His girls (Roc Royal love sto...

By DDlolx2

486K 9.8K 2.5K

My life is not all that great. my name is Dimond I am 15. I have a little sister she is four and lord she has... More

His girls (Roc Royal story )
i really do love you no matter how much I get mad at you Roc
getting to know the truth about her
you are here whenever i need you :) <3
You really hurt me this time
maybe you did lose me for good
im there for you to
i am sorry that I pushed you away .. but i want you now
why don't you love me
this time you pushed the both of us away
why did you come back
just for now
never really knew ...
having trouble feelings for both
Never know who's really there
meet and greet
new group
going to make you mine
kiss me like I want to be loved
just the party

Open Road ..

18K 433 104
By DDlolx2

                           It was lunch time and I was so mad a Princeton because of what he had said to me he doesn't now anything ! I walked into the lunch room and I went to the round table that they boys and I sit at when we don't go out for lunch. The boy were at the table talking an eating their lunch and When I looked at Prince he had the only smile on his face like nothing ever happened. When I sat down at the table next to Roc Princeton looked at me and lost his smile and rolled his eyes.

Roc : well you late *smiles and kisses Dimond on the cheek*

RayRay : Hold up here ! what was that all about ?!

Roc : it was jist a kiss *laughs*

Prodigy : but Roc just doesn't just kiss Dimond like that  out of nowhere ?!

Princeton : they are dating !


Dimond : Dating *laughs*

Prodigy : since when ??

Dimond : since yesterday 

RayRay : but you just broke up with Mariah not to long ago Roc ..

Princeton : that's exaclty what i said 

Dimond : *looks at Princeton and rolles her eyes*

Roc : yes I know but when I hurt Dimond because i was so into Mariah at that time i noticed how much i loved her and how I never want to hurt Dimond ever again like I did before 

Dimond : *looks at Roc and smiles at him*

Roc: *smiles back and kisses her on the lips*

RayRay : get it Roc !! 

Princeton : *mummbles* i can't take this * gets up from his seat and walks out of the lunch room*

Prodigy : *grabs Princeton's arm* you alright ?

Princeton : Prod get off of me ..

Prodigy :*shurgs his shoulders and lets go of Princeton*

            I stopped kissing Roc once I saw Princeton leave , what was his issue with me dating Roc? Yes Roc might that "player" type but still Prince couldn't see how perfectly happy I was with Roc. At this point I didn't care how Princweton felt about me and Roc. After school Roc walked me to Sparkels school then walked us back home.

Roc : Princeton seem pretty mad today ..

Dimond : oh he was 

Roc : how come ?

     I didn't know if i should tell Roc why Prince was mad because that would just start some type of drama that i don't need in my life at this point I have to much going on right now, so I decided not to tell Roc. I shurgged my shoulders 

Dimond : not sure but you were able to tell that he was pissed off 

Roc : true, I am going to call him later to see whats up with him .. or maybe I will just stop by his place to talk to him 

Dimond : good luck with that 

   Roc looked at his watch and stood up 

Roc : damn it !

Dimond : whats wrong ?

Roc : I am going to be late for foortball tryouts !

Dimond : you didn't tell me you had football tryouts today 

Roc : yea i know sorry about that but i really have to go 

Sparkel : do you really have to go 

     Roc walked up to Sparkel and kissed he on the forehead 

Roc : yes Princess I am sorry that I have to leave so early but next time i will stay longer i promise 

Sparkel : promise ?

Roc : *smiles* Promise 

    Roc walked up to me and kissed me on the lips 

Roc : I will call you when im done 

        Roc was out that door so fast i didn't even get a chance to say bye , I sighed and shurgged it off but something didn't seem right , RayRay loves football and if there was football tryouts RayRay would have been talking about it all day and RayRay hasn't said a word about football tryouts so that was a little weird. I went to my room closed the door and called RayRay

                                        { Phone convo }

RayRay : hello ?

Dimond : hey um Ray can i ask you something ..

RayRay : sure anything 

Dimond : is there football tryouts today ?

RayRay : um no .. the school is not even playing football this year because they are to foucused on basketball .. sadly 

    When Ray told me this I wanted to cry , my heart was broken why would Roc lie to me about something like this ? Roc was hiding something from me and I wnated to know what it was , I should have listened to Prince ..

RayRay : why do you ask ?

Dimond : just wondering and thanks 

   With that I hung up the phone .. Roc was going to get it tomorrow ...

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