By jennie_jaymoon

5.4K 92 115

It's their last year of school... but no one expected the drama waiting ahead. Couples: Yuno x Mimosa Asta x... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Special Chapter
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Special Chapter

Chapter 1

946 15 38
By jennie_jaymoon

"Justin Bieber is so fine, I'm gonna marry him someday." Mimosa was having a sleepover at her best friend, Noelle's house. They have been besties for as long as she can remember. Their mothers were roommates in their first year of college, after a year they became closer and realized that they had so much in common like having an extremely rich family and being passionate about acting. Unfortunately, after they graduated from college, they both went separate ways and found the love of their lives. Years later, they became successful actresses and found out they had to be in the same series. When they met each other backstage, old memories of their friendship came crashing and they immediately clicked. After the movie, they had a much stronger relationship. That same year, they found out they were pregnant at the same time and decided to give birth to their child in the same hospital although Acier Silva and Ashley Vermillion already had kids before then. After the birth of Mimosa Vermillion and Noelle Silva (which happened a few days after), their family became closer, Acier and Ashley made their kids do everything together, and took them to the same Kindergarten and Middle School. Presently, they are in their last year of High School and preparing to graduate next month.

"You know Justin Bieber is married, right?" Mimosa said to Noelle who was worshipping her 10 year old Justin Bieber poster on the wall of her room. Mimosa was getting the bed ready while Noelle was busy admiring her Justin Bieber poster and couldn't keep quiet about how hot he was. They always had sleepovers like this when they were young and even now, they are still the closest to each other.

"So what? He's gorgeous." She replied while rubbing her thumb on the poster with heart eyes. Mimosa rolled her eyes at her best friend's cheesy comment and kept fixing the pillows on the bed.

"You have a boyfriend who you have been dating for three years now." Mimosa said while fixing the last pillow then turning all her attention back to Noelle. Noelle smiled at the sudden mention of him and turned to Mimosa's direction, completely ignoring the Justin Bieber poster.

"I was just joking, I would never leave Kiato for anyone." Noelle walked closer and sat at the edge of the bed of her huge bedroom. For the first time in Mimosa's life, she wishes Noelle was actually serious about marrying Justin Bieber, how she hated the sight of Noelle's boyfriend. "Today was your three years anniversary with Kiato, right?" Mimosa asked as she sat at the other edge of the bed completely focused on Noelle.

"Yes, we were supposed to have dinner at that Italian restaurant I told you about but he had a very important dance project to do so he didn't show up. That's okay though, since we've already been to the Italian restaurant together anyway." Noelle said with a smile. Mimosa sighed at how oblivious her best friend was. Who the f*ck doesn't show up at their relationship's third year anniversary? She still couldn't believe Noelle was dating Kiato's cheating ass after all the rumors she heard about him. It's like he has her wrapped around his fingers.

Noelle lightly tapped Mimosa's shoulder when she realized Mimosa was lost in her thoughts. "C'mon, what's with that face? You are always like this whenever I talk about Kiato."

"Maybe it's because he tried to kiss me behind your back at our first meeting."

"C'mon Mimosa, I thought we've gone over this. Kiato said he never tried to kiss you, He just accidentally tripped and almost kissed you. He would never cheat on me. Like who would cheat on the Noelle Silva." Noelle said with a proud smirk as she laid on the bed and covered herself.

"Okay then, how do you explain the rumors about him and Grey, your so-called close friend?" Oh how I hate that pretentious bitch, acts all innocent in front of everyone while she has been sleeping with Noelle's man any chance she gets. Mimosa thought to herself.

"You know it was just a rumor made up by people who are jealous of me and Kiato's relationship. He is the hottest boy in school so it's no surprise that girls will do anything to get him off my hands." Mimosa rolled her eyes once again. But seriously, how did Kiato succeed in brainwashing Noelle? It's obvious that the only reason Kiato is holding on to Noelle is so that he could make his debut as an artist in a boy group that Noelle's father's company is trying to debut this year. We all know how famous Silva Nation is. Mimosa laid down next to Noelle, covered herself and finally faced Noelle.

"Noelle Silva, as much as I don't want you to be heartbroken and miserable over a cheap boy like Kiato, I think there is no other way to break you from the invisible chains Kiato wrapped around you. So just don't be surprised when that day finally comes for you to realize what he's doing." Mimosa said before turning to face the other side.

"You're just jealous cause you're still a virgin. C'mon now, Mimosa, you haven't found anyone to rip you open. But it can't be, you are one of the most envied females in school: You have rich parents, the smartest in class, the president of the student council; and let's not forget that your beauty has half the senior boys drooling over you. Could it be that you plan on being a virgin until you get married?" Noelle said with a smirk.

"Like that would make me feel any less of a woman. I would rather die a virgin than date a guy who is currently being tossed around by the cheerleading squad. You should really go get a STD test. Who knows? You may be dying from one as we speak." Mimosa fired back as she gave off her victorious smile before turning off the lamp light by the side of the bed.

Noelle was filled with anger. "How dare you speak so badly of my boyfriend! " Noelle immediately sat up, ready to throw a pillow at Mimosa. Noelle hit it hard on her, and even though pillows are soft, Mimosa was pissed and grabbed another pillow and hit it back. Noelle and mimosa's giggles were loud. All of the commotion was enough for Noelle's mother, Acier Silva, to come storming into the room and flicked the lights back on.

"What's gotten into you two?! Are you really playing at this hour? What happened? Put the pillows down and go to sleep. I don't want to hear a word now." Acier told them and shut the lights so the two of them could go to sleep.

"Good night kids and make sure to wake up early for school tomorrow." Acier said as she gave both of them a kiss on their cheek and tucked them into the bed.

"Good night, mom."

"Good night, aunt Acier."

Acier heard before she closed the door. After she left, they spent a few hours gossiping about some students and teachers in school before going to sleep.


Hope you guys enjoyed it. Comment below your favorite black clover ship.

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