Sweeney Sweets

By angelicc_flowerss

1.7M 50.3K 13.9K

When 20 year old Calliope Sweeney's recent boyfriend cheats on her the very same day she graduates from culin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Authors Note
Lovers Lessons (Final Blurb)

Chapter 46

21.8K 603 141
By angelicc_flowerss

Before I got to bed on Saturday night my first thoughts was that I was basically going on vacation with my boyfriends family, just that majority of them had absolutely no idea that we were dating.

And most of the night I was thinking about all my time i'd spend with him, I was so nervous and excited that I couldn't wait, i'd barely gotten any sleep from just how excited I was, which is why when my brother woke me up at 5am after i'd gotten only two hour of sleep I'd turned over and literally screamed into my pillow.

He just snorted at my antics and tapped my head before he left the bedroom and let me start to get ready for today.

I knew that because it was close to middle December that it'd be extremely cold in France, so last night I brought out my London clothes, which was layers of different clothing and when I was done packing majority of my cupboard into the bag i'd also taken an outfit for today and kept it in a hanger on my closets handle.

So now I just slipped on my leggings and hoodie over my body, snuggling into the oversized fluffy white hoodie as I put my white trainers on, my hair was left open and just combed through.

Within this week i'd trimmed my bangs and dyed my hair again, a red, kinda brown, kind of ginger color that could maybe be placed as light brown mixed in with red and i'd say it suited me well.

When I was done changing I walked downstairs and my brother took me to the office since Rhys said he'd take me with him to the airport, of course he would, and my naive brother just shrugged and let it be.

But for some reason, I think i'd prefer if he figured it out by himself rather than having to explain it all to him because it seemed like it would actually be kinda weird to have to explain it to him.

When we got there and he walked in with me, I noticed he was still in checkered pajama pants and a white t-shirt but he didn't seem to care since it was a Sunday and no one would be here anyway.

"Very festive." I joked as I looked to the green and red checkered color pajama pants he was wearing and he grunted in response making me raise a brow.

I'd also noticed he wasn't exactly himself today.

"Did something happen?" I ask, pushing my hands into the hoodies pockets.



He looked to me beside him, a very evident straight line on his lips and I rose a brow that indirectly coaxed him to tell me, my lips forming a frown as soon as I actually put one and two together. "Ki?"

His frown deepened and I sighed, oh no.

"She likes you."

He sighs and we stop walking for a little when he presses the elevator button down, "No she doesn't, she thinks she's just an option."

I hum, "Is she?"

"What the fuck Dylan? It took me awhile but of course she's not an option, I fucking love her." He mumbles as he rubs his fist over his eyes, probably because he's also tired but my eyes only widen as I stare at him.

Did he just say, love?

How long has he even liked her? Since she worked here for like four years? Damn.

"Love?" I ask

He sighed heavily as he continued past me as soon as the elevator doors open and I scolded him, "Jesse!"

"Yeah love Dylan fuck." He grumbles back as he pressed the other button and we wait, a short silence passing between us before I speak up again.

"Are you serious?"

He groans, his head falling back, "Even you don't believe it for fucks sakes."

"No! I mean, its just that you never speak to her, and you speak to everyone." I told him as we got out the elevator and he shrugged. "She's, well she's just- she's her."

"Thats a good thing?"

He nodded and I smiled lightly.

"Show her she's not an option then, take her out on a date or something, I think she likes you but she really doesn't think you like her."

He looked to me and his eyes seemed to grow lighter, as if his whole mood brightened at the possibility that she actually cared. "You think?"

"I do."

He nodded, looking a little less, meh, than he had downstairs.

"Since when did you get so smart, idiot?" He asked me as we walked up to the doors of Rhys's office and I rolled my eyes when he opened the door for me.

"I've always been an intellectual."

"Almost as humble as Blackburn over there." He muttered sarcastically and Rhys snorted from the couch, putting a bunch of papers into files. "I am humble."

"I've heard you say you're always right." I told him with a raise of my brow and he rose a brow back. "And was I wrong?"

"Arrogant bastard." I mumble as I move over to sit beside him, intentionally keeping some space between us but when my brother wasn't looking, he grabbed my thigh.

I quickly slapped his hand away, sending him a glare that he didn't return.


"Okay, so i'll be leavi-"

He looks away from me, "Don't fuck up, learn how to do math and use a calculator and call me if you have to." Rhys told him all in one breath and I rolled my eyes.

Always worried, always working.

"Anything else master Blackburn?" My brother mumbles in annoyance as he flipped Rhys off, taking the files and waking back to the door.

"I'll come home a day early, I have to finalize some paperwork."

My brother nodded, sending me a smile and mouthing thank you which I smiled back at. It was nothing, I'd always be there to help him if he needed me too.

"Be safe."

"I'll try." I sang and my brother shook his head as he closed the door behind him, almost immediately Rhys grabbed around my waist, pulling me into him and pressed his lips to mine and I grinned against his.

"Hey you."

"I missed you so much, fuck and it was only a few days." He murmured when our lips detached and I smiled. Even though I was staying with my brother I'd still see him within the week, just not as much and we hadn't got the chance to speak much when we were together, besides texting since he was busy with work.

"I'll make it up to you tonight."

He smirked at my insinuation as he kissed my lips one last time, his eyes straying to my hair before he kisses my jaw.

He's already seen that i'd dyed my hair again and he told me liked it, and now whenever I was near him he eyed it, touched it, played with it. I think he liked this color the most.

We stood up together and he held my hand as we walked out the office after he'd put his stuff away and I thought to myself that this place looked so weird without anyone in it.

When we got outside he opened the door for me like he always did before I got in.

"What'd you get?" He asked me as I buckled my seatbelt and he did so too, and at the question I almost freaking burst with excitement. "I got these cute knit blankets, Rhys, they're so cute, im not joking, its like colorful squares, and warm, not too warm but yeah, you're gonna die."

"Yeah i'm sure."

My smile only widens as I continue.

"I got purple and blue towels!"

He blinks.

"Purple and blue... towels?"

I nodded, "For me, when I stay over, its the cutest, it had little sewn on hearts, and the blue is for you cause you like blue, no hearts though, obviously."

His lips twitched in amusement, "You're the easiest person to make happy."

"Is that a bad thing?"


I grinned.

"I got heart shaped baking pans, and oven gloves, and a red step stool."

He rose a brow at the last one, "Why a step stool?"

"So I can get coffee without waking you up or climbing the shelves."

He snorted.

"Why do you keep it so high up anyway?" I drawl as I lean back in the seat. "Its coffee, we drink it everyday."

"So you can wake me up to get it for you."

I blinked. Why the hell would he want that?


He hummed softly. "It's the only way to get you to wake me up."

I blinked again, "Who the hell actually wants to be woken up every morning?"

"Who wants to be woken up by you every morning? Me."

I rolled my eyes at that, my lips quirking up on its own accord as I look away and out the window.

There was actually quite a few people on the road for an early Saturday morning, but then again Miami was never not busy on a Saturday. "What times our flight?" I ask him, tilting my head to the side.


"Are we late?"

"No, we just have to go through FBO."

I raise a brow, "What's that?"

"Fixed base operator."

"Oh!" I drawl out, nodding too. "I have no idea what that means." I say as I continue nodding, indirectly asking him another question, and of course he doesn't get annoyed, he just answers.

"Its a privately owned airport, my brother's friend owns it."

I blinked at that. Of course rich people had rich people connections, thats how they kept themselves rich, isn't it?

"And we own a few private jets."

I blinked again. "For the company?"

"Six for the company and two privately owned, Adair's and I's."

I blinked one more time, trying to process that.

Ambrose wasn't exactly showy, even if he could've been and it surprised me sometimes when I realized both of them were like extremely rich, but of course they just acted like everyone else would.

"Oh so you people are that rich." I drawled out the last two words and he chuckled.

I just shook my head.

"Why did you choose finance?" I ask him randomly, and I know I'm moving on from the previous subjects quickly but I just have so many questions.

As always.

"Im good at math." He responds like thats the simplest explanation for it and I nod, I knew that but I mean, why else?

"Did you always like it?"

"Im good at dictating how to use money and I like things im good at."

"Wow you really are full of yourself Blackburn." I tease him and he looked to me with a roll of his pretty eyes.

"It must be nice to be good at math, it makes you look all smart and shit."

He snorts. "Im not that smart."

"Oh wow, so you are humble Emrhys."

He chuckled at that, shaking his head and I smiled. I love when he smiled, or laughed. It made me want to lean over the center console and kiss him.

"What does your dad do?" I asked a little warily, not wanting to overstep but if he was uncomfortable at the mention of his father, he didn't show it. I knew his father owned the company, but i've never seen him actually anywhere around there.

"He just owns the company, we run everything."

"Who's we?"

"Adair, Ambrose and I." I figured.

"Is that why everyone always look at you guys for help?"

He nods, "They're more our employees in our eyes and theirs, not my fathers."

I nodded slowly in understanding. "Doesn't it piss you off a little?"

He shrugged like it wasn't anything new. "I never liked my father anyway sweetheart, it doesn't really matter how I feel about it now."

I frowned. "It matters to me." I mumbled as he parked the car in the parking, alongside the car I'd remembered as Adairs.

He sighed and leaned over, cupping my jaw and kissing me softly and I kissed him back.

"And I lo-" He stopped talking, and I swear his eyes widened for a second before he cleared his throat.

I rose a brow. "What?"

He just kissed me again. "Sorry yeah, just stop worrying okay?"

I sighed, opening my arms and he knew what that meant, and even if he didn't need a hug, I think I did.

I moved closer to him, getting to my knees in a somewhat awkward position of keeping one leg on my seat and the other one on his as I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his own around my waist.

"He's still your father Rhys, of course I'm gonna worry." I murmured into his neck and he pulled me closer to him, pressing a gentle kiss to my jaw.

"Don't Calli, all I care about is right here."

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