🌈👌 [ Dreamnotfound One Shot...

By NotATeenDemon

20.5K 244 443

SMUT, swearing, mature themes, don't expect anything much out of this- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) More

[DreamXD x George] Sugar Daddy
Eh- Requests?
[DreamXD x George x Dream]
[Dream x George] World Generation
Corset (& new cover)
[Dreamon x George] Sinful

[DreamXD x George] II Your God

2.9K 36 52
By NotATeenDemon

Loved this animation ⬆️

[George trys to visit his friend Dream in prison, but DreamXD doesn't like that idea.]

I know that George had visited Dream in prison canonically, but shhh.

[Contains the following: Punishment kink, a jealous bb god, public, possessive, very possessive, if you like yanderes then that's good, bit of hair kink, pet names, that gay shit, size kink, aaand... a colar.]

Keep it holsom in the comments.
- Lots of love from the author ♡


   George thought to himself, debating if his friend would even want to see him, or if it would even be a good idea to visit Dream, considering there's probably a good reason why he's in prison in the first place.
   Maybe Dream was different to how he originally thought he was. He's in prison, good people don't go to prison... right?

   One thing was for sure in George's mind, if he did visit Dream, he could make him explain what he's done to deserve going to prison.
   Another thing that was for sure, DreamXD wasn't going to be happy with George if he went to visit Dream.

   DreamXD had gotten more possessive over George, and he had never liked Dream in the first place. He just knew that Dream desired George just as much as he did. And there's no way that DreamXD was going to loose George to a mortal like him.

   George had finally decided that he would just get it over with and visit Dream that same day. He may as well, while he's got the free time right?
   George got off his chair from his desk and walked through his toadstool themed home to the front door. He grabbed his red shawl before leaving and put it on his shoulders, with a smile, surprisingly excited to see his friend.

   DreamXD waited for him outside his door.
   "Where are you going?" He asked, floating above the ground casually.
   "No where." George smiled as he skipped pass DreamXD.

   "You seem awfully happy to be going 'no where'." DreamXD followed his human suspiciously, trying to figure out what George was up to.
   "It's a lovely day out. Do you want me to stop smiling?" George asked him to change the subject. He knew full well that Dream and DreamXD didn't get along very well.

   "No. Don't do that." DreamXD said almost desperately.
   "Okay, good. I'm not going anywhere interesting, you'd honestly get bored if you stayed with me." George told him, trying to get rid of him before it became obvious that he was headed to the prison.

   DreamXD could still tell that something was up, buy why would George be trying to get rid of him? Perhaps he was making a surprise for DreamXD? He could only hope right?
   "Alright. If you reeealy don't want me. I guess I'll leave, all alone~ with no one to talk to!~" DreamXD dramatically said in an overly saddened voice. He turned over on his back as he floated in the air with the back of his hand pressed against the forehead of his mask.

   "Oh don't be like that!" George laughed and playfully punched his arm. "I'll hang out with you tomorrow, I promise!" George smiled to him.
   "Fine..." DreamXD sighed in defeat. George started walking away down the oak roads of the server, but DreamXD didn't log off.

   As George walked away, DreamXD flew up above the buildings and slowly started following his little human without making so much as a sound.
   George walked down the paths and across the bridges, until he started getting closer to the prison. George looked around, looking up and down his surroundings just in case DreamXD was following him. DreamXD had hid behind a tower like a stalker and waited for George to turn back around.

   Once George started walking away to the prison, DreamXD started to get concerned. He wouldn't really want to visit that criminal would he?
   But George did not walk past the entrance of the prison, he walked straight to it, and walked through the opened door way.
   DreamXD flew down into the quartz room with George about to step into the Nether portal.

   "George." DreamXD announced to get his attention. George whipped his head around to face the white mask on DreamXD's face. The god's voice sounded dark and unhappy with George.
   "DreamXD! I- um..." George stumbled to find any words to say.

   "You lied to me!" DreamXD growled at him.
   "Dream is still my friend! I am allowed to visit him!" George yelled back defensively as he took a step back from DreamXD toward the portal.
   "He's a dangerous man! He doesn't care about you!" DreamXD yelled at George, feeling betrayed and frankly jealous.

   "He's my friend! You aren't my only friend you know!" George yelled back, backing away from DreamXD as he stormed towards George.
   "I can give you anything you want in the world, how can anyone on the server give you anything more than my friendship?!" DreamXD growled at him as he stepped closer to George. The tall stature of the God frightening George as he stepped back.

   "DreamXD stop, you're being scary again." George tried to say in a calm voice to calm down DreamXD.
    DreamXD drove his fist into the Nether portal behind George, shattering it into pieces like glass, fragments of the purple portal wisp away into nothing.
   DreamXD took a deepbreath, calming down since there was no way for George to enter the prison anymore. At least not until someone opened the portal again.

   "There." DreamXD switched. He stepped back from George and stepped off the ground to casually float again. Having a much happier presence in contrast to what he was like a few seconds ago.
   George let out a breath, relieved that DreamXD didn't seem to be angry any more.
   "Now come spend time with me!~" DreamXD whined grabbing George's hand like a needy child.

   "No!" George yelled and took his hand back.
   "No?" DreamXD was loosing his patience.
   "You can't keep doing that! Being scary then pretending that nothing happened!" George yelled at him. "You can't keep getting away with that! You need some kind of punishment system or something!" George only realizes his poor choice of words after they're said.

   "A punishment system? I'm not the one here who needs to be punished!" DreamXD growled back. "Besides, you like it when I'm scary~" DreamXD grins under his mask, taking George's arm again, he stared right at George.
   "No I don't!" George yelled with an embarrassed blush on his cheeks. "Just forget about it! I'll spend time with you!" He stuttered and looked away from DreamXD in attempt to hide his blushing face.
   DreamXD chuckled deeply. He reached his hand around to the back of George's head and grabbed a fist full of his dark brown hair, DreamXD tugged George's hair down to force the little human to face DreamXD's white mask.

   "Are you really sure that you don't like it when I'm being dominant over you?" DreamXD asked with a dark but playful voice. George got pulled in closer to DreamXD, his hands instinctively grip onto DreamXD's cloak. He holds back a whine from how tight DreamXD's pulling his hair back.
   That, mixed with the blush on George's cheeks gave George a desperate looking expression. Making DreamXD grin under his mask even more.
   "Now, what was it that you said about a punishment system?" DreamXD leaned into George, pulling his hair just a little bit more.

   "Ah!~" George whimpered, "You're hurting..."
   "Oh, but you like it.~" DreamXD whispered in George's ear. George's blush grew darker, and he bit his lip to stop more whines and moans from escaping his mouth.

   "Hmm~" DreamXD summoned his extra hands to hold George in place. He traced his finger along George's hot cheek, letting his nail lightly graze the surface of his skin as he thought to himself.
   "What to do with such a bad boy?~" DreamXD cooed. "Ooh~ I know!~"

   DreamXD let go of George's hair then picked him up, he carried George out of the quartz lined room and quickly flew away from the prison in a flash.
   George closed his eyes and gripped onto DreamXD tightly as they cut through the air.
   George assumed that DreamXD was taking him back home to 'punish' him, but was surprised when DreamXD stopped at the center of Kinoko kingdom and dropped him onto the grass next to the various roads that go through all of the kingdom.

   George hit the grassy ground with a light thud, landing on his side without hurting himself. DreamXD was being a little rough on purpose. The little human turned his body on the grass to look up at DreamXD floating above him.
   George opened his mouth to speak, but not much came out before DreamXD's hands grabbed him and flipped him over to have his back facing DreamXD.

   "DreamXD!?" George yelled at him with an embarrassed blush across his face, "here?!"
   "Mhmm~♡" DreamXD simply hummed in confirmation as he slowly started sinking to the ground, slowly getting closer to George. DreamXD's hands started positioning George's body to his liking. The hands being much stronger than George, didn't leave Gogy with much else of a say.
   The hands lifted up George's hips and forced his head down against the grass.

   "But this is such a public place!" George pointed out the obvious with the side of his face being pushed into the grass.
   DreamXD's hands always loved touching George's body. Two hands held George's ass up to DreamXD's sigh, and two others slid down from fondling George's jean-covered ass cheeks to his thighs, griping and squeezing them lightly.

   "F-fuck~" George's protests got cut off by all the grabbing and squeezing that DreamXD's hands were doing to all of his sensitive areas. He barely cared about where they were any more, he wanted to be touched more.
   One hand traced it's finger along the edge of George's jeans, then gently slid it's palm up George's stomach, pulling up his blue shirt as it moved closer to his chest.
   "Fuck- DreamXD~" George moaned softly, he purposefully stuck out his hips more to DreamXD.
   "Don't tempt me Gogy~ This is supposed to be your punishment~♡" DreamXD grinned under his mask. Enjoying the show, but needed to make George understand that he'd done bad.
   DreamXD crawled over to George, pressing his crotch against George's clothed ass and leaning over him like mountain compared to George's small body.
   DreamXD's hands unbutton George's jeans and reach into his pants, stroking his half erection through his underwear.
   "DreamXD! Please~ just fuck me..." George moaned loudly, pushing his ass against DreamXD's crotch to hopefully make enough friction for DreamXD to go crazy.

   DreamXD chuckled darkly. One of his hands went up to George's face and stuck it's two fingers in his mouth.
   "You'd like that~ wouldn't you? Little slut~"  DreamXD growled lowly in George's ear. Grinding his hips against George's ass in response to George's attempt of teasing him.
   "Yes!~ please! Fuck!~" George whimpered past DreamXD's fingers, drooling slightly on the fingers playing with his toung.

   "You want my dick so badly?~ I don't think you deserve it, after what you did today." DreamXD growled angrily, squeezing George's soft skin tighter as he took his fingers out of George's mouth.
   "Ow! Ah!~" George's body could barely tell the difference between the pleasure of DreamXD's touch and the pain of the God being too rough with him. "Please! I'll be good for you~" George started getting desperate.

   "Shh!" DreamXD shushed the ever so noisy George. "We're in a public place~" DreamXD chuckled playfully, almost sadistically as George remember where they were exactly.
   Right next to them were the main roads of the kingdom. Everyone walked down these roads to get to anywhere in the kingdom.
   And someone's foot steps could be heared walking down the road.

   They were coming from around the side of a building, but they were stepping closer to DreamXD and Gogy in their "less than appropriate" position.
   "DreamXD!" George whisper- yelled at the man on top of him, not wanting to be so loud that the person heard.
   George was friends with everyone who lived in the kingdom. So who ever was about to walk around that corner would be one of said friends. That would not be a conversation he'd want to have with any of his friends in the kingdom.
   DreamXD chuckled at George's desperation to save himself the embarrassment of someone seeing him in the position they were in. George in a head down, ass up stance with DreamXD's hands all over him and in his pants.

   George bit his lip, he tried holding back his moans but that just made his expression that bit more embarrassing. Red blush all along his face and his eyes fighting to roll to the back of his head. Instead George just closed his eyes tightly as a little bit of drool escaped from behind his teeth from panting so heavily.
   DreamXD, loving every second of George's struggle. He should really do this more often. It made George look so cute ♡.
   DreamXD's dick started getting harder, of which George could definitely feel against his clothed ass.
   "Fuck~ please! I'll do anything you want!~" George begged,
   "Oh really?~♡" DreamXD's interest spiked.
   "Yes~! Please! I don't want my friends to see me like this!" George pleaded looking up at DreamXD with puppy dog eyes in hopes that that would work.

   "Hm~ remember Gogy~ this is your punishment. For being so bad~♡" DreamXD cooed, his voice echoing in George's ear.

   "No! Please! I'm sorry~!" George begged in between moans as DreamXD's hand roughly palms George's cock through his underwear.
   "George?" Sapnap's voice came from down the road.
   DreamXD grinded his hips against George's ass, putting more friction on his hardening dick.
   George tried protesting again but got cut off by his own moaning and panting. DreamXD chuckled, then right as Sapnap was about to run around the corner to find his friend, they were gone.
   Perhaps Sapnap was just hearing things.

   DreamXD had teleported the both of them to George's bedroom, on his bed.
   George sighed in relief, his body finally relaxing since the danger had gone.
   Well. Sorta.
   "You got so hard from that~" DreamXD's hand runs it's palm down George's hard cock through his underwear, just about able to wrap it's fingers around him if it weren't for the stupid fabric.

   George blushes of embarrassment. Covering his face with his arms to hide from DreamXD's invading gaze.
   "Admit it pet~ you liked that~♡ You liked the danger of almost getting caught with me~" DreamXD hissed as he took George's wrists and pulled his arms ways from his head. The hands touching George's body stopped and returned back to DreamXD's side, leaving George to catch his breath, but also leave him already feeling touch deprived compared to before.
   DreamXD forced George to roll over on to his back so he would face him.
   George's lip puckered with an embarrassed expression.
   "Yes..." George admitted, chosing not to mention the nickname.

   "Good boy~" DreamXD ran his finger along George's cheek comfortingly.
   "But don't you dare forget!!!" DreamXD wrapped his hand around George's throught. "I only saved you the embarrassment because that image of you belongs to me!" DreamXD took a breath to calm himself. He takes his hand away from George's throught. Luckily he didn't actually hurt George's poor neck.
   "I get so jealous when I think about anyone else wanting you. I want to be the only one who gets to see your body like this~" DreamXD admitted.

   George stared at DreamXD for a moment, he giggled lightly then smiled.
   "You are getting way to possessive over me~" George stated lowly in DreamXD's ear. George managed to lift his head up and kiss DreamXD's mask.
   DreamXD hummed in approval, but that kiss wasn't going to be enough to satisfy him.
   DreamXD's hand gently placed its self over George's eyes to cover his vision. Then he pulled his mask off of his face and kissed George's lips with his own this time.

   As DreamXD pulled his head away from George's soft delicate lips, he smiled softly.
   "Why do you always cover my eyes when you take off your mask?" George asked curiously.
   "It's better for both of us, if you didn't see my face." DreamXD explained simply.
   "But-" George got interrupted by DreamXD putting his finger over George's lips as he placed his mask back onto his face.
   "No more questions Gogy~" DreamXD insisted, removing his hand from George's eyes.

   "Your punishment isn't quite done yet~♡" DreamXD cooed happily. "Think you'd be able to get away with disobeying me that easy?" He growled.
   DreamXD sat up, getting off of George only to order him to sit up as well.
   George did as told, wanting DreamXD to touch him more, and he had said earlier that he'd do whatever he wanted.
   "You've received alot today~," DreamXD wrapped his arm around the back of George's head and held him by his hair, pulling him closer so George couldn't escape him. "Now you have to give back~" DreamXD's voice sent shivers down George's spine. His voice, scary as it is, could send George crumbling to DreamXD's feet. George loved the way every word sounded in his voice.
   Saying his name. Calling him names. Complements, threats, praises, and belittling. It somehow just worked on George's every needs.

   DreamXD pulled George closer until he was on his hands and knees for him, hovering over DreamXD's legs. The God chuckled again, grinning under his mask at his little human.
   DreamXD pulled his cloak out of the way, letting his semi hard dick free from it's clothing.
   George stared at it's size in shock, his dark blush returning to his cheeks as he thought about that thing fitting inside him.

   DreamXD's grip on George's hair pulled him down to his crotch, clearly wanting him to "give back".
   "Go ahead, pet~ If you want it so bad." DreamXD purred, one of his hands returned to stroke George's back almost comfortingly. His fingers touching every bumb along his spine underneath his shirt.
   That was going to have to be fixed, too much clothing concealing George soft delicate skin.

   George stuck his toung out, licking a stripe from DreamXD's tip to his base. DreamXD shivered, letting out a shaky breath.
   George finally wrapped his lips around DreamXD tip, bobbing his head on just his tip letting a deep moan escape DreamXD's mouth. Impatient as the God is, DreamXD wanted to feel more of George's mouth, he pushed George's head down onto his cock, forcing George to take more in his mouth.
   George tried to pleasure DreamXD as best he could, using his tongue and sucking all he could to make DreamXD pleased with his work.

   DreamXD moaned, feeling George's warm mouth around him, his hand in George's hair stroked his thumb on George's head in approval.
   But it wasn't long before DreamXD pushed George's head down onto him more. His dick hit the back of George's throat. George stopped his gag reflex before he choked on DreamXD's dick.
   DreamXD used George's mouth to pleasure himself, pulling George's head up and down on his hard cock. The tip hitting the back of his throat each time.

   But you know that George didn't mind one bit. He always loved it when DreamXD would play rough with him.
   DreamXD moaned as he bucked his hips into George's mouth. Having George choke just a little every once in a while.
   "You belong to me George~ Every bit of you is mine~♡" DreamXD told him as he moaned.
   "You're so good~ If you promise to be good now, I'll reward you ♡" DreamXD felt himself getting close. He could just use George's mouth all day. But, he still hadn't gotten to make George scream.♡

    DreamXD shivers as George moans on his cock, trying to confirm that he'll be good for him.
   DreamXD chuckled amused at how helpless George was against him.
   "Okay, little pet~" DreamXD's hands returned and started touching George's body all over again.
   One hand went back down to George's crotch, lightly poking George's now hard dick through his underwear to make George shiver, then it slid itself under the fabric, touching and stroking George's sensitive skin directly, making him moan louder against DreamXD's dick.
   Two hands started pulling George's pants off. DreamXD's hands tugged on his clothes, just wanting them off of his body.
   After they were able to pull George's pants and underwear off of him, that freed DreamXD's hand around George's cock to have more room to move.

   In one hand, DreamXD summoned enough lube to coat his fingers. Then that hand moved over to George's ass.
   DreamXD felt like he was about to cum.
   He had to force himself to pull George's mouth off of his dick instead of just cum inside his mouth. George panted heavily with his mouth left open, DreamXD could see the precum left on George's tongue.
   George let out a high pitched moan as DreamXD's finger inserted it's self into George's ass.
   DreamXD hummed in approval as another finger pushed into George and started thrusting inside of him.
   George moaned in sync with the movements of the two fingers inside him. His arms wanted to collapse under him, but he stayed as is, to hopefully please DreamXD.

   DreamXD stared at George hungrily. His expression hidden behind his white mask. Thinking about what else he could do to punish his little pet.
   DreamXD reached over George's smaller body, and grabbed the end of his shirt to pull over George's head.
   George could barely focus on anything other than the pleasure that his lower body was receiving. DreamXD's hand pumped George's dick in the same pace that the fingers thrust inside him. George moaned louder as the fingers moved faster. His arms and legs shook underneath him as he started loosing his strength, his tongue lobed out of his mouth.

   DreamXD summoned a colar around George's neck, it was connected to a chain that laced around DreamXD's fingers until he gripped onto the chain and pulled on it. George was forced to follow wherever the chained leash was pulling, and with how tired his little arms had gotten at that point, George fell against DreamXD's chest, panting heavily with a dark blush across his cheeks, DreamXD loved every bit of his struggle to keep up with him.
   George was so close to cumming and DreamXD could tell.
   "Who do you belong to?" DreamXD simply asked, holding George in his arms against his chest as he looked down at his desperate little human.
   "You~" George moaned, "No one else~" he promised the God. Looking up at him with desperate eyes, he put his hands on DreamXD's chest like a lost puppy wanting attention.

   "Good pet~♡" DreamXD grinned, knowing that he'd won.  "Now, are you sure you really want it?" DreamXD asked teasingly more than anything, mostly just to tease George and make him beg. He pulled his fingers out of George's ass and took his hand away from George's dick right before he was about to cum, making the human whine of desperation.
   "Yes! Please~ fuck me! I need you inside me~" George whimpered.

   "Are you sure you deserve it?" DreamXD thrust his hips up.
   "Yes!~ I'll be good for you~ please fuck me!" George begged as DreamXD wanted him to.
   "Okay, pet♡" DreamXD purred. His hands pushed George over onto his back. The hands held George's arms down against the mattress above his head, as his legs were pushed to be spread out wider than necessary for DreamXD's delight.
   DreamXD wasted no time to get in between George's legs. DreamXD's thighs underneath George's hips, that raised his hips and waist up to be higher than his head.
   DreamXD summoned another good sized portion of lube in his hand before lathering it onto his own dick. Wrapping his fingers around his cock and spreading the lube across his skin as he watched George grow in anticipation.

   The leash tugged on George's collar, bringing George's attention to DreamXD. George blushed, suddenly feeling shy with DreamXD just staring at him.
    George tried tugging his arms to cover his face or his exposed body but was stopped by DreamXD's hands.
   DreamXD chuckled darkly, he took his hand away from his cock and slowly wrapped his fingers around George's erection with this same hand still covered in lube. He leaned over the tiny human, seemingly towering over him. George took in a deep breath at his touch, then felt DreamXD's tip aline with his hole.
   George let out a deep groan as DreamXD's tip pushed into him.

   DreamXD pushed his hips into George, going deeper and making George squeak and squirm under him. The human's back arched at the feeling of being stretched out by DreamXD's dick.
   George took DreamXD's dick better than the first time they had had sex together. George was more used to DreamXD's size being inside him. That didn't mean the pain of his dick stretching him out had gone completely though.
   George panted heavily, feeling DreamXD move deeper inside him. The pain and pleasure blended together, leaving George's body confused to what was what. DreamXD's hands slowly started pumping George's cock, the lube made his movements slick and evenly paced. George moaned out in pleasure. DreamXD bucked his hips harshly, from him temporarily loosing control of his urges. But it made George cry out, with his back arched. The pleasure made him cry, and the pain made him moan.

   "You're so good for me~" DreamXD chuckled. He tugged on the leash, that made George gasp. DreamXD pulled his hips back then roughly pushed back in. He thrust his hips into George harshly but steadily.
   George cried out tears building in his eyes as his back arched. DreamXD's hand matched the pace as it pleasured George's leaking cock. It all felt like so much, George felt the pleasure overwhelm his body and mind.
   DreamXD's hands had to hold George's shoulders down, to push him against DreamXD's thrusts.
   George was addicted to the overwhelming feeling. Despite the pain he'd become DreamXD's little cock slut, to feel the pleasure DreamXD gave him.
   A little masochist for the God to do as he pleased to George's body. As if he was made for DreamXD's pleasure and entertainment.
   Or perhaps, the God was designed for George's entertainment. DreamXD brought a little excitement to George's otherwise slow paced, relaxed life style.
   Either way, George loved every second of being with DreamXD, and the God felt the same for his little human.

   George wrapped his legs around DreamXD's waist. DreamXD chuckled at George's neediness, he pounded into George quickly.
   "Fuck~! I'm- close~" George moaned loudly, just barely able to get a word in.
   DreamXD grined under his mask, he knew where George's prostate was, so he made sure to hit it with every harsh thrust. George screamed in pleasure, he moved so fast that George could barely keep up.
   George came on DreamXD's hand, unable to hold it back even if he wanted to. George lay limp for a minute as DreamXD continued. Overstimulation took over George's body.

    DreamXD grabbed George's gaw with his hand, forcing George to face him.
   "Little pet, you came so soon.~ You little cock slut!" DreamXD growled then giggled sadistically.
   DreamXD was getting close from how much anticipation was built up before.
   George's expression was nothing less than 'fucked out'. And it all belonged to DreamXD's eyes and his alone.
   DreamXD covered George's eyes with his hand, as he pulled his mask up above his lips. DreamXD leaned down and with a firm grip on George's chin as he pressed his lips to George's soft delicate lips. DreamXD kissed him passionately as he kept up the pace of pounding into George's prostate.

   He ate up all of George's moans and screams, he slipped his tongue between George's lips and forced his way to his mouth, not that George put up much of a fight in his current position. The same hand tugged on George's leash to keep him focused, and to pull his head closer to DreamXD. DreamXD slid his tongue down George's throat, able to do whatever he wanted with George's body.
   To give poor George some air, DreamXD pulled away from the kiss leaving George to gasp for air and leave a thin line of drool down his chin. He pulled back down his mask and took his hand away from his eyes.
   DreamXD abused George's prostate with a few more thrusts before he came to his release, filling George to the brim. George gasped at the feeling, It felt so hot inside him.
   "Hm~♡ you're so good at taking my dick." He gently stroked his thumb along George's cheek, "In every way~" DreamXD purred in George's ear, holding the human's body firm against his chest.

   DreamXD pulled out after a while of stroking his fingers through George's hair comfortingly.
   George was eventually able to catch his breath. As DreamXD was about to sit up and leave, George weakly grabbed the fabric of his cloak, pulling on it to get DreamXD's attention.

   DreamXD looked down at his feeble human, and saw the puppy dog eyes telling him to stay.
   George's voice had let out, leaving him to only speak in a gravely whisper. So instead, he just looked up at his tall standing God, hoping that he'll stay.
   DreamXD looked down at him, and his pleading face. He thought to himself, "who's wrapped around who's finger here?" He gave in and sat back down on the bed, laying down and holding George close to his chest.

   The human hummed happily, and tiredly. He yawned before getting comfortable against DreamXD's chest, and quickly falling asleep from exhaustion.
   Leaving the God stuck, he doesn't sleep, so he's just stuck until George wakes up, because there is nothing in the Over World or the End that will make him move and potentially wake his precious human.

   He hummed, as a light smile grew on his face.


Imma end it there.
5020 words, making this the longest smut that I've ever written!

Really hope you guys enjoyed it!
I love hearing your thoughs in the comments! 👉👈 So, comment if you'd like to...

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