Putting The 'M' in Mystery~ H...

By salini_rout_15

80.1K 2K 811

When an eighteen year old green eyed black haired teacher shows up in 1977 with a snake and flirty redhead in... More

Steaks with Wings & Even Stranger Things
Pretty Damn Spectacular
Betcha a galleaon they'll marry
Twelve Children and a Pet Crup
She-Devil and Monny
The Unforgivable
Undying Love to...Umbridge?
Marauders at Work
I Refuse to pinch Your inner Thing
Old Scars Fade Hard
The Letter Everyones Dreads
Stage Five: Acceptance
Scarring By Love Potion
Some Things Aren't So Innocent
Facing the Past Head On
What Goes On Behind Punch Bowl
Inducting The girls
The New DA
So you DIDN'T elope
The Bombshell
Truth, Dare and declining Oedipus
Blood On Snow
The Miracle
Siege! Part-I
Siege! Part II
Column of Fire
Ripped from My World
Shocked Back
No Way Repulsive
His Eyes
Just Like Rat
A Picture Worth a Thousand Emotion

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By salini_rout_15

Sirius paced in front of his fellow Marauders, who were all watching him in rapt attention. His black eyes were alight with fierce determination, an expression mirrored by his friends and allies.

"Okay, let's run through the plan one more time. Mr Moony, you will be?"

"In sector 56.9 with comment 34 at the ready" replied Remus promptly. Sirius nodded and moved onto James.

"Mr Prongs?"

"In sector 21 with remark 27 at the ready."

"Mr Wormtail?"

For once business-like, Peter answered straight away, "In sector 9, with observation 12 at the ready."

Sirius saluted the three Marauders and moved onto Lily, who was inwardly marvelling at the degree of professionalism the Marauders were so clearly used to. When she mentioned it to James, he replied seriously, "Oh, pranking is a terribly serious business, you know. Every move has to be carefully planned or the whole thing falls apart."

Now that Lily came to think of it, every single one of their pranks that she had witnessed had been flawlessly executed.

"Honorary prankster, you will be?"

Lily jumped.

"Oh, sorry. I'll be in the Great Hall, and I have to say..."

"No, no, no, no, that won't do!" Sirius interrupted her, waving his arms around, "You need to be a bit more precise if you want to work with the Marauders, we cannot have second rate, amateur..." he was cut off by James saying gently, "Padfoot, cool it."

Leaning towards Lily, he muttered in her ear, "Sector 72, remark 13."

They carried on in this manner, reciting their exact plan with Sirius blowing up over the slightest mistake, and then being hurriedly pacified by James or Remus, with Peter occasionally interjecting. They seemed perfectly clear on what they were talking about, although it sounded like a lot of gobbledygook to the girls. They appeared to have a code for just about every word, and a sentence like, 'No go, Moony's night,' seemed to make perfect sense to the four boys.


Ginny hurried down to breakfast, pulling her hair into a scrunchie as she went down the main staircase, her fitted pale blue robe flapping behind her. She was so busy cursing herself for being late that she didn't see Remus Lupin until she'd walked straight into him.

"Oops. Sorry!" she said, swinging round and catching his arm. He smiled at her.

"Don't worry. Where's Professor Potter?"

Ginny shrugged.

"Don't know. It isn't my turn to baby-sit him."

Remus maintained his famous poker face as he said casually, "Oh, I thought you might know, being his girlfriend and everything."

He walked away before she could reply, and left an utterly flabbergasted teacher behind him.


"Professor," asked James innocently, as he cleared his desk at the end of Defence against the Dark Arts, "What are you going to get Miss Weasley for her birthday? You mentioned it at the dance."

Harry frowned. "Do you know, I have absolutely no idea? New dagger, maybe? I know she wants one..." Harry mused, seemingly having forgotten all about James.

"How about a nice engagement ring?" James suggested, and then fled before his teacher could recover from his remark enough to speak.


Ginny hurried along the Charms corridor, the book Professor Flitwick had lent her tucked under her arm. She was still in a slight daze from Remus's comment that morning. If it had been Sirius, say, or James, it wouldn't have bothered her in the least, but Remus?

So wrapped up in her thoughts was she that she walked straight into Harry.


Ginny was amazed to find herself blushing profusely at the sight of him. He looked equally uncomfortable to see her.

"Erm, hi, you weren't in seventh years..."

"Sorry, yeah, I was researching some..."

"Oh, right, well I won't..."

"Yeah, bye."


Sirius smirked from behind a statue of Merlin, enjoying watching his Defence against the Dark Arts professors completely lose their composure. As they hurried off in opposite directions, he began to chuckle very softly.

The chuckle turned into a laugh.

The laugh turned into a cackle.

The cackle turned into full-on hysterics.

Soon he was kneeling in the middle of the corridor, pounding the floor with his fists and laughing raucously. People skirted him nervously as he laughed for a good ten minutes before calmly picking himself up and walking to Potions.


Peter Pettigrew and Marnie sat at the Gryffindor table, waiting for their two teachers to walk past. Both Ginny and Harry were preoccupied, but Peter stage whispering loudly "They look good together, don't they?" and Marnie replying with a giggle, "Yep, I wonder what their kids would look like" was easily enough to startle them back into reality.


Harry was poring over 'Advanced Military Diversions' when Ginny came in. He lifted his eyes to meet hers and they both blushed embarrassingly. She quickly busied herself by pulling on a pair of boxing gloves and aiming a few hard punches at the punch bag that swung in the corner, and he quickly returned to his book.

They kept darting glances at each other, but then quickly averting their eyes if the other looked in their direction.

To break the obvious tension, Ginny remarked, in a would-be-casual way,

"Crazy, what Pettigrew and Sang rave said earlier, wasn't it?"

Harry jumped inadvertently, "What? Oh yeah, crazy. People have been making weird comments like that to me all day." He said it absentmindedly, but it suddenly hit home with Ginny.

She started to laugh. "Harry, the Marauders are trying to set us up!"

Harry goggled at her. "You're joking."

Ginny snorted at the density he was flaunting. She said sweetly, "Harry, the Love Potion?"

It clicked. Harry roared with laughter, but then stopped abruptly. "Oh Gods, I'm being set up by my parents and father figures! That is... eugh!"

Ginny smiled at the revolted expression on his face.

"Well, we might as well play along."


Hope you like the chapters,

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