The bakery across the street

By Always_Adore_You_28

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Harry works in a bakery in London. Louis just moved from Doncaster to London in a apartment right across the... More

The meeting ~ Chapter 1
I know a Louis too ~ Chapter 3
See you mate ~ Chapter 4
Liam's old Friend ~ Chapter 5
Midnight Memories ~ Chapter 6
Bye Boyfriend ~ Chapter 7
The light bulb ~ Chapter 8
Flour fight ~ Chapter 9
Can I have a tea? ~ Chapter 10
Tomato monsters and princesses ~ Chapter 11
Louis this is NOT a Family show! ~ Chapter 12
Gliterry blue nail polish ~ Chapter 13

The new job ~ Chapter 2

109 17 109
By Always_Adore_You_28

The bakery across the street
(Louis POV)

"Louis...? Louis where are you?" I could hear James calling me.
"I'm coming" I said and starting walking towards the living room, everything suddenly seeming so huge to me.
"Wait... why is everything so big I'm not even THAT small?"
"Louis?" James now shouted
"James I just said I'm coming stop screaming my name!"  I shouted back just entering the living room
"There you are. I was looking for you everywhere" he said, picking me up in his arms.
"Picking me up?! Wait wot is happening?"
He sat down in the armchair next to the couch with me sitting in his lap, now starting to stroke my stomach.
"James mate, what the fook are you doing? Stop stroking me! I'm not your fooking pet" I said, trying to get out of his hold and from his lap. Just then, the doorbell started ringing. While he still had me in his arms, he walked to the entrance so he could open the door.
"Ah Neil I've been expecting you, come in." James  said while he looked at him, starting to stroke my stomach again.
"Well, well well long time no see lad but what are you doing here, I thought you wanted to stay in Doncaster" I asked him, but he ignored me. "Neil?"
"I didn't know you had a cat?" he said taking off his shoes.
"You have a cat? Why not a doggo?" I asked, looking at James confused.
"Oh yeah that's my cat Louis just got him" he said, making me chuckle.
"You named your cat after me? Thanks mate, I'm flattered, but why the honor?" He ignored me again. "mate, are you kidding me ello?" but he still didn't answer and just kept on petting me.
"For god's sake would you let me down and, stop. with. the. stroking."
"Cool can I pet him?" Neil asked
"Yeah sure here." James answered, handing me over to Neil.
"Wait, wot why is he handing me over?! Am I James' ca-"
But just then his phone started ringing but it didn't stop.

Thankfully I woke up because of my alarm ringing.
„Oh, thank god. It was just a dream. I wouldn't  want to be his cat. I mean James and I are good friends and he's a nice lad, but I don't wanna  be a cat and, second of all, not James'. "

It's 6:05am and I have to get ready for my new job at the Kindergarten. I'm very good with kids since I grew up with 6 little siblings, 5 sisters and one brother. I love spending time with toddlers because of their creativity and their point of view on life or just how caring and loving they are. The funny thing is, James is going to be my boss. He has known me since I was 5 years old, and he's always been like an uncle to me. And he's definitely family. I had just moved to London and needed a job. He owns his own kindergarten and was just looking for a new employee. So that's how I got my new job.

I just got done with getting ready. I chose my favorite black skinny's and a shirt from one of my favorite bands, "Joy Division". It's a black t-shirt with the song title of one of my favorites, 'love will tear us apart'. Me mum, my siblings and I always listened to it together with our best dance moves. As I took another look in the mirror, I received a text from my mum.

Chat with: mum <3 (6:45am)

Mum <3: Good morning Boobear, I hope you have a good first day at work. I'm very proud of you. We Miss you. And you have to tell me how your first day with James went. I Love you xx.

I miss them all so much, mum, Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy, Phoebe, Doris, and me brother Ernest.

As I look at the time, I have to hurry if I want to grab some breakfast from that bakery across the street. I replied with a quick „thanks mum, I love you too and I miss you guys so much. I'm gonna call you later, but now I gotta go to work. Love you xx.", grab my keys and step outside the apartment.

As I entered the bakery, I could see a tall guy with brown curly hair standing behind the counter. Right when I stand in front of him, he looks up.

„Wow, he has such beautiful green eyes. "

For a few minutes, nothing happened, just him staring at me and me staring at him. Until I remember that I have to get to work

"Hello?" I spoke up for the first time, looking at him confused because he still didn't answer.

„Is he checking me out?"

"Hi..." he says shyly, his voice cracking making him blush "...sorry, uh what can I get for you?"
I started smirking because it's just so cute how he's trying not to blush, because I noticed him staring and how flustered he gets because of me. 
"Hi, well what's good here?" I asked, not being able to decide what to take because of all the delicious options I have. And as much as I'm enjoying this, I don't have that much time left and have to hurry. I look at him and he finally looks up again, giving me the chance to look at his beautiful eyes.
"Ehh right... bread?" He says, causing me to chuckle.

„How can he get even more cuter? He's so nervous and all because of me"

"Well, that's good since you work in a bakery." I grinned, causing his cheeks to turn a light shade of pink again, making him look even more adorable.
"Right... The scones are actually really good?" He then says, looking at the tray in front of him.

„I love scones. My mum always made them for me when I was younger."

"What flavors do ya have?" I asked, looking at them. 
"Um... vanilla... I just made those myself" he says, smiling at me proudly, causing me to look at him surprised.

„He made those himself? And they're vanilla?  Mum always used to make me vanilla scones. I love it here already" I returned his beautiful smile. How could I say no to that?

"Okay, well then, I'll take two..." I said, surprising him and making him burst into an even prettier smile than before.

„Wow, he has dimples."

"Okay sure, anything else for you?" He asks, taking the two scones and putting them in a paper bag, handing them over to me. 
"Yeah, could I maybe get a cup of Yorkshire tea with milk?" I asked, smiling at him again.

„it's orrible when you can't have a proper cup of tea in the morning"

"Yes sure, is that it?" He smiles at me as well. 
"Yes, thank you." 
"Okay, altogether that would be 10 pounds please" 
"Keep the change" I said, smiling at him, again, while handing him the money. 
"Oh, thank you". He returns the smile once again . Just then I could hear the kettle go off, meaning the tea was ready. He went over pouring it into a mug with a bit of milk.
"Here is your tea, careful, it's really hot" he said, carefully handing it over to me. "Have a great day" he said, making me smile. 
"Thank you..." I started to say but spotted the golden name tag on his apron 'Harry Styles'.
"...Harry, you too. I'm by the way, Louis." and with that I smiled at him one more time before turning around and leaving the bakery, walking over to my car.

„Harry seems like a nice lad and the bakery also seems really nice. I think I'm going there more often now. And I think we're gonna get along really well."

I sit down in my car before securing my food and putting on my seatbelt and starting to drive off towards work. I arrived 5 minutes before work started. But gladly James isn't too strict.


"Morning mate", I smiled as James came walking towards me.
"Loueh" he smiles back, bringing me in for a hug. 
"How many times have I told you not to call me that?" I chuckled. 
"I know I know" he says, smiling at me again.
"Well, now that you're here, how about I'm going to introduce you to everyone, and Zayn will show you around after that" he said, and I nodded "yep sounds like a good idea."

He started leading me the way to what seemed to be the room for the employees. He smiled at me again before entering the room. It wasn't too big but not too small either. On the right side was a wardrobe for the jackets. Next to the wardrobe were two large cabinets filled with files and books. And in the middle stands a wooden table for 6 people. Two women and one guy were already sitting at the table. One of the women has dark blond hair and the other one brown hair, but something about her reminded me of Harry, and the guy has raven black hair. All of them are smiling friendly at me which I return.

"Guys, this is Louis, our new teammate I told you about." James said to them and turning towards me.
"Louis, these are Taylor..." he pointed at the girl with blond hair " ...Gemma..." the girl who reminds me of Harry "...and Zayn who is going to show you around" he said, now pointing at the guy. 
"Hi nice to meet you" I said, smiling at them. Zayn stood up and walked towards me smiling.

„not gonna lie, he looks really fit"

"Hi mate, I guess I'm gonna show you around then" he said, smiling at me before opening the door. "Okay. I guess I'll see ya later then" I said with another smile to the others before following  Zayn out the door.

Zayn is a really nice mate. While he showed me everything, we made jokes the whole time. The day in general was very good. The kids were nice, and Taylor and Gemma also seemed very kind. Around 5:30pm I was able to go home. But I stayed a bit longer helping Zayn clean up.  After I arrived home, the first thing I did was call my mum and tell her about everything. It was good to talk to her and the others again. I miss them so much. After the call, I chatted a bit with my mate Liam, who I have known since kindergarten, but he moved to London with his parents when we were 10 and we kinda lost contact because of that. But a few months ago, we reconnected again, and since then we've been talking and want to meet up soon.

„pretty good day for my first real day here"



Well here is Chapter 2 yay! Hope you like it so far :)
Btw that was the song just so you know haha
Hope you have a great day, lots if love

P.Lilli <3

updated ✔️

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