Broken Walls ✔

By greyxry

527K 18.1K 1.7K

{MxM} COMPLETED Liam Moonhovan is a single father with a five-year-old child. He fixates on working and raisi... More

ch 1
ch 2
ch 3
ch 4
ch 5
ch 6
ch 7
ch 8
ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
ch 16
Ch 17
ch 19
Ch 20
ch 21
ch 22
ch 23
ch 24
ch 25
ch 26
ch 27
ch 28
ch 29
Ch 30
Ch 31.
ch 32
Ch 33
Ch 34
Ch 35
Ch 36
Ch 38
Ch 39
ch 40
Ch 41
ch 42
Ch 43
ch 44
Ch 45
Bonus chapter: the more the merrier
Bonus chapter: No more of Alexis
Bonus chapter: First day of school
Last Bonus chapter: Legally Family


11.4K 456 42
By greyxry

Liam Moonhovan.

"Papa is Enzo coming for dinner today?" Alexis asked climbing into one of the seats at the Kitchen island. 

At some point in the week Enzo had stopped by after I picked Alexis up from school, he'd brought her some cupcakes which was all ate and watched some Disney movie that had come out, they we're getting along so well but It has not occurred to me that Alexis would expect him to join our little family dinners with Zach and Zaria. 

Honestly I don't think it's a bad idea, they have to meet them eventually anyway. since he has no plans of leaving "How about we give him a call?" I asked setting down the knife I was using go cut vegetables. "Yay" Alexis smiled as I pulled out my phone and put it on speaker.

"Heyo," he said as he picked up the phone. 

"Hiiiii hiiii, Enzo!" Alexis exclaimed. 

As I put him on speaker, I heard him laugh. "How are you doing, Alexis?" .

"I'm Fine. I just came back from school" she informed. They conversed some more, with Enzo largely asking Alexis questions about school and such. 

"Alright let me talk to him now" I said taking him off speaker. 

"So what's up?"

"Uh nothing....what are you doing today evening?" I asked, nervously, my mind racing with possibilities such as him saying no or thinking it's stupid. 

"Oh, because it's Friday, I'm going to see my parents, do you want to hang out?" He said. 

"Uh, Alexis had wanted to invite you over for dinner, but there's always next time," I admitted, little disappointed. 

"Alexis wanted me to come?" he said, amusement in his tone. 

"Mhm," I nodded, and he remained silent. "Ok, maybe I did too, just a bit," the silence killing me. I could practically feel his smile from the other side of the phone.

"Yea, whatever," I answered hurriedly, "since you're busy, we'll invite you next time." 

"Uh, sorry I couldn't make it," he replied.

 "I don't care. Here talk to Alexis I told him as I handed her the phone.

 I couldn't help but grin as I remembered when she told me she felt like a grown up whenever I allowed her talk on the phone with the twins the majority of the time. 

She gave a little pout as she listened to Enzo, who was probably explaining why he couldn't come.

"But why can't your mama and papa just come too?" She asked, puzzled, which made me laugh. I took up the knife and resumed slicing. 

They continued to chat, with Alexis offering a variety of ideas, one of which was for us to all just go see his parents. "Ok bye bye. Papa here" she said after a moment handing me my phone.

 "Wow, you've raised one hell of a lawyer there," he joked, causing a small chuckle in me. 

"Yea you could say that, so anyway I'll call you later. Have a good time with your parents 

"I stated. "I will, bye" he hung up the phone and I went back to cooking.

I felt heavy in my chest, as if I were actually disappointed that he couldn't come, but i thought nothing of it and focused on what I was doing.

As soon as Alexis heard the car in the parking lot, she ran to open the door for Zaria and Zach. We enjoyed dinner as usual, enthusiastically discussing our next weeks and such. These dinners were never scheduled, but they happened at least twice a month, usually on Fridays, as this one was.





The next morning, I awoke later than usual to the sound of boisterous conversation. I stumbled down the stairs, sleepily, when I was greeted by the aroma of bacon and pancakes. "Morning papa" Alexis said running over to me excitedly and hugging my legs.

 "Good morning, sweetheart," I said with a grin as I picked her up.

 "Look who came" she exclaimed excitedly, directing my gaze to the kitchen.

Zaria was at the stove making the delicious smelling food and Zach was seated on the island stool alongside Enzo. My eyes widened as I looked at him. 

The one day I slept in. 

My thoughts started racing as I wondered whether he'd told them anything. "Good morning," Zaria said with a grin. 

"Liam you're up!" Zach exclaimed as I started walking toward the kitchen. 

Enzo turned to face me with a smile and hummed, "Good morning." I nodded and murmured a small morning to all of them walking over to the counter besides Zaria.

Zach pointed at Enzo and said, "You didn't tell me you had a new friend, and such a cool one." As I set Alexis down, Enzo nodded, causing me to raise an eyebrow. 

Much to my relief he didn't appear to have said anything to them.

 They resumed their conversation about a recent game, and Alexis exited the kitchen, claiming she needed to grab something from her room.

"They've been talking loudly about sports and cars like old friends," Zaria added, making me laugh.

 "Yea, that's what woke me up," I said as I poured myself a cup of coffee. 

I turned to listen to their chat as Zach said, "He could have made that throw, I'm telling you," and I turned to Zaria, knowing nothing about football.

"How long has he been here?" I inquired, concerned. 

"Hmm, about twenty minutes ago when I started cooking breakfast," she shrugged. "We didn't trust him at first, especially since he claimed to be your friend. Then when Alexis saw him. She excitedly run to hug him talking about how she's happy he could come"

 "Mhm," I said as I sipped from my drink. As I sat there watching them converse. "You know now that I think about it they are just the same person in slightly different fonts" I observed making them both turn to me confused and Zaria nodded in agreement.

"How did you two meet in the first place?" Zach spoke as he turned to face us. 

"Uhhhh" I looked at Enzo, who had a panicked and perplexed expression on his face.  It's not like we could tell them we slept together while we drunk. 

"At that café down the street," Enzo said, pointing to the café's general direction with his thumb and I silently sent him a thankful expression to which he just shrugged and smiled. 

"Ohhh, well why didn't you let us meet him till now?" Zach asked once again. 

"You were both out of the country at the time, and Alexis was on a play date," I shrugged. 

"Well, breakfast is ready." Zaria announced 

"Alexis come down for breakfast" I called getting no response.

"I'll go get her," Zach stated as he stood up and walked to the stairwell. 

"Here, let me help," Enzo said as he stood up and took the plate of pancakes from Zaria. 

With the bacon in my hands, I followed him to the dining table. "You should have called me if you were going to come over," I remarked quietly. 

He shrugged and said, "I figured you were already up because you normally are at this time and I could hear talking in the house."

"It's really nice to meet you're friends, and just being here" he said. As we placed the food on the table, I looked up.

 My gaze falling on his. "It is?" I asked, intrigued. 

"Mhm, I live alone, so I rarely have such lively mornings," he shrugged, gently murmuring, "It's nice."

 "We'll you can always join us if you'd like," I hesitantly offered. 

"Really?" Enzo inquired, his eyes bright with anticipation.

 "Yea. Alexis and Zach have taken a liking to you" I said biting my lip "I'm guessing they'd want you around more," I remarked, opting out of the list. 

As we stood there, he grinned.  I couldn't bring myself to look away from his deep brown eyes and I couldn't find it in me to care either. Until I heard Zaria clear her throat and immediately looked away a blush rising to my face.

"Is there anything else?" I asked and she shook her head. Soon after, Zach and Alexis descended the stairs, Alexis clutching a tiny box in her hands. I recognized it from yesterday when she'd come back from school. She refused to tell me what was in it and ran away to hide it. 

She ordered that everyone sit, and I gave her a warning look. Making her sheepishly add a soft "please" 

We all chuckled sitting down. Zach was sat across from me, with Zaria next him and across from Enzo, who was seated alongside me, at a table that could accommodate six people. Alexis took a seat sandwiched between me and Zach at the table's head.

"What is it love?" I asked looking over at her. 

"I made something for everyone" she announced opening the box. "No peaking" she said scolding Zach when he tried to look over making us laugh. "For papa" I put out my hand and she handed it to me instructing me not to open my first or look at it. 

Then did the same to Zach and Zaria before going over to Enzo. "You have to bring your hand so I can give it to you" she said looking at him expectantly. "You made me one too?" Enzo asked surprised. I'm pretty sure we all we're since they'd only met a week ago and hang out twice, but to be fair the first time was for a whole day.

"Yea, I made one for everyone," she added, offering it to him and instructing him to close his hand without seeing. She got into her chair with a smile on her face, removing a blue beaded bracelet from the box. She responded, "OK, you can open now."

 I opened my fist to see one similar to what she was holding but crimson. Looking at the bracelets, we all let out a collective "awww." 

"Papa gets red. Aunty Zar has a purple one. Uncle Zachy got color orange, and Enzo has a green one. I made them in art class" she announced. 

"Is that why you invited Enzo to dinner the other night?" I asked and she excitedly nodded.

"Thank you, sweetie, they are incredible," I said as I slipped mine on. 

"Yeah, they are lovely. Orange is so my color." Zach remarked while putting it on and extending his wrist. Getting her to giggle.

 "Oh I love it so much. Thank you Alexis" Zaria murmured and I could tell she was getting emotional. 

What I'd not expected was to hear a sniffle from Enzo who'd been quiet this whole time. My face erupted in a grin as we all turned to face him.

 "Dude are you crying?" Zach asked first. 

Enzo turned away and muttered, "No." 

"Its ok if you're crying. Zach also did the first few time she gave him a gift" Zaria comforted him. 

As he sniffled again, I could scarcely hold back the laughter that wanted to erupt. "I'm not crying, it's just sweet," he answered, brushing his tears away and turning to face us with a huge smile.

I couldn't contain my laughter any longer and burst out laughing. "Hey, don't be so mean. I've never gotten an arts and crafts bracelet before. It's adorable "he murmured as he softly pushed my shoulder "Alexis, thank you very much. I swear I'll keep it on  forever "As Alexis brightened, he said, making us all chuckle.

Zaria informed us that she would be out of the country for the next month at breakfast, which upset Alexis a little. Aside from that, breakfast went smoothly, and after everyone assisted with cleanup, they all said their goodbyes, with Enzo thanking Alexis once more for the bracelets.

I've always been concerned about him meeting them all, but I'm not sure why. I mean with his lovable personality that even I couldn't hate him, he was sure to get along with them.

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