You're Not For Sale (P.JS ff)

By seoulfeels

8.9K 603 638

Receiving minimum wage salary, Lee May wanted a better job that validates her hard work. On the way to the jo... More

You're Not For Sale
Part 1 - The Devil Wears Prada
Part 2 - Teacups
Part 3 - First Name Basis
Part 4 - Not A Dream
Part 5 - Disappear
Part 6 - The Deal
Part 7 - Not Anymore
Part 9 - Aurora Borealis
Part 10 - Ice Cream
Chapter 11 - Nobody
Chapter 12 - Beach
Chapter 13 - You Suck
Chapter 14 - Tiramisu

Part 8 - Not So Special

464 39 64
By seoulfeels

Jay and Mei arrived at Slettheia and there's literally just trees and flowers and one building. A blonde tall woman is already waiting for them outside.

"Hi, good day." May greeted her. "Are you Kristia?" She asked.

"Yes. You must be Lee May." She shook May's hand. "You don't have any luggage?" The woman asked as she eyed the two.

"Not really. We've decided so suddenly." Jay responds.

"I'll show you the rooms. Are you two staying in separate rooms?" She asked while leading them inside the building.

"Just one room." Jay responded, making May glare at him. She feels like her privacy is getting violated. "What? It's easier to communicate that way. We can discuss important concerns, and we can hang out. We should enjoy this while we can." Jay suggests, but May hissed at him, getting more and more upset.

"Fine, we'll have separate beds. Preferably on the top floor." Jay told Kristia.

"Top floor it is. You two can also access the rooftop, the spa." She offered.

"Great." Jay siad giving her his card without knowing the cost. "Also, is there a near clothing store? I feel sticky from the plane ride." He said making May roll her eyes in embarrassment.

"We only sell souvenirs. You can go to the first floor but we don't have anything else other than sweatpants and 'I love Norway' shirts." She told Jay.

May anticipated for a 'rich-boy' response. She wanted him to complain and call someone to send him designer clothes, but Jay only nodded. "Sounds comfy to me." He responds.

"Then we're almost done. And also, you need a valid I.D. to check in." Kristia told them. Jay grabbed his wallet and grabbed his company I.D. and showed it to Kristia. She looked surprised when she realized that Jay has his own clothing brand and it's one of the most popular rising brands right now.

She automatically glanced at May, wondering who this girl is. Is this his girlfriend? She'll definitely look them up later. She showed them the finest room since she didn't want to disappoint such a clever person like Jay.

"You have everything here. Washing machine, Dish washer, terrace with the best view, heater, UHD TV, speakers, kitchen, living room, and microwave, and a king size bed. Let me know if you need more." She said as she showed them all the rooms.

Jay looked around nodding. All his life he's traveled quite a lot and this place is not bad. It's actually better than any place else. The view on the terrace is incredible. There's so many pine trees that you can smell them.

"Well let you know if we need anything. Thanks." He said and sat on the couch and closed his eyes.

Kristia left them both, hoping Jay would promote this place in his social media later. She might get more customers after this.

The first thing she did is search Park Jay and an article of him being engaged is the first result on google. As expected, his fiancé is the girl he came here with.

May stared at Jay since she doesn't have anything to unpack.

"This is amazing. No schedule, no tasks and no reports." Jay sighed and opened his eyes to see May who looks confused, standing in front of him.

"Why don't you sit down Lee May? Let's chill for a while. We'll have to shop for clothes later and then go to the groceries. I'll cook for you." He said as he pulled her to the couch. "Thank you for being my companion." He smiled at her, because he's truly thankful that May is with him.

May didn't really want to, but she couldn't help but smile back at him. He's so precious. She can only imagine how much he's been through to manage a business this young.

"Just give me a time to relax, and I'll show you how to have a real vacation." Jay told her before closing his eyes again.

May let him sleep on the couch for a while and just went to the terrace to see the trees and breathe. It's so nice in this place. It's probably the closest thing to her ideal home. Close to trees and far from the loud city.

How she just wish Ni-ki can be here to enjoy the view with her. Now she misses his brownies. She miss the loud noise from his speaker and the way he can dance around the house when he's in the mood.

Jay woke up all of a sudden, looking around confused. He has forgotten that he's on a vacation that he started to recall what happened and where he is. The place is unfamiliar.

He got up and looked around when he saw May admiring the view. He finally recalled where he is. He's on a vacation. He came up to her and pulled his phone to take a picture.

May smiled as soon as she saw him. "That nap is short." She told him. She's so cute on camera, especially when she's smiling.

"I made it short for my fiancé of course. I plan to make us a romantic dinner, my love." He joked, making May cringe and look away. Deep inside, her heart did skip a beat hearing those lines. How she wished everything he said was true.

"Let's get those 'I Love Norway' Shirts and get out of here." He told her and held her hand.

May bit her lips, trying to hide her smile. She loves how warm Jay's hands are. It's kinda rough though for a rich person. He's born with silver spoon, and she knows it. But why does his hands feel so rough? What kind of heavy work does he do?

The two of the went to the souvenir shop and looked around for clothes. They need to freshen up and change clothes after a long plane ride.

While Jay is looking at the shirts, a snow globe got May's attention. She took it out of the shelf and shook it. The snow and glitters scattered around sparkling the whole globe making May smile. She's born during the winter, that's while snow excites her. Because when snow starts and everything outside starts to freeze, it means her birthday is coming.

Other people hates when it snows and when snow starts to cover the driveway and the streets because it's such a huge problem but to her, snow makes her happy.

Jay stared while she's enjoying her time playing with the snow globe. He's definitely going to buy that and give it to her after this trip.

"Hey fiancé." He said showing May the shirt and sweatpants he has chosen for her. He picked white pair of pants and shirt for May and a black pair for himself. They would definitely look like tourists wearing these, but they have no choice. Jay can make someone do him some errand. He doesn't know anybody in this place.

May placed the snow globe back on the shelf but as she was going to turn around, she accidentally knocked it over, breaking it, causing a scene inside the shop. There are no other customers besides them but there are three employees there.

"Miss you have to pay for that." A staff told her. May bowed her head and started to apologize over and over making Jay stare at her in amusement.

Why does she have to apologize?

Can't she just pay for the damaged item and leave?

This girl is surely unbelievably clumsy. How did she even survive this world until now? Was Riki always by her side.

"I'll pay for it. These too." Jay said, saving May with all the humiliation. He placed the clothes on the counter. May was so embarrassed that she had to cling onto Jay's arm and lower her head.

He glanced at her in concern. She doesn't look well. Because of that, he wanted to quickly get out of here and go somewhere to clear May's mind.

She's probably still jetlag and stressed with the sudden flight.

The staff packed the things he purchased including the broken snow globe and gave it to him in a paper bag.

Jay held May's hand and dragged her out of the store towards the beautiful garden outside with wild purple hydrangeas. He stopped on the bench nearby and made her sit. Maybe she's jetlag, that's why she knocked over the snow globe.

"Do you want to sleep more?" Jay asked her. He didn't want to force her to go out today if she's still tired. May shook her head, guilty that she's going to ruin Jay's plans.

The guy's obviously looking forward to this chance away from work. She didn't want to ruin that. "I'm fine. It's not because I'm sleepy. Let's change and we can go anywhere." She said, taking Jay's hand to take him back to change clothes so they can finally continue  his plans, but then she tripped on an elevated brick, causing her to scream in panic. Good thing she's holding Jay's hand that he managed to grab her and pull her up.

Jay avoided pulling her more than he has to, so she won't get too close to him. "May, I'm curious." He muttered as he scratched his head, out of annoyance. "How fuck did you survive this world until now?" It's such a mystery how a person this clumsy never hurt herself to the extent of dying.

May lowered her head in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry." She apologized.

"By the way, I saw a café nearby and I think there are common food there that we can eat. I'll cook for you a little later." Jay told her. The two of them took the bus but there are no vacant seats for  two people.

The two of them would have to sit separately. It's not a big deal for May but it obviously is for Jay.

May sat comfortably on one seat, making Jay follow him. He stared at the guy beside May.

"Hi, could you move somewhere else?" He asked politely, but it sounds rude. May tapped his side, looking at him with a frown, silently asking him to shut up.

"Why?" The guy challenged, enjoying Jay's suffering. He's standing on a moving bus when there are other vacant seats, just not beside May.

"I want to sit with my fiancé." Jay pulled the fiance card, but he still sounds unreasonable.

May gave him a tap again.

"If you want to sit together that badly, why didn't you take a taxi?" The man said with a smug smirk, satified with his response.

Jay got annoyed because this guy won't move his ass. He doesn't normally deal with these types of people. Usually, he orders something, and he'll get it right away without any explanation without any time wasted.

He glanced at May, eyeing him unpleasantly. Then he saw a small part of her motion sickness medicine, giving him a brilliant idea. If he can't ask this guy to move politely, he'll just have to outsmart him.

"Well, my fiance has motion sickness. She might vomit soon. Just to warn you." He said, making the guy look at May disgusted and finally take another seat. Jay smiled as he sat beside May.

"Don't talk to me." May told him, upset with what he did.

"Aww, come on. Aren't you comfortable to be sitting with a person you know?" Jay asks her.

"I'm fine with anything. This is public transportation. You can't just ask people to move their seats, especially if they got here first." She told him.

Jay nodded his head in realization. "Oh, so that's how it works."

May stared at this ignorant rich fellow beside her. Is it really possible that a person like him exists? People who don't know how public transportation works?

She's in disbelief, staring at Jay as if he's an alien.

"Let's listen to music again." He suggests, without permission, Jay grabbed her earpiece and put it in his ears.

"Can't you just listen to your own music?" May asked him, but Jay shook his head, then looked out the window as if he's in a music video.

He's handsome anyways so why not?

They got off to their stop and entered this fancy cafe. "Table for two, please." Jay told the front desk, but they put them in a crowded area, and Jay didn't appreciate it.

"Do you have a private area. Somewhere quiet?" He asked.

"Sorry Sir, it's for reservation. We're all out for the night." The waiter told him.

"Can I talk to the owner?" He asked, making May's eye widen.

She tugged his sleeve to get his attention. "What are you planning to do?" She asked.

"I'm buying the whole place." Jay told her as if it's the most natural thing to say.

"Are you kidding me? Didn't you say you like it here because your family doesn't own any property?" She reminds him.

Jay took his checkbook out. "Did you phone the owner?" He asked the frozen waiter at the side.

"Park Jongseong, would you stop this insanity right now, please?" May tried to stop him, but the waiter asked for them to follow him as he called the secretary of the owner.

"Go ahead and do your job, May. Make some arrangements for me to buy this place." May talked to the secretary and made an offer. Once it's settled, she called Jay's bank for money transfer.

She then glared at Jay as the waiters announced that the restaurant would close in a few minutes. When Jay's still not satisfied, he made the manager offer everyone a refund and kicked them out immediately.

"You are so absurd." May remarked.

Jay pulled a seat for her, but all she wanted was to leave the place.

"How did the bank even process it immediately?" May asked in confusion.

"May, I own the bank." Jay responded, making her gasp dramatically. She sat down, feeling dizzy with everything that happened.

Things like this only happen in movies. She couldn't believe she witnessed it.

"Two steak please and your finest red wine." Jay ordered.

"You own a bank? What don't you own? This is crazy!" May seems confused as ever. She's having dinner right now with a person who has his own fashion line and owns a bank. A really influential person.

She seems to have missed the fact that he's at the cover of that one Forbes magazine in their coffee table.

"Now, tell me being rich isn't everything." Jay said proudly as the waiter poured them a red wine.

May looked around and saw how the world really revolves around this guy. They're at an empty terrace, other tables are not being retrieved to give them more space.

Jay even requested the orchestra to play a music he likes, called 'Last Carnival'.

"Still, isn't this too much? You bought a restaurant to have dinner when you can just buy food for take out and eat somewhere else if you want privacy." She told him.

Jay raised a brow, thinking that May is against all his decisions.

Is she doing it on purpose?

"Fine, we'll try that tomorrow. Show me how poor people handle it." He said arrogantly just to get in May's nerves like she did with him. He's not planning to be rude to her throughout this trip, but he's starting to enjoy it now.

Annoying May is his only entertainment right now, and it's keeping his mind off of things.

As soon as their food is served, Jay watched May struggle with her steak. At this point she's turn the streak into ground beef if she continues to cut it in different angles.

"How are you even alive?" He asked as he stood up and went to May to cut her steak. "You'll never enjoy a steak in your life." He said as he cut the steak into bite-size then went back to his seat to eat his food. It didn't take look before May started to struggle with the fork as well.


"I'm curious, what do you eat in your daily life?" Jay asked before helping her use a fork then gave it back as soon as the meat is stuck in the fork.

May's eyes brightened as soon as she tasted high-quality steak in her mouth. "Well, I eat free hospital food. They serve steamed fish and vegetables." She said and started struggling again before she used her hands to put food in his mouth.

Jay was speechless. This girl has no table etiquette whatsoever. Even the waiters are laughing while watching her.

"What do you use to eat them?" He asks.

"Chopsticks." She told him.

That's when Jay raised his hand and requested Chopsticks. They don't usually use chopsticks in this restaurant so they had to buy one in the nearest Asian store.

For the meantime, Jay has decided to teach May how to use a fork. "May, it's easy. You just stab the meat and put it in your mouth." He said and held her hand to teach her.

"I'm sorry about this." She apologized. She felt so embarrassed for being so ignorant of these kinds of things.

She's never experienced fine dining before. All she ever did was go to work and sleep at home.

"It's ok. You'll get used to it." Jay smiled at her then went back to his seat again but he just knew that he'll be standing up again.

May took a sip of her wine and smiled when she realized that the combination of this steak and this particular wine goes well.

"This is chill. I mean compared at home, I can't enjoy a food when my mother starts nagging. Especially when Ni-ki got in trouble. Ooh, you have no idea how hard it is to put food in your mouth. Especially when she's already yelling." She starts babbling.

She had enough wine for the night again.

"You talk about that while eating?" Jay asks, chuckling.

But then his smile faded when he realized that he had to take appointments to see his father.

"What about you? What do you talk about on the dinner table?" May asks, making Jay stare at his food and lose his appetite.

He rarely had dinner with his parents. He's never been scolded inside the house. If he ever cause trouble in school, his father would educate him inside the faculty. Sometimes inside the car on the way to somewhere.

"May, what are you trying to prove here?" He asked as he dropped his knife and fork.

"What do you mean?" May asked him in confusion.

"You're clearly bringing your family in the conversation. Why so?" He stood up angrily but May has no idea what she did to make him this furious.


"I know what you're doing! You're trying to state the obvious." He spoke before May could finish her sentence.

That's if she really has a response over this.

"What?" She wanted to calm him down and apologize but he wouldn't let her talk.

"That your family is happy, and that you eat together and do all of these cliché family thing like in movies." He waked away from her and went to the terrace to stare at the traffic.

"Who are you fooling, Jay. You're not so special." He whislered to himself and let his tears pour.


A/N: It's been a while. Blame my work. 😭

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