What If Sonic was in My Hero...

Autorstwa SuperScourge161

46.1K 650 904

The long-awaited continuation of my Sonic X MHA crossover story. Sonic and the rest of 1-A have just gotten t... Więcej

Episode 28: Training Starts Now
Episode 29: Countdown to Chaos
Episode 30: The League of Villains Returns
Episode 31: A Steel Plated Faker
Episode 32: Rescue Mission
Episode 33: Next Stop, the Death Egg
Episode 34: Supersonic Showdown
Episode 35: Move-In Day
Episode 36: The Tornado Takes Flight
Episode 37: Project Shadow
Episode 38: Escape from the City
Episode 39: Shadow of a Doubt
Episode 40: Shut Up Faker!
Episode 41: The Final Countdown
Episode 42: Last Chance
Episode 43: Black Hearted Evil or Brave Hearted Hero?
Episode 44: The Ultimate Lifeform

Episode 27: Welcome to Training Camp

6.1K 54 92
Autorstwa SuperScourge161


"Hey! Sonic the Hedgehog here! I'm sure by now you know the gist of how things work around here! 80% of the planet has superpowers we call 'quirks'. Right now, I'm a UA student at UA on the path to becoming a pro hero. I've faced a few nasty villains so far, but with my speed and my friends by my side, there's nothing that can stand in our way!"

The day is finally here; Class 1-A's camping trip. Sonic is in his room getting ready and doing some last-minute packing for the journey to come.

Tom: Got everything you need Sonic?

Sonic: Just finishing up, Dad! Okay, essentials only. Toothpaste, toothbrush, hair gel, nightlight, this funny-looking hat, my entire comic book collection, beanbag chair... Can a beanbag chair fit in a backpack?

Tom: *laughing* You're only gonna be away for a few weeks, you're not moving out.

After rushing around the room, Sonic now stands in front of his dad with an overstuffed backpack. It's okay, I got everyth- *falls over* Oof! Okay... MAYBE I need less stuff.

Sonic says his goodbyes to his family as he gets ready and takes a rocketing start out the door on his way to school. Sonic speeds his way through the city, over buildings and past cars and people. On his way, he passes by Deku as he's also on his way to the campus. Deku sees Sonic, who just looks at him and grins without stopping as he runs by. Not a single word is spoken but Deku smiles, instantly knowing what they're about to do; Deku focuses his power into his legs and takes off after the blue blur leaving a lightning trail behind him. The race has begun.

Sonic: You might've gotten faster Green Machine, but there's still no way you're beating me!

Deku: We'll see about that Sonic! You were sloppy during our last race. Today just might be my day!

Sonic: Ha! In your dreams!

The two heroes-in-training go head to head as they always do on their way to school. Meanwhile, everyone else is waiting for them outside the campus.

Kirishima: Where the heck are those two?

Kaminari: Ya know for a guy with super speed, you'd think he'd be able to get here faster.

They keep looking in the distance, as Uraraka spots a twinkling in the distance.

Uraraka: Here they come now!

Mineta: Took 'em long enough.

Mina: Hey you guys!

Sonic and Deku are still running toward the others at extremely high speeds, but Sonic manages to outspeed Deku, braking hard before their classmates creating a huge dust cloud. Everyone else is coughing.

Sonic: Ha! Another victory for the undefeatable Sonic the Hedgehog!

Deku: Man, you're fast. Good game, I'll get you next time.

Sonic and Deku high five to show each other "no hard feelings" but the rest of their classmates look a bit annoyed.

Sonic: Oooooooo, hehe... sorry about that guys.

Kaminari: Man, what took you guys so long? You're the last ones here!

Deku: Yeeeeaaaaah... we sort of... took the long way...

Quick flashback to the two of them stopping for a snack on the way at a chili dog stand.

Sonic: Two doggies with the works, pal!

Deku: Make that four, please!

Flashback end.

Uraraka: Aw, were you guys racing again? Man, I wish I could've seen that.

Iida: Sonic! Midoriya! That was very irresponsible! Please do your best to be on time next time.

Sonic: *sarcastically* Yeah, don't worry 'bout it, Iida.


On the bus...

Aizawa: Here's the deal; we'll be on this bus for an hour before our first stop. Make sure you stay focused.

Nobody is listening to Aizawa. Everyone is talking to each other and doing their own thing, as Iida yells at Aoyama for standing. This annoys Aizawa who just turns around.

Aizawa: Why do I bother?

Kaminari: Why aren't we blasting some music?

Sonic: Oh! I gotcha covered buddy. Yo Jiro! *he pulls out a speaker from his bag and tosses it to her* You know what to do!

Jiro: *gives a thumbs up* You got it, dude!

She takes out her phone and plugs it into Sonic's speaker, opening up one of her playlists titled "The Best of Crush 40." Sonic and Jiro both shared an interest in the band and created a playlist of their greatest hits. Jiro scrolls through the playlist and clicks on their song, "Green Light Ride".

Music Insert: 

Kaminari: Aw yeah! Now we're talkin!

Kirishima: I love this song!

Sonic and Jiro: *doing air guitar and headbanging* WE RUN TOGETHER!

Kaminari and Kirishima: ON THIS GREEN LIGHT RIDE!



Uraraka: Deku?!

Iida: I had no idea Midoriya could sing...

Bakugou: Someone PLEASE shut that nerd up.

Mina: Let 'em, vibe guys. Let 'em vibe. 

Kaminari and Kirishima: WE WON TOGETHER!


Aizawa: *in his head* An hour of this. Just great.

The entire class just jams to the song until they make their way to their destination.

Aizawa: Alright everybody out. Don't bother getting your things, this is just a quick stop.

Mineta: *having to use the bathroom* Oh sweet release!

Everyone steps out of the bus to find they are parked in a weird cliff area.

Sonic: Huh, this doesn't look like a rest stop...

Uraraka: Shouldn't the other class also be here?

Sonic: Hold on, lemme text Blaze and see where she's at.

Kaminari: What? No quick-mart? You mean I got off the bus for nothing? Aw screw this, I'm getting back on.

Kaminari tries to get back on the bus but the doors are now locked.

Kaminari: Hey, what gives?!

Kirishima: Dude, just open it.

Kaminari: I'm... trying!

Sonic: Lemme see that. I saw this in a movie once... open sesame! *nothing happens* ...Well, I've done all I can do.

Aizawa: You didn't think this trip would just be all fun and games, did you?

Sonic, Kaminari, Kirishima:...Huh?

Mina: Uh... what does he mean by that?

Mineta: More importantly... where are the bathrooms?

Aizawa: This isn't just going to be a summer camp. This is a training camp. You'll be working hard every single day you're here to master your quirks.

Everyone: WHAT?!

Sonic: But we've been doing that all year long!

Mina: Then what was even the point of passing the final if we were always just gonna do more work anyway?!

Deku: Well actually if you think about it-!

Sonic: Dude just... don't speak. Please. Don't make it worse.

Just then, 2 girls dressed in catsuits appear and introduce themselves as the pro heroes; the Wild Cats.

Deku: WOAH! It's the pro-hero team! The wild pussycats! *he starts going fanboy mode*

Aizawa: They'll be assisting you in your training.

Mandalay: Welcome Class 1-A to your summer training camp! We're so glad to have you here! Now, first thing's first... *she points over the cliff to the forest below* The campgrounds are located that way so get going!

Kaminari: Huh?! You mean we have to get there by ourselves?!

Mandalay flashes an evil smile as she waves her tail around.

Mandalay: Training starts now kids. You've got 3 hours to reach the campsite. Anyone who arrives later than 12:30 won't be getting any lunch.

Jiro: Seriously?! Do you really expect us to run through an entire forest on our own?!

Sonic: Yeah, as fun as that sounds, I think we'll take the shortcut.

Kirishima: I'm on Sonic with that one, let's get back on the bus.

Pixie Bob: Oh no ya don't!

She uses her quirk to make the ground shift and cause a landslide that sends the entire class crashing to the ground below with no way to get back up.


Sonic: Ugh, that sucked.

Mineta: Well, on the bright side... I don't have to use the bathroom anymore.

Pixie Bob: You'll have to get through Beast's Forest to get to the camp! Good luck everyone!

Mina: Uhhh... why's it called Beast's Forest?

Just then a huge monster appears before them seemingly made of dirt and rock and roars at them.


Sonic: Oh ho! That's a big one!

Mina: Could you try not to sound so happy about this?!

Sonic: Well if there's one good thing that comes outta this, it's that I can finally stretch my legs again!

Music Insert:

Sonic smirks, and starts running in place. His legs become a blurring figure 8 as he performs a super peel out, rushing headfirst toward the monster. Sonic dashes past it at high speed before going in for a spin attack, blowing a hole through the monster.

Sonic: How's that! Huh?

The attack proves futile as the monster is able to regenerate the now gaping hole where its stomach would be.

Sonic: Oh great, it's one of these!

As the monster is charging, Deku swoops in and kicks the beast in its gut using Full Cowling, knocking it back.

Deku: We can't let that thing regenerate! Hit it all at once!

Bakugou: *charging at the monster* DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO FUCKING DO!

Bakugou fires several explosions at the monster, while Sonic and Deku distract it. Iida ultimately speeds in with a Recipro Burst kick, taking out the beast's head and defeating the monster, as its dirt body turns to dust and falls to the ground.

Sonic: Well that wasn't SO bad.

Just then, the class hears more roars from within the forest and is intimidated.

Uraraka: How many of them do you think there are?

Tokoyami: And more importantly, how do we plan on getting past them? I have a feeling it's only going to become more difficult from here on out.

Deku: Looks like the head is their weak point. We take those out and the rest of it falls apart.

Kirishima: That's a lot of heads to bust, Midobro. And aside from that, we don't have a clue where we're going.

Kaminari: I got an idea. Jiro and Shoji can use their quirks to figure out where the monsters are. And the more heavily guarded the area means we'll be going in the right direction!

Kirishima: Good thinking man!

Jiro: You do actually use your brain from time to time.

Sonic: Slick thinkin' Livewire! You guys find 'em and the rest of us will flatten them!

Jiro uses her quirk to listen for vibrations and roaring.

Jiro: Okay, 'bout seven more monsters headed north!

Sonic: Gotcha! Deku, you're with me!

Deku: Got it!

Sonic: Everyone else, follow our lead!

Sonic and Deku double boost and take off with the others following behind. Sonic and Deku distract the beasts, as the others take them out.

Kirishima: Take this ya big dirt clods! SHIFT! ROCK! YEAH!

Tokoyami: Dark Shadow go!

Iida: Recipro Burst!

The three of them attack the beast, turning it to dust.

Kaminari: Here goes! 1.3 Million Volts!

Kaminari stuns the beast's head while Jiro uses her jacks to vibrate it and cause it to collapse.

Kaminari: Nice one!

Mina is running, firing acid at the monsters and covering herself with an acid veil, protecting Hagakure and Ochako. The acid causes the monsters to falter, giving Momo an opening. She makes a cannon and starts firing at their heads, destroying them.

Hagakure: Nice one Yao-momo!

Uraraka: Our turn!

She runs and taps several boulders building up ammo, before making herself float in the air. She then kicks the rocks into the beasts' heads, destroying them. She then finds herself above an entire hoard and gets an idea.

Uraraka: Unleash Gravity!

She puts her hands together to perform a Gravity Crash, dropping the rubble onto the monsters, destroying them all at once.

Asui: Nice one, Ochako! Ribbit!

Meanwhile, Bakugou and Todoroki are charging at another beast, as Todoroki begins freezing it.


Todoroki: I'm not in your way.

They rush the beast and destroy it, but the whole forest is still littered with dirt beasts. It takes them a good while to get through it all. In the meantime, Pixie Bob is watching over the chaos as she's controlling all the monsters from a distance.

Pixie Bob: Hahaha! You're no match for me, you hero wannabes!

At the same time, she loses a connection to some of the monsters, as Sonic and Deku are speeding their way through the forest, taking out as many of them as they can.

Sonic: Haha! Here comes the parade!

Deku jumps and punches his way straight through a dirt beast, as Sonic continues running and performs a sweep kick that fires a powerful burst of air at the monster.

Sonic: Sonic Wind!

They keep speeding their way through the forest with the rest of the class not too far behind.

Pixie Bob: Hiya! That's how you wanna play it huh? Time to release the big boy!

Sonic and Deku are still up ahead, making a clearing for the others.

Deku: Nice work you guys!

Sonic: So far so good! Let's keep this momentum going!

The two heroes rush forward before braking hard.

Sonic and Deku: Wuh oh!

Before them stands a dirt monster even bigger than the ones from before. This one has an extremely muscular build and a more humanoid figure. It had glowing red-orange eyes unlike the others to signify that this one means business.

Deku: This one's even bigger than the rest! He must be the final beast!

Sonic: Heh, final boss? No biggie! We got this partner!

Deku: Right! Let's go!

The monster golem tries to smash the heroes with his gigantic fist, but they're too fast for him. They use their enhanced speed to distract the brute and slowly chip away at his head but it's even more durable than the others.

Deku: It's no good! This one's tougher than the ones we've been fighting! It's stronger somehow!

Sonic: Keep him busy while I look for a new angle!

Deku nods as Sonic boosts off, running around the golem in search of a weak point of any kind. As he runs to the golem's backside he notices several small generators on the monster's back. This beast was special; not only manifested by Pixie Bob's quirk but also enhanced by these excess generators on the back, giving Sonic an idea.

Sonic: Gotcha now!

Deku keeps the golem distracted in the front while Sonic homing attacks the generators on the back, causing the golem to shake and stumble around as it begins to lose control of itself. Sonic lands heroically in front of Deku as the golem reveals its final weak point; a power generator on the top of its head.

Pixie Bob: What're you doing?! Squash that blue hedgehog!

The golem in a confused rage slams its arm down and misses Sonic, as it begins to lose power. Sonic sees the opening and makes his move.

Music Insert:

Sonic: Ha! TERIAAAAA!!!

Sonic jumps high into the air above the final generator before flipping midair and kicking down hard on the generator causing it to explode and the golem to fall apart at the seams. Deku smiles and cheers his friend on as Sonic lands heroically before him, striking a pose.

Sonic: Nice try, Rocky!

The others catch up with him and see Sonic next to the now defeated golem.

Kirishima and Kaminari: Alright Sonic!

Uraraka: Nice work you guys!

Shoji: Guys, I see the campgrounds just up ahead! We can make it!

Sonic: Alright, let's get goin'!

After a short trek through the final part of the forest, Class 1-A finally arrives at their destination, exhausted.

Mandalay: Wow, nice work! I was expecting you guys to show up MUCH later. I gotta admit I underestimated you all! As a reward for your hard work...

She reveals to them whole tables full of wonderfully prepared food which the class drools at and celebrates.

Kirishima: Woah! Look at all of that!

Uraraka: I know! I think I'm in heaven!

Mina: Someone pinch me, I'm dreaming!

Pixie Bob: Enjoy this now kids 'cause tomorrow will be brutal!

The others start eating like there's no tomorrow.

Sonic: That's good and all, but I bet they won't have-

Mandalay uncovered a final platter revealing a huge stack of Sonic's favorite food.

Sonic: CHILI DOGS!!!

Sonic runs over to the tray and starts devouring them one by one.

Jiro: You guys NEED to start taking him to therapy, this has to be some kind of addiction. No normal person can eat THAT many chili dogs in one sitting.

Kirishima: Bold of you to assume Sonic is normal.

Kaminari: Bold of you to assume Sonic is a person.

Yaoyorozu: Aw, let him have his reward. He's earned it after all.

In a matter of seconds, the entire plate is gone.

Deku: Holy crap, I think he just hit a new record!

Sonic: *sigh of relief* Okay, NOW I'm in heaven. 

Sonic and the rest of Class 1-A have finally made it to the summer camp, but their training has only just begun. What other challenges lie ahead for our hero and what evil lurks beyond? You'll have to find out next week!

In the meantime, please be sure to check out my other stories as well as my Instagram, @hypershadic_23, where you can find updates on this story and new Sonic content every day!

Thank you and I'll see you next time!

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