
By ir3ysharted

116K 5.7K 9.7K

➥ FROGS. ❝ 遇见你是最美丽的意外。❞ various x fem reader published: 9 september 2021 completed: 19 december 2022 More

lord farquaad and her beloved frog
y/n vs birds
warehouse and mobius
takemichi has shit on his piss hair
musashi festival, toman vs mobius
new third division captain
when the duo becomes a trio
bloody halloween pt.1 (takemichi's kim k ass)
bloody halloween pt. 2 and the future
lord farquaad and his ugly guards
things you should never do in japan, number one is murder!
chirstmas night black dragons vs toman
december 31st 2005, new years
bonus chapter

the black dragons

5.7K 297 678
By ir3ysharted

There will be manga spoilers from here on
so anime only(s) beware‼️

also please tell me if there are any mistakes so I could fix them later




Takemichi let out a soft gasp, he then realized that he was back in the past. Bowling?

"That was awesome Takemichi-kun!" Hinata complimented with a big smile on her face as she high fived the yellow haired. "You got a turkey!"

"Uh.. yeah." Takemichi stared at Hinata for a bit before looking away, tears welling up in his eyes. After coming from such an awful present timeline. Seeing Hina's smile I just..-

"What's wrong?" Hinata asked in concern.

"Nothing at all." Takemichi squeaked out, punching the bridge of his nose.

"Go!" Hinata told the bowling ball. She's so cute..♡ Takemichi watched her in adoration.

"Aw man, in went in the gutter again." Hinata pouted. She turned her body towards Takemichi with a smile,"It's your turn, Takemichi-kun!"

Takemichi nodded then closed in eyes as fire spread around his body, "Watch this Hina. My.." he swung his right hand back before releasing his hold on the ball, making it roll on the bowling lane and knock down all bowling pins.

Takemichi then realized that the bowling pins that were in the lane beside his were all knocked down as well, What the?! The next guy got a strike, too?! He looked to the side to see a tall blue header male who had a scar running across his lips.

"Oh?! We both got strikes!" The tall male spoke up with a grin, "We were totally in sync." He said as a girl who was sitting on the table not to far away from him smiled, "Not bad."

He's huge!! Takemichi's mouth fell open, wait.. what? He eyed the boy, Do I know this dude?

"Huh? I thought I'd seen you somewhere before." The boy said before finally recognizing Takemichi. "You're Hanagaki Takemichi! I'm the second division vice-captain, Hakkai Shiba."

"What?!!" Takemichi's eyes widen in remembering who he was. This guy is one of the black dragons!!

"Hmm? What's with you?" Hakkai asked, before adding; "My captain told me all about you!"

Why is a black dragon, a vice-captain in Toman?! Takemichi thought.

"We're bros from now on, Takemichy!" Hakkai then wrapped his arms around the said boy.


That voice.. Takemichi snapped his head to the back to see the the h/c haired girl walking towards them. "Y/n.." he breathed out, ignoring the fact that the said girl was running on the bowling lane and could get them kicked out.

"Die!" Y/n kept repeating those words as she knocked all bowling pins down.

Tears started forming in Takemichi's eyes, I never thought that seeing her would make me feel so.. happy.

Usually, he would've scolded her for her actions, but after seeing her got shot dead right in front of his eyes, he was happy to see her act like this.

"I'm going again!" The h/c haired girl declared as she took another bowling ball.

"You can do it, Y/n!" Hinata cheered.

Yuzuha, Hakkai, Takemichi and Hinata all watched as Y/n took a deep breath before throwing the heavy ball overhand. "Wait you're supposed to roll th—!"


"Oops." Y/n's lips formed into a single line as she stared at the ball that was halfway in the now broken floor.


"It's unfair how you guys were only kicked out while I was fucking banned." Y/n angrily shoved her hands inside her pocket as she walked with the group.

"Well you did break the floor.." Takemichi mumbled in a matter-of-fact tone.

"If you two are "bros" now, then I get to be an older sister to both of you." Yuzuha spoke, turning towards Hakkai and Takemichi.

"Huh?! You're brother and sister?!" Takemichi exclaimed in surprise.

"Buy me some juice."

"Really? you don't look alike." Hinata added as Y/n look back and forth at the two Shibas.

"You don't look like you'd be any good in a fight. How are you even apart of Toman?" Yuzuha asked Takemichi.

"She's right, you're useless." Y/n agreed making Takemichi flinch at her words. "I'm not that useless!" He defended himself.

Y/n let out a tiny laugh before bringing both of her arms out, "Come and get me assholes!" She mimicked him and swung her arms as she sped up her pace, her laugh was heard throughout the neighborhood.

"That's enough!" Takemichi blushed in embarrassment before running to her and grabbing the back of her shirt, "At least I motivated the other members to stand back up!"

Hakkai let out a laugh as he watched the two, also gaining their attention. "We're almost to my house!" He said.

Hearing the sound of motorbikes, Y/n turned her head with a small; 'hm?' There, she saw many men in white uniform, in the back of their uniform was a drawing of a dragon with the symbols B and D on it.

"Hakkai.." Yuzuha called for her brother's attention, "We're in trouble, bro's comin' back home."

"Hanagaki, sorry man. You'd better go on home." Hakkai told Takemichi who let out a sound of confusion.

"Well, well, well." A voice joined, they all watched as a figure walked closer to them with his arms spread. "If it isn't our young master, Hakkai!" The male smirked.

"Koko.." Hakkai muttered.

"Cocoa?" Y/n tilted her head.

At her voice, Hajime Kokonoi turned his head towards Y/n who had Takemichi and Hinata behind her.

"Hmm? Who the hell are these jerks?"

"I've seen them before. They're Toman's members, L/n and Hanagaki." A member spoke. Somehow knowing Y/n's real name.

"There's a Toman fucker.." A vein popped on Kokonoi's head as he gritted his teeth. "..On our turf?! You tryin' to fuck with us?"

"You're not leaving our turf in one piece, assholes." The members of the Black Dragons started to walk towards them.

"The hell are you? A wolf pack?" Y/n questioned with raised eyebrows.

"This whole zone is the Black Dragons' territory. If any other gang comes swaggering in, the boss instructed us to kill them." Kokonoi explained,

"You know what that means don't you? Hanagaki, L/n!" A boy with a scar on the left side of his face asked.

"It means you're dead!!" Kokonoi stuck out his tongue.

"Get em' boys."

"Lay off guys. They're my friends!" Hakkai said with a glare.

"Stay back, Hina-chan, Y/n. They don't go easy on girls." Yuzuha warned.

"Hakkaaai.." Kokonoi dragged out the said boy's name. "Even friends of our young master need to be taught some proper manners. Because our gang won't listen to you."

Murmurs started going around as each members insulted and threatened Y/n and Takemichi. Hakkai then had enough and stepped forward. "I told you not to hurt my friends! So please!"

"Hakkai, weren't you listening? We don't take orders from you?" One of the members said.

"Wanna get the girls killed, too?!" He continued which made most of them laugh.

Hakkai angrily sent a punch towards the member's face, resulting them into falling flat on the ground with Hakkai's fist still on their face.

"Fuck off, scumbags."

"Sorry for getting you involved, Takemichy." Hakkai apologized once he had stood back up. "The boss of the Black Dragons, is Taiju Shiba."

"Huh? Shiba?" Takemichi asked.

Yuzuha looked back at him as she answered, "Yeah, Taiju's our older brother."

"The three of us are siblings." Hakkai continued. He turned his gaze towards the Black Dragons, "Where's Taiju now?"

"At the convenience store." Kokonoi answered.

"He's hardly ever at home, except for shit like this." Hakkai told them then added; "Pain in the ass."

"Hey." Inupi walked over to him, pressing a blade on Hakkai's neck. "Watch your mouth, asshole. Talk shit about our boss and I'll kill you."

"You have no damn chill."

"Think I won't do it?"

Y/n then realized that Yuzuha wasn't with them anymore, snapping her head to the front she saw Yuzuha behind Inupi, bringing up a leg and kicking him to the side.

"Keep your hands off my little brother!" She glared at Inupi who was now on the ground.

"Back off, Inupi." Kokonoi said, "They're the bosses' sibs."

Inupi — who had just gotten back up pointed his blade at the small group. "I swore loyalty to the boss, but there's no reason I should take any shit from them. I'll show you who's in charge, I don't care if you're a girl." His gaze turned into a glare, "I'll kill you all."

"Ok." Y/n stared at him boringly.

"Hanagaki, Y/n! Leave this to us. Get outta here!" Yuzuha ordered, "Take care of Hina-chan!"

But before the three could even take a step, loud footsteps were heard.

"Takemichi-kun! Behind you!" Hinata shouted. On the last second, Y/n pushed Takemichi out of the way and blocked the hit. The force causing her to lose balance and fell onto the pavement.

The attacker sent a glare towards her as all members of Black Dragon bowed towards their boss.

"Taiju." Hakkai watched his older brother walk up towards Takemichi.

"That's just not fair! You guys look like you're having so much fun." Taiju grabbed Takemichi's collar, pulling him up. "Let me join in!!" He the threw Takemichi's body, aiming at a certain h/c haired girl.

Y/n was quick to react and move to the slide before Takemichi's body could hit hers. "..So, who are these jerks?" Taiju then asked, gesturing to the two.

Koko let out a laugh, "Don't even know who they are and you slugged them anyway? Nice one, boss." He then looked at the two Toman members. "They're from Toman, L/n and Takemichi Hanagaki."

A laugh escaped from Taiju's lips, followed by many more. "They're apart of Toman?!" He laughed, "Damn Koko! That's a good joke right there!"

"It's true, one of Hakkai's little friends." Koko said.

"No fuckin' way!!" Hakkai laughed. Walking closer towards the two he brought up his leg and kicked Takemichi's chin. Resulting in the boy to be flung upwards. Then using his other leg, he kicked Y/n on the side of her face.

"So he brought Toman bastards right into our family's home?! Even though he doesn't join us no matter how many times I tell him?!" Taiju let out a sigh, "Hakkaai." He looked at his brother before ordering, "Beat them to death. Take responsibility as a fellow Toman member."

"Taiju.. they didn't know that this is the black dragons territory. They really didn't, so please.." Hakkai spoke.

"I don't give a shit. Didn't you hear my orders?" Taiju asked. He leaned closer towards Hakkai's face saying; "You're my little brother. That comes before Toman. That means you must obey me, your older brother. Family bonds are more important than friends, aren't they?"

"Taiju!" Yuzuha butted in, getting her brother's attention. "Don't corner Hakkai like that!"

Taiju merely ignored her, swinging his arm and knocking her to the side with hard force. "Yuzuha, because you didn't discipline him properly, this happens. I'm gonna teach you a lesson later."

"Even if you are brother and sister, Yuzuha's a girl." Takemichi spoke in between pants, "So you beat up women too?!"

"Keep your nose out of the Shiba family's business, you little shits." Taiju walked towards Takemichi and Y/n, "Watch this, Hakkai. Your big bro'a gonna fix your problem for you. That's what family's about!!" With that, he sent a punch across Y/n's face, knocking her sideways onto the ground.

Leaving the girl, Taiju went closer to Takemichi before punching him on the face, then followed by many more hits.

"Stop it right now!" Hinata yelled out.

Yuzuha quickly grabbed Hinata's wrist, stopping the short haired girl from running towards Takemichi. "Don't do it, Hina! He won't show you any mercy, either."

"But I can't just stand here! Takemichi-kun's gonna die!" Hinata exclaimed, worry could be seen in her eyes.

Y/n tried to get up but was held back when Koko(who stood still behind her) stepped on her shirt, keeping her in place. The girl did nothing but raised up a middle finger.

"Stop." Hakkai spoke up, "Please!"

"Huh?!" Taiju turned his head to face his little brother.

"Hakkaaai." Taiju called, not showing any signs that he'll stop, "When you ask someone a favor, you gotta give something in exchange!! Offer me something of worth equal."

"If you don't, then this is where he dies." He was about to punch Takemichi but was stopped when Hakkai declared;

"I'll.. quit Toman."

At this, Taiju snapped his head back.

"I'll join the Black Dragons, so I can support you. So in exchange, let them go!"

Takemichi couldn't keep his consciousness, and the last thing he felt was falling and hitting his head on the hard ground.


"Hinata, I'm fine now." Y/n said, about to unwrap her arm from Hinata's shoulder, but the short haired girl shook her head. "But- you're wounded badly!" Hinata exclaimed, tightening her hold on the other female's body.

Sighing, Y/n gave up and let Hinata help her walk. She turned around to see Takemichi regaining consciousness and opening his eyes slowly.

"You awake?" Hakkai asked.

"Takemichi-kun! Thank god, I was so worried!" Hinata smiled with tears in her eyes. "Hina.." Takemichi mumbled.

"Sorry, Hakkai." The yellow haired apologized. "It's my fault you're leaving Toman."

"It's not your fault or Y/n's. I decided to leave a while ago. Anyway, thanks for sticking up for Yuzuha." Hakkai smiledz. "Bet you didn't expect the leader of the Black Dragons to be my big bro, huh?"


"There's something I have to do in the Black Dragons." Hakkai said which made Takemichi's eyes widen, remembering how the future went.

"Killed the previous leader" he remembered Kazutora telling him that. So that means Hakkai.. it can't be..! Is Hakkai gonna kill his brother?


"Spin faster!!" Chifuyu laughed as he was spun around on the chair by the one and only Y/n L/n who sat down on the ground right beside him.

The duo—along with the Mizo Middle Five were at Takemichi's room, waiting for his unconscious body to wake up. While waiting, the Mizo Middle Five decided to play cards whilst Y/n and Chifuyu played on the swivel chair.

"Okay." Y/n nodded and moved her arms faster so that the chair Chifuyu was on would spin around faster.

"Y/n—! Wait stop I'm literally getting dizzy!!"

Chifuyu exclaimed though his words fell on deaf ears as Y/n continued to spin him around on the chair.

"I might throw up on you!"

"Ew don't do that!" Y/n backed away instantly with Shrek croaking in disgust— agreeing with the h/c haired.

"wAIT COME BACK HER AND STOP THIS CHAIR!!" Chifuyu shrieked as he spun around.

"OH-" Y/n hurriedly got up from the floor and rushed towards the boy- though she was quite late as Chifuyu flung out from the chair, making their bodies collide with each other. Groaning when they both landed on the floor with a loud thud. (Good thing Shrek already jumped away)

The Mizo Middle Five stared at the duo with a face of amusement, "Do you guys need help?" Makoto was the first to speak.

"No.." Y/n mumbled, lifting herself up and Shrek jumping back onto her head. Her ears then perked up when hearing shuffling noises, turning her head to the source of sound she saw Takemichi already up from his bed, staring ahead with a weird ass motivated? Serious? or smth idk face.

"I'm the only one who can do this. Can't depend on anyone else.." He muttered much to everyone's confusion, "Gotta do it alone."

"What are you mumbling about?" Y/n finally spoke, snapping Takemichi out of his thoughts in an instant.

"Y-Y/n!" Takemichi flinched at the sudden voice, he eyed the room and saw many more of his friends. "You guys.. what're you doing at my place?!"

"We came here to check on you, what else?"

"Grow some self-awareness!" Makoto said, "If you keep acting reckless we won't be able to keep the first division together."  Takuya sent the yellow haired a soft smile.

"Huh..? What do you mean, "We"..?" Takemichi asked before jolting up, "What?!! Did you guys join Toman?!"

"Huh? Yeah we did." Akkun answered, a small bead of sweat rolling down his cheek from his friend's dumbness.

"You invited them in yourself, didn't you?" Chifuyu asked before raising his eyebrows at the sudden silence, "Hm? What's with the pause?"

"It's.. it's nothing." Takemichi shook his head, Chifuyu..

"You kept begging Baji and Mikey non-stop to let them in Toman. I have the video of it, wanna see?" Y/n raised her phone, showing off a video of Takemichi on his knees and in front of him stood Baji and Mikey.

"FGSJSGAJS— NO I DO NOT WANT TO SEE-" Takemichi grabbed one of his pillows and smacking it his face to avoid seeing the video.

"Still," Akkun spoke. "To think the black dragons would shatter the balance.."

"Yeah, things are gonna get rough." Yamagishi added. "The higher-ups are gonna get involved, for sure." Makoto said.

"Not to mention- Mikey favors Y/n and Takemichi so them getting beaten up by the black dragons is more than enough to start a conflict." Takuya spoke.

"If we get into a fight with the black dragons, it's not gonna be like anything we've dealt before. These're guys known for their active fighting faction, the killer squad." Chifuyu started explaining, "The black dragons have been the top delinquent gang in the kanto region for generations. And the tenth black dragons are the most maniacal and evil one they've ever had. That's because of one reason alone! Their absolute leader, Taiju Shiba!! Toman and black dragons have an unbreakable connection, because the Black Dragons are the reason Toman was created at all. Two years ago, Kazutora-kun clashed with the Black Dragons, and Toman formed so they could help him. Then, Toman fought the Black Dragons. Toman crushed the Black Dragons. And Toman became a well-known gang over night."

"Damn, Toman." Akkun mumbled and Yamagishi smiled whilst saying; "Then this next fight will be easy peasy!!"

"It's not gonna be easy!" Chifuyu interrupted, "Toman beat the ninth Black Dragons that time, the Black Dragons shouldve faded out, but the guy who revived them.. was Taiju Shiba. The Black Dragons changed under Taiju. He got their uniforms totally redone, trained the members to act like an army. And made them an impressive looking gang."

"He's only awesome guy!" Yamagishi exclaimed as he raised his eyebrows, "But those new uniforms.. wouldn't making those for every member cost a shit-ton of money?" Makoto spoke from behind Yamagishi.

Takuya turned his head to face them, "Yeah, it would. Where'd he get that kind of cash..?"

"That I can answer!" Y/n stated proudly, showing off her canines as she grinned and pulled out a wallet. "This belongs to that black haired guy, cocoa or something-"


"Yeah I did." Y/n simply nodded, remembering when she gave Koko a middle finger whilst her other arm was secretly reaching for Koko's wallet that was inside of his pocket.

"ARE YOU DUMB?!" Chifuyu continued to screech.

Y/n ignored him- but Shrek on the other hand turned his body to face Chifuyu, on his face was a glare that he gave the blond for insulting his owner.

"So you guys can have this amount," Y/n gave the Mizo Middle five half of the money. "I'll have the rest since I was the one who worked hard in getting this."

This girl—!! Chifuyu irked, glaring at the e/c eyed female with flame in his eyes before they disappeared in seeing Shrek's  glare.

"Anyways!" Chifuyu shook his head, continuing to explain about the Black Dragons. "The current Black Dragons are totally different from the ninth generation. If Toman fights them now—"

"You guys don't have to fight." Takemichi stated firmly, standing up from his spot. His actions and words confused almost everyone in the room.

"This is between me, Y/n and the Black Dragons. It's got nothing to do with Toman. We'll settle this, on our own."

"Wait, what?!"
"The hell're you saying?"
"On your own?"

Yamagishi, Makoto and Takuya all questioned.

"..Sorry guys." Takemichi apologized.

"Huh?" Y/n tilted her head in confusion, then she remembered getting beaten up by Taiju. "Oh right I was apart of this."

After a minute of silence, Chifuyu also stood up. "Takemichy. Y/n. Come with me real quick."

Chifuyu drove the them to their destination, how did the motor fit three people plus a frog? I don't know too.

"Chifuyu.." Takemichi started, balling up his fist. "I know you wanna say my friends are here for me. But!"

Akkun.. Y/n.. and you! You'll all end up dead. That's why.. I have to—!

His thoughts were cut off when Chifuyu let out a laugh, "I didn't bring you out here to say that, man. Just.. have fun with this, all right?" He grinned as he turned towards Y/n and Takemichi.

"Chifuyu.. Y/n." Takemichi croaked out, tears forming in his eyes. "I.."


"Huh? What the hell do you mean, "Came from the future"?" Both Chifuyu and Y/n asked at the same time.

"Um.. I mean.." Takemichi stumbled in his words, then started to explain the whole time traveling thing.

"..And that's everything I've done." Takemichi finished.

"We're gonna get killed by Kisaki?" Chifuyu mumbled, "So, we're.. gonna die?" He glanced at Y/n who just stood beside him saying nothing.

Thinking he made the wrong decision, Takemichi scratched the back of his head. "Just kidding!! I was just joking around.. hahaha."

"Somehow, I always knew." Chifuyu said. "Thinking about it, there's a lot that's off about you. Also there have been times when you've looked different."

"Well.. I mean, that's.."

Y/n's brain had finally processed Takemichi's words, she blinked as her previous stoic face turns into a closed eyed smile. "I knew it!" She laughed.

"H-huh?! You knew that I came from the future??"

"Nope! But I had thoughts about it."


"You're desperate." Y/n pointed out.

".." Takemichi blinked twice before leaning forward in both shock and surprise. "W-wait! You really believe me? And all of the stuff I said, that sounds like total bullshit?"

"Of course you dumbass!" Chifuyu said, the corner of his lips stretched as a smile formed. "We're partners aren't we?"

Telling Chifuyu and Y/n.. was absolutely.. Takemichi wiped his tears with his sleeve, The right choice!!

"Damn it! Quit making me cry!"

"You've got giant tear glands!" Chifuyu laughed along with Y/n. "You damn crybaby."


"Man I'm starving.."
"Me too."



Now the three sat on a bench in front of a convenience store. Chifuyu slurped on his cup of noodles before saying;

"Kisaki's really gonna kill us, huh?" Chifuyu chewed on his noodles, his arm reaching out to hand the cup of noodles over to the person beside him, which was Y/n. "Want some?"

"Sure." Y/n took it and held onto the chopsticks, getting some of the noodles and placing them in her mouth, then she gave Takemichi the cup while chewing.

"Thanks." Takemichi grabbed the chopsticks and started eating the noodles.

"That future sure pisses me off!" Chifuyu grumbled with Y/n nodding in agreement. "Yeah!"

"So Kisaki really was the enemy all along?"

"Yeah, no doubt about it. Heard that straight from Kisaki himself in the future." Takemichi nodded as he chewed on the noodles.

"I'll fucking kill him!" Chifuyu growled then added; "But not right now."

"As the third division captain, Kisaki has a hundred men under his command. There's also the newly established sixth division formed out of Valhalla members. Plus, compared to them, Takemichy, you've just got transferred to the first division and Y/n stayed in Mitsuya's division, so we're not prepared yet."

Chifuyu stood up from the bench. "But you know- I'm real pumped! Takemichy, Y/n."


"With you in the first division, you're gonna make the us into an unbeatable team. Takemichy. You're starting from nothing.. but I know you can pull it off! The three of us will curb stomp the Black Dragons, Kisaki I don't care who! Y/n and I got your back to the very end. And that's our answer to you, for telling us everything!"

Y/n gave a closed eyed smile and nodding, "Yeah!"

"Chifuyu.. Y/n" Takemichi mumbled out.

"Let's make this work!"

"Alright." Takemichi also stood up from the bench. "Let's do this!" He stretched out his arm, Chifuyu then followed and placed his palm on top of Takemichi's hand. Then they both looked at Y/n who stood there not knowing what to do.

Chifuyu slowly grabbed her hand and placed it on top of his, making her mouth formed into an 'o'


"Let's go team! Let's go team! We can do thi—" Takemichi's 'song' was interrupted by Y/n and Chifuyu who quickly pulled away in disgust.

"We're never doing this again."

"Guys..!!" Takemichi flinched at their words watching as Chifuyu walked towards the Bench.

"Ah!" Chifuyu yelled before glaring at Takemichi. "Did you eat all my ramen, Takemichy!?"

"Huh? Yeah.. you gave it to me."

"Dumbass! You're supposed to give it back after one bite!!"

"That's a weird personal rule."


"I love apples." Y/n randomly said.

"Croak." Shrek agreed.


i was supposed to publish this yesterday but i forgor💀

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