Sucker punch

By MathewRoss

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(Koneko/harem x Abused/cheated male reader) It all begins with a man and a woman, both yearning for love. Th... More

The start of the school.
Dance Day
Dance Time.
Back from the dead.
Your new Friend
Alone again.
Top King
The exhibition (Early Halloween Special)
Being friend before a king
Final peerage (Part 1 Evil Pieces)
Final Peerage (Part 2 Fallen Saint Deck)
Let The Games Begin
The letters and harem start. Part 1.


296 2 1
By MathewRoss


Today is the day I go meet my good friend and older cousin Sairaorg. I heard about his mom my lovely human aunty and her sickness. I have been thinking and I have found out how to do it but I need a boost so I asked Rias and perv to come so I can heal her. Then I will ask him if he wants to take part in an experiment so I can help him get him to have his Baal powers in full. All I want is to fight him with everything his got. His hamon ,his haikia ,the lion and his devil powers. I want to see where I am in the world. How strong I am ? I need to be the best. I want to be the best else I can't protect anyone.

Y/N: Hey Rias can we go see Sairaorg please I figure how to help Aunty.


Y/N:Oh and bring your boyfriend.
I have been trying to get Issei and Rias together so she stop sleeping in my room nake saying she can only be with the one she loves.


Rias has a smirk hope I say me.

Y/N:Meet me in five.

Rias look at me with anger and disappointment in her eyes.

Rias:Okay bye.

Y/N:(Rias and the others have been neglecting me of late I wonder if it has to do with Issie.)

Rias:We are here.

Y/N:Okay anyway I need the perv so he can transfer power to me in order for me to help her.

Rias: Okay but why ?

Y/N:So I can help aunty.

Rias:Okay .

Sairgaorg:Thank you for coming but why have you come before our rating game.

Y/N:To help you since you helped me with that other thing.

Rias:What other thing.

Y/N:Two surprise for the rating game and after.

Rias:Okay whatever?

Issie(whispers to rias.):Don't make it so obvious.

Sairgaorg:It seems my baby cousin is going to get hurt I must find a way to help him .

Y/N:They do know I heard about their conversation.


Issei:You know all the girls are in my harem.

Rias:Yes we are and I know my brother loves us but we only love you Issei.

Koneko:Besides his got Sona.

Xenovia:And all the others he does not need us.

Irina:But I think we atleast speak to him. He did help you out of the marrige situation.

Rias:Issei could of done that.

Kiba:Birichou if you do this I will not be part of this he is our friend.

Irina:Kiba is right.

Rias:Fine you two can keep doing what you want but we are tired Issei treats us right.

Kiba:You know his been busy right.

Rias:So he can't make time for us.

Kiba:He has been arranging the leaders summit which should be helping.

Rias:Whatever we are going to break him so he can see how much he has hurt us.

Flashback end

Y/N:why do they hate me?

You and the others arrive by your aunty.

Y/N:Now I am going to try something and if it doesn't work then I need you to help me Issei.


You start to transfer chakra to your aunty.

Y/N:Kurama please help me I don't want that asshole to help me.

Kurama: So you know the you will take already. So be it I have seen how you are and I will help you.

????:So will I my host.

Y/N:Who are you?.

????:We can talk about that later.

Y/N:OKay thank you.

You feel power surge through your body.
Issei and Rias are shocked but Sairgaorg just smiles.Your aunty starts to wake.

Aunty M: Hello who are you?

Y/N:I am Y/N and I am you nephew. That is Issei,Rias and your son...

You were interupted by her screaming.


Sairgaorg:Yes mom it is me.

He cries as does she they hug and they both say thank you.

Sairgaorg:Y/N you did me a huge favor and for that I can't repay you.

Y/N: Actually there is . Please come with me.

Rias gets curious and tries to follow. So does Issei. But you go into a sound proof room.

Y/N:Sairgaorg please firgive me for after our fight I will be leaving.

Sairgaorg:I see , I understand why but why tell me this.

Y/N:Because I need you to give these to the respective people and I need you somehow get Rias and her peerage to blame themselves for my dissappearance.

Sairgaorg:But why?

Y/N:They plan on betraying me for that useless Red dragon but I have two things they don't know about.

Sairgaorg:I heard from Minito that you have the nine tails but what else.

Y/N:I have a sacred gear .

You focus and it appears along with a tiny Kurama on your shoulder while the gear appears a crimson gauntlet.

Sairgaorg:I see so you have Drago the crimson sun dragon.

Drago:Yes he is my host and a strong one to.

Sairgaorg:I see so he is your first host . It make sense and is there anyone you would like to tell about yoir disappearance?

Y/N:Yes your Mom because I will come hear.

Sairgaorg:Okay I understand but what about your other family.

Y/N:Only after I been gone for a day.

Sairgaorg:Okay I will help.

You say good bye and exit where Rias and Issei are waiting.

Rias : What did you talk about .

Y/N:A surpise for you guys after the rating game.Think of as a reward for all yours and your peerages hard work.

Rias smile and so does Issei. You guys go home .

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