Inducting The girls

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The Defence class chattered noisily, wondering where their teachers had got to. Lily was about to go and find someone when Ginny strode in, looking grumpy. She kept muttering 'Bloody Potter,' and halted in front of the class.

"Harry isn't coming today," she informed them, "I tried to wake him up but he hexed me in his sleep. Don't know why I bothered, it's HIS bloody job to lose."

At that moment, Harry hurried in, great black bags standing out under his eyes. He caught Ginny's eye for a moment, but then broke the contact quickly.

"Sorry I'm late. I was up till three in the morning kicking couples out of broom closets," he gave Sirius Black a dirty look, "And then Ciad kept whining on for hours, saying she was shedding skin and I was being an insensitive prat in ignoring her."

Ginny, who had been maintaining a glare since then, let out a short laugh.

"Alright, you're excused. Apart from for leg locking me in your sleep. I had to bunny hop all the way to the staff room!"

Harry looked embarrassed. "Yeah, sorry about that, Gin."

Ginny flashed him a smile. "No harm done, apart from the shame of having to bunny hop in Fred's old T-shirt and a pair of knickers."

Sirius whispered very audibly to James, "Wish I'd caught that!"

He didn't even see Ginny pull her wand out, but in less than a second he found himself under a silencing charm. Making an odd gagging sound, he looked around, bewildered. Harry was looking at Ginny with a very stern expression on his face.

"No Ginny, that wasn't very nice, was it?"

Ginny stuck her tongue out.

"Now although I am bewildered by Potter thinking that seeing you gallivanting round in a Cannons shirt is attractive, but we agreed at the beginning of term that you weren't going to hex my pupils. Now take off the charm before I give this lovely class some blackmail material on you. I'm your older brother's best friend, and they're forever quoting your diary in front of me. The one in your second year was particularly interesting..."

He was drowned out by Ginny's vengeful shriek.

"You read my diary? You PRAT! How could you?"

Harry looked at her calmly. "One, I did not read your diary, I just overheard Fred and Bill discussing some of its finer points. Two, take the bloody spell off Potter or I'm upping your training to eight hours a day."

Grumbling, Ginny flicked her wand at James and he found himself able to speak once more. "Fifteen points from Gryffindor for inappropriate comments and if you make any similar remarks within my hearing you'll be serving a duelling detention."

Harry spoke cheerfully, but his eyes were slightly steely as he looked at the embarrassed boy.

This, however, just gave Remus further conviction that Harry had feelings for Ginny, as he hadn't seemed in the least pleased by James's comment.


"I call this meeting to order!" Remus rapped his knuckles on the arm of his chair, and the Marauders fell eagerly silent.

"Wow, this place is definitely an improvement on our old HQ!" said Sirius, looking around admiringly at the Heads Common Room. James grinned.

"Beats old Moony's bed, eh?"

"Down to business," Remus interrupted hastily, knowing full well that if his two best friends got side-tracked, it would be near impossible to get them back on track, "In light of recent developments, we'll be looking at a bit of human psychology."

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