copycat ~ k. saiki x fem read...

By butterflyglasses

134K 3.7K 5.1K

After a weird encounter at the beach, Saiki wonders if he's not the only one who has his unique psychic abili... More



4.2K 120 163
By butterflyglasses

Saiki's POV:
This is a disaster. While I was spending time with Y/n, I failed to stop the others from choosing to vacation on the island that is set to explode.

Saiki looked over at Y/n who was staring at the view with mesmerization in her eyes. They had been on the train for a while and he was glad when she suggested they sit away from the group.

"You're staring again," she teased looking back at him.

"Just admiring the view," he replied with a smile.

She hummed and leaned in closer to him. Saiki closed his eyes, excepting a kiss, and reopened them after hearing the rustling of a bag. Y/n smiled back at him and stuffed her face with the handful of chips she had stolen from him.

"Wow," Saiki said with a shake of his head, "you could have just asked for some you know."

"It's funnier this way," she joked.

"As much as I enjoy spending time with you I hope you're focused on the task at hand."

"Yeah, yeah, stop the explosions, save the world. I know."

Y/n looked out the window and smiled, "look! We're almost to Oshimai!"

~Slight Timeskip~
Y/N's POV:
After a long day of doing touristy things like skydiving, going to temples, and amusement parks, the group was shocked to discover that they never actually booked a hotel.

It was even more shocking to Y/n when Saiko offered them his place.

She wanted to thank him and somehow found a way to his room. She knocked and was let in after a few moments.

Inside his room was a gigantic bed. At least one that was too big to hold one person. Saiko stared blankly at her and a faint rose color appeared throughout his cheeks once he saw who was at the door.

Y/n had not realized how late it was. Nor had she realized how weird her presence at this hour might have been.

"Hi! I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for letting us stay here. That was...very kind of you."

He cleared his throat, "well it's no big deal or anything. I'm always looking for ways to do some charity."

Y/n brushed off this backhanded compliment and returned a smile, "I'm serious! This is showing some real character development for you. You're becoming less obvious."

"I still have no idea what that means."

"It's just something my mom says. It means you stand out. In a bad way according to her."


"Alright, that was all. Good night!"

"Wait," he said grabbing her arm.

Y/n looked down at it confused.

"I..." he let go of her arm, "I have something to confess..."

Y/n raised her eyebrows.



"I'm going to stop you right there. I think I know where this is going," she sighed, "I'm sorry Saiko but I'm dating Saiki and I love him very much."

He nodded in disappointment, "I knew it was a long shot but I figured I'd still try anyway."

"I'm sorry," she repeated, "if I was leading you on I truly do apologize."

"It's fine," he whispered.

Y/n gave him an apologetic smile before walking away and whispering, "good night."

~Slight Timeskip~
When Y/n's eyes fluttered open, she was shocked to recognize the area surrounding her.

She stood up slowly and spun around to make sure she was sure of where she was at.

"The mountain?" she questioned.

She spotted a copy of herself a few miles away and walked closer to it. It seemed to be concentrating really hard and had their clips in their hands.

She suddenly felt the Earth shake below her. It was probably shaking before but had become more apparent.

And then it happened. The clone collapsed and laid motionless on the ground. Before she could run up to it, a voice spoke loudly: "Y/n?"

She awoke with a start and blinked at the sleeping girls around her. She had forgotten Saiki had asked her to meet him in the hall at around 2:30 AM. She rubbed her eyes and yawned before finally meeting him.

"Sorry, I fell asleep," she said as a greeting.

"That's fine. Let's just go meet the others."

He offered her his hand and she took it without hesitation. Together they teleported to meet Aiura and Toritsuka in another hotel to discuss the plan. However, Y/n's mind wandered elsewhere.

Would she really be dead by the end of this trip?

She looked to Saiki as he spoke confidently when describing his plan. She smiled wearily and planned her next move.

~Slight Timeskip~
Carpe diem! Or whatever Y/n felt like describing this morning was not something in her "what could go wrong" bingo card.

Her and Saiki had gone out for an early morning breakfast (Y/n's idea) because, according to Y/n, they needed the fuel to truly become heroes.

"You probably already explained this but I still don't understand why you needed me to come on this trip," she said taking a bite of her eggs.

"Having you here can make our clones more efficient with the plan. Besides, I just really wanted to spend some time with you in a new area."

"Ah so romantic." She paused for a moment, "you don't think I'm overcrowding this trip do you?"

"No? Why would you think that?"

"I don't know. I just wasn't originally part of the group that was actually going and now I feel like I'm being clingy for coming here with you all. I mean Chiyo had to rearrange our group for the skydiving thing."

Saiki shook his head, "Y/n you're never "overcrowding" our group. Don't you ever feel that way."

She smiled and dug into the pockets of her sweater, "I got this for you," she said placing a beaded bracelet on the counter. In front of him was displayed a homemade bracelet with green beads and other colors that Y/n usually wore.

"I bought them yesterday from a little stand," she said showing off her own with Saiki's signature colors, "aren't they cute? And super convenient that they had them in these colors."

He chuckled and put his on, "I will treasure this forever."

Y/n's smile became softer, "I'm really glad we're doing this."

"Me too," he said taking her hand, "Y/n so far this trip has been incredible with you here. I really want you to know that."

"Awww Saiki, you really know how to take a girl's breath away," she teased.

"Y/n L/n..." he said softly, "I am completely and entirely yours."

Her heart fluttered. As much as she was living in the moment, the premonition was still in the back of her mind.

A/N: ...sorry for the late update lol. I actually have no excuse I'm just lazy anyway enjoy this meme:

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