A Penny For The Girl

By HannahR987

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After the death of her parents Brooke is sent to live with her cruel Aunt and Uncle and her spoilt cousin Che... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 31

426 13 12
By HannahR987

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. The room was still dark as the curtains and blinds didn't let a slither of light through. I pressed a button on the remote opening them squinting my eyes at the bright sunshine streaming through. I was feeling thoroughly relaxed and pampered after the weekend we spent at the spa and my skin was glowing. It had been bronzed nicely by the sun from all the time I had spent outside this summer enjoying myself.

I rolled over to check the time on my phone admiring my brightly coloured summer nails that I had done at the weekend. It was 9:15am I had slept in this morning usually I woke up earlier, I'd had the best nights sleep though but I was so comfy snuggled in the blanket that I didn't want to get up yet. I let out a yawn and stretched out my body feeling it pop and crack in all the right places. Picking up my phone again to play a game I noticed I had a text from Tate.

"Morning Sleepy
You wanna go out for dinner with me tonight? xx"

I was a little surprised as although we had been getting along fine we hadn't been anywhere just the two of us before. I guess he really wanted to make this friendship work. I replied asking what time then the sound of my tummy growling had me deciding to get out of bed. I put on some fluffy turquoise flip flop type slippers and padded down to the private kitchen that was just for Tate and I, still in my pyjamas which were basically teeny tiny pyjama shorts and a matching vest top.

Looking in the cupboard for my favourite Lucky Charms cereal I was startled when a little girl came running in and grabbed onto my legs. I looked down at the adorable chubby cheeks of this child, that couldn't be more than 3, and she was grinning back up at me. Before I could say anything a flustered lady came running in wide eyes staring at us.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Ms Brooke. This is Serenity my daughter. My mother isn't feeling well today and she normally looks after her when I'm working, I had no one else to help. I promise to keep her out of your way.." Yazmina our maid started looking a little panicked.

"It's ok Yazmina, don't worry at all, she's absolutely adorable" I said looking into Serenitys big pale blue eyes.
"If you want I'm happy to look after her for you until you are finished?" I offered
"Oh Ms Brooke I couldn't put you out like that, it's OK I'll just take her round the house with me while I clean you are a very busy lady.." She began rambling.

"I honestly don't mind having some fun with this little cutie, I have nothing to do today so it would be nice to have some company." I interrupted.

"If you're sure? Thank you so much Ms Brooke, I will be as quick as I can. Thank you. Serenity you be a good girl for Ms Brooke" She said to us both

"It'll be fine Yazmina and you know you can just call me Brooke" I reminded her as she ran out to carry on cleaning.

I looked back down at the little angel still clinging to my legs. "Bwooke pway" she said in the sweetest little voice I'd ever heard.

We watched Disney+ while I ate my breakfast then she came with me to my room, well technically Tates room as he's still staying in one of the guest rooms. I have offered to give him his room back but he's adamant about me keeping it. I quickly got myself ready and shoved my hair up in a ponytail I threw on some denim shorts and a brown tank top. Grabbing my trainers I took Serenity out in the garden to play some games.

After a couple of hours of playing hide and seek, tag and anything else Serenity wanted to play we went in for some lunch. Serenity and I made our own pizzas, she really enjoyed making the base together, I'm pretty sure most of the flour went into her hair when we were mixing it together! While it was cooking I cleaned up the kitchen so Yazmina wouldn't have to and cleaned the flour off of Serenity as much as I could.

We both sat at the table to eat with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice giggling about silly things.
"Something smells delicious" I heard over the sound of Serenitys laughter. I looked up surprised to see Tate standing at the doorway to our kitchen.
"You're home early, want some homemade pizza?" I asked as we seemed to have made loads.

"I'm going to work in the home office this afternoon" he said coming over to grab a slice of pizza. His eyes lit up as he took a bite. "This is delicious!" He said looking over to Serenity "Did you make this?" He asked her. Serenity giggled pitting her arms up for Tate to pick her up "Date" she called him.
"Hello mischief maker!" He said as he cuddled her, messing up her hair as he pulled away and smiled at her, getting flour on his suit in the process! Oops maybe I didn't clean her up as well as I thought I did!!

Watching Tate with Serenity did something strange to me. There was something undeniably attractive seeing his strong muscular arms holding a child so carefully and making her smile. I've never really thought about having children but my mind wondered thinking about what he would look like holding our child. I yearning tugged in my heart and I swear my ovaries got excited!! I was snapped out of my weird thoughts when I realised Tate was staring at me obviously waiting for a response to something.

"Sorry, what?" I asked a little embarrassed at my overactive imagination!
"I was just wondering how Serenity here ended up gracing you with her presence?" He asked again, slightly amused at my dazed state. I explained the situation whilst plating him up some pizza and loading the dishwasher. Tate left with his pizza to finish work in his office and Serenity and I started doing some drawing, I even found some stickers. I cut out different shapes in coloured paper and she glued them on the get well card we were making for her Nana. Tate had come in and out a few times to grab a snack or a drink and I noticed him watching us with a faraway look on his face.

Serenity finished her card and began yawning so we left it on the side so the glue could dry and decided to snuggle up on the sofa and watch The Little Mermaid. She laid down on my lap and I covered her with a thin blanket, and within 10 minutes she had fallen asleep. I watched the whole of The Little Mermaid, I hadn't seen it since I was little when my parents were alive and I forgot how much I had loved it. I handed Serenity to Yazmina when it was time for her to go and she thanked me for my help but I thanked her for allowing me to babysit, I had had a lovely day with her.

Tate was in the doorway watching us again and when he noticed me looking at him he coughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed at being caught staring then just walked away quickly before I could say anything. Confused I said goodbye to Yazmina and Serenity, although she was still fast asleep so she didn't hear me. I told Yazmina I'd be happy to have her anytime and made a mental note to get some toys and books for the next time she came.

I went to the office to find Tate as I wasn't sure where we would be going for dinner tonight and wasn't sure what to wear. The door was open when I got there so I just stood in the doorway not wanting to be rude and just stroll in. He was deep in thought but by the slight tilt of his lips and dreamy look on his face it didn't look like they were bad thoughts. I cleared my throat to get his attention unintentionally making him jump in the process.

"Hello Brooke," he smiled at me momentarily distracting me with the youthful happiness radiating off of him.
"Uh, Hi Tate." I quickly said before getting lost in his full kissable lips and perfect white teeth.

"I was just wondering where we were going tonight, wasn't sure what to wear." I did a weird sort of giggle thing embarrassed by my question somehow then made it worse by snorting at the end! My face tinted an even darker shade of red when I heard the loud bellow that came from Tate.

Although his laughter made me feel giddy inside his hunched over belly howling at me didn't have quite the same effect!

"Sorry, Sorry!" Tate said when he'd finally calmed down enough to notice the unamused look on my face.
"I thought we'd go to this little restaurant I know that's quite quiet and private, it's not well known so there won't be any paparazzi and the foods delicious!" He grinned clearly remembering whatever he'd had last time he was there.

"OK, so it's not too dressy but not a fast food place, got it." I confirmed mentally going through my wardrobe for any idea of an outfit. "Well I'll leave you to it and see you in a bit" I smiled at Tate as he said bye leaving him to finish whatever he was doing.

First I got in the shower as I was feeling a little frazzled from my encounter with Tate. Scrubbing my body with some sweet scented body wash I made sure to shave and wash my hair too. Whilst waiting for the conditioner to soak into my hair after I'd combed it through I looked in the mirror that was already set up in the shower cubicle and plucked out any stray eyebrows. Even though this wasn't really a date and Tate and I were just friends I was nervous and I really wanted to look and feel my best. After rinsing and making sure I was completely smooth I got out and dried myself leaving my hair wrapped in a towel so it could dry a bit quicker. I covered my body in moisturiser so not only was a soft to touch but I smelt amazing too. I basically sat on my bed like a statue for 10 minutes waiting for it all to soak in.

I'd already taken about an hour and I wasn't even dressed yet. I sat at my dresser in the wardrobe and decided to go for a bronzed look, gold and copper coloured eyeshadow, brown lips with gloss over the top and of course bronzer. I only used a bit of concealer under my eyes and to cover any problem areas like my nose and chin but mostly my skin was OK and I used some highlight for an extra glow. After adding some eyeliner and mascara and brushing my eyebrows to perfection I was finished. I just dried my hair with the hair dryer and left it down in big waves as I didn't have anyone here to help me with it.

I looked through my wardrobe for a while before deciding on some pale green wide legged high waisted trousers and a slightly off white vest top which I tucked in and some matching white heels. I layered on a few necklaces and bracelets and rings to accessorise. I hadn't really worn any of the jewellery I'd been given since I'd been here but my outfit was quite plain so I thought I'd liven it up. I hoped I looked OK and sprayed on a bit of perfume. I had three diamond studs in each ear, the biggest at the front and each one getting smaller as Talia had convinced me a few months ago to get my ears pierced, then again and again!! Looking at myself in the full length mirror I decided that I looked OK and that was about as good as I was going to get without any help! My stomach started doing flips when Tate knocked on my door and it was time to go.

Tate walked in wearing dark grey chinos and a blue t-shirt with a few buttons at the top which he had left undone. The sleeves clinged to his muscles making me internally swoon! He had some chequered vans on completing the look and to be honest he looked hot, there was no denying it, this guy was good looking!


Eye Make up

"You look beautiful." Tate said looking me in the eyes to show he meant it. I blushed at the comment and looked down to break the eye contact as it was making me feel a bit funny inside and I wasn't sure how I felt about that. "Shall we go?" Tate asked saving me from any further thinking. I nodded my head and followed him out to his car. The amount of cars in the garage baffled me, there were more cars here than people that lived in the house, there were expensive sports cars, the kind of cars you hear about in rap songs, luxury cars, not that I knew what they were called and then a few normal looking cars that I had seen on the roads before. Tate choose the Tesla, well that's what he called it. He didn't want to bring any attention to us as he didn't want anyone to ruin the evening. Opening the door for me he made sure I was settled before jumping in himself and driving to the restaurant.

Tate held out his arm for me and I looped mine through so my hand was resting on his forearm. He had already made reservations and we were led through to a private booth. I ordered chilli and Tate had steak which he let me try and it tasted divine.

The evening began quite quiet, neither of us too sure what to say to each other, both feeling a little shy and nervous but soon Tate began making conversation, asking me about my college work and really listening to my answers and the ideas that I had. Conversation flowed naturally after that and I don't remember ever laughing so much. By the time dessert arrived I was actually feeling disappointed that the night was coming to an end, although the chocolate cheesecake I was eating that had clearly been made in heaven itself helped soften the blow a bit!! Once again Tate let me taste the red velvet cake that he had ordered and we ended up sharing our desserts with eachother.

By the time Tate paid the bill it was actually quite late. We sat there for a while finishing our drinks and then decided to have a coffee as well. The evening was wonderful and Tate and I had gotten on really well, much better than I expected.

After we got home we decided to watch some TV together as we were buzzing from the coffee. One of Michael Mcintyre's shows was on and we were both in hysterics watching it. As it was nearing midnight we both decided to call it a night so we weren't shattered tomorrow.
Tate walked me to my room,
"I had a really good time tonight with you Brooke." He said with a big genuine smile on his face.
"Me too." I responded looking up at him, I had taken my heels off ages ago!
He surprised me leaning down to give me a kiss on my cheek the said goodnight and walked away.
"Goodnight" I whispered, my breath caught in my throat. I touched my cheek wondering if that had actually just happened or not. I turned and opened the door into my room. After taking my makeup off and washing my face, I brushed my teeth and hair then got on some comfy pyjama trousers and matching t-shirt. I snuggles under the cover and realised there was no way I was going to go to sleep anytime soon I was feeling to giddy and full of nervous excitement. The while evening was amazing and then the kiss, it may have only been on my cheek but that was the first time he kissed me on his own, with no one around to sell our relationship to. The first time he did it because he wanted to not because it was for show. My phone suddenly vibrated next to me and it was a text from Tate.

"Sweet dreams xx"

Tate had my emotions all over the place. I hated him at the beginning but fell for the fake husband he pretended to be. Then he apologised and we became friends and life here had been pretty awesome with no bad feelings and now part of me was developing a little crush on the man I would never be anymore than friends with, yet I was married to. It was very confusing! I finally drifted off to sleep later that night with the thought that maybe being married to Tate Lexington wasn't actually that bad!

Authors Note

I'm sorry!!! I know I'm a terrible person and awful at updating! 🥴😔 I hope this chapter was worth waiting for! I don't particularly like the end of the chapter but I couldn't think of what to write and I wanted to get something out there! I can't promise when my next update will be but I do promise I'll post it as soon as I write it!! Thank you guys so much for sticking with me on this loooooooong journey!!!
This chapter is dedicated to BeulahMukkala thank you for the lovely comment on my profile. 😁
Have fun and stay safe everyone. 🥰

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