New memories

By Stinde

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Marvel fanfiction, with original character. This is a sequal to Lost Memories. **************** We are moving... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 25

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By Stinde

"That is not possible!", Thor says angrily when we tell the others what is going on. Sif and the warriors know what is up against us, but the others don't. I look at Bucky and I think that he is thinking the same thing as I am at the moment. Last time we met Hela, I almost lost him. He almost died. I can't go through that pain again. I won't! "Bucky...", I start but he interrupts me, "Don't even think about it. I am coming with you. I promised to you; 'I will always stand by your side, no matter what we are facing.'.". I look at him and smile. I go to him and give him a hug.

"Ok, so how are we going to get into Asgard? The Bifrost isn't an option.", Hogun asks us. Tony tells them about the aircraft, but we realize that we have too many people. Not everyone can travel by the aircraft. The quinjet, which is the other aircraft that the Avengers have, is not built to travel through realms. "I have an idea, but you might not like it.", I say out loud. Everyone is looking at me and I tell my plan to them. "No way! Can I do it?", Peter asks me, and Tony immediately forbids him. "Peter, if you are coming with us, which I still think is a bad idea, you are traveling in the aircraft.", Tony says.

I stepped outside the compound and sat down to create a connection. I am still not sure if this will work, but it is the only way. When I get back in everyone is looking at me anticipating, and all I can say to them is "we just have to wait and see.". It takes about half an hour and finally we hear an ear-catching roar outside. I walk outside and everyone follows me. I wish I could have seen everyone's face when they saw what has arrived at the compound. "Shit!", Tony let's out and before anyone can say anything, Steve responds automatically, "Language!". We all start laughing.

Before our eyes stand four giant dragons. Fornax, Manning, Manson, and Lisha has come to help us. "I wasn't expecting you two.", I say to Manning and Manson, after the greetings. They both snarl at me and the pull me closer with their tails. Thor tries to grab me before the dragons get to me, but he is too slow. To everyone's surprise, I am hugging these two giants. They look eviller than Fornax or Lisha, and maybe that's why everyone was worried for a while. Fandral is the first to really say anything smart, "I have forgotten that dragons are able to travel trough realms. Isn't that why people claim that they have seen dragons here before?". I look at him and nod. It was a great idea to study my mother's books last time we were in Asgard. "So, who is brave enough to hop on one of them?", I ask them while smiling.

We gather our gear into the aircraft. I pick Nanna up. "You are seriously going to fly a dragon with your toddler?", Barton asks me, and I just disregard his question by talking to Nanna, "I think it is time to get you to fly with your companion.". I look at Barton and smirk at him. He just turns around, starts to walk to the aircraft and shouts, "Suit yourself!". I climb on Lisha's back with Nanna. Bucky is trying to get himself together and get closer to Fornax. Finally, Bucky climbs on her back, and I think that it gives Thor and Sif some courage to climb on Manning's and Manson's backs. The others get into the aircraft, and we start our journey. First stop, Barton's.

Barton starts the aircraft and lifts it up from the ground. The aircraft leaves fast, but I know that the dragons are faster. Manning and Manson take the take-off as a competition, and soon enough they are flying right by the aircraft. I look at Bucky and Fornax, and then Nanna and Lisha. "Let's go!", I tell them. Bucky takes a stronger hold of Fornax and I create a force field around Nanna. I might be ok with her flying Lisha, but I am not stupid. The force field will protect her from the wind and from falling.

Soon enough we are at the Barton's ranch. His wife and children are already waiting for us. The kids are in aww when they see the dragons. They want to come closer and pet them, but Laura, Barton's wife, tells them to keep some distance. I walk to her holding Nanna. Barton brings Nanna's bag from the aircraft and gives it to his oldest kid. We talk shortly and I tell Laura everything that she has to know about Nanna. Bucky is standing right behind me. We both give Nanna a big hug. "I promise to you that we both will come back for you.", I whisper to her. I know that Laura and Clint heard me, because Laura almost started to cry, and Clint gave Bucky a tap on the shoulder. We all knew that there are no guaranties that all of us will come back.

I hand Nanna to Laura and give my baby one last kiss on her head. We then walk back to the dragons and the aircraft. I look at Nanna and wave at her. We then hop on our dragons and start to take off. All of the dragons are in air and the aircraft is right behind us. I look at Thor and say to him and the dragons, "Let's go home!".

It takes a while to get to Asgard. It's not like we just fly for a while and end up there. We have to go across realms. With the help of the dragons and the warriors guiding Barton, all of us finally manage to arrive to Asgard. We found a landing place that was close to the palace but hidden enough for us to arrive there without too much fuss. We all get together and I thank the dragons for their help. I tell them that we might need their help at some point. They promise to alert the other dragons and the phoenixes. Lisha gives me a gentle headbutt and then leaves with the others.

"First, we have to get Loki out of the jail. We need his magic also.", Thor tells us. We all agree. "We also have to figure out what is going on and where are the two bitches who are behind all of this.", I add to Thor's thoughts.

We decided to divide and conquer. Me, Bucky, Wanda, and Vision, left to free Loki from the jails. We thought that mine and Wanda's powers combined would be strong enough to break Loki out. The others left to find Deliah and her accomplish. Because it was just us four, we managed to stay hidden for the most part. When we got closer to the palace, we could hear some guards talking. "It doesn't sound like our king would order this. The elves have never attacked us or anyone. Why would we go for a suicide mission and attack them?", a guard asked from another guard, who answered quickly, "Apparently, the elves captured Thor, lady Sif, and the Warriors Three. Someone said that even Lord Barnes was with them. That's why king has ordered us to attack them.". Oh no, they have really ordered the Asgardian Army to attack Alfheim. That would be a bloodbath. Bucky recognizes the guards and convinces us that he trusts them and would be able to get them to help us. He get's out to talk to them.

"Bard, Holger. I need your help!", Bucky says to them. They both are little startled that Bucky was there but they both greeted him friendly. Bucky explained them the situation and they agreed to help us. They helped us to get closer to the jails, but they wouldn't dare to enter there. "This is as far we can come.", one of them told us. "Thank you my friends! Tell the rest of the men what is going on. We need everyone's help.", Bucky thanked them and asked for a favour. "I really hope that none of the men have already started the attack on the elves. That would be suicide like they said.", Bucky said to us. Then I realized. "Maybe we could ask for the help of the elves.", I said to Bucky.

We decided to first save Loki and then find a way to reach Ellard. We are now standing at the doors of the Asgardian jail, the Dungeon. It is under ground, and this is the only way in and out. "We need to be quick if there are guards in there. If Asgardian guards won't go in, there must be something else guarding the prisoners. And I am not sure if I want to know what.", Bucky tells us. Wanda and I get ready to use our powers. Vision and Bucky open the big steel doors of the Dungeon. When the door open, we immediately realize what we have up against us.

"I thought that was taken to Vanaheim after Hela's last attack. What the hell has happened?", I shout to Bucky while we are all now in the Dungeon running away from this huge wolf, Fenrir. When we get to a semi-safe place, Bucky answers me, "I thought so too. Maybe your sister likes it.". I look at him and his smirk. "Not now Bucky!", I snap at him. I look at Wanda and we both start to gather our powers. Bucky is talking to Vision. They saw Fenrir's shackles behind it and now they are trying to figure out how to get them. "We distract it, you get the shackles!", I tell Bucky. He nods and I step out from our hide.

"Here wolfie! You want a belly scratch?", I shout to Fenrir. It immediately jumps after me. I manage to use my powers and bind it in one place for a short while. During that Wanda tries to use her mind reading powers to calm Fenrir down. I am only able to keep it from moving its legs. "Wanda don't go any closer! It can bite you from that distance.", I tell her, but she walks closer. I hope we would have more people helping us, but it is up to four of us.

Fenrir tosses its head ones, and then goes after Wanda. She startles and falls down. I can hear Vision yelling, "Wanda, no!". I let go of Fenrir's legs and focus my powers on its head so that it won't be able to close its jaws or get closer to Wanda. And at the same time, I move so that I am now standing in between Wanda and Fenrir. I can feel Fenrir's breath on my face. Vision has already come to take Wanda to safety, but now it means that Bucky is alone getting the shackles and it is up to my powers to stop this giant creature.

Bucky runs to us with the shackles and then he finally sees that I am alone holding Fenrir back. The wolf is getting closer. I don't understand why my powers don't work on this beast. I was able to defeat Hela and now even this is too much. Fenrir is pushing forward. I can feel the drool dripping from its mouth on my shoulder. Its head is right above me. Bucky is trying to get to me, but he is too far. My powers aren't strong enough. Fenrir tosses its head once again, and my hold on it breaks. It is lunging towards me. I turn my back to it and fall to my knees. I can't watch it getting closer and closer. I hear Bucky yelling. Is this the end for me? Can't anyone help me?

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