Love Me Like You Do (Ianthony...

By Youtube___Lover

31.4K 1.6K 875

Anthony Padilla: A 24 year old, attractive, single man. He has plenty of people trying to win his heart, but... More

Chapter 1: Who?
Chapter 2: Him.
Chapter 3: Me.
Chapter 4: Pain.
Chapter 5: Drowning.
Chapter 6: Halloween.
Chapter 7: Friends?
Chapter 8: Fun.
Chapter 9: No.
Chapter 10: Surprises.
Chapter 11: Ianthony?
Chapter 13: Tension.
Not a chapter:)
Chapter 14: Kiss.
Chapter 15: Christmas.
Chapter 16: 2015.
Chapter 17: Player.
Chapter 18: Lost.
Chapter 19: Okay.
Chapter 20: Happy.
Chapter 21: Feelings.
Chapter 22: Hurt.
Chapter 23: You.
Chapter 24: Learning.
Chapter 25: Planning.
Chapter 26: Date.
Chapter 27: Jealousy.
Chapter 28: Perfect.
Chapter 29: Ready.
Chapter 30: Amazing.
Chapter 31: Hate.
Chapter 32: This.
Chapter 33: Princess.
Chapter 34: Confession.
Chapter 35: Love (FINAL CHAPTER)

Chapter 12: Emotional.

827 38 14
By Youtube___Lover

~Ian's POV~

We decided to do one more activity before the alcohol was brought out in a bit. And, sadly for me, said activity was to be Just Dance. Yikes. And we came up with a joke, the two people with the lowest scores have to do a romantic duet dance together. Cringe. Dan, Phil and Melanie opted to sit out and observe because none of them had ever played a game like this before. And Wes and Amra wanted to sit it out because they didn't want eight people to have to go, it would take much too long. First up was Matt and the song he got was Part Of Me by Katy Perry and the dance moves were just ridiculous,his final score being 6567. Probably much better than I was gonna do, I've never been good at these kind of games; or plat-former games like Mario for that matter.

My turn came next, and I got the song We R Who We R by Ke$ha. Yikes, I'm more of a rock kind of guy myself and I'm definitely not into pop songs that have this kinda beat. I finished with my abysmal score of 3315. I was sweaty and embarrassed with the dance moves I had to do. My concentration wasn't helped with the fact that Anthony was seated directly behind me and was constantly taunting me, furthermore,when my ordeal was over I swear to god I turned around and caught him staring at my ass. Or maybe it's just my hopeful imagination. Okay, I need to shut those thoughts down right now. 

Ironically enough Anthony was up next, with You Make Me Feel Good by Cobra Starships. I discovered, as David pointed out, that Anthony dances like he's a Muppet and he can't keep his ass in his damn pants- even though he was wearing a belt- and it was very, uh, interesting to watch. He finished with a score that, although better than mine, was not great. 5156. So far, it was Anthony and I and I was praying that someone had a gigantic flop of a score to knock him out of the bottom two, or this is gonna get real awkward.

My prayers were not answered this time.


My score was obliterated by everyone else's. It was slightly humiliating to say the least. David came first, followed by Matt, then Josh and Mari following close behind. Anthony and I were currently being forced to do this 'romantic' (stupid) duet to some One Direction song. 

I'm not gonna say it wasn't slightly fun but the fact that there were people watching us dance and laughing about our failures made it not-so-enjoyable. And the fact Anthony kept touching me. My face, my waist, my arms. And he kept smiling too, the bastard. I feel like he threw his own dance so he could end up dancing with me, resulting in my embarrassment. 

After the torment of that dance I slipped Anthony's hoodie off over my head, feeling too warm in it for comfort. I completely forgot about the tattoo until David pointed it out. "Hey Ian, why do you have tape on your arm?"

I bit my lip before answering, "uh, about that, I kinda have a tattoo now." I told everyone listening, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. 

 "A what?!" Mel yelled loudly, making me wince. 

"A tattoo. I took him to get it earlier. Birthday present," Anthony said calmly, saving me.

Melanie scowled at him before turning back to me. "And what is it a tattoo of may I ask?"

Anthony saved me, yet again. "He got a symbol from this website I started when I was younger."

Mari looked at me with her eyebrows raised. "Ian, why would you do that? It has no meaning to you if it's this website he started when he was younger."

"I don't know, to be honest. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and it is a pretty cool symbol. It looks sweet," I told her reassuringly. 

Can I see it?" She asked, curious now. 

Anthony spoke before I could respond, "no, he's not supposed to take the duct tape off for a while, but I have the same symbol on my opposite arm so you can see mine." He then slipped off his jacket, revealing his tattoo covered arms for everyone to see. 

Everyone crowded close to examine the symbol when I suddenly heard Josh break out into a fit of laughter. When everyone gave him strange looks he stopped laughing to shoot me a smirk. "You guys have matching tattoos on opposite wrists, that's so ridiculously cute. Especially if you guys hold hands they'll line up," he explained, clearly trying to refrain from laughing more. Which is good because now I wanted to punch him.

Everyone paused for a second in awkward silence before the room filled with the sound of laughter. Dan cackled his annoyingly nice-sounding laugh and shot me a dimple-filled smile. "That is adorable. So romantic," he said cheekily. 

I tried to stand straighter to even attempt to match his obnoxiously tall height before I sassed him back. ''Shut it, heart eyes Howell!''

He tilted his head in confusion, looking genuinely lost for a second before his British accent met my ears again. "And what is that supposed to mean, bowl hair?" He questioned angrily. It was obvious he knew what I was referring to, or he wouldn't be getting so defensive about it towards me. 

I self-consciously fiddled with my hair when he said that, even though I know he didn't mean to actually be rude. People always tease me about my hair and it makes me feel like I need to change it right this second. Anthony was in front of me in the seconds I didn't answer and I took a step back at his close proximity. "Okay guys, that's enough teasing. It was just a misunderstanding, not a 'romantic' thing. Let's just get the alcohol going shall we? And Dan, go put some damn music on." He instructed everyone, in that commanding voice that just makes me feel weak at the knees- last time he used it on me was..that night. 

I shook my head to erase those thoughts for the time being and instead gave Anthony a thankful smile as he turned and walked past me, patting my shoulder as he wandered to the kitchen. I looked at Mari and Melanie and they were giving me ecstatic smiles. I sighed before shaking my head at how excited they looked. "Don't say a word guys, not one word."


I hate when people drink, it makes them so different. This is exactly what I was thinking as my friends danced, laughed and, most importantly, drank around me. It's my twenty-fourth birthday and I, for some stupid reason, decided to stay sober. Last time I drank I ended up sleeping with Anthony, so maybe I make bad decisions. Okay, I take that back. It wasn't a bad decision, just a foolish one.

My thoughts were interrupted when Mr. Padilla himself plopped himself down on the couch beside me, resting his head on my shoulder as he laughed for seemingly no reason. "H-hey Blue Eyes. How ya' doin'?" He slurred. 

I had to hold in a laugh at how clearly drunk he was. "I'm doing good Anthony. How about you?"

"I-I'm lonelyyyyyyyy," he told me, dragging out the 'y' at the end. 

"How can you possibly be lonely? You're in a room full of people," I told him gently. 

"I k-know that. I mean I want someone to love me. I want someone to sleep with me." He didn't seem to realize that love and just sleeping with someone were two very different things. 

"Your friends love you, "I informed him, getting slightly uncomfortable as his lips brushed against my neck. 

"T-that's not the kind of love I mean, Ian. And I'm feeling realllllly turned on right now, this grey shirt really brings out how blue your eyes are," He said as his lips moved against my neck as he talked. 

"Uh, thanks, dude. Do you think you could get your mouth off my neck, please?" I asked, trying to be patient with him.

"Sure, no probs." I was relieved for a second until he flopped onto his back, his head on my lap as he looked up at me. 

I felt this warmth course through me and I shifted uncomfortably. Without saying a word he took my hand into his and brought it to his hair. I understood immediately what he wanted and gently dragged my fingers through his hair. He let out a sigh and put his hands on his stomach, shutting his eyes and relaxing his body. I caressed his hair for a few seconds in silence before his right hand grabbed my left. I saw the 'Smosh' symbol on his wrist and glanced at my left wrist, seeing the duct tape matched up with his tattoo as he laced our fingers together. I didn't know how long we sat like that- hands laced together, his head on my lap and my hand running through his hair- before I realized the music had stopped, as had the loud talking of my friends. I looked up to see a sober Phil helping an obviously intoxicated Dan up the stairs, Mari passed out curled up in a ball on the love seat across from us, the guys all trudging towards the stairs after sending me slurred words along the lines of "Happy Birfday Ian", and Melanie heading towards me from across the room. 

She patted my shoulder as she went past me and saying a simple "Happy Birthday Ian, have a good sleep."

 Then it was just me and Anthony in the quiet of the room. 

His brown eyes opened slowly and he looked into my own blue ones deeply, causing my hand to pause midway through his hair. "What are you doing to me, Ian?" He asked cryptically before his eyes drifted shut again and his breathing evened into that of a sleeping persons. 

I tilted my head in confusion, why is drunk Anthony always so emotional?

That was the last thought in my mind as my head tilted back against the couch and my eyes drooped shut, my hand unconsciously making its way to rest on Anthony's cheek softly. This has been a pretty good Birthday, I suppose.


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