Obsession Started in a Crisis...

By poison-ny

89.1K 1.9K 2.8K

I was taking a late night stroll through my neighborhood. I felt the cold wind blowing lightly in my face as... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 11

3.2K 76 117
By poison-ny

Hey guyss, sorry for being so late on posting my last chapter. I was hoping to post it earlier and publish the one on Halloween. Thank you all for the love and support :)💜___________________________________________

They left as I sat back into the couch, trying too get in a comfortable position to help with the pain

Norman and Jason sat next to me and I decided to use Norman's lap as a pillow

Jason climbed behind me and hugged me as if I was a teddy bear and Michael crossed his arms and looked away

I took notice of his possible jealousy and reach my hand out for him and wanting him to take it

He looked at my hand and took it with his two big hands and laid my hand over his head

Norman softly and gently brushed the side of my head with his hand and I could already tell Jason was asleep

I curled up into a ball as I cover my body up to my mouth with the blanket

Michael got onto the couch also and laid on my side still holding my hand. He laid my hand on the side of his head as he laid on me

I've never seen this side of Michael before. He has an adorable sweet spot

Kaleb's POV

I got home after getting fired from yet another job. Pretty soon to be arrested

I showered and changed my clothes. I treated and wrapped the stab wounds on my hand and leg

It was a painfully struggle but I got through it

I limped downstairs into my kitchen getting a bottle of water

I sat down slowly and carefully onto the couch trying not to make anymore pain than the amount I was already feeling

I turned on my radio for music so I could fall asleep

We Belong Together - Ritchie Valens

"You're mine
And we belong together
Yes, we belong together
For eternity"

I couldn't help but think about Y/n while the song played. That's all the song made me think about

Someone started banging on the door, interrupting my thought of Y/n's body and beauty

I ignored the knocking and banging expecting them to stop sooner or later. I thought wrong

I groaned and got up carefully and limped my way over to there door yelling "I'm coming, I'm coming Jeez!"

I opened the door but there was no one there

"Stupid fucking kids, Halloween isn't for another 2 weeks and they're already doing these stupid scare pranks"

I closed the door and sat back down, closing my eyes

"You're mine
Your lips belong to me
Yes, they belong to only me"

I instantly opened my eyes when I felt 2 bare hands tightly squeeze my throat

"For eternity~"

I saw a guy with brown hair who look around Y/n's age

I gasped for air and tried loosening his hands from my throat

He was grabbed off me and I rolled of the couch onto the floor coughing and inhaling sharply

"You're my, my baby
And you'll al-al-always be"

I turned my head seeing a group of what I hope were just people in costumes playing a prank

"Yeah, yeah, make him suffer first, I know I fucking got it man!"

They walked up to me and I crawled away from them as my stab wounds started bleeding and leaving blood streaks on my glossed wooden floor

I kept crawling until I felt someone step on the back of my leg making the blood start pouring out a bit quicker

"AH SHIT!" I yelled out in pain

I was kicked over and there was a weird looking thing

Their or its skin was scaly and a black with a dark colored long coat and hat

Teeth white and sharp. The rest of I'm guessing his group came up to me and circled around me

I was in such pain and scared out of my mind

"I swear by everything I own"

There was a guy who had burns all over their face and body with a red and green sweater and sharp gloved fingers

"Watch, he's gonna say 'I have 2 kids and a wife'"

I was pulled off the floor and slammed against the wall then one of the burned man's knife fingers were pressed onto my throat adding more pressure the more I inhaled

"P-please, I have a wife and 2 babies, both 7 months old"

"See what I tell you" I heard a whisper say

"I have 2 bag of cash upstairs under my bed" I said in the fear of my life that I never thought would come

"So desperate" the man who looked almost formal said with a smirk

They walked up to me and put me in the middle of them, pushing me from person to the next to the next and over and over again

They started to punch and stab me once I got pushed towards them each of them stabbed me

The pain felt endless. I could feel my life slipping away

"You're mine
And we belong together"

I slid down the wall and laid my back up against the wall

3rd POV

Kaleb's body fell to the ground as that last part of the song played

The guys got the money bags and hid his body where no one would be able to find

"Yes, we belong together
For eternity

They began to head back to Y/n's house

Kaleb's body buried under somewhere where it will be impossible to find. Not even dogs

Blood on his hands and clothes while his blood continued to pour out

The slashers arrived back at the house and Y/n got fast as lightning and hugged them, happy for their return

Hannibal's POV

"Move, move" I said pushing Pennywise, Stu and Candyman out of the way and came up to Y/n, cupping her chin, lifting her head

"Y/n dear, have you been crying this whole time? Your eyes are red" I asked wiping the excess tears off her cheeks

"I'm fine" she responded quietly. After a few minutes we ended up in her room sharing her bed all at once so it was pretty cuddly

The night past and Y/n followed her regular routine getting Jamie ready for school and dropped him off then came back to the house

I came to her and greeted her

Brahms pushed me over and took Y/n's hand. "What the hell Brahms" I growled lowly

He started walking up the stairs and looked like he was going to her room. "Hey! Where are you taking her?" Freddy yelled

We heard a door close and lock

"Are you fucking serious? He's so selfish for taking Y/n away like that, only for him to have"

We all went up the stairs and tried opening the door. We didn't want to break it since this was Y/n's house

We just sat in front of the door and waited. We knew he wouldn't do anything really since Michael and Pennywise are here

He's afraid of them

Brahms POV

I took Y/n and locked us in her room

She told me she should change her clothes so I let her since we made a deal

"Y/n, you're taking too long"

"I'm coming, coming" she replied

She came back which made me smile.

Y/n's fit👇🏽

(Don't say anything about you not looking good in this because you're beautiful in general)

"Come on, were going out" I said grabbing her hand. She still had bandages on her hands

I guess they started bleeding again

I turned her hands and looked at them. They clearly needed to be changed

I took her back into the bathroom and looked around for bandages

I found some under the sink and unwrapped the ones Y/n had on

I threw them away and I wrapped her hands with new clean bandages

"Where are we going?" She asked with a slight smile

"Where ever you want, my treat"

"Wait, really?"

I nodded my head and took her hand again. I walked to the door of her room and unlocked it

I walked out and saw everyone outside her door

I ignored them and took he down the stairs, taking Y/n with me

"H-hey, where are y-ou guys going?" Norman asked

"Somewhere" I replied and walked to the front door

"Don't worry I'll be back" she said smiling at them then at me and we left out the door

She started taking me down the side of the street. A few minutes later we arrived at Starbucks

She got her favorite drink which I paid for. She then started walking again

Time passed and so far she got her nails done, food and went to a park

Y/n's nails👇🏽

(Pick one of your choice)

After that we kept walking and she dragged me to a nearby playground

It was empty but look cleaner than most playgrounds

I wanted to play hide n' seek and hid behind a blue slide

Y/n's POV

Brahms and I were playing a game of hide n's seek I guess since he put my hands over my eyes and told me to count to 10

As I counted, I could hear the wood chips being ran through

"Ready or not, here I come!" I said

I looked around the playground and eventually came to a blue slide

I slowly moved towards it and and peeked my head out like I was trying to scare him

"Found yo- Brahms?"

He wasn't there. "I could've sworn he was here"

I stood up straight and whipped my head around looking for him

"Okay Brahms, you got me."

I was expecting him to pop out somewhere but he didn't

"Come on, this isn't funny anymore, where are you?"

I heard the squeaking of the swing set and turned me head to face it

Pennywise was sitting there using his feet to move himself back and forth on it

"Brahms isn't here right now. It's my turn to spend time with you" he said as I walked up to him

He picked up my hands surprisingly gently and pulled me slightly closer. I felt like he needed a hug

He's been quietly lately and sometimes distant

I moved closer to him and wrapped my hands around his neck and hugged him

He was hesitant at first but wrapped his arms around my waist which pulled me even closer to him

He laid his head into my shoulder. "You okay?" I asked quietly, lifting my head up and putting my hand on the back on his neck

He hummed in response and nodded his head

I kissed his cheek and took his hands, leaning back making him stand up

"Enough sad" he said with a smile growing on his red glossed lips

He covered my eyes and after a few seconds we were in a.. Tunnel?

"Hey where ar-"

Before I could process everything he slammed and pinned me into a wall


He slammed his lips into mine putting his hands on my waist and the other pinning both my hands over my head

He broke to kiss and stared at my lips then my eyes

His eyes were a bright yellow, they almost looked gold

A smirk began to form on his lips. Pennywise picked up my legs by my thighs


He slowly moved his lips against my neck and bit into it only leaving a mark that started bleeding

"Ah- Pennywise!" I yelled with my arms weakening around his neck and one of my hands gripping his shoulder

"What's wrong dolly?" He asked as I my lifted my head. I felt like I just woke up

I was sitting on his lap sideways with his hands around me

"You passed out or fell asleep for a few minutes until I woke you up"

I touched my neck but there wasn't any blood or pain

"You kay dolly?" He asked with his eyes bright yellow like before

I thought nothing of it and nodded my head

He smelt of cotton candy and popcorn which I didn't really mind

We got up and went for a walk. We took a few pictures together

I was looking through my phone to see which picture I liked the best and said "I love this one, what do you think?"

"It's okay but I think it would look better if I was in it instead" the voice didn't sound like Pennywise. I turned around and saw Candyman

I guess this is gonna be happening everytime I look away

I smiled at him and took a picture with him

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked. I thought for a few seconds "how about the movie theater?"

"Yeah, we can do that" he responded

After a few minutes of walking we eventually arrived at the theatre

It was crowded and I look on the walls at the displayed movies

One of them was a movie of Candyman. I wanted to watch it so I got ticket and a snack (which is optional if you get anything to eat at the movies)

Candyman was hiding out somewhere and was going to follow me into the movie so we wouldn't draw any attention

I walked down the hallway and Candyman came out of no where and walked with me taking the stuff out my hands

The lights were almost a purple or deep blue color but really dim

We walked into our movie which had just started. We luckily got a seat all the way at the top

There was about 2 other people in the row with us but were seated on the other side

The seats below up were packed. Candyman sat next to me and since the was one open seat next to me, I put the snacks there and the our water in the cup holders

We were about halfway into the movie and the 2 people in our row fell asleep

Candyman looked at me and cracked a smile

I smile back at him and he slipped his hand onto my thigh. I felt my face heat up

He leaned to my ear and asked if I was comfortable. I was so I responded saying "Yeah"

He moved his hand down to my inner thigh and moved his thumb back and forth against my skin

I paid my head on his shoulder which pulled my leg up a tiny bit because of the adjustment of his arm

He laid his head tilted against mine. I put my hand on the side of his face and he took it kissing my fingers then holding my hand

I smiled and we continued to watch the rest of the movie

After the movie

The movie ended and it was around the time to pick up Jamie from school. I lifted my head off his shoulder

He moved his hand off my thigh and we stood up. He was still holding my hand and I didn't mind it

I took him down the stairs and out the door. We needed to leave before anyone else

were walking back down another hallway from where everybody was suppose to come out of and left throw the back exit

"Your car is right over here, I brought it for you" Candyman said with a smile

I smiled back and him. I went over to my car with him following

I stopped right infront of the car realizing that I don't have the key. I turned around and he took the keys out of his pocket

He put them back when I held my hand out for him to give them to me

He smiled at me. "I'm driving" Candyman said taking me to the passenger and opening the door for me then closed it after I got in

He went around them front and got into the drivers seat

We started driving to Jamie's school and after about 15 minutes of driving, we arrived at the school

I got out and walked over to jamie and he hugged me. I got him into the car and we started driving back home

We parked the car infront of my house and got out. Candyman gave the keys to me

I opened the door and walked in with Jamie and Candyman following

He closed the door behind us and locked it as me and Jamie went up to his room so I could help him with his homework

He sat down at his desk and took out a piece of paper I'm assuming is his homework

I sat on my knees and gave him a pencil from his bag

After about 15-23 minutes we finished his homework. I smiled and looked at him. He was also be quiet

He rested his head in his hand and his smile slowly started fading away which made mines fade as well

I hated when Jamie was ever sad or angry

"Jamie?" He seemed distracted so I called his name again. "Jamie?"

"Sorry Y/n, what we're you saying?" Jamie used to act like this when dad was around and abused him

"What happened? There's something you're not telling me."

I picked up his hands with care and took it in my two hands while we made eye contact

I looked down at his sleeve seeing a brownish reddish stain. I looked up at him as a tear fell from his eye. I looked back at his long sleeved arm

I pushed up his sleeves and my heart dropped and shattered

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