NEW FLESH, jason todd

By chanelern

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revenge has never tasted so sweet [jason todd au] More



999 57 2
By chanelern

"So, you're saying, you chased down Red Hood, alone?" Dick exclaimed enviously. He shook his head in disbelief as he paced around his desk. 

"We got into a little tussle, too" Venus proudly added. "I had him but, y'know, I'm a little rusty."

Dick scoffed and put his hands on hips sternly. "You really shouldn't go chasing murderers, Venus. What happened to a normal, safe life?"

"You know me," Venus shrugged. "Trouble just follows me around." She was mostly joking, but Dick definitely took it seriously, nodding his head. He continued pacing.

"Did you hear his voice? How tall he is? Anything helpful?" He threw his hands up in the air exhaustedly. Venus raised her brows amusedly and grinned.

"No, no, and no. He was wearing a helmet, it modified his voice" She responded unhelpfully, leaning on his desk. "Maybe you should call in Batman if you're so stressed." It was understandable; Red Hood has been cleansing Gotham for more than a few weeks, and the police weren't getting any closer to catching him. 

Dick shrugged. "I'll for his advice at the gala tonight." 

Venus smiled victoriously. Finally, he pushed his ego aside and is willing to ask for help from the big man! She never thought she'd see the day! 

"But," Dick said seriously, crossing his arms. "You're coming with me."

Venus's smile fell as she scowled fiercely. "Um, and why would I go?"  

"Because, there's free food?" Dick suggested jokingly. More seriously, he added, "Don't you want to be part of this investigation?" 

She frowned, pondering. She did want to be a part of the case, it was far too interesting to pass up. But working with Bruce? Venus didn't know if she could cooperate with him. But it has been almost two years, is she really that petty? She decided ultimately with a shrug that she'll try, for Dick's sake. And Tim's, she guesses. Stupid boy and his stupid pep talks. 

"Fine. But if he does something stupid, I'm done" Venus spoke sternly. "And if I accidentally punch him, it's not my fault."

Dick smiled widely, brown eyes swimming with excitement. "Great! I'll pick you up at six!" 


Venus tugged uncomfortably on the straps of her black, silk dress. It was a simple dress that hugged her body and gradually fanned out on the bottom; she borrowed it from Jade, who assured her she'd be breaking hearts in it. More like breaking faces, if any snooty rich person pissed her off. But whatever, this was happening. She was going to a gala, for the first time in three years. 

She scrunched her nose, remembering how boring they were without a certain someone. She remembered the last gala they attended at the Wayne Manor years ago.

The two strode down the elegant staircase, Venus's arm wrapped around his bicep. Spotting all the people at the bottom, she squeezed his arm unconsciously, not fond of large crowds. Jason glanced down at her, emerald eyes twinkling. He flexed his bicep and winked, eliciting an exaggerated eye roll from his partner. 

"Your hair is messy," Venus deadpanned as Alfred greeted them at the bottom. 

Jason scoffed and ran a free hand through his dark hair. "Is it really? It's exactly how you like it, liar." He pinched her arm lightly, and she nudged him harshly with her hip. He knocked his shoulder into hers when they heard someone clearing their throat politely. 

The two turned toward Alfred, still arm-in-arm. The butler spoke curtly, one of his brows perfectly arched. "Please, act like civilized human beings tonight. It's the least you two can do after last time. I feared Master Wayne would kill you on the spot." 

Jason and Venus glanced at each other and snickered. Bruce's last fundraiser was an utter bore, and Venus suggested they play a game. Jason, of course, agreed with a smirk when he heard what it entailed. The two stood outside on the balcony with expensive glasses of cider, taking turns pouring tiny amounts over the edge. They were aiming for Dick and Bruce, who were directly below them. Of course, Dick swiftly avoided Venus's cider, and it fell on Jake Kane. The two froze as he glanced up angrily, hand brushing against the sticky substance in his hair, dripping onto his white suit. 

Bruce was furious. Jake Kane was one of the richest, most influential people in Gotham; one of the five families that ruled Gotham society. So Jason and Venus were forced to apologize, Jason snickering into her ear as she stuttered out a rather insincere apology. 

"He would never kill me," Jason said cockily to Alfred. "I'm far too amusing." 

"Hey! What about me?" Venus protested, nudging her knee into his harshly.

Jason fixed his stare on her, fingers tapping on her arm. "And you are much too gorgeous."

She blushed under his intense stare and quickly looked to Alfred, grinning. "Don't worry, Al. We've matured since then. Learning from our mistakes and all." 

Jason gently tugged her away as Alfred shouted, "It was only last week!"

The two stood by a large plant, champagne in hand. Bruce forbad them from drinking alcohol, claiming he didn't need rowdy teenagers running around. That didn't stop them, of course. They studied the people around them; all important citizens of Gotham, showing off their shiniest jewels. 

"Oh, that's a pretty bracelet," Venus noted, pointing to a nearby woman. It was a silver band heavily decorated with diamonds. It probably cost more than Jade's apartment. 

"Mm, you think so?" Jason spoke. "Look at all these rich idiots dancing. Stupid, isn't it?" 

 She chuckled, setting her gaze on a short, stubby man clumsily dancing with a tall, elegant woman. It was hilarious, actually, the amount of times he stepped on her toes. 

"You are a rich idiot, Jason" Venus hummed. "Just an idiot in general, really." 

He snorted and narrowed his eyes, offended. "Love you too, Vea." 

She shifted uncomfortably. Venus loves him. Really, she does. But, she just has such a hard time saying it. He knows that, and he knows how she feels. Which is why they work so well together; they understand each other. 

"I have a question," Jason grinned boyishly. His crooked smile made Venus's heart flutter, and she fought to keep from grinning back.

"Oh God," She said, rolling her eyes. "No, leave Roy alone."

"What? No," He smiled innocently and held out his hand. "Care to dance?"

Venus scoffed and allowed a wide smile to engulf her face. She took his hand, and he swung them onto the dance floor. He rested his hands on her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck. The two swayed gracefully to the soft music. 

"You look beautiful," Jason said, the boyish grin never leaving his cheeks. "Blue is definitely your color."

Venus smiled gently, fingers brushing against his hair. "You said that about my red dress. And my purple one." 

"Did I?" His thumbs softly tapped into her waist, and his grin seemed to grow. "Guess you're a real catch, then." 

She laughed, amber eyes sparkling. "You clean up nicely."

The couple swayed across the room, lost in each other's gaze. The music stopped a few minutes later, and everyone came to a stop, silence enveloping the room as Bruce began his speech. As everybody listened attentively, Jason leaned in, lips grazing her ear.

"I got something for you," He whispered, reaching into his pocket. Venus glanced at him curiously. He pulled out the diamond bracelet from earlier, and clasped it gently onto her wrist. 

Venus smirked. "You didn't." 

"I did, she won't be missing it. It looks better on you." He held her hand and admired it, the way the silver contrasted against her tanned skin. 

"You little shit," She laughed quietly. Venus tilted her head up and kissed his cheek, grabbing his hand as Bruce's speech came to an end. 

Venus sniffled, tearing up. It's too late now, nothing she can do about it, she reminded herself as she composed herself in the mirror. Or was it?

She adjusted her diamond bracelet and grabbed her phone, slipping it into the hidden pocket just below her back, and walked out of her apartment to Dick's car. He was waiting outside, leaning against the hood in his black tuxedo. Smiling, he opened the passenger door for her. 

Venus nodded her thanks as she settled herself in the car. Dick joined her and started the engine, driving through Gotham City to Wayne Manor. 

He spoke up after a few minutes of silence. "I'm glad you decided to come."

"Mm. Let's just get this over with," She grumbled, sinking lower into her seat. 

They were silent for the rest of the drive, neither had the energy to bicker. The drive was fairly short thanks to the lack of traffic. They pulled up to the front of the Manor, ducking as they got out of the car. 

Venus huffed as she looked around, the familiar sight of the mingling guests and the Manor nostalgic. She straightened her dress before taking Dick's arm and walking inside with him, heels clicking on the marble floors. 

She felt strangely empty, despite Dick by her side. Galas were her and Jason's thing. They would march right into the room and have the time of their lives, whether it was causing trouble or just enjoying themselves. But the world moves on, and so should she. So, Venus took a deep breath before smiling politely at passing guests decked in designer. 

"When are we going to discuss the case?" She asked Dick as they walked into the main room. "I don't fancy staying here the whole time."

Dick nodded in greeting at a passing woman. "As soon as we can find Bruce. We'll get right to it, don't worry."

His face brightened, as though he remembered something. "Oh! We're going to Jade and Roy's after this for dinner, by the way. To give you something to look forward to." 

Venus cheered, her bad mood slightly less bad. "Thank God, I haven't seen them in forever!" 

"Seen who in forever?" 

Alfred Pennyworth stood by the grand staircase, brow arched and clear, blue eyes twinkling. Venus grinned widely and threw herself at him, hugging him tightly. Used to such behavior, Alfred merely hugged her back, planting his feet firmly to the ground. 

"I missed you Alfred, how are you?" Venus asked lightly, pulling away. Her grin remained; she truly did regret not visiting him sooner. 

Alfred smiled kindly. "Very well, Miss Carter. It is wonderful to see you. I almost miss making you and Master Todd sandwiches everyday." 

She laughed, a little forcibly. "Feel free to make me a grilled cheese to-go, then." 

"She's joking, by the way" Dick stepped in. "Nice to see you, Al." 

"Master Dick! What a treat," Alfred laughed delightfully. "You two must come around more often. I'm afraid it does get lonely around here." 

"Alfred! God, please drop the Master," Dick complained as he dragged a hand down his face.

"Of course, Master Dick" Alfred replied, almost smugly.

"Doesn't Tim live here? Tim Drake?" Venus asked, confused. 

He nodded, resting his hands in his suit pockets. "He's always gone, I'm afraid. He refuses to be homeschooled and spends most of his day at Brentwood or patrolling."

Dick shrugged good naturally. "Good for him. Honestly, it's best to get that normal experience."

Alfred nodded and turned to Venus. "And how have you been, Venus? Master Bruce says you've enrolled in college?"

Dick scoffed and Venus smiled as sweetly as she could. "Wonderful. I absolutely love it."

"She's been skipping classes for weeks," Dick added. "She's been helping out at the station a lot, though." 

Venus slapped his shoulder and pouted. "Snitch."

"You always did like the action," Alfred chuckled, looking over their shoulders. "Sorry, but I must attend to the guests. Do come visit more often." He rested a hand on both their shoulders before walking away. 

"I really wanted that grilled cheese, Dick" Venus spoke, shooting him a nasty glare. 

He rolled his eyes. "Do you want to get this over with or what?" 

She mimicked him obnoxiously before crossing her arms, scanning the room for Bruce. "Bruce does know we're here, right?" 

"Yeah. He should be around here somewhere," He drawled, looking from person to person. "Ah, there he is." Dick pointed to the far side of the room, where a large, dark haired man was talking to a small crowd of people. 

Venus cocked her head to the side. He hasn't changed at all. Bruce Wayne still looked like the serious, cocky man he was years ago. Dick chuckled.

"I forget you haven't seen him in nearly two years," He commented. "Shall we?" He held his arm out for Venus, and they made their way towards the man. They seemed to catch Bruce's eye, as he excused himself and walked to them, straightening his suit. 

"Dick. Venus," Bruce nodded, placing his champagne on a waiter's tray. "Follow me." He turned briskly, making his way to his office. Dick and Venus glanced at each other before following him.

"Not the welcome I was expecting," Venus muttered, rubbing her arms. 

They climbed up the grand staircase and turned into his office; a large, plush room with long windows. Dick and Venus settled themselves on the long sofa, while Bruce sat in an armchair directly across from them. There was an awkward silence for a moment while Bruce studied them, Venus shifting uncomfortably in her seat. 

"Venus...Good to see you," Bruce finally said stiffly, crossing his legs. "Dick, you have information on Red Hood?" 

"Nice to see you too, boss" Dick grinned, leaning forward. "Venus here went on a little chase with him the other day." 

She raised her brows, uneasy under Bruce's intense stare. "I just chased him for a few blocks. Got into a little fight, but he got away." 

"Anything you got from your encounter?" Bruce asked, putting his hands together.

Venus pursed her lips. "Um, he's definitely experienced. He was able to hold his own against me, though he did seem to be holding himself back. Maybe he didn't want to hurt anyone innocent?" 

"You mean you were able to hold your own against him," Dick snickered. "She's a bit rusty." 

She stomped on his foot, shooting him yet another glare. She could still kick his ass any day, thank you very much.

Bruce tilted his head, ignoring Dick. "Yes, he evaded Dick and I a few weeks ago, which is a very difficult feat. I'm surprised you even caught up to him."

"Maybe he let her," Dick suggested. "He didn't know who she was; she was a harmless citizen, as far as he could tell. So he had no reason to keep running from her." 

Venus scowled. "Thanks a lot, guys." 

The slightest ghost of a smile graced Bruce's face for a split second, before his face turned to stone again. "He's been in touch with drug lords, too. He takes a small portion of their profits in exchange for protection, I'm guessing." 

"What could he possibly gain from that?" Dick questioned, eyes narrowed. 

Venus rolled her eyes. "Controlled crime. He can basically control who they sell to, I think." 

Bruce nodded. "Yes. Gordon tells me there has been a decrease in drug sales to citizens under eighteen. I'm guessing Red Hood instructed the dealers to not sell to children, based on his twisted morals." 

Venus's mouth made an 'O'. Dick seemed to catch on as well, beating Venus to the punch. "That's why he killed those dealers! They were attempting to sell to children when he specifically told them not to!" 

"Precisely," Bruce confirmed, leaning back in his chair. "We need to figure out who he is and where he came from. I plan on finding out this week."

"How?" Venus asked, more interested than ever. 

"We need to set a trap," He stated, eyes twinkling. "I'm still working on the details, but that can wait. I'll call you both when I have a set plan. For now, let's get back downstairs. Thanks for updating me." 

"And Venus? Thank you," Bruce added, a flash of sadness crossing his face. She nodded, a small smile forming. They watched as he headed back, lingering in his office. 

Venus turned towards Dick. "I thought he'd already have a plan."

Dick sighed, walking towards the door. "It's a tough one, Venus. He seemed almost...cocky when we were pursuing him, like he was in total control. He knew all our moves, he even cut through one of Batman's cables! We have to be careful about this. We can't just draw him out using bait, he could kill someone. We just don't have control over anything, and it's frustrating." 

"Hey, we'll catch him, ok?" Venus frowned, squeezing his shoulder assuringly. "And, it could be worse. He could be killing innocent people." 

He nodded, seemingly deep in thought. "Yeah. I need to talk to some people, then I'll pull the car around for us, yeah?"

Venus nodded in confirmation, picking thoughtfully at her nails. Dick left the office with a quick wave, and Venus was left alone. She looked around Bruce's bland office, his desk catching her gaze. She flicked the lights on and began stacking the scattered papers on his desk neatly. She had nothing better to do. Venus even watered the large potted plants by the bookshelves. 

Sighing, she perched on the arm of the sofa, looking around. She indeed, got what she wanted. She's directly involved in the case with Bruce and Dick, but yet, something doesn't feel right. Venus isn't happy, nor is she satisfied. She hasn't been for the longest time. Which is why she involved herself in this case: for that temporary feeling of amusement, like she's doing something in her life for once, something good

But all the good deeds could never erase her bloodstained hands, permanently red and twisted. She shuddered as she glanced at the fireplace, flashes of that night burning in her mind. The tall orange flames engulfing her rabid, screeching siblings. They weren't begging, but cursing and threatening her. She ignored the rancid smell of burning flesh as she stared emptily at her father, screams dulling in the background. The man only grinned with his crimson teeth, swollen eye unmoving. "How glorious you are, my child." 

She could never forget, but she's done a fine job ignoring it. If she keeps herself busy, assuring herself that every bad guy she catches rights a wrong, she'll be fine. She's been fine, she's been perfectly fine. 

Venus's hands were trembling, and she's not sure what brought about...all of this. Its been a rather emotional day. She got up and fumbled with the balcony door; she needed fresh air. She shoved the door open soundlessly and froze when she felt the barrel of a gun pressed to the side of her head. 

She blinked, feeling goosebumps forming on her arms. This was certainly not how she expected her night to go. She felt the gun leave her temple, shivering at the sudden absence of the cool metal. 

"You aren't Bruce Wayne," Red Hood droned, holstering his gun. Venus raised her brow, turning to the vigilante. Her heart skipped a beat, but she scolded herself for letting her imagination get the best of her. It just wasn't possible. He stood by the wall closest to the side of the doors, out of sight to anyone but her. 

"You wanted to kill him?" She asked, confused. What would Red Hod want with Bruce?

He chuckled lowly, thumbs hooked on his utility belt. "Nah, just give him a scare. Remind him he's not untouchable." 

"Bruce Wayne is not an easily scared man," Venus responded, steely gaze on the man's helmet. 

She knew the man was smirking under his cardinal disguise. "You just have to press the right buttons." 

The two were silent, Venus crossing her arms tightly. She wondered if he knew Bruce's balcony was the only place in the manor without cameras. 

"Are you going to kill me now?" She spoke, a blank look on her face. A part of her, a deep, exhausted part, cackled; karma finally caught up to her in the form of a red-hooded vigilante, ridding Gotham of evil. And she is evil; he sees right through her, of course he does. Her hands are stained and burnt, anyone can see it plain as day. Metallic rivers run their course, embedded deep inside the creases of her palm. She could never seem to scrub them away.

"W-what? Why the fuck would I kill you?" Red Hood exclaimed, appalled. He brought his arms up to rest on the railing behind him. 

Venus's lips thinned as she grimaced. And, the moment is gone. She really should stop brooding.

She shrugged and uncrossed her arms before resting them behind her. "What do you want with Bruce, anyways?" 

"You look cold. You should get inside," He commented, tilting his head. 

"Not before you tell me how you know Bruce," She said, narrowing her eyes. 

He shrugged. "Guess you're not going anywhere, then." 

"Guess not," Venus muttered, shifting her weight so that she can reach her phone. She unzipped the pocket slowly, securing her phone. She just had to stall him now. "How'd you know my name, then?" 

A part of her hoped her wild imagination was right, that he'd give up the ruse right then and there. That he'd open his arms and take his stupid helmet off, smirking stupidly. But the rational side knew it couldn't be. It could never be. 

"I don't know your name," He replied casually, crossing his arms. Venus's lips formed a thin line as her heart sank. It was stupid of her to get her hopes up. 

"You called me 'Vea' the other day," She retaliated as she sent Dick her location. At least, she hoped she did. It was difficult navigating a smartphone when she couldn't see it. "I'm not stupid."

"Really?" He chuckled, arms flexing as he pushed himself off the railing. "Well, neither am I. I'll be leaving now." He stood on the thick, concrete railing. Venus sized him up, heart dropping, wondering if she could keep up with him in her dress. 

"You look wonderful in black, by the way. Really makes your eyes pop." Red Hood saluted her before jumping off the railing, making his escape. 

Venus stood, shocked. She felt an odd odd sense of deja vu creeping up on her, and suddenly, her theory seemed much more believable. But fine. She'll play his game and she'll play by his rules. Venus was never a very patient girl, but she can wait this time. 

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