Sweeney Sweets

By angelicc_flowerss

1.7M 50.3K 13.9K

When 20 year old Calliope Sweeney's recent boyfriend cheats on her the very same day she graduates from culin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Authors Note
Lovers Lessons (Final Blurb)

Chapter 28

28.3K 864 423
By angelicc_flowerss

The first thing I did after completely ignoring what had happened between Rhys and I in the backseat of the car, was go home, then sleep and then proceed to continue to avoid him for almost a week straight.

But what I did on Wednesday morning was curse my brother for inviting me to a work function of his, along with Kiana but not Kauai since she had to babysit that night.

So Kiana would be coming too, and of course she would be working some of the time but we'd all still be enjoying ourselves when she wasn't.

So of course I said yes.

The only thing is that I knew who was gonna be there on Saturday as well, and I wasn't stupid, I knew I couldn't avoid him forever, not even if I moved back to London and hid away under Spencer's bed.

It wouldn't change that we did- what we did, in that damned car.

So now I was here, walking out the elevator, wondering if it would be weird if I still asked Mikel if Rhys was too busy to see me or if I could go into his office when i'd practically had my tongue down his throat.

No? I hope not.

In any case, Mikel let me in, not before discreetly flirting with me and I kinda felt bad for him, specifically because his boss would probably never let him get within 5 feet of me.

I walked to the door, standing still there for a second, contemplating if I should do this.

Forcing myself not to overthink this I opened the door and looked to my brothers best friend who was busy with his work.

And here I was, holding a box that had his favorite cheesecake in it like I did almost every week, except that now Rhys and I weren't exactly in the same circumstances as we were before his sisters party.

Sighing softly I walked closer after closing the door behind me, walking over to the desk and I placed the box down on it.

He blinked at it till his eyes ran from my hands, over my arms and up to my face, stopping there.

I smiled at him before looking down to his papers too, underestimating how warm my body would feel and just how horrified i'd feel right now when he was staring right at me.

"Are you busy?"

"Not really."

He was. When was he not?

I looked to the chair before I cleared my throat, instead of sitting there I settled for going over to the couch because it all felt too formal to have this little talk with a desk separating us.

He took the hint and walked over to sit beside me, a little too close since our knees knocked when he sat down and so I moved up a little to the opposite side of the couch before I looked over to him.

He stared at me like he was dissecting me.

The reminder of my body being on complete display to him nights ago ran through my brain now causing me to flush, suddenly i'd wished i'd used hundreds of layers of clothes to wipe away his memory of my nakedness.

"Im really sorry about kissing you." I blurted out, and I think my eyes widened a little as soon as the words left my mouth.

It was quiet for a second, eerily quiet so I continued. "I was drunk and horny and- oh my fucking goodness that sounded so wrong, what I mean is it just happened in the moment and I just- well im really sorry Rhys." I mumbled out the last bit, hating my little rambling episode and he blinked at me when I was done.

"I kissed you back, so its not your fault." He reasoned with me in a casual tone but I shrugged, biting down on my lip as I looked to my lap, hoping if I bit hard enough i'd wake up and this would all be some dream.

I looked back up to him.

It wasn't a dream.

"Whoever kissed who, im just sorry, I know it shouldn't have gone that far." Translation, I shouldn't have let you put your damn sweet tongue inside me.

He just stared at me after that, probably wondering if I was thinking about Saturday right now and hell, of course I was. It's all i'd been able to think about, even when I was at the bakery.

I could hardly work today which Emilia, Anakin, Henri, Mckay and even Effy noticed, they all told me to go take a walk on the beach or just do something to clear my head.

Instead of using my time to walk on the beach and think about it even more I came here to his office to get some clarity in the situation.

"I still want us to be friends though, I don't want anything to be awkward, but just friends, or whatever we were before it happened."

He nodded slowly as if processing my words and because of that I wondered what he was thinking too, "Its not awkward Calli, we are friends, we were drunk too so.."

I smiled a little, feeling a wave of relief wash over me.

We were gonna be fine, thankfully. "Yes exactly that." I replied, nodding at what he'd said, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders.

Maybe i'd be able to actually go back to the bakery and work now.

I shifted my body on the couch I was seated on till one of my legs were laying bended on the couch, opened my arms with a wide grin, hoping he'd get the gist of it, but of course, he did not.

He eyed both of my arms warily as if it was a trap and I wiggled my fingers encouragingly.

"What're you doing with your arms?"

I almost snorted. "It's a hug, hugs are friendly Emrhys."

He looked at me like I was crazy, blinked and I narrowed my gaze at him, not giving up till he finally sighed and I knew he gave in.

I leaned forward and slipped my hands around him and and hugged him tightly, my head on his chest and I swear his heartbeat was faster than it should've been.

But he hugged me back anyway, his hands on my shoulders, and I could feel him roll my hair around his fist, he probably didn't like hugs, but I liked his hugs.

Then I moved back a little, his hands still around me and he looked down to me, moving his hands slowly from my hair to my jaw and tilting my head further back.

I stared at him, staring at each each of his features up close till it stopped at his lips.

I looked back up to his eyes

And he looked up to mine.

I had no idea who leaned forward first, but seconds later his lips were pressed down to mine. It was only just a soft peck at first, as if just to get a small taste of me before we ended whatever we could've been.

But he didn't stop there after a soft needy moan left my lips, he wanted more of this.

But I wanted more too.

I was sober now, both of us were sober and now I could register the jolt to my stomach as soon as our lips touched, I could soak in every one of the goosebumps wrapping around my arms and urging me to take him in my arms, pull him closer and never let him go because kissing him felt as good as anything good could possibly feel, it was soft and slow and he made me feel savored, and I wanted him to savor me for as long as he wanted to.

He swiped his tongue over my bottom lip and parted it, so gentle yet I still whimpered against him, my fingers gripping to the front of his shirt as I opened my mouth for him, his tongue slid into my mouth, meeting mine in a slow passionate open mouthed kiss that made my whole body ache for an equal amount of his attention.

His hands had only left my face when he'd brought them down to my ass and picked me up, pulling me onto his lap and I let him as I straddled him.

His hands went up my body just the way I liked it, circling around my waist and pulling me impossibly closer to him, soft sighs leaving both our mouths when our bodies were touching.

I felt my movements grow faster, more urgent, more impatient as I wrapped my fingers around his tie, tugging him closer to me till all I could taste and feel was him.

Just him.

I felt a finger of his hook over my singlet strap, slowly beginning to pull it down my arms, my hands moving from his tie to his jaw and he moaned when I dug my fingers into his skin.

He kissed me harder and I moaned at the feeling of his lips claiming mine; kissing never felt this good, but with Rhys, I think everything would feel good.

I moaned his name without meaning to, much to engrossed in the feeling of him beneath me to care, I loved it, loved how close he was to me, loved how he touched me and I really loved how he kissed me like he never wanted to stop kissing me.

His dick twitched beneath me at the sound of my moan for him, and I almost whimpered at the feeling against my lower region because I had the biggest urge to move off of him and drop to my knees, the dirtiest of thoughts crossing my mind, my body yearning to taste his come on my tongue the way he'd tasted me on his.

Then suddenly, before I could do something i'd later on regret, a knock came from the other side of the door.

With one last soft kiss to my lips he tore his away from mine, brushing my bottom lip with his thumb as I stared at him breathlessly, both our lips parted in some sort of confusion as to what had just happened, again.

He lifted me off of him, stupidly, I clung to him.

He blinked, a look of frustration and reluctance to let me go swarming in his eyes. I blinked back at him, wondering what was written on my face as I quickly scrambled off of his lap, placing my hands down on my own lap like a kid who knew they just did something they shouldn't have done.

What the fuck just happened?!




When he was done talking to whoever was at the door he closed it once again, running a hand through his hair before he said, "Shit, im sorry it- it was a mistake."

Was it?

"We can't mistakenly kiss each other twice, Rhys!" I hissed as I stood up off the couch, crossing my arms over my chest and he nodded.

"Maybe we shouldn't be- touching then."

Hesitating for a moment I nodded back at what he'd stated, rubbing my hands down my arm in a form of comfort.

"Right, maybe we shouldn't."

He stared at me for a little, and I did what I always did when he stared at me.

I smiled at him.

"Stop smiling at me Calli."

I frowned now, "Why?"

"Its already driving me insane not being able to touch you and its only been a few minutes since we fucking hugged."

Seconds since we kissed too.

"So unless you get here and let me kiss you again I think you should just- just stay at home Calli, for some time, or something."

My lips parted.

He kinda just told me to leave him alone.


"What else do we do?" He asked me, looking at me with a little hint of exasperation, as if the question was rhetorical and I bit down on my bottom lip, "I don't know."

He shook his head at that, opening the door a little more for me and I knew what that meant, it only made my frown deepen.

I nodded anyway, knowing there was nothing more I could do.

So I left.

✶ ✶ ✶

Rhys POV:

"What'd you drop in the car?" Adair asked me as we sat around the now empty board room table and I looked to him, tapping my jaw with my index finger and rose a brow in question, "What?"

"Alcohol, what alcohol did you drop?"

I cocked my head to the side. "Are you talking about the wine?"

"Thats it? Thought it was blood at first man, fuck." He mumbled, rolling his eyes and I snorted, my mind going back to that moment in the car and in my office earlier today and honestly, I felt like I was going insane.


Calliope Dylan Sweeney.


Her lips were just as soft as her body, her pussy just as sweet as her mouth and I couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful she was when she was naked, splayed out for me, looking like every mans dream, then earlier today in my office, fully clothed on me and yet she still looked like my dream, she still looked like all I wanted.

Her little smile. Her hugs. Her scent. Her kisses. Her.

"Did something happen in the car?" Adair asked me slowly, looking a little chastising, like how a father should be with his teenage son.

In all honesty, my father couldn't have cared less about what I was doing in my free time when I was a teenager, I could be burning houses down for entertainment and he'd probably just tell me not to let anyone figure out I dabbled in arson.

But there was always Adair who made up for where my father lacked, even now when I was a fucking grown man.

I smirked at the thought of her again, not meaning to but I did and immediately he groaned, causing me to roll my eyes.

"You had sex with Dylan? In the car I fucking sat in?"

I snorted, "Didn't do that." I wouldn't do that either, the first time we have sex I want her to be comfortable, I wanted to feel her, touch her properly, memorize her, not just a quickie in the back of some fucking car.

"Good, but still in the car?"

I hummed, not elaborating on what we did, it wasn't anyones business, I stretched out my arms before groaning, "He's gonna kill me if he finds out." I told Adair, hoping he knew who I was referring to and he shrugged affirming me that he did know who, "Then make sure he doesn't."

"Wow I never fucking thought of that, thank you."

He snorted at my dry sarcasm, taking his laptop and closing it, "You really like her, huh?"

I nodded, surprised I was talking about this to my brother, usually whenever I needed some advice, which was rarely ever, I spoke to Ambrose, but that was out of question.

Like her?

Of course I liked her.

"I do."

I adored her.

I really wanted her to be mine.

"Then don't worry about him, just worry about her, don't fuck up."

I scoffed because truthfully, my problem wasn't even Ambrose at this point, it was her, wanting her, and not knowing if she wanted me just as much, any two people can kiss and do what we did in the car, but I didn' just want sex from Calliope.

I want more.

Fuck, look at what she was doing to me already? I've never dated in my fucking life, not even when I was a teenager, sure i've had casual sex like anyone else but I didn't have any actual relationship since it was never something that interested me.

But here I was now. So damn interested in Calli, especially in having a relationship with her.

"Did that work on Max?" I ask.

He immediately seemed to relax at the mention of his girlfriend, "Never had to win her over, she's been my best friend for 10 years."

Lucky bastard.

"Calli's my best friend too." Not that her brother wasn't either but she did grow to feel like it too, coming into my office, sitting and speaking to me over the cheesecake she made me, even if I didn't respond and just listened to her most of the time, she still came, she never stopped coming around even if she might've thought I was being an asshole for not talking to her.

Sometimes I think maybe she really did get me.

I missed that.

I missed her.

Fuck, I really missed her.

"Then Ambrose will have to deal with it, clearly she likes you too man stop worrying, you're an adult."

"Frankie was an adult." I reminded him and he shrugged, "Its too late for that now, plus, hadn't he had a thing for his secretary for years now too?"

"Assistant." I corrected him, knowing fully well he was referring to Kiana. I shrugged, "Guess, you're right." I mumbled, taking my stuff from the table too and hoping I wouldn't fuck this up.


"I think I already fucked this up."

He stared at me for a long time before he said, "What?"

"I told her to leave my office earlier, but not in a fucked up way, I just told her to stay home for some time."

He looked at me, blinking once, then twice, as if he couldn't believe what i'd said.

"That's an odd way of showing someone you want a relationship with them and don't actually hate their guts."

I almost groan.

"You think she thinks I hate her guts?" I asked, freaking worried all of a sudden and his lips twitched before it fell into the usual firm line, he shook his head, "Just go see her, also don't tell her to leave you alone you fucking asshole."

I rolled my eyes, "I didn't say that."

"You should've said that, it'd been better."

"Fuck off."

"You practically told her that shes grounded."

I snort at that, fucking idiot.

"You're gonna make me leave work to go beg for her to take me back."

It was his turn to snort. "You should."

I rolled my eyes, knowing he was only going to talk shit now as I walked out the room.

"Leave me alone."

"Thats exactly what you said to Dyl-"

I already slammed the door shut before he could finish his sentence.

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