Avengers: With Ghost Rider, D...

By SethCauble

20.7K 373 40

Imagine if Ghost Rider, Deadpool and Venom were also part of the Avengers team. Can they help save the world... More

Meet Johnny Blaze
Meet Eddie Brock
Meet Wade Wilson
Meet Bruce Banner
New Faces at S.H.I.E.L.D.
Meeting Loki and butting heads with Iron Man
Thor kidnaps Loki
First meeting
Truths Revealed
Getting out of Control
Unleash the Hulk
Engine Repair or Game Over
The End?
Loki's Past
We're Back in Action
Final Battle Part 1
Final Battle Part 2

There's Still Hope

519 12 3
By SethCauble

Steve, Johnny and Eddie made it to Natasha's room.

Steve: Time to go.

Natasha: Go where?

Johnny: We found out where Loki's gonna launch the attack.

Steve: Can you fly one of those jets?

Clint appeared out the back.

Clint: I can.

Eddie: Whoa. Whoa. Is he safe?

Natasha nodded yes.

Steve: You got a suit?

Clint: Yeah.

Steve: Then suit up.

They marched to the aircraft. Tony was going to fly behind them.

Clint: Believe we haven't met. Clint Barton. Hawkeye.

Johnny: Johnny Blaze. Ghost Rider.

Eddie: Eddie Brock. Venom.

Clint nodded.

Clint: Cool.

When the made it to the aircraft, a guy protested.

"Hey, you're not authorized-"

"Son" Steve interrupted "Just don't."

He got out. They piloted the jet. Tony flew behind them.

Eddie: You think Wade's gonna make it in time?

Johnny: Knowing Wade, he wouldn't miss it for the world. He's probably gonna show up in the goofiest way possible.

Clint: Wade?

Johnny: Wade Wilson. Also known as Deadpool.

Clint: The names are hardcore by the way.

They smiled (awkwardly)

Meanwhile with Tony

Selvig was powering up the device.

JARVIS: Sir, I've turned off the arc reactor. The device is already self sustaining.

Tony: Shut it down, Dr. Selvig.

Selvig: It's too late! She can't stop now! She wants to show us something! A new universe.

Tony: Ok.

He said, disinterested.

He fired, but it had a force field that knocked Selvig cold and Tony out of line.

JARVIS: The barrier is pure energy. It's unreachable.

Tony: Yeah, I got that. Plan B.

He looked down at Loki. He looked up at him with a smug grin on his face.

JARVIS: Sir, the mark 7 is not ready for deployment.

Tony: Then skip the spinning rims. We're on the clock.

He landed and took his armor off.

He was going to have a chat.

Loki: Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity.

Tony: Uh, actually I'm planning to threaten you.

He said casually.

Loki: You should've left your armor on for that.

Tony: Yeah. Needed a bit of milage and you've got the glow stick of destiny. Would you like a drink?

Loki: Stalling me won't change anything.

Tony: No. No. No. Threatening. No drink? You sure? I'm having one.

Loki: The Chitauri are coming. Nothing will change that. What have I to fear?

Tony: The Avengers. That's what we call ourselves. We're sorta like a team. Earth's mightiest heroes type thing.

Loki: Yes. I've met them.

Tony: Yeah. Takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one. But let's do a head count, here. Your brother, the demigod, a super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend, a man with breath taking anger management issues, a couple of master assassins, three if you count the red ninja guy with a hankering for violence, the devil's bounty hunter, kind of like today's Lone Ranger on a motorcycle, a carnivorous alien, and you, big fella, you've managed to tick off every single one of them.

Loki: That was the plan.

Tony: Not a great plan. When they come, and they will, they'll come for you.

Loki: I have an army.

Tony: We have a Hulk.

Loki: I thought the beast had wandered off.

Tony: You're missing the point. There's no throne. There's no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us but it's all on you. Cause if we can't protect the earth,you can be darn well sure we can avenge it.

He then sips his drink. Loki walks slowly forward.

Loki: How will your friends have time for me when they're so busy fighting you.

He put his scepter to his heart to hypnotize him. But it didn't work. Tony's arc reactor in his chest stopped it.

Loki: This usually works.

Tony: Well, performance issues, not uncommon. One out of five-

Loki interrupted by strangling him. Then throwing him left.

Tony: JARVIS. Anytime now.

Loki grabbed him by the neck again.

Loki: You will all fall before me.

Tony: Deploy! Deploy!

Then Loki threw him out the window. Tony was in a free fall. Luckily, the Mark 7 charged into Loki and went after him.

Then it formed into his suit. And saved him in the nick of time.

He flew upwards to where Loki was.

Tony: And there's one other person you ticked off. His name is Phil.

Loki was about to fire. But Tony fired back fired and Loki flew backwards.

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