Siege! Part-I

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The two teachers stared out of the window for approximately twelve seconds before snapping into action. Ginny delved into the desk and started handing out portkeys disguised as the school crest with instruction leaflets, and Harry began barking out orders.

"Potter! Evans! Go to all the first to third year classes and take those students to the Room of Requirement. Stay there unless your better judgment tells you not to. You know what the password is, and if someone doesn't give it, stun first and ask questions later. Go."

Trying desperately to remain calm, the two Head Students rushed from the room. Harry turned to face the rest of the class.


Roughly twenty students raised their hands.

"Stay here. The rest of you will be guarding the Room of Requirement. As I said to Potter and Evans, stun first, tie up, snap their wands in two and then ask the questions."

He strode to the fireplace and threw a fistful of glittering powder into the flames.


He pointed his wand at his throat and then called into the fire;

"This is Professor Harry Potter. The castle is under siege, repeat, the castle is under siege. DA members, report to the Entrance Hall, and the rest of you will be told what to do by your teachers. Please try not to panic. This is not some stupid drill."

He turned back to face his students, who appeared to be super glued to their seats.

"Why are you still here? Go!" The non-DA members left their bags, quills and parchment and scrambled from the room. The DA stood, alert and attentive, waiting in terror for reassuring instructions. Harry looked at them all briefly, as if trying to memorize their faces, and then said, his voice low and tight,

"Entrance Hall. Now."

Sirius felt a knot of fear convulse in his chest. Potter clearly knew the attack was coming, so surely he must have a plan? Sirius always felt infinitely safer with the man, but one look into those green eyes told him something he didn't want to know.

His teacher was afraid.

It wasn't full out terror, as Sirius felt, but the fear was still there, pushed back to make room for level headedness.

The way he strode ahead, his fists clenched, his eyes fixed in front of him, reminded him of the battle at Hogsmeade. Ginny had a glint of steely determination, and her body was taut with alertness. Her fingers strayed lovingly over the hilt of the sword strapped round her waist, and when Sirius looked closely, he realized that she had weapons concealed all over her. The blade of a knife glinted from the cuff of her jeans, a small crossbow sticking out of her bag, two tiny daggers strapped to her belt, her sword, and her wand. Sirius had little doubt that there were plenty more, and he wouldn't be surprised if Harry had more still somewhere on him. Ever muscle was coiled with tension, and it was only a matter of time before it snapped. Sirius dared to speak to Potter's back.


Harry swung round, his reflexes even faster than usual, "Yes, Sirius?"

The seventeen year old was slightly taken aback at the use of his first name, but he asked, "Do you know what's going to happen?"

Harry's eyes darted all over the boys face, praying that he didn't mean what he thought he did. When he saw nothing but fear and determination on the young boy's face, he relaxed.

"Yes, Sirius. I know that we're going to do what's right."

Without another word, he turned on his heel and continued along the corridor.

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