Bad Girl Gone Good (Adrien Ag...

Por Secretstarr101

49.6K 1.5K 1.8K

(Name) (Last Name) is just an average rebel with a hunger for fun and a thirst for trouble. Nothing could eve... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 13

1.3K 47 32
Por Secretstarr101

Author: Hey guys! It's been a minute! I had to rewatch this episode before I wrote the chapter since it's been SO long since I've seen season one episodes.

Just wanted to let you know that I made a few minor changes. I noticed that all the kwamis names have double letters (example: Tikki, Plagg, Nooroo, Trixx, etc.) So I changed the spelling of the reader's kwami to 'Purrsia' and also the reader's hero name to 'Cheetu' to make it easier to pronounce. Most importantly, I made a change in chapter 2 when the reader first meets the principal. Nothing too major but if you're willing to, feel free to re-read that part and tell me what you think.



It was after school hours and you would give anything to be at home but unfortunately, you weren't. Your class was staying behind to create a film for a project that Ms. Bustier had assigned to you all.

She said everyone had to participate to get a get grade, therefore, you figured showing up would be enough to count as a participation grade. It wasn't so bad, you had to admit. It sure did beat being locked up in detention where you notoriously spent most of your after-school time at your previous schools. Although, you wished things could be more interesting.

As of now, everyone was taking a short break. You decided to pass the time conversating with Alya and Marinette. "Isn't Adrien glorious when he puts makeup on?" The blue-haired girl complimented dreamily, eyeballing the model who was currently having foundation dusted onto his face. "Uh, Marinette... you've got a little drool on your chin." You informed, trying not to snicker at your friend who quickly cleaned herself up. Alya shook her head at her obsessive bestie. "Seriously, girl. Try to calm yourself down. It's just a film project."

"Okay, guys! Let's take it from the top!" Nino announced, causing everyone to finish what they were doing, and ran into place. You watched as Adrien and a girl whose name you haven't had a chance to learn, crouch down behind the teacher's desk. "Take fifteen. Action!" Alix announced, clapping the clapperboard.

"It's too dangerous! We must evacuate!"

"Are you suggesting we run, Officer Jones?! After it devoured my family, my friends, even my beloved dog Sniffles?! Never! I won't run! I'm going to face i-AH!" She screamed mid-sentence as a boy with a mask popped up from behind the teacher's desk.

"Cut!" Nino yelled for what felt like the thousandth time that day. The boy took off the mask he was wearing and gave the girl an apologetic gaze. "Sorry, Mylene..." The girl known as Mylene was currently hiding under the teacher's desk, shaking like a leaf.

"Mylene, that's the fourteenth take and we're only on the first scene!" Nino complained. "Actually this is the fifteenth time but who's counting?" Alix corrected, obviously bored. "I-I'm sorry everyone... I promise I'll do better in the next take." Mylene apologized guiltily. Nino sighed, calming himself down. "Come on, Mylene... you're supposed to be a hero from a special organization. You're not supposed to get all freaked out."

"I'm sorry... it's just the monster mask he's wearing looks so realistic and scary..." She muttered. "Don't worry, it's just me, Mylene." The boy assured her. "If you ask me, he doesn't need a mask." Chloe dissed, snobbishly. "Too bad you need one to hide that ugly face under all that makeup..." You mumbled loud enough to cause Marinette and Alya to snicker.

"Mylene, we really need you to stay into character, okay?" Nino pleaded. "Okay, I just need to sing my happy song to calm down..." As Mylene began to sing her happy song, she accidentally bumped into Adrien, causing her to shriek in surprise. "And the award for the world's most pathetic, scaredy-cat, afraid of her own shadow goes to... Mylene!" Chloe announced as if she was hosting the Oscars, causing the poor girl to look down in shame. "Seriously, Chloe!?" Adrien scolded his childhood friend while trying to comfort the poor ridiculed girl. Chloe, with no remorse, nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders. "Eh, so what."

Humiliated, Mylene fled the room in tears. "Mylene, wait!" Ivan yelled as he ran after her. "Great! Now, who's going to take Mylene's part?" Nino complained. "Me, of course!" Chloe boasted as if it was obvious. "What do you mean? You haven't even read the script!" Alya pointed out. "Of course I read the script! Well, the first scene at least. All I know is that the scene ends with a kiss between Agent Smith and Officer Jones." She said as she cuddled up to Adrien who did not seem too comfortable.

The very mention of the kiss scene caused Marinette to lose her cool. "Kiss?! What do you mean kiss?! Why is there a kiss scene?!" She bombarded Alya with frantic questions. "Wha-?! I didn't write that!" She responded, flabbergasted. "Heh, actually...I did. I thought it would make the story more interesting."

"You edited my script without telling me?!"

"Don't you mean our script?!"

"Well, if it's our script then why did you change it without telling me?!"

"Ugh, who cares! We just need to get this video done in time!" Chloe interrupted the arguing couple. "She's right, guys! We have exactly nine hours, eighteen minutes, and twelve seconds!" Max calculated.

"I have an idea! Why don't we just make agent Smith a nurse?" Chloe suggested. Hearing this, you couldn't help shooting a confused look at the blonde girl. "What? Why a nurse?" You asked, trying to understand the purpose. "Because I would look so hot in the uniform." You did your best to keep yourself from puking up your breakfast. '...great, now I have that image in my brain...'

"We are not going to rewrite the script ag-!"

"Actually, that's a great idea!" You exclaimed, cutting Nino off. "See? Even (last name) agrees with me!" The blonde boasted, proudly. "But Chloe, you don't have a nurse uniform, do you? Why don't you go try on some uniforms in the nurse's office, hm?" You suggest, feigning the sincerity in your voice.

"Hmph, Sabrina, Kim, Max! We are going to the nurse's office to get a nurse's uniform!" She demanded with a snap of her fingers. "Coming, Chloe!" Sabrina ran after her 'friend' like the lapdog she is. "What?! Why do we have to go?" Kim complained while Max looked equally apprehensive. "Because I need a couple of bodyguards to protect me in case something happens. Let's go!" Chloe lead Sabrina and the two dejected boys out of the room.

As soon as they left, you slammed the door closed. "Great! Now we are back to not having a leading role!" Nino complained. "At least we can think now that the headache is gone." You answered, glad to have a least a moment of peace from the loud-mouth girl.

The class began to converse and complain about the makings of the project. "This isn't going to work. I need someone who's not easily scared and not nearly as superficial as Chloe. I need someone couldn't care less about what's going on..." Nino pondered to himself before his eyes glanced over to see you messing around on your phone with an uncaring gaze in your (eye color) eyes. You looked up from your phone and noticed Nino staring at you. "What? Do I have a hickey or something?" You questioned, covering your neck. "Uh, no. I need you to take the role of agent Smith. You know what scene we are on, right?"

"Uhh...yeah. Of course, I do... But just to be sure, explain the whole thing to me." You told him, trying to hide the fact that you were barely paying attention to anything that's been going on this entire time. "The film is about an officer teaming up with a secret service agent to save the world from an alien monster. You're going to play as Agent Smith. All you have to do for this scene is just say your lines then you share with kiss Officer Jones, which is Adrien." Nino quickly summarized.

"No prob- Wait, I do what now?" You asked, making sure you heard him correctly. "Don't worry. It'll be fun." He dismissed before ushering you towards the front. You bit your bottom lip, feeling conflicted as you remembered the major crush your friend Marinette has on the popular boy.

'Okay, I have two options. Keep my friendship or kiss the pretty boy?'

Your (eye color) eyes shifted over to Adrien who merely sent you a soft smile. Making your decision, you returned his smile with a small smirk.

'Definitely going to kiss the pretty boy.'

You quickly skimmed your lines on the script. Once you felt you had them memorized, you tossed the script aside and got into place. Alix showed up with the clapperboard again."Take sixteen. Action!"

"I'm not afraid of no monster, Officer Jones!"

After finishing your line, you and Adrien closed your eyes and slowly began to lean into each other. You slightly cracked open an eye to peek over at Marinette who anxiously watched the two of you with hurt in her bluebell eyes. Normally, you wouldn't have cared if you hurt someone over a boy. As a matter of fact, it wouldn't have been the first time, nor would it have been the second. But seeing the look on the blue-haired girl's face put a pinch of guilt in your chest. You just couldn't bring yourself to hurt the poor girl. Therefore, you did what you knew was right.


"Come on! Only the director can yell cut!" Nino complained. "Sorry but I'm just not the best at acting. Hey, what about Marinette? She knows the script much better than I do. I'm sure she would be perfect for the role." You gesturing to Marinette. "Wh-wh-what?! N-n-no! I'm not good at acting...!" She stammered modestly. "Of course you are! You'll be fine!" You encouraged while pushing an apprehensive Marinette towards Adrien. "What are you doing?!" She whisper-yelled at you. " Getting you a kiss from your prince charming. Have fun!" You whispered back, giving your flustered friend an encouraging wink before walking away.

Nino sighed but went along with it regardless. "Alright, fair enough. Let's take it from the top of the scene." Everyone got back into their positions. You stood next to Alya who gave you a fist bump. "Take seventeen. Action!"

"I'm not afraid of that monster, Officer Jones..." Marinette rehearsed her line awkwardly. You anxiously watched as the two slowly leaned into each other. You were getting ready to pat yourself on the back for your match-making work until the door bust open. "CUT!" Chloe screamed, making everyone groan in annoyance. "This is why I fight people..." You grumbled under your breath as you glared at the blonde brat.

Another argument immediately broke out again amongst your classmates. Eventually, you got bored and decided to walk out of the classroom. On your way out, you noticed a boy talking to the girl who ran out a few minutes ago. That is before she runs to the restroom crying.

"Mylene, wait! Don't go!" He called out to her but she didn't listen. "Having problems with your girl?" You asked, strolling up to him. "Mylene really wants to play the hero role in the film but she gets scared pretty easily."

'I think 'pretty easily' is an understatement...'

"I'm Ivan by the way." The boy introduced himself.


"You're a pretty confident person. Can you go talk to Mylene and give her some advice? Maybe she'll listen to you." He urged. you did your best to hold back a groan but complied anyway. "I'll give it a shot, I guess." With that being said, you made your way towards the restroom.

"Why does everyone think I gotta do everything just because I'm confident?" You mumbled. Purrsia poked her little head out of your jacket pocket. "I think it's really nice that you're doing something to help her." The kwami gave her input, causing you to scoff. "I'm a part-time superhero who's working for free. Isn't that 'nice' enough?"

You walked to the restroom and peeked inside. "Crap... what's her name again?" You whispered to your kwami. "Mylene." Purrsia reminded. "Right..." You responded, feeling kinda dumb for forgetting the girl's name so quickly. Slowly, you peeked inside the restroom. "Uh, Mylene? You alright? Whatever you do, don't listen to Chloe. She's just being a total b-"

A surprised gasp left your lips as soon as you peeked in and caught sight of said girl transforming into a big pink monster. You quickly hid behind the door as she stampeded out the bathroom to cause chaos. Once she was gone, you ran into the restroom and hid inside one of the stalls. "Guess it's time to go to work! Purrsia, time to dash!" You commanded, causing yourself to immediately transform into Cheetu. Just as you were about to chase after your akumatized classmate, a horrified scream caused you to freeze.

'Please don't tell me someone just got eaten...'

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