The Silent Agent

By Natalianiac

29.1K 308 5

Crossover of NCISLA and NCIS. One teen that changed everything. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author's Note

Chapter 15

489 6 0
By Natalianiac

Kens called Hetty that she had secured the target and the next thing we knew, we were escorting her to the incineration room, with the huge incinerator which took up three quarters of the room.

'Sorry. This was the only available spot.' Hetty met us there.

'Never mind. She deserved it.' Ziva was really hotheaded, to be honest.

'I'll seal it. There is no way out here.' And we all know that this is false. There was a secret exit somewhere in the room.

'I'll stay with her.' I volunteered. 'This way, she wouldn't have a chance to escape.'

'You sure?' Kens asked.

'Yes. I'm sure.'

'All right. Take care of yourself. And her.'

'Gee thanks.' I replied, thankful for their care.

'Wait. You should take this.' Hetty handed me something folded.

'Haz-Mat suit? Really? Is that necessary!'

'Yes. She might be the first case. And a Hail Mary.'


'Welcome! Take care!' The gang said well before I got stuck inside. It turns out that I should've regretted it. The girl was a chatterbox.

'Do you know that it is against the laws that you should keep me here? I can go out, fight my way out if I have to.'

Not if you're a flight risk or a person at a risk of getting a disease. I wrote. I wasn't in the mood of speaking.

'So what! I have the right to leave.'

Yes. And I'm risking my life to stay here with you! I wrote again.

'So what? I can go out. I don't care a damn about you. I should just go now.'

Door is locked.
'You're not taking any chances with me, right?'


'Fine. I'll stay here until someone comes.'

Ok. I packed my pen and notepad back into my pocket.

'Done. CVC's here.' Kensi unlocked the door in a Haz-Mat suit. Someone in full 'armour' stormed in and stuffed us in airtight chamber.

'You ok?' I heard Kensi ask me through the chamber.

I gave her a thumbs up.

'Good. They're good to go.' I was stuffed in a seperate car with from the girl. Kens and Deeks had volunteered to say with me.

'You ok?'

Yes. I signed.

'What is she doing?'

'She's signing in ASL, Deeks. And you're an idiot.'

'I can't read that and it doesn't mean that I am an idiot.'

'Good point.'

Did she reveal something? Anything? She signed back.

I shook my head.

'She said that the girl didn't reveal anything.' There was an itch in my throat and I started to cough.

You ok?

Yes, I'm fine.

'We're here.' A paramedic said, while the car stopped.

'Thanks.' Deeks said and the paramedic wheeled me in with Kens and him at my side.

'We're going to do a few tests on you, ok?'

I nodded my approval.

A team in full precaution measures went into the room and did some tests. After that, they told me to rest.

'Ok. Thanks.' Kens said.

I did. After an hour, someone barged in.

'Move her to the airtight rooms.' What is happening?

'Ma'am, we have full reason that you and the other girl back there are infected with the mystery virus and we're quarantining you two.' What? How did this happen?

Never mind. I let them wheel me in into the chamber thingy and they locked the room. I didn't need any oxygen, so I wasn't attached to the bed.

I sat down, frustrated. How did this happen? Is the virus airborne? No. Otherwise a lot of the kids will be infected. Source? No. Impossible. Since the infected are all around the country. I don't know what to make of it.

'Hang in there. I know that you can do it, Cmon. Fight it!' The two cheerleaders said, cheering for me. I fell asleep due to the tiredness.

The next day, I explored the room. It was like the one that I I had in the orphanage, plain and simple with a notepad and stuff like that. That includes a pen too, since the ones that I have was confiscated for sanitising. I started to write.

Day 1

I'm feeling completely exhausted, and my power and strength was stripped off from me. When will this nightmare end? Well, fortunately, I had my favourite bear with me, Mr Cuddles, and my co-workers had spared the time to visit, and even the DC crew. Ive learnt that they could be very nice, and not icy towards people. Ziva, the supposedly Mossad assassin, was nicer than I thought. For me, she put on a haz-mat suit and came into the room, and accompanied me, talking with me to make me feel better. I was completely worn out. My fever has shot to 108 degrees Fahrenheit, according to Ziva. She brought me the most updated news on my condition, and told me that it wasn't looking good, she admitted after I told her to be honest with me. And Sam, who has a daughter, Kamran, stuffed her to a nanny and put me at the topmost priority. How nice of him to do it. The next thing that I knew, he insisted that he was going to watch me sleep and keep me safe from a haz-mat suit.

I got up, and someone delivered breakfast. There was an extra surprise. Under the orange, on the tray, were messages. And stuff that I didn't expect.

Day 2

I'm feeling better. At lest I think so. I think that claustrophobic feeling in my chest has improved, and I was able to breathe better. The others dropped off stuff for me, for example some training tools from Sam, which I didn't really need, due to my weakened condition, but he explained that it was for finger training. Seriously? Do my fingers need training? I don't think so. I play the piano, and for a good 10 years. And oh my goodness. There were messages left on the trays. Lots of other messages from a lot of people. And there was even one from the director. Most were just encouraging messages, and one was a briefing message. From Hetty.

'Ms Bloor. Hope that our get well soon. We're finding a cure for this. The numbers rose, very rapidly. Twenty three more people have fallen victim to this disease. We're hoping to catch whoever did this. I'm asking for your help, on behalf of NCIS. And as a friend. I have a laptop linked to the servers NCIS. If you're in good shape, we can work together. Tell the nurse to give you the laptop. Hetty.' Was what it said. Hetty knew that I was rotting here due to boredom. Thanks. I switched on the laptop, and the webcam turned on.

'Hey! You fine!' I heard someone said, in improper English.

'Who's that?' A familiar voice said, from the background. Then I heard the wheeling of a chair.

'Hey! Kid! How're you?'

'Fine. Bored. Hetty gave me work clearance. Laptop only. Fill me in.' I just couldn't talk much since I was still worn out.

'All right. Did you know that twenty three more people fell victim to the disease?'

'Yes, Hetty told me.'

'All right. We've got to identify a suspect. Check your email. Just sent some info to you. All the suspected people, companies.'

'Wait. Can I run background checks here?'


'All right thanks, Eric. Check in with you later.'

Then, I started to search up the name that I had in my mind.

I literally searched until the nurse came in with the haz-mat suit with my dinner.

'Cmon, kid. Lunch time.'

'Wait. I have to do this first.'

'I'll place it here. When you wanna eat, do it yourself.' She stomped out. A nurse with a bad temper. Nice.

I continued to stare at the screen. The man, that I have been searching for, finally popped up on the screen.

It read in large letters, with caps lock, Bob Hayes. Yes. The fed. That Deeks has a brotherly bond with. I have been suspecting him since day one, as he ferreted at around the time when the plague or disease started to break out.

'Hey. Eric. I think that my theory has been validated. See?'

I shared screen and showed him where I thought that he was suspicious.

'Oh yes. You're right. Chemistry degree, biology degree, and loads more. You're right. He could've just simply did this to get to someone. Who?'

'I don't know. And enemy? At school? At work? According to his time at the Bureau, I think that he's gotta be higher up than that.'

'Agreed. I'll have people go and take him in, that is if I can find him.'

'Yes. I hope so. He got close to Deeks and  used this as his advantage. To know information from the inside to see how successful his virus is.'

'And I think that he took all the time to go and infect those people individually. Since there is no way that it is from a single source.'

'Ok. Can you send someone here? I need the company.'

'Sure. Yes. Kens is on her way here.'

'How about Deeks?'

'He's pissed off.'

'Cool. All on me. Apologise to him for me.'

'Ok. Sure. And I think that it isn't going to work, believe me when I say this. He went on his own to hunt Bob Hayes down.'

'Sure. He hates dirty cops.'

'Say hi to everyone to me.'

'There is no need to. I sent the b team there in the field. Per Hetty's orders.

'Who stayed here?'

'Everyone. Deeks, Sam, Kens, Callen. Even Hetty stayed.

'Wow. Talk about devotion.

'You sure that they are ok with this?'

'Ask them yourselves.' Sam, Callen, Deeks, Kensi and Hetty appeared right out of nowhere.

'I get it now. Thank you so much for helping me out.' Eric went off, and the computers connected to the comms.

'You've helped me out.' Kensi shrugged as if it was nothing.

'You helped me too.' Deeks said to me, smiling.

'Deeks! I didn't, did I?'
'You did. I thought of you before I wanted and went to kill Bob Hayes. That bastard.'

'Wait, what? I did?'

'Yes. You did. He has family. I imagine that they will be devastated if he got killed. He deserved more in jail.'

'Good point.'

'What can I do from behind here?'

'You rest, kiddo. And try to find a way to this? I know that you're a scientist.'

'Me? I'm no scientist.'

'You're everything but nothing.'

'Thank you?'

'You're welcome.' Sam, the bear, soft inside, said. He really is so nice in the inside, once you get to know him.

'Oh. A call from the other leader. Natalya. I'll have to get that. Sorry.' Kensi excused herself.

'You hang in there, kiddo.' Deeks encouraged. With him, I think that everything is possible.

'I will.' I beamed.

'You do. Or I'll kill you myself, ok? You're one of the best that we have. The most elite of the elite. This is what composes of the team. The best sniper, Kensi, the best undercover agent, G, the best plotter, me, the best joker, Deeks, the best fighter, Sam, and the best technical operators, Eric and Nell.'

'Deeks is the best joker, I do agree with you.'

'Yes. Thank you very much.' Deeks flashed his smile at me. I slightly blushed.

'And get out before Halloween. We need you. It's no fun without you.'

'I'll try.'

'And do finish your dinner.'

'That? Oh. Ok. I want to throw this out. I hate this.'

'Is it as bad as cafeteria food?' Deeks asked.

'Worse. You have no idea.' I said, winking at Deeks.

'Kens. What's going on?'

'Bob Hayes is dead. The other team shot him.'


'How about the 'rotting in jail' part?'

'No. Actually, the other team didn't shoot him. My bad. Bob kills himself. We found a note. About him admitting that he did everything. That he had released the virus, and there was a vial lying on the table. He said that it was a cure. Forensics discussed and checked. It is the real deal.'

'And how about the other patients?'

'They are currently being treated for it.'

'Good, love a happy ending.'


'There is always a but to it. Shoot.'

'But... the other team do not think that Bob did it. Someone killed Bob. Don't know how yet. Have to wait for autopsy report. The virus is contained, but the threat is not yet neutralised.'

'And who do you think that is responsible?'

'I don't know, maybe a terrorist who wants to cause mass terror.' Kensi suspected.

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