Species Unknown [Book 1: Aves]

By fantasynote

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Hidden deep in the California valley is the Aves Department for the infamous C.R.O.S.S. Laboratories. Offered... More



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By fantasynote

I WOKE UP to the sound of my stomach growling. A reminder that I still had yet to eat anything.

Shifting under the soft white bed linens, I squinted my eyes at the bright ray of sunlight that peaked through the window curtains. Groaning, I turned away from the annoying light, only to come face to face with a sizeable feathered wing draped loosely over Elias's sleeping form.

Now that I thought about it, I never spent a night with him back at C.R.O.S.S. Labs so that I wouldn't know if anything has changed. However, these past few days, he looked so peaceful when he slept.

His bare chest rose and fell with each steady breath he took, oblivious to the rays of sun that illuminated his sleeping form. For a moment, I entertained the idea of nudging my way beneath his wing to lay against his chest for a few more hours of sleep. I thought against it in the end for fear of disturbing him. I figured after all the alcohol last night; it would be best to let him sleep in.

With a sigh, I gathered enough motivation to sit up in the bed and stretch my arms above my head with one big yawn.

Rubbing my eyes, I took a look around the quaint guest room we were housed in. With a full bed, closet, country-style window, and simple nightstand, it was quite a downgrade from what I was used to living with my mother back in California. But honestly, I didn't need anything more. Glancing back at Elias, I smiled.

I had everything I needed; it was perfect.

Speaking of my mother, I should probably call her. I thought to myself.

Tightening the robe around me, I slipped out of bed and made my way to the door. Opening the wooden door, I saw a pile of folded clothes neatly placed on the ground by my feet. My stomach growled again, and I stepped around the pile, making a note to bring the clothes in after I had eaten something.

Making my way to the kitchen, the wooden floor creaked beneath my tired steps. I paused at the door when I noticed Aileen was already in the kitchen, dressed and seated at the small dining table with a mug cradled in her hands.

"Good morning, dear, you're up early," Aileen said, smiling over her steaming cup of coffee.

"Good morning," I replied, finally moving from the doorframe to enter the kitchen.

"The pot's over there if you want to pour yourself some coffee. There's a skillet with eggs and potatoes too," Aileen added.

"I'd love some, thank you," I said gratefully, quickly moving towards the food. Approaching the counter, I took a plate, loading it with the warm cheesy eggs and fried potatoes Aileen had prepared, leaving some for Elias. Finally, I filled an empty mug with some freshly brewed coffee and took a seat by Aileen at the table before eating.

I could feel Aileen's eyes watch my hurried eating with amusement, but she stayed quiet. It didn't take long for me to finish the entire plate and my coffee. Once I did, I let out a sigh and leaned back in my chair, finally full.

"Worked up an appetite, have you?" Aileen asked suddenly.

"You have no idea," I replied, letting out a long breath as I thought of everything that happened yesterday. The long drive, car crash, hike through the forest...just thinking about it made my body ache anew.

"Good for you girlie! I knew he fancied you, I could see it in his eyes," Aileen chuckled, patting me on the shoulder before getting up from her chair to refill her coffee.

I was at a loss. For the first couple of seconds, it took me to process what she said that is. Then my face flushed bright red.

"Wha-oh...No! It wasn't like that, it was just a long day yesterday, that's all," I fired back.

Aileen laughed. "Whatever you say."

I sighed. Deciding the best thing to do would be to change the subject.

"I saw the clothes thank you. I really appreciate everything you've done for us," I began, fidgeting with my empty mug.

"It's no problem at all," Aileen nodded, taking a seat back down at the table beside me with her fresh cup of coffee.

I bit my lip. "If you don't mind, could I borrow some scissors? A normal shirt doesn't fit Elias with the uh...you know..." I said, gesturing to my wingless back.

"Ah yes, of course. You'll find some in the drawer there," Aileen said, pointing, "You'll also find some medication for the headache your friend will have when he wakes up."

Ignoring the way she said friend, I let out a breath.

"I almost forgot, that's probably a good idea. Also, do you have a phone I could borrow? I should probably call my mother to tell her I'm safe," I said, grabbing the scissors, pills, and a glass of water for Elias when he woke.

"Of course, I have a burner here you can use," Aileen explained, reaching into her pocket to produce a small black phone. Just trash it when you're done, alright?" I nodded as she explained, handing the phone to me.

Balancing all the things in my arms, I turned to leave, stopping when I heard Aileen call out to me. "One more thing before you go."

I paused at the door frame.

"You two should consider exploring while your here. It's a beautiful area. There's a lake about a half-mile walk from here. It could be a good place to get some fresh air and relax."

I thought for moment. "That sounds nice, but I'm not sure that's the best idea. Elias has had enough people staring at him and treating him like some kind of...spectacle," I replied, almost using the word experiment but stopping myself just in time. I still don't feel comfortable telling Aileen the severity of our situation and dealings with C.R.O.S.S. "Though maybe we can go tonight after dark?"

Aileen waved her hand dismissively. "You don't have to worry about anything; we have a good community here. Everyone here is the same. People who are on the run, with nowhere left to go. Trust me; you two aren't the strangest people who have passed by here."

I nodded, not knowing what to say or whether or not I should ask what other strange people she was talking about.

"Try to be back for dinner. I'm making pizza," She said finally, leaning back in her chair.

"Sounds great. See you then," I said, thanking her again before leaving the kitchen. I made my way back to the guest room, pausing to pick up the folded clothes outside the door before entering.

When inside, I rushed over to set everything down on the nightstand before I dropped anything. I set the bottle of pills next to the glass of water and the burner phone and looked at the clothes Aileen had given us. For me, she picked out a simple white t-shirt with a pair of light wash denim jeans and matching black bra and panties. For Elias, a larger black t-shirt with a dark blue pair of denim jeans and a pair of black boxers. Briefly, I wondered if he had ever even worn jeans, I had only ever seen him in sweatpants.

Doing my best not to picture Elias in tight jeans, I sat down at the edge of the bed and got to work cutting out the back of his shirt. Once finished, I got dressed in the new clothes and walked over to the window.

I could hear Elias groan when I pulled back the curtains to let in the sunlight, shifting to lie on his back with his arm draped over his eyes.

That's when I saw it.

The tattoo with the number 0043.

The reminder of what he was and what we were running from.

My neck suddenly began to throb, a phantom pain of the steely grip that Richard Grant's fingers once had. I shook my head to rid myself of the memory.

He wouldn't find us here. He couldn't...

Elias shifted again, and I refocused on him. "Elias are you feeling okay?" I asked softly, sitting on the bed beside him.

He shifted towards me, removing his arm to look up at me with squinted eyes.

"My head...it hurts," He groaned, his voice rough with sleep. His forehead was creased into a frown, and he let out a low moan before dropping his head back on the pillow and closing his eyes again.

"I have some medicine you can take to make the pain go away," I said softly, reaching over to the nightstand to grab the bottle of pills. I shook two pills out of the bottle onto my palm and offered them to Elias. With groggy movements, he reached over to take them, swallowing them before I had a chance to offer him the glass of water.

"You should drink some water too," I added, handing him the glass that I prepared. Fortunately, he downed the whole glass immediately before lying back down, his eyes shut tightly from the pain.

"It still hurts," Elias complained.

"Pills are a little outdated. It'll take a while to work, if at all," I explained, not entirely sure if he was ever taught anything about medicine at the lab. Nevertheless, I'm almost positive he was not taught about hangovers either. He responded with another pained grunt.

"Come here," I said, patting my lap. Elias looked at me for a moment before moving over, placing his head in my lap.

"Close your eyes," I said, and he complied without hesitation.

I've always been someone with unusually cold hands, and today was no exception. During my college years, I would study for hours until my head would pound. When that happened, I would use my own hands as my personal ice packs.

As we waited for the medication to work, I figured I could try to provide him with some temporary relief. Brushing his hair aside, I placed my cold hand on his forehead and smiled when he let out a sigh of relief. He seemed to enjoy this, so we sat like that for a while. I kept switching hands when the heat of his skin warmed up my palm.

As time passed and the medication began kicking in, I noticed that he began to relax more. Removing my hand, I gently played with his hair, running my fingers through his midnight strands as he hummed contentedly.

He shifted, and that's when I noticed he was still in the pants I had bought from the gas station.

"Aileen brought some clothes for you to wear, but I think you should try to shower first," I said finally, breaking the peaceful silence that had settled over us.

Elias's eyes fluttered open and met mine with his beautiful blue gaze. "Okay," He said, sitting up from my lap.

I gathered his clothes, and he followed me out of the room. I showed him how to use the shower in the bathroom down the hall so he could clean up and get changed.

While he was away, I used my free time to call my mother.

Taking the burner phone, I dialed her number, and the phone rang. She picked up on the first ring.

"Hello?" Came the familiar voice.

"Hey, mom, it's me."

I could hear her sigh of relief.

"I'm so glad you had me worried. Are you with your grandmother now?"

"Yes, I found Aileen. Or I guess she found me. Either way, I'm okay now. What about you?"

"I'm good here. As much as I miss you, I have a job to do here. I can't just leave. But I promise I will visit. I'm dying to meet your friend."

I almost forgot I told her about Elias.

I smiled. "I know you'll love him."

"I have to go now, but I promise to visit soon. I love you."

"Love you too, mom," I said finally and hung up just in time to hear footsteps approaching.

I looked up to see Elias standing in the doorway. His midnight hair was wet, messily slicked back as if he were running his fingers through it. The black shirt Aileen picked fit him perfectly, hugging his broad shoulders and chest. I let my eyes trail down to the jeans he wore.

Unlike sweatpants, the denim sat low on his hips, accentuating his narrow waist. The material clung to his thighs which were far more muscular than I ever imagined. With pure white wings accenting his large frame, he truly looked like an angel. The way his vibrant blue eyes contrasted with his pitch-black hair was otherworldly, and I found myself speechless under his gaze.

"Thank you for cutting the shirt," He said finally, fluttering his wings a bit for emphasis. Maybe it was just the light, but it looked like his cheeks had dawned a slight pink color.

I cleared my throat. "No problem, I'm glad it fits," I replied quickly, looking to the window to distract myself.

"Are you hungry?" I asked suddenly, glancing back to see him nod enthusiastically.

I chucked. "Follow me."

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