The Boy Is Mine, You Bonkers...

By sterek_ao3

23.4K 698 181

It turns out that the words 'a painfully smart and brave unclaimed human who is stupidly unutilized in Beacon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 1 (Part 2)
Chapter 1 (Part 3)
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 (Part 2)
Chapter 2 (Part 3)
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 (Part 3)

Chapter 3 (Part 2)

1.8K 67 12
By sterek_ao3

Derek pulls the bathrobe tie while still lapping the curve of Stiles' neck and stretches the garment apart. Then he pulls back to look at his exposed mate, laying there under him.

The bathrobe is still on, but opened on the front, exposing Stiles pale and lean torso. Derek can see Stiles' moles scattered on his skin, inviting to be kissed. Stiles is panting with his mouth open and his body is shivering from the loss of warm touch. His brown eyes are half open, staring at Derek straight into his soul, waiting and wanting Derek to take all of him. His hands lay beside his head, his cheeks flushed pink, his lips are swollen and red after being brutally attacked, his neck and collarbone are decorated by fading red hickeys, Derek's claiming bite scar is still there on his right shoulder, the gold triskelion pendant shines on his pale chest, his nipples are hard because of the touch of cold air, and the happy trail on his underbelly ends under the strip of his boxer-briefs leaving the rest for Derek's wild imagination.

Derek is mesmerized and stunned by the whole view. He leans in to kiss Stiles' lips tenderly. "You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life."

Stiles' cheeks get even more flushed than before from the blatant compliment from Derek. Derek kisses that flushed cheek and whispers softly in Stiles' ear. "My mate. My everything. I love you."

Stiles hugs Derek's neck and whispers back. "I love you too. Now will you bond with me already, please?"

Derek huffs a laugh on his neck curve and kiss it. "Nice try. So, this is your gameplan? You'd never make it any easier for me, wouldn't you Stiles?"

He pulls away to look at Stiles pouty face. "Oh now look who has the sourface." Derek laughs while leaning in and kissing Stiles' forehead, but when he pulls away again, Stiles is still pouting.

"You're evil. I think you'd be the only werewolf who turns down sex with his mate right after you say he's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen and that you love him," Stiles grumbled.

"I promise I'll never turn you down again in five days. I'll even throw myself at you if you want me that bad," Derek said smugly, teasing Stiles even more.

Oh let's see who'd want who that bad in couple of days. Stiles mentally snarls devilishly.

But he just put his fake disappointed face in front of Derek. "Oh. Ok then. I guess I don't have any choice. But can we sleep in my room tonight? I already told Lydia that you and I will have private time here tonight. Please, Derek? If I can't save my dignity from you for pulling this stupid stunt, at least let me save my dignity from being a joke material."

Derek sighs and kisses Stiles before he talks. "Hey listen to me carefully, Stiles. First of all, there's nothing you do could possibly make me think less of you. Second of all, this thing between you and I, I won't let anyone make a joke out of it. You hear me?"

Stiles nods and whispers 'ok'. Derek kisses him again before continue, "if it'll make you feel any better, sure, we can stay here tonight."

Stiles then grins widely. "Awesome! Thanks, Der." He then kisses Derek on the lips, knowing it'll be the last kiss before he tortures Derek with no physical interaction, he pushes his lips a little harder before pulling back and squirms his way out from under Derek.

Derek just stares at him in confusion. "Stiles, where are you going? I thought we would be sleeping."

Stiles takes off his bathrobe and throws it at the floor before crawling under the cover on his respective side of the bed, not into Derek's arms like he did every night. "We are sleeping. I stay here, you stay there."

Derek stares at him blankly for a while before voicing his disapproval. "Excuse me, but maybe you forget or lose the 'sleeping with werewolf' manual book about how we used to cuddle before we fall asleep in each other's arms?" Derek reaches for him, "come back here!"

Stiles is ready for this. "No, no, no! I need this, Derek. How can I hold myself from sexual urges if your sexual part keeps brushing mine?"

Derek scoffs in disbelief. "This is ridiculous, Stiles!" He takes off his jeans and crawls back into the bed, his hand is reaching to take his mate once again but his mate stops him.

"Derek, please, I'm trying very hard to hold myself from wanting to have sex here. You said it yourself, we have to wait. You can't expect me to do that while you keep teasing me with your overflowing sex appeal, Derek."

"It's just cuddling, Stiles!" Derek said frustatedly.

"Derek, everything about you turns me on," Stiles begged. "Please."

Derek huffs and scowls, obviously doesn't like how the situation turns out. "Fine." He flops down on the pillows.

Stiles can feel the frustation radiating from his mate. He turns his back on his mate, hiding his amused grin. "Good night, Derek. I love you."

Derek doesn't answer. Without even seeing, Stiles knows Derek is showing his famous sourface right now.

Payback is a bitch, Derek. Payback is a bitch. Stiles smiles into the night.

At dawn, Stiles wakes up feeling limbs tangled around him and he's not on his side of the bed anymore. He looks down to see arms locked around his stomach and his legs are trapped by another legs, someone is spooning him.

He turns his head, the culprit is snoring behind him. Stiles groans. He should have known Derek would just snatch him in the middle of the night. Stiles tries to unlock the arms on his stomach but they get tightened instead, pulling Stiles closer into the older man's body.

"Mmm." The man behind him whined.

Stiles struggles to get out but it's obviously impossible, Derek doesn't let him. "Derek, what are you doing..?"

"Nnn--two mo 'ours.." Derek slurred.

Stiles turns his head just to meet with Derek's stubbly jaw. "I thought we agreed we wouldn't snuggle in bed."

"Nnno I di'n 'gree t' that," Derek answered sleepily.

Stiles wiggles to turn facing Derek, this time Derek is letting him. Derek looks like a sleepy puppy, Stiles almost feels bad for playing him. "Derek, if you can't stop touching me, maybe it would be better if we don't sleep in the same bed until my birthday."

Derek tenses. He opens his sleepy eyes to pout at Stiles. "Why are you doing this to me?" He said with his kicked puppy expression, "you mad at me or sum'thing..?"

Stiles mentally groans because Derek is freaking adorable when he wakes up in the morning. He always is, no Alpha trace in him at all. It's a new found fact about Derek that Stiles finds lovable the most. Stiles likes the thought of no one seeing this side of Derek but him. Honestly Stiles just wants to hug and kiss him, but he has to be strong and fight the urge if he wants to get Derek to make love to him.

"I'm not mad, why would I be?" He laughs softly.

"Then cuddle with me, we still have two hours.." Derek whines softly and snuggle Stiles in his arms again.

"Derek, oh my God, stop. You're making me aroused again. Do you want to have sex?"

"No, we can't.." Derek answered sleepily.

"Then don't torture me like this. I can't, ok? Let me go or I swear we'll sleep in different bed temporarily, Derek." Stiles warned him.

Derek sighs frustatedly. He loosens his arms to let Stiles go, but cupping Stiles' cheek to kiss him. Stiles stops him by putting a hand on Derek's mouth. "Oh no, you don't. Sorry Grumpy, temporarily no kiss as well."

Derek shamelessly whines this time. "Stiles, please tell me you're joking or this is just an awful bad dream."

"No, this is real. I told you, everything about you arouses me, Derek. I refuse to be teased, I can't. If you kiss me, we're having sex." Stiles raises his eyebrows, waiting for Derek to make a decision.

Derek scowls and huffs his breath in annoyance. "Ok. Fine. Fuck it, no kissing, no nothing. It's just for five days anyway."

"Exactly." Stiles is really trying hard not to laugh. The pups are right, judging by his reaction, Derek will be pining by tomorrow.

The creepers' pack seems truly leaving, because Derek said he found the blood of the injured Alpha and Stiles' empty bullet in the woods yesterday but their scent track towards the territory's borderline and out. And there's no new scent found in today when Derek and Peter scanned the Hale territory.

"Our pack mom is badass." Isaac praised Stiles when they gather up at the pack house after school for pack training on Monday. Everybody is breathing in relief once again. Stiles is relieved there's no bloody confrontation needed.

"We should have killed them. I should have killed them. They could have come back some other time." Derek scowls. Stiles rolls his eyes. Typical Derek.

And apparently, Stiles doesn't need to wait until the next day for Derek's pining, because Derek already is. Stiles can feel his frustation radiating all day, and it shows too. He's grumpier, if possible, and merciless throughout the packs training. He shamelessly stares at Stiles with his hungry red eyes and couple of times tried to unintentionally touch Stiles but Stiles keeps his distance.

"Dude, I can't believe I'll ever say this in our existence, but please can you have sex with our Alpha?" Scott hissed when they run side by side through the woods.

"I'm trying here, Buddy, hold on a little bit more, ok?" Stiles whispered as he runs.

"I can't stand his crankiness, he's torturing us. And seriously, Dude, if only you can smell him everytime he looks at your way... Why you dressed like that, Man?" Scott whines.

Stiles wears a white tight skinny jeans, which shows the shape of his manly parts and fine ass. And his top is a red wife beater, which shows his neck, shoulder, and practically half of his chest. Danny chose the outfit for him, because Danny knows it all. Ok, maybe this is a gameplan overkills.

"This is the part of the plan, Scott."

"What plan?" Scott asked with his confused face.

"To have the sex, Scott, the sex." Stiles explained. Scott is quite dense sometime.

That night, Derek slips through Stiles' bedroom window when Stiles is reading a comic book on his bed.

"Uh, Derek, the creepers' pack is gone, you don't have to pick me up anymore. The others are staying at their own house too."

Derek starts to take off his clothes while he talks. "Yes, but that doesn't mean I don't get to sleep with you anymore. Even though I can't touch you," he slams his jacket on the floor angrily, "or kiss you," then his pants,"or cuddle with you," and his undershirt, "and you're just right there being such a tease as you always are. But sure, it's fine. I'm totally fine!" Derek said in a bitchy tone.

He walks to the bed and flops down on it, making Stiles scoot over to give space. Derek lays with his back on Stiles, crossing his arms on his chest and huffing a heavy breath.

Wow, he's angry. Stiles peeks to see Derek's face but he can't see a glimpse.

"Oookay... Good night, Derek."

Derek just sighs in frustation. Stiles smiles in amusement, his mate is just too adorable. The plan works out very well.

But Stiles has to admit, Derek's self control is pretty amazing. He didn't jump at Stiles that night or the next day. Well, he was cranky and bitchy to everyone. Scott refused to be in the same room with Derek. Derek set his googly eyes on Stiles like a predator watching his prey. And according to Scott's whining, the Alpha smelled incredibly aroused, but he still maintained his self control.

That's why, on Wednesday, or two days before Stiles' birthday, Stiles' Go-Woohoo-With-Derek Team decided that it's time to step up the game.

On school lunch, they splitted from the wolfs to talk about the plan on schoolyard, bringing their lunch with them. They asked Stiles to trespass the school's swimming pool at night to have some swimming practice.

"Are you guys insane? It's Fall, I can freeze to death!"

"That's the point! You go there and just swim around. Wear the yellow swimming trunk that I chose for you from the department store. And you leave a note in your room to inform Derek that you're out pulling a silly stunt again to practice swimming in the middle of a very cold night. He'll be pissed when he doesn't find you in your room and come get you." Danny explained the plan.

"Then what?"

"Then you...just be you."

"What do you mean just be me!? That's not helping!"

"Stiles, you already have him on the second he sees you all wet in swimming trunks." Lydia said while nibbling her salad.


So that's how Stiles ends up in a pool now in the middle of the night only in a puny piece of triangle garment, shaking like a leaf, waiting for his grumpy werewolf to show up.

What did the others mean he can act like himself though? Does that mean he can touch Derek? Because seriously, Stiles is so cold that being embraced in Derek's warm body doesn't sound so bad at all. Stiles decides to literally swim a little to gather some body heat.


Here he comes. Stiles turns his head to see Derek walking into the gymnasium.

"D-Derek?" Stiles' voice is trembling from the cold.

Derek looks angry. Very angry.

Oh shit, maybe this isn't a very good idea. Stiles gulps. "H-hi! Come to practice swimming too?"

"Stiles, get out of the pool right now! Could you choose more appropriate time to practice swimming!? And maybe wait until Summer!?" Derek asked furiously.

"I, uh—the swimming pool is closed so I decided to sneak in at night," Stiles said through his gritted teeth.

Derek pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance before scolding Stiles. "This is stupid! Look at you! You're freezing, Stiles! Get out of the pool before you get sick! Where are your clothes?" Derek looks around to find where Stiles put his clothes.

"No! I'm not done practicing yet! What if there's another kanima in town next month or whatever, what if I have to stay floating in water while holding paralyzed werewolf again? We never know, right!? Bad luck doesn't wait until Summer to fall upon us!" Stiles reasoned.

"Stiles!" Derek's eyes are flashing red. He's irritated that his mate won't listen to him.

"No!" Stiles said stubbornly.

"Dammit, Stiles, don't make me come in there and get you myself!" Derek points a finger at his stubborn mate.

Stiles just sticks his tongue out to Derek mockingly.

Derek then starts to strip his clothes off in hurry until only his boxers left.

"Oh, shit." Stiles turns to swim further away as he hears a splash coming from where Derek was. Stiles swims as fast as he can.

He squeals when he feels a hand catching his leg and pulling him. Then, a strong arm curls around his stomach and turns him to face a wide shoulder and firm chest.

"No! Help!" Stiles laughs while flailing his limbs in the water trying to break free.

"Stiles! Stop!" Derek scowls, his face is frowning because of water lapping on his face, making Stiles laughs even louder. Derek locked his arms around Stiles body to make him stop moving.

"Alright, alright, you got me!" Stiles giggles playfully at Derek's frowny face. He can't help it, he curls his arms around Derek's neck and nuzzle his head into Derek's warm shoulder. He feels Derek's arms tightening, they are so warm around Stiles freezing body. "Gosh, it's cold."

"You're shivering!" Derek stated angrily.

"I know." Stiles said to Derek's shoulder.

"You're driving me insane, Stiles, this is reckless."

Stiles smiles at Derek's protectiveness. "I know, I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was thinking."

God, Stiles misses being held in Derek's arms. He knows he's the one who started this no-touching thing, but he honestly misses Derek as much as Derek misses him. Maybe even more.

Derek sighs into Stiles' neck. He swims slowly to the edge of the pool, pulling Stiles who's still latching on his neck with him.

After a while, Stiles feels his back has touched the tile on the side of the pool. They had reached the edge where their feet can reach the pool base. He pulls back a bit to look at Derek. Derek is looking back at him, there's still a little bit anger in his eyes but there's also desire.

Stiles smiles, one of his hands moves to brush Derek's wet hair. "Der, I miss you."

Derek sighs, he nuzzles Stiles flushed cheek softly with his nose without saying anything. Maybe he's afraid if he's saying a word in this moment, Stiles won't let him touch his mate again.

But Stiles furtherly tightens his hold around Derek shoulder, pressing his body to Derek. His forehead meets the other man's.

"Derek," Stiles whispered.

Derek's breath is shaking. He curls his arms around Stiles' waist. His Great Wall of China of self control has started to crumble.

Stiles grasping Derek's hair and shoulder desperately, "Der, don't you miss me?" Stiles licks his lips wet, "my lips?" he stretches back his head, "my neck?"

Derek groans. He's breathing heavily, obviously fighting the urge to give in. Stiles is not even finished yet.

He whispers softly to Derek's mouth. "Der, don't you want me?" his hot breath lingers on Derek's bottom lip, "don't you need me?" he brushes his crotch on Derek's bulge, "don't you want to bury yourself...inside me?"

Derek growls, "goddamnit!" and he's losing it.

Derek slams his lips on Stiles'.

It is hunger, anger, and desperation colliding into one kiss. Tongues battling, teeth clashing, lips bruising, hands grasping skin.

"Stop asking stupid questions," Derek said breathlessly when they break apart.

"Of course I miss you." Derek kisses Stiles' flushed cheek.

"I obviously want you." He bites Stiles' pulse point.

"And I desperately need you." He bites harder on the same spot his claiming bite was, making a new one.

"And Stiles, you have no idea how bad I want to make love to you..."

Derek speaks while kissing every skin of Stiles that he can reach with his lips. His hands sneak into Stiles' swimming trunk, grabbing Stiles' buttcheeks and squeeze. Stiles is gasping breathlessly, his breath fogs into the cold air.

Derek keeps talking dirty, " touch you where no one ever has, to hear you let out many different sexy voices, to make you scream my name in pleasure when I knot you, to fill you with my cum so full that it leaks out of you. And I'll do it again, and again, and again. Stiles, I will make love to you until you pass out in my arms," Derek said sexily to Stiles' skin.

Stiles moans at the offer. "Do it, Derek. I want you too."

"Wait, Stiles—"


"Not here," Derek said.

"Take me with you," Stiles begged.


"No, Derek—"

"I want to take you somewhere special tomorrow night."

"Just take me tonight."

"I didn't prepare the place yet."

"I don't care."

"I do. You deserve the best."


"I promise it'll be worth it. Will you wait for me?"

"It's real, right? Promise me you're not teasing me this time, Der, it'd be too cruel."

"I promise. Tomorrow will be our night." Derek kisses Stiles in promise.

"MmOk, but, you're not sleeping in my bed tonight." Stiles said between kisses.

Derek breaks the kiss abruptly. "What!? Why!?"

"Ssshh. Calm down, I just want you to miss me, and tomorrow night, you can show me how much."

"Actually that sounds great." Derek admits. He kisses Stiles again.

"Yeah..?" Stiles teased.

Derek whispers hotly in his ears, "You won't be able to move at all when I'm done with you."

Stiles groans. "Prove it. Tomorrow night?"

"Tomorrow night." Derek seals the deal with a deep kiss, but Stiles breaks the kiss and smirks at Derek's confused face.

"Then stop kissing me and get your naughty hands off my ass, Romeo, the rule is on again. No sex, no touch." Stiles lets go of Derek and wiggle his way out of the pool, leaving Derek gobsmacked.


Stiles winks at his mate who's pouting from the water.

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