Numbness - Larry Stylinson AU

Par WriterAttHeart

1.8K 25 16

Harry is an orphan. His father kicked him out when he was six after the death of his mum and sister. He blame... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

205 2 0
Par WriterAttHeart

Harry woke up the following day in the worse pain he had ever felt. The number of times he was tied up in different positions and then repeatedly beaten the shit out of him, he wonders how he isn't in a coma yet. They had been in that playroom for about seven hours, and Simon went at it and then the other eight came down for the last two hours. The night was fuzzy to Harry, but he does remember when he was changing, seeing his torso one big bruise. He doesn't know if he has a single spot on his body that isn't covered with cuts or bruises.

He moves the best he can, grabs his stuff, and does his daily routine again. Once he gets to school, he goes to the field to get a head start on his job. He saw that Fizzy had taken a look at the workbook and begun to work through it. Harry told her that she could ask him if he needed her to clarify something. He also gave a chance to use three hints per level per subject, but if she needs clarification, that doesn't count as a hint.

Once again, Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn come to the field in the morning, but Louis, Liam and Zayn are playing football while Niall sits quietly beside Harry.

"Fiz told me how much she likes the little workbook you put together for her," Niall said. "Well, she told Lou, and Lou won't shut up about it today," Niall said with an eye roll, and Harry nodded.

"Well, it seems to work, and as I said, she's smart just learns differently," Harry said as he was helping someone with their biology homework.

"Well, either way," Niall said with a shrug.

"I need to go write a test," Harry said after he checked the time. He was supposed to start fifteen minutes before the class started so he had enough time to get settled and for the teacher to explain everything first. Harry packed up, got up, and walked/limped away from the best he could. All the boys noticed and wanted to ask what happened but knew Harry would ignore them.

None of the boys see Harry all day since Harry is writing a test in every class and settled in the student assistant room downstairs, so he isn't disturbed.

After today and yesterday's beatings, Harry is drained and needs rest, but he needs to cook and then he has probably a thirty-minute to an hour window where they are eating and won't disturb him.

That is basically how the rest of the week goes. Harry spends the whole school day writing tests. He spends lunch doing his tutoring and checking on Fizzy's progress. He then goes back to the house and makes lunch and dinner. Either takes a nap or works during the time he eats. HE then gets raped in his room or brought down to the playroom and used as a sex toy. During the night, Harry would sleep for three hours on and off and then go down to the living room and do either school work, tutoring or checking on Fizzy progress. He made a private folder about what mistakes she is making and where she is getting stuck, so that is where Harry knows he needs to go over when he sees her on Sunday.

On Sunday, they work on Fizzy content for school and have some basics down. She understands a bit easier but is still very confused. Like last week, Harry made her a cheat sheet to write his notes on the contents and make it in the format that Fizzy best understands. He then went over some of the concepts she wasn't fully getting in the workbook, and by the end of Sunday, she passed two levels and got a sticker and her next clue.

"Now Harry, I want to talk about your rate," Jay said when Fizzy and Harry were done, and Louis was sitting at the table waiting to drive Harry home.

"What about it?" Harry asked, and Jay sighed.

"You are a 24/7 tutor to Fizzy. You help her through text. You created workbooks with a lesson, homework, cheat sheets, and lesson summary, not to mention that you turned it into a game and had to create five different mysteries and clues for each level. On top of that, you still come here every Sunday to help her with her current lessons. I don't think only getting paid for your work on Sunday is enough. I can't even imagine how long it took you to work on this for her, and I feel bad, so I want to pay you for those times as well during the work," she said, and Harry quickly shook his head.

"You don't have to. I like helping Fizzy, and it is no problem for me. Calculating that will be hard, considering it isn't a set amount of time I spend with her. Sometimes she doesn't need anything. Sometimes it's just something small or clarification. When it is something big, it doesn't take that long, and it's no problem because I don't mind one bit. Getting paid for Sunday is fine with me," Harry argued back, but Jay didn't have it.

"I still think it is unfair. You are doing above and beyond for my daughter, and I need to compensate properly for what you do," Jay said, and Harry shook his head. "I am paying you a hundred an hour for now. I might raise it again, and if you and Fizzy spend a lot of time working during the weekdays, I will transfer you the money for those times as well. I will not take no for an answer and will only listen if you have a solution for me to pay you during the weekdays.

"A hundred is too much," Harry argued back, but Jay just shrugged and leaned back in her chair. "You have seven kids to support, and both you and Dan work hard for that money. Keep that money and put it into their future."

"I am. You are helping Fizzy's future," Jay said, and Louis chuckled.

"You walked straight into that one, mate," Louis said, chuckling, and Harry heavily sighed. He knows he isn't winning this argument.

"Another solution is I pay you a hundred a day and then on Sunday, a hundred an hour," Jay said, and Harry stood there shocked. He was wondering if this woman had just lost it. "Well, on the days you and Fizzy spend more time that hundred would rise to however long you spend."

"Okay, I will take the first option. A hundred per hour on Sundays and during the weekends, you can pay me for when we spend more time on her work," Harry said, and Jay just shrugged.

"Good, I will transfer your eight hundred now," she said and got up, grabbing her phone and walking away, effectively ending the conversation. Harry stood there shocked once again and wondered what the hell had just happened. Why is she acting like this? Most people would be happy with the free tutoring.

"You know I calculated it. You spend about six hours in total during the weekdays tutoring me. Technically that should be fourteen hundred, not eight hundred," Fizzy said, and Harry sighed.

"I'm assuming you told her that?" Harry asked, and Fizzy nodded happily.

"You all have the stubbornness in your genes," Harry muttered under his breath and shook his head.

Louis chuckled and said, "at least now you know where we got it from. But if it really makes you feel so bad, then you can treat me to ice cream."

"Oh, me too," Fizzy said, raising her hands and then sounds of footsteps came running down the stairs.

"Did someone say ice cream?" Daisy asked, and Louis nodded.

"Yup, Harry is treating us to ice cream," Louis said, running up and picking Daisy.

"YAYYYY!" The twins yelled, and Louis put her down, and they ran upstairs to get ready. Harry stood there and blinked. He is sure that every time he steps foot in this house, he never knows what is going on.

"Let's go, Curly," Louis said with a smirk, and Harry just grabbed his bag and followed him out the door. Fizzy and Lottie sat in Louis's car, and both sets of twins were in Jay's car, and they drove to the ice cream parlour. Harry was looking out the window, wondering what game Louis was playing here. The Tomlinson's confuse the crap out of him. They are all so lovely and the best people to be around, but he doesn't understand what is special about him. He doesn't get it.

At the ice cream parlour, they all order their ice cream, and Harry doesn't get anything, but Louis gets two and shoves the other one in Harry's hand.

It turns out Harry didn't end up paying. He did when they bought it, but then Jay transferred the money back into his account, and he sighed because she transferred twenty pounds over the total. He knows they are a right family, with Jay being the head nurse in a private hospital and Dan being a CEO of a very successful company. However, do they all throw money out like that? He doesn't get it, but he doesn't understand anything about the Tomlinson-Deakin family.


For the next two weeks, Harry constantly sees Louis and Niall everywhere he goes. Louis is continually trying to talk to Harry, and sometimes Harry would talk back to others he would stay silent. Harry found out that Louis is the football team captain, with Liam as his second hand. He also found out that they are pretty popular and have a lot of friends, which begs why it is so important to them to befriend. Niall understands because they have history, but Louis is a mystery to Harry.

The entire week he is constantly feeling his walls begin to fall and everything he needs to build them back up before they do. He can't afford it, as he told himself many times before. He found his emotions start to resurface for brief seconds, and then pushing them back down is getting harder and harder. It doesn't help that Louis treats Harry like a close friend and would tell him about his day and what he is thinking about. Harry found out that Louis is also a hilarious guy, and it is hard for him to hold in his laughter. He does, but it's hard. Louis is getting through, and that is only scaring Harry more. Harry hates to admit it, but a slight crush had developed on Louis, and he came to that realization when he found himself staring at Louis talking when he was driving him home one day after his tutoring with Fizzy.

Niall has also pushed more and is getting closer. Harry feels the pull to him as he did when they were young and found himself wanting to call Niall to talk and has to pull away for that not to happen. He hates how much in a month, the two have already been so close to shattering everything he built to protect himself from his brain. His own life.

What keeps him in check is the constant hell with Simon and the others. Harry goes to the playroom four times a week, where he gets so severely beaten that he wonders when he will end up in the hospital after one of these sessions. He gets beat up daily, and anytime any of them walk past his, he gets shoved to the ground or pulled over their laps and got spanked. He gets raped every night by at least five people each night.

He still cuts and has cut even more now needed to see the blood flow out and the need for that familiarity. That comfort. He doesn't bother hiding it anymore from the people in the house since they all know, and it's become Nick's favourite thing to put wax in it when he plays with Harry. He keeps it hidden at school, especially with Niall and Louis constantly around him.

All of that became a routine for him. He had even begun to get used to Louis and Niall and found a way to keep them at bay and not break his walls by building another one, and he has retreated more from them.

Niall and Louis both noticed this and were getting frustrated that it was going nowhere with Harry. They had both caught Nick or Greg beating HArry up in the halls and wanted nothing more than to kick them off the team but the coach won't allow it until it was someone on the team that they bullied because kicking him off won't stop that bullying. Louis was pissed, and so was Liam, Zayn and Niall, but they couldn't do anything. The one time they tried to help, Harry had asked them to stay out of it and for them to leave him alone.

Another month had passed with this routine going on, and Harry was happy that Louis and Niall had pulled back slightly. They still tried to talk to him every day but weren't as pushy about it. Harry knows they changed their tactic and feel bad for making this so hard for them, but he isn't ready for his walls to be down. He does know that his crush on Louis had only ever grown since he started to notice little things about Louis. That only makes him more frustrated and want to kick a tree.

It was a Monday, and on Monday's Harry got the worse of it because the whole weekend, no one was allowed to touch him because of the cooks and maids that stay for the weekend. Harry was in the playroom, and it was just the beginning. He was being hung by his wrist and neck, completely naked and at their mercy. All eight boys were in the room, but Simon was the one circling Harry like a predator taunting his prey.

Harry was starting to get tired from the lack of sleep catching up to him for the past two months and from being hung. He jolts awake when he gets tased in the back. He widens his eyes and screams in pain. He wasn't used to this. This is new and unexpected. It doesn't help that Simon drenches him with water and circles him again before tasering him, this time right below his left ribs.

"You have been a boy. You've been lazy with your cooking and refuse to help the other with their work, and you got Nick and Greg suspended for a week because they were trying to teach you a school lesson," Simon said, and Harry was confused. They never went to the principal office. He doesn't remember hearing any of that, and their last beating was on Friday, and they were at school today.

Simon tased him again, getting closer and closer to his heart. Harry couldn't keep the cries of pain in anymore. Simon laughs and walks around and tases him for long and short break times. After a while, he turned to the other eight, who got up and grabbed a bat that Harry didn't even realize was under their chairs. They went at Harry like he was a pinata, and Harry was swinging around from the force until he finally stopped, and Harry was in so much pain. He could barely breathe and was sure he had a few broken ribs, to say the least.

"Since you like bleeding so much," Simon said and grabbed a belt and whipped Harry so hard that it broke the skin. At this, Harry didn't scream. This was something he was used to, and he barely had to energy or the voice to scream. His brain was going blank, and he was slipping away from his body and losing his person becoming the shell he always becomes during these abuses.

Simon continued his abuse on Harry, getting more and more satisfied seeing Harry getting more and more bruised and getting more and more blood flowing out of his body. When he had hit every part of Harry until he bled, Simon lowered him and tied him to the bed. He then gave everyone knives and used Harry's body to teach them how to do knife play, but of course, they broke the skin on purpose.

When they were satisfied once again with their work, they double penetrated him. They tightened Harry's collar, so it was cutting off some of his air circulations and entered him. With the lack of blood and air and the amount of pain he is in, Harry passed out before the first pair came.

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