time in class when Professor Snape brushed past me, I felt my head getting extremely lightheaded.

What the hell was wrong with me?

"Hey? Hermione?", Ginny said and snapped with her fingers.

I flinched and focused my eyes on her.
"Huh?", I said perplexed. "What?"

"We'll be late for class."

My eyes widened and I quickly stood up, realizing that many students were already on their way out of the hall.
"Oh, crap. Thanks, Gin."

Ginny and Luna got up as well, the latter smiling dreamily at us.
"Have fun", she said and skipped off to Herbology.

"Fun", Ginny muttered sarcastically, "yeah right."

"Wernin's not- that bad", I said hesitantly, yet I did not sound very convincing. In my mind, I totally agreed with the others' opinions that Professor Wernin's class sucked, I just felt bad saying it aloud. He even had a nickname now.
Professor Vermin. Now that was a little extreme, in my opinion.

Ginny rolled her eyes.
"You're saying that with the same enthusiasm as if you were confessing your love to Malfoy."

I had to grin slightly.
"That obvious?"

"Yeah. Don't worry. Wernin will probably make us practice some stupid and easy spells on each other today. Like he always does."

I groaned as we walked out of the hall.
"I get it that reviewing the basics is important", I said, "but- come on, does he really think we don't know how to stun someone? Even Crabbe could do it before he went to Azkaban."

Ginny shrugged and we ascended a staircase.
"He's like Umbridge, in a nerdy kind of way."

We neared our classroom and found the door open. Voices were coming out of the room, one loud and angry and the other deep and calm. I recognized the latter instantaneously and felt my heart speed into a gallop.

What's HE doing here?

Once in the doorway, I found a peculiar scene before me. All students were standing at the walls, watching the two professors in the center of the room. This room did not have any chairs or tables, but instead small training areas and cushion charms on the walls.

"I will not allow you to duel with one of my students!", said Professor Wernin shrilly, craning his neck so he wouldn't appear so short next to the Potions Master.

"I'm here on Professor McGonagall's orders", said Professor Snape stonily, looking down at the wizard. "Believe me, I have better things to do."

"I do not care! I will not stand idly by and watch you mangle an innocent student!"

Professor Snape raised an eyebrow.
"Last time I checked, my teeth were still human sized", he said dryly.

I had to snort and quickly bit my lip to stop myself from laughing.

Professor Snape's eyes flickered toward me before he refocused on Professor Wernin again.
"Wernin, I have potions to brew and am not here because I particularly want to be. I shall gladly take my leave once I am finished."

His chest moving up and down heavily, Professor Wernin glared up at Professor Snape.
"One wrong move", he hissed, "and I will personally see to it that you head straight back to-"
He clenched his mouth shut and exhaled sharply, not saying whatever he had been about to. He turned around to us students, plastering a fake smile on his face.

I couldn't understand why he hated Professor Snape so much.

"Students", he said, pulling out his wand. "As you can see, Professor Snape has joined me here today to show you some of- his dueling skills."
He grated his teeth.
"As it appears to be the headmistress' command, a student of you is to duel with him."

We all exchanged uneasy looks.

Duel? With Professor Snape? We wouldn't last ten seconds. Not even five.

"Most of the students in this classroom are not capable of even lighting a candle", drawled Professor Snape dismissively. "However, I suggest to let three students try, simultaneously. Malfoy. Potter. And Granger."

My eyes widened.
Three? He wants to duel three of us? And- why me??

I saw Malfoy step forward with a confident smile on his face. Harry followed after, shooting me an uneasy look. I swallowed heavily. My knees started to shake badly.

"Come on", Ginny whispered and gave me a soft push. I stumbled forward and turned my head to shoot her a glare.

"Snape", said Professor Wernin, sounding suddenly challenging. "Are you sure three students are a good idea?"

Professor Snape shot him a dismissive look.
"Any good dueler can take on a minimum of three witches or wizards."

Ouch, I thought when Professor Wernin's head reddened. I didn't feel bad for him though.
He stepped back with a huff.

Professor Snape pulled out his wand and drew a safety ward around us four, so our spells wouldn't hit our fellow peers. Malfoy, Harry and I raised our wands, facing him. I was in the middle between the two young men and stood directly in front of Professor Snape.

Okay. You can do this, I thought and exhaled slowly. I didn't expect us to win. But I wasn't going to make it easy for Professor Snape.

Said man watched us silently out of his dark eyes, his wand slightly raised in his hand.

Neither of us moved for the first few seconds. When his black eyes flickered to Harry, I took my chance. I let my wand snap forward, non-verbally casting a stunning spell.

Professor Snape blocked it, almost lazily, with his wand. He turned his head and raised an eyebrow at me.
Is that all?, he seemed to say.

Malfoy struck next, followed by Harry. They both chose to attack Professor Snape with a series of non-verbal spells, the red lights flashing left and right. The professor barely moved as he redirected the spells away from him. He seemed to be- unchallenged.

Then the spells Harry and Malfoy cast at Professor Snape came shooting back towards them. The Potions Master was forcing them to slow down their attack since they had to block their own spells.

"Ouch!", Harry cursed when a Stinging hex shot back towards him and burned his left hand.

Clever, I thought and lifted my wand, casting a strong Protego that surrounded the three of us. Instantly, Professor Snape's spells rebounded off my shield with loud thundering sounds.

Now, it seemed that while Malfoy and Harry were taking care of the offense, I was responsible for the defense. And Professor Snape somehow managed to do both at once.

With graceful moves he leaned sideways, twisted his body, jumped aside whenever a spell or a hex neared him. It was like watching a predator in a fight, a fight he knew he was going to win. Interestingly, Professor Snape seemed to do everything effortlessly, as if he was holding himself back.

I started to sweat from the effort of keeping such a large shield stable.
"Harry", I ground out, raising my voice when he did not hear me. "Swap."

Harry looked at me and realized within an instant what I meant. He nodded and retreated, positioning himself between Malfoy and me. Professor Snape seemed to realize what we were planning since his attacks became more aggressive. He gave me no chance to lower the shield so Harry could raise his own. As Professor Snape's magic pounded against mine, my hand started to shake. I could sense the cracks that were beginning to form in the pale shield around us.

Malfoy did not seem to notice. His eyes were fixed on Professor Snape and he seemed determined to win.

When I couldn't hold the Protego any longer, I felt the shield snap sharply, like an overstretched rubber band. I gasped when I felt the painful sting in my chest and ducked to avoid a sizzling yellow hex hitting me. Malfoy turned to me as soon as he realized that the shield had dissipated- but when he turned to me, he accidentally redirected the spell he had been blocking from Professor Snape into my direction.

My eyes widened when I saw the red light fly towards me.


"When do you reckon she'll wake up?"

"Dunno. She's been out for almost all day."


"Ginny said Mione barely moved during the time she was here."

Someone sighed.
"I should have watched out for her. If I hadn't-"

"Malfoy was the one who got her. It was his fault, not yours, mate."

More silence.

"I reckon we get some dinner and come back afterwards. Madam Pomfrey looks like she'll kick us out soon anyways."

"Yeah. I guess you're right."

Two chairs groaned and then I heard receding footsteps.

My entire body felt as if I had been hit by a truck. I tried to open my eyes, but failed the first few times. Had Fred or George bewitched my mascara to glue my eyelids shut?
It sure felt like it.

Damn you, Malfoy, I thought, even though I knew that it wasn't really his fault. But now I was stuck in the Hospital Wing, I'd missed the entire day and it was almost dinner ti-

My eyes flashed open when a wave of panic hit me.

It's DINNER time. That means it's already evening!

I pushed myself into a seating position, groaning slightly when a sharp pain pierced my chest.

Okay. Keep calm, Hermione, I told myself firmly and looked around. The Hospital Wing was empty, except for a sleeping first-year Slytherin, who seemed to be covered in blue dots.

Dinner was usually served between seven and eight. And tonight, the moon would rise at eight fifteen.

I reached for my wand, which lay on my nightstand, and cast a Tempus charm.


Don't panic. Don't panic. You've got plenty of time.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, pushed myself off and swayed slightly. My head felt extremely strange and the room started spinning around me. I flopped back onto the bed, breathing heavily.

This wasn't going to work.

The door opened and in came a red-haired witch, holding a bowl filled with steaming pasta. Ginny looked up and she smiled relieved.
"Hermione, you're awake!"

Then her face turned into a scowl when she realized that I was sitting sideways on the bed.
"You we're trying to stand up, were you?", she scolded me and set down the bowl on my nightstand.

I swear, she becomes more and more like Mrs. Weasley every day.

"I feel fine", I lied. "I wanted to go to my room and change."

"Oh. So you're coming to the Great Hall then?"
Ginny looked down at the pasta bowl.
"I guess Ron will eat that, then."

"Thanks for the food, Gin", I said and smiled. "Actually, I was thinking of staying in my room, finishing some homework and relaxing, you know..."

Ginny leaned forward and eyed me suspiciously.
"You're as pale as a ghost", she said grimly. "I know you're not feeling that great. So unless you give me a good excuse why you can get up, I'm getting Madam Pomfrey."

"You're exaggerating, Ginny", I said, trying to sound calmer than I felt. "I'm not dying."

"No, but Madam Pomfrey said you have a pretty bad concussion, and she said the potions she gave you won't heal that in a few hours", said Ginny promptly.
"You're staying here and that's that."

A chill went down my spine. If I stayed here overnight, Madam Pomfrey would see me. I knew I was running out of time, so-

I had no choice.

"Ginny-", I started, breaking out in sweat. "I need to get out of here."

Ginny looked at me confused when she noticed how serious I seemed.
"Why? One night here won't kill you."

"It's- it's complicated", I said nervously. My heart was hammering in my chest.
How would she react? Would she tell anyone?

No, she wouldn't. Ginny was the most loyal person I knew.

Ginny's eyes softened suddenly.
"Hey", she said quietly and put a hand on my shoulder. "Are you upset about Ron and Lavender again?"

My eyes almost fell out of my head.
"Wha- no!"

"Oh. Then is this about-"
She wriggled her eyebrows, indicating she meant Professor Snape.

I sighed.
If Ginny can handle my crush on HIM, she can handle this too.

"I meed to be at the black lake before 8:15", I said, feeling suddenly very drained. "And I need your help to get there."

Ginny cocked her head slightly.
"I don't get it, why-"

"Please. You'll see", I said desperately.

Pinching her lips together, the redhead thought for a moment. Then she nodded.
"Fine. I'll tell Madam Pomfrey later that I brought you to your room."

I sighed in relief.
"Thank you, Gin."

Ginny put an arm around my shoulders and helped me stand up. I staggered, but remained standing thanks to her.

"I can't disillusion us both at the moment", I mumbled. "Can you do it?"

"Well, whenever I perform that spell my shadow remains visible", Ginny said apologetically.

I shrugged.
"That will have to do. Thanks."

Once Ginny had disillusioned us both, we made our way out of the hospital wing. We weren't as fast as I had hoped and I found myself anxiously glancing out of the windows that we passed.

We're not going to make it. We're not going to make it. We're not-

SHUT UP!, I told myself and focused on moving my feet properly. The world seemed to spin around me and I was surely sounding like the Hogwarts Express, the way I was wheezing.
When we stepped out into the night, the cold air hit us like a hard wall. I could feel Ginny shivering beside me and I felt bad for taking her out with me.

"C-come on", I said, my teeth chattering. "Almost there."

Ginny muttered something incoherently, but we managed to continue walking. The cold wind tugged on our clothes and the slippery ground aggravated the descent to the black lake. Once we reached the safety of the trees, the wind stilled and it became silent around us. We became visible again once Ginny was sure no one could see us. I could see the black lake glinting ahead of us, reflecting the stars' light through the dark trees.

As the moon started to rise, I could feel my head clear. It seemed as if ever since I sang as a Cygnus Cantare, my health strengthened with the moon rise.
My cold had been cured after Christmas that way. And now the dizziness and the bloody ache in my chest faded as well.

We stepped out onto the shore of the black lake just as my skin started to glow. Ginny shrieked in shock and let go of me. She leapt back, staring at me with wide eyes. I could stand on my own now without swaying and shot her an apologetic smile.

"It's called the Curse of Swan Lake", I explained softly, a white and golden light encasing my body. "It runs in my family and makes all women turn into swans at moonrise once they have reached their nineteenth birthday."
I stopped speaking because I could no longer see Ginny; the light had gotten too bright. A hot tingling went through my limbs and I felt my body melt into a different form entirely.

Once my transformation was complete, I stretched my slim neck to look up at Ginny.
She looked as pale as a ghost and her mouth had fallen wide open.
"What the fu-"

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A Severus Snape and Hermione Granger love story. A Post Deathly Hallows au Blossom: Mature or develop in a promising way Darkness looms over Hogwarts...
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Given a second chance at life, Sirius Black is sent into hiding by the Order yet again -- this time in the Muggle world to heal from the scars of his...
67.8K 1.7K 43
It's your last year at Hogwarts and you couldn't be more exited. Especially because you get to see your favourite professor and crush since fourth ye...
180K 5.9K 21
The story is Post-Marauders, but Pre-Harry. Remus Lupin is a tortured man. A lonely werewolf, he can't stay too long in one place or another. When wo...