Shifting & script templates

By officialtegan

7.6K 49 17

A guide on shifting realities, including methods and how to use them, a basic script template and a Hogwarts... More

What is shifting?
Basic script template
Subliminals, affirmations & Visualising
Methods & Symptoms
Raven Method
Julia (I am) method
Estelle Method
Alice in Wonderland Method
Staircase Method
Non - sleeping Method
Pillow Method
Train Method
Rope Method
Coraline Method
Elevator Method
Sunni Method
Sage Method
Mirror Method
Waiting Room
Hogwarts Script Template
ADHD Method

Heartbeat Method

148 3 0
By officialtegan

On your device find an audio of a heartbeat and place it under your pillow. Lay down in a comfy position (recommend on your stomach) and imagine you're laying on a person from your DR's chest. You really need to try and visualise for this. Ask yourself, what do you hear? What do you feel? What do you smell?

When you feel ready, visualise the same person asking "Are you ready to come home?" Imagine a door that they take you through, and on the other side will be your DR but as you walk through there should be a bright light. This is when you start repeating your affirmations again.

You will then feel as though you're falling, when this happens try and fall asleep and you'll wake up in your DR.

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