The Gods of Highschool

By Darkpanda22

4.5K 65 38

Newly seniors, The Creatures and friends, thought their last year of high school would go by smoothly but hap... More

The Gods of Highschool
The Last Day of Summer
A New Year
New Challengers Have Appeared
Strange Things Happen - Part 1
Strange Things Happen - Part 2
The Gods & The Back Stories Part 1
Update (Next Chapter Coming Soon)
The Gods & The Back Stories Part 2
Gah. I'm so stupid.
Relationships - Part 1
Relationships - Part 2
The Newcomer - Part 1
The Newcomer - Part 2
Training Begins
Run, Baby, Run
The Old Friend & The Other Half
To Zeus' House We Go
The Face Off & New Arrivals
The Time Has Come
The Dark Revealed
I'm not dead! Just really busy.
The Story of Marzia

The Derp Crew is Back

45 0 0
By Darkpanda22

Ello Readers~! It's officially spring break for me so I'm back with two chapters~! Woo! Alright well here's the next two chapters! 


After their short drive, the six teens found themselves in front of the creature house. “We’re finally here!” Smarty cheered as he stepped out of the car and stretched. “Hell yeah!” Galm smiled wide as Tom wrapped an arm around his shoulders, his smile mirroring their own. “You think they’ll be surprised?” Smarty shrugged “Probably. But hey, we’re here now.” Jose, Alex and Jess stepped out of the car moments later and started to stretch as well. “So we’re meeting Ze and Chilled?” Smarty nodded, his smile growing wider. “Yeah. And we have some other friends that you guys will be meeting too.” Galm nodded continuing on, laughing a little “It’s a lot of people. Oh and Ze said they met some more of Nick’s friends so I don’t know if they’re here on not.” Jess nodded and, smiled widely at the thought of more friends. “Alright, let’s go then!” Alex smiled as Jose nodded toward the door with a small smile. Smarty nodded once and led the way to the front door and knocked loudly. Seconds later, they were met with Jordan. “Hey! How you guys been?” There were a chorus of greeting from the teens, then Smarty smiled before it faltered a little “Hey Jordan! Oh y’know. School still sucks but we thought we’d come up for the weekend and visit.” Jordan’s smile wavered at the mention of school before he was smiling just as wide “Well, I’m glad you guys are here! Oh and who are these people behind you?”

Galm smiled as he introduced the three “This is Jose, Alex and Jess! They helped Smarty out with the whole..situation..and we wanted you guys to meet them!” Jordan nodded, his smile growing wider “Well, come in, come in!” Jordan stepped aside and allowed the six into the house. Talking and laughing was heard in the living room so they walked toward the sounds, the three boys feeling back at home in the house they used to spend a lot of their time in. Jordan shut and locked the door before following them into the living room and getting the group of teens’ attention. “Guys! We got some guests!” Everyone looked up from their conversations to the six before Ze and Chilled sprung off the sofa and raced over to pull them into hugs, yells of their names filling the air with the other teens laughed and watched. Ze hugged Smarty first while Chilled grabbed Galm and Tom then Ze wrapped an arm around Chilled and Smarty wrapped an arm around Chilled and then it was a big group bear hug between the 5 guys. After a second they separated and Chilled spoke first “The Derp Crew is baaaaaack~!!” They laughed loudly and greeting were thrown at them from the others in the room before the attention turned to the three new people. “Oh yeah. Guys, this is Jose, Alex, and Jess. They’re some new friends we made.” At that, more greetings were thrown at them and soon enough everyone was laying around getting caught up and getting to know their three new friends.


Toby didn’t know what he was going to do. Marzia wasn’t opening up about what happened to her and about why she had the tail while he was going crazy about his own ability. He hadn’t told Marzia that something was wrong with him. He knew she would run away from him as soon as he told her, it was what everyone else did. Toby shook his head as tears threatened to fall. His own parents had tossed him out to the curb when they realized their son wasn’t normal. His ability was a weird ability to have but, it still scared people that he could do it. He found out around the age of 4 that he could skate…without skates. It wasn’t until the age of 12 when gold wheels would appear under his feet and match the size of his feet as he grew. Then when he would skate, the wheels would grow flames on them and the more flames that appeared the faster he would go. He became one with the wind and the wheels never touched his feet yet they were always there. His parents found him skating around his room at the age of 16 and kicked him out shortly after. Then he found Marzia. She was like his sister and he’d do anything to protect her, so he took up Qiang fighting, or Spear fighting in Chinese. He liked the feel of having a spear in his hands but, really, that just made more people run away from him, expect Marzia.

Marzia was always the only person to stay; the only person to take up for him. She was now his family and he’d protect her with his life for everything she had done for him. Toby sighed as the tears now ran freely down his face. It hurt when she kept secrets from him but he was keeping one of his own so he had to deal with it for the time being. He sniffled and wiped away his tears before he let out another sigh. Marzia would be home from school any minute now and he couldn’t let her see him like this, so he entered the bathroom and took a quick shower, changed clothes and cleaned up the house. He had just started to look for something to make for dinner when he heard tires screeching then the door flung opened. He rushed toward the door, a little surprised when he saw Marzia. “Marzia? What’s wrong?” She jumped at his voice “Toby! Don’t scare me like that!” Toby looked down and frowned “Sorry Marzia…are- are you alright?”  She frowned “It’s happening again.” His frown deepened “Again?! Well come on and lay down before the changes start.” Toby rushed over to her and helped her up as she nodded and he led her up to her bedroom and laid her on the bed. ‘She’ll need something to drink after everything happens..’ He thought and with a little nod to himself, he left for the kitchen as she got comfortable on the bed. Though just as he got a glass from the cabinet, he heard her scream.

He immediately dropped the glass, causing a loud crash and he tapped into his ability and zoomed up the stairs and was next to her a second later, watching in amazement as the light lavender scales started to appear on her shoulders and her legs melted together into a mass of skin, muscles, and bones. Then the scales covered her long, dragon-like tail and glowing swirls appeared on her arms and collected at her hands, making them glow white. Then she fell back onto the bed, breathing heavily. He stared at her tail, slowly swaying back and forth, and he couldn’t help but think he wasn’t alone anymore. There was someone else who had an ability and even though they weren’t normal, he was happy. “T-toby? M-my t-throat..” He frowned, his worry returning. “Oh! Sorry, give me a minute!” He ran out the room and back down to the kitchen, being careful to step over the glass on the ground and made a glass of water before he was zipping back up the stairs and handing it to Marzia. He watched her drink it fast then the room was silent until the curiosity started to gnaw at him. “M-marzia? What happened to you to get these..?” She frowned before she sighed “I’d have to tell you sooner or later so…Have a seat Toby. This story might take a while…”


Spencer sighed as he fell back into his bed. He hadn’t been able to go back to the ‘Creature House’ since Zeus had made his presence known as he had been training harder than he ever thought imaginable. He was given a god that allowed him to control nature and it was much harder than he thought it would be. He had also heard the whole story of what was happening and what was going to happen. He didn’t believe it at first but, really, who would given it was a story of gods and powers and ancient wars. It sounded much more like a myth then reality but he realized that the start of the myths was speaking to him at that moment. Zeus had always been just a story but now, here he was standing in front of him and joining him in a fight. But as of right now, he was given a sort of break. A mission to search for to more people. He was told they already had their gods housed in them and have had them since they were born and that was what scared him. Was Zeus training him because he knew they would be too strong for him? Was he even ready for a fight if there had to be one? Spencer didn’t know, but what he did know was, he was looking for a girl with a long, dragon-like tail and boy with golden wheels under his feet. He sighed again as he stuffed his face into a pillow. “This is gonna be a long two weeks..”


On to the next one~! 

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