The Boy Is Mine, You Bonkers...

By sterek_ao3

23.4K 698 181

It turns out that the words 'a painfully smart and brave unclaimed human who is stupidly unutilized in Beacon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 1 (Part 2)
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 (Part 2)
Chapter 2 (Part 3)
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 (Part 2)
Chapter 3 (Part 3)

Chapter 1 (Part 3)

2.6K 91 26
By sterek_ao3

Derek leads Stiles to the booth to buy the tickets. Stiles reaches his pocket to take out his wallet but Derek stops him. "Hey, I asked you out. It's on me." His eyes turn red for a second.

"Woah hey! Okay, chill out. Don't wolf out here, geez.."

Derek huffs and pulls out his wallet to pay for the tickets.

They enter the fair, Stiles runs ahead of Derek. Stiles looks around him, his mouth is in 'O' shape. Derek huffs a laugh from behind him, catching up with Stiles. "What do you want to ride first?"

Pfftt! That is one stupid question. Stiles points out the giant roller coaster. "Obviously, Der!"

Derek rolls his eyes at the nickname but caves in anyway. "Alright, come on."

The giant roller coaster was awesome. And so was the 'twister' and the crazy 'tornado'. Stiles is so excited, he never stops grinning.

"I don't know how you managed to keep your pokerface during those rides while I was screaming my lungs out. You really amaze me sometimes," Stiles pointed out.

Derek himself is amused just to watch Stiles tonight.

Stiles looks very adorable with those idiotic smile and flushed cheeks. His skin glowing under the bright neon lights. And Derek keeps cursing at that v-neck, which has been teasing Derek's self control from the second he saw Stiles at the Stilinskis' front door.

The urge to kiss Stiles emerges again. Should claim those lips later tonight, his wolf growled.

The wolf in him is satisfied he has made his mate happy. Mate. Derek groans at the word. His wolf is getting impatient.

Beautiful mate... So perfect for Derek. Cunning. Worthy. Need to claim him before another wolf does!

Derek can't help but let out a deep growl. If Stiles wasn't too distracted, he would notice. Derek shakes his thoughts, pressing his wolf to focus on the date instead.

He doesn't want to freak Stiles out. For now, he just wants an easy and casual first date, to just simply have fun with Stiles. There's still a lot he needs to prove to Stiles.

Derek needs Stiles to see him as worthy.

Clueless to his date's inner turmoil, Stiles is babbling about driving the bumper cars and checking out the arcade when his stomach rumbles. Stiles blushes and shoots a wide grin to Derek.

Derek scoffs in amusement. "C'mon, let's grab a bite."

They make their way to food section. It is a long row full of food stands and vendors. Stiles' eyes move from vendor to vendor.

"Oh God, look at that giant pretzel, I want to eat that. And that corn dog looks awesome, buy that too. And that chili fries too. Oh look! What is that? I've never tried that, I'm definitely gonna try it. And don't forget the cotton candy! Don't give me that look, Derek, everybody buys cotton candy at the fair, why should we be any different?"

Derek rolls his eyes. But then he patiently moves from one stand to another to let Stiles buy everything he desires. That includes corn dog, chili fries, giant pretzel, beef kebab, and the largest slushie. Derek is amazed by Stiles' enormous appetite. Derek gets himself an extra-large bacon cheeseburger, onion rings, and coke.

When Stiles is turning to his last target, a cotton candy vendor, Derek pulls his hoodie. "Oh no, you don't. We buy the cotton candy after we finish all of this." Derek gestures to the pile of food in front of them.

Stiles pouts but he follows Derek to the nearest picnic table to eat. They sits across from each other and eat their food in respective silence. Or Derek's repective silence, because Stiles keeps rambling with a mouth full about the lists of food that should have been marked as an obligation to be eaten at the fair.

"Can I get my cotton candy now?" Stiles asked after they finish their dinner.

Derek rolls his eyes. He drinks the rest of his coke and stands from his seat. "Show me the way."

Stiles grins at him and jumps his way to the cotton candy vendor.

Few moments later, Stiles tears some of his cotton candy and put it in his mouth while they're walking to the bumper car arena.

"Der, you want some?" Stiles offered with his mouth full of melting cotton candy.

Derek winces in disgust. "Ah, no thanks, I don't eat kid's snack."

"This is not a kid's snack!" Stiles defended his cotton candy.

"Yes it is. It's pink, fluffy, and contains no other ingredient but sugar. Kid's snack." Derek smirks, teasing Stiles is always endearing.

Stiles tears some of his cotton candy and shoves it in front of Derek's face. "Say 'aaah'..."

"Stiles. No."

"Oh, c'mon Derek. Sugar makes us happy."

"People who say that should get their throats ripped out."

"See? You need this so you won't be so grumpy anymore."


"Just this once."


"For me?" Stiles bats his eyes sweetly, not expecting it to actually work.

Derek huffs in annoyance. Stiles is grinning, his hand is still shoving the cotton candy in front of Derek's mouth, waiting for it to open. Derek finally gives in, opening his mouth to receive the childish fluffy candy. At the least, Stiles is feeding him, he can tolerate it as intimate gesture, right?

Stiles, and with force, Derek, finish their cotton candy as they arrive at the bumper cars.

They agree to split and get their own cars. When the bell rings and the bumper cars start up, everybody screams in excitement as they bump their cars toward each other.

Well, everybody but Derek.

Stiles can't hold his laugh in as he watches Derek pout and frown. Maybe Derek thinks all these silly humans have challenged him.

Stiles stops laughing abruptly when a bumper car takes him by surprise and hits his car from the side. Ok, Stiles' heart might have jumped a little from the sudden impact, but he's okay.

Unfortunately, Derek doesn't think so. Because Derek is out of his respective car and jumping in front of the car that has hit Stiles'.

The teenage boy who drives the car is surprised and steps on the break immediately. The car stops right in front of Derek's feet.

Derek moves to the side and pulls at the boy's collar, growling at him, "What. Did. You. Do. To him?"

Stiles jumps out of his car and runs to Derek, "Whoa! Derek! Let him go! Derek!"

Stiles looks at the poor teenage boy who seems out of clue of what is going on.

"Hey dude, haha, everything's ok, alright? We're good. Don't be scared, he's just cranky, it happens everytime he eats something bad. Which is my fault, shouldn't give him the cotton candy, haha."

He looks at Derek again, urgently trying to calm the werewolf down.

"Derek! He didn't hurt me, the object of the game is to hit each other with your cars, let him go. It's just a game! Look, hey look, I'm fine. I'm just a little bit surprised, I was distracted watching you, that's all. Come on now. Derek?" Stiles tugs at Derek's arm.

Derek growls one last time at the teenage boy before he releases his hold on his collar. The teenager immediately runs after he escapes. Stiles feels sympathy towards him.

Stiles right away pulls Derek's arm and drags the man out of the arena. He tries to ignore the people that are staring at them as they leave.

Note to self, don't let Alpha werewolf play bumper cars again.

Stiles is jumping in excitement when they enter the arcade tent. There are many game consoles and Stiles makes a mental note to try them all.

"Hey, I'll go buy the tokens, alright? Stay here," Derek said.

Derek goes to the token booth but he doesn't realize that Stiles didn't even notice that he left.

Stiles is distracted by all the consoles' noise and smart-ass people who are outsmarting some badass games. He wanders around without noticing that Derek is not with him.

As the evening gets late, more people come into the fair, and the crowd enlarges. The arcade tent is huge but it's still so crowded that Stiles bumps into people as he walks.

He turns his head to Derek and get confused when Derek is not beside him.

"Oh, shit. Derek?"

He looks around him, seeking out Derek, but he can't see anything but people, who bump into him as they walk.


Stiles stands on his toes to look over the crowd when somebody bigger and taller bumps into him from behind.

"Oopff!" Stiles' body is jerked forward and he nearly falls.

The person apologizes for the little accident. Stiles is waving at him, telling him it's fine, when another person bumps into his left shoulder.

And another on his right.

And another on his back again.

"Der-!" Stiles' voice starts to get shaky.

He feels trapped. There are so many people around him, he's finding it hard to breathe. His head is spinning.

He starts to hyperventilate, throwing himself into a panic attack.


Stiles is barely able to stand on where he is, closing his eyes to stop the dizziness. He's still trying to calm himself down when another person bumps into his back again.

Stiles is caught off guard, his knees are buckled and he's really sure he's gonna fall when he feels two strong arms catching him.

"Stiles, hey, are you okay? Hey, come on, open your eyes."

Stiles opens his eyes to see Derek's worried face in front of him. Derek's hands cup his cheeks.

"Hey, deep breaths, Stiles."

Stiles lifts his hands to palm over Derek's, follows Derek's count, and takes a couple of deep breaths.

"Where have you been..?" Stiles asked when he's calm enough.

"I went to buy tokens, I told you to stay where you were! You should've waited for me!" Derek said angrily. His eyes turn red for a moment before changing back to green.

Derek was freaking out when Stiles was not where he asked him to stay. He tried to find Stiles' scent as soon as he could, but there were so many people that many scents overlapped in his sense.

"You did? I—I didn't hear you, I'm sorry." Stiles said.

Derek sighs in irritation and pulls Stiles into his arms. Stiles melts instantly into his embrace, tightening his arms around Derek's waist and hiding his face in Derek's neck.

Derek huffs on Stiles' ear. He nudge the earlobe with his lips and kiss Stiles' temple.

"Don't wander around like that again, okay? I don't want to get separated, the place is getting a little packed, I can't find your scent right away."

Stiles just silently nods from his shoulders.

Derek sighs, "You okay?"

The wolf's protective side arises, sensing his mate's distress earlier. He tightens his hold on Stiles, shielding him with his body.

People bump into him, but unlike Stiles' gangly features, Derek's body is stoic and rigid. He's not moved even an inch by every single bump.

Stiles' heartbeat slows down, still following Derek's breathing pattern to settle down his own. Even though there are still many people around them, he doesn't feel trapped anymore. Derek is with him.

If Derek's here, it's safe, His mind told him.

Stiles doesn't know why or how he feels that way, but the primal thought has been there since he acknowledged Derek as an Alpha, since he looked into those blood-red eyes that looked back intensely at him.

He has just never embraced that calling. He was spending stupid months in denial while every fiber in his body wanted to seek protection from Derek everytime danger arised.

Maybe now it's time to just let go and see what this is all about.

Stiles lifts his head to grin at Derek's face, "Yeah, now that I'm with my grumpy wolf, I'm so much better."

Derek rolls his eyes in annoyance but then he leans in to kiss Stiles' forehead. "Still up for the arcade games? I bought the tokens but we can go outside if you want."

Stiles smiles and shakes his head. "No, it's okay, I want to play some games and beat the highscores."

Derek shakes his head in amusement, Stiles is such a game nerd but strangely he finds it adorable.

He releases Stiles from his embrace and reaches out to hold Stiles' hand. He slips his fingers between Stiles' and squeezes.

"Ok, which one you want to play first?" Derek asked, smirking when Stiles just stares down at their joined hands. The human's face is totally red from furious blushing.

Imagine how that flushed skin will look when he's knotted deep and full under the moonlight.

Derek mentally groans.

Control yourself, you stupid wolf! Do you want to freak him out?

His wolf seems to take that remark seriously, Derek finds himself calming down once again.

Meanwhile, Stiles looks down at their joined hands and freaks out. He feels warm all across his face.

Oh God, oh God, oh God. Holding hands with Derek Hale. Okay. Sure. Why not. It's normal, Stiles, couples do that on dates. Keep it cool.

Stiles clears his throat. "Uh. I think, I-uh, I wanna start with the Ghost Squad."

They move from one game to another. Derek only lets go of Stiles' hand when the game starts. After the game's over, he takes Stiles' hand again.

Stiles obviously doesn't complain, he doesn't want to get separated from Derek again in this sea of people, and it's Derek's hand.

Forty-five minutes later, the tokens are all out.

They're leaving the arcade tent, still holding hands, when Derek notices Stiles stealing glimpses on his right more than twice.

Derek follows his gaze and sees a small grey wolf plushie in black synthetic leather jacket, sitting between a small teddy bear and a little unicorn on a shelf. The shelf stands behind a shooting range counter, it means they are all winner gifts.

Derek stops walking. Stiles notices it and turns his head to Derek.

"Huh? What? Why are we stopping?"

Derek jerk his head toward the shooting range, "I want to play that. It's been a while, I wanna know if I still have any aim."

"Oh. Okay, sure." Stiles follows Derek to the counter.

An old man greets them. "Seven bucks for three shots. There's a number in every duck that matches the prizes number on the shelf. You shoot the duck, the prize is yours."

Derek gives the man the money and receives a toy shotgun from the man. Stiles stares longingly at the small wolf plushie. Derek smirks and takes note of the number on the wolf plushie's chest. Number five.

Derek gets ready when he sees the duck with the number. He aims the poor plastic duck and shoots all the bullets to it. Two of them hit the target.

"Der, you're good!" Stiles cheered for him. Derek smirks in satisfaction. He returns the toy shotgun to the old man.

"Congratulation, you're winning prize number five." The old man takes the small wolf plushie from the shelf. Derek smiles when he hears a surprised gasp from Stiles.

Derek turns to leave after he receives the plushie. He looks at it, smiles, and then hands it out to Stiles as they walk. "Take it."

Stiles' expression is priceless. "You—I mean, you—do you not like it or something? Maybe you can talk to the guy and switch—"



"Take it. I won it for you."

They both stop walking. Stiles' eyes beam when he receives the little wolf, mouth gaping in disbelief. He stares between the soft wolf plushie and Derek. The man just stares back at him, waiting for his response.

"Derek, it's—" He couldn't even finish his sentence, he is just so happy yet stunned by Derek's sweet gesture.

He leans forward, wrapping his arms around Derek's neck with the wolf plushie still in his hands, and kisses Derek passionately.

Derek is surprised, not expecting the kiss. But once he's aware of what's happening, he pulls Stiles into his arms and kisses him back.

They don't seem to care that they are sharing obscenely deep kiss in public. They just break apart when both need air.

Stiles gazes at Derek's blissful eyes. "Thank you, Derek," He whispered.

Stiles' lips are so red and swollen, that Derek can't help but kiss Stiles short and hard one more time before pulling away, "anytime."

Stiles holds Django, the name he gave to the little grey wolf plushie, in his right hand and Derek's hand in his left. He's babbling about nothing and everything as they walk between attractions.

"I remember going into the house of mirrors with Scott when we were like, 12 or something. Somewhere inside, we got separated. He thought he saw me and he ran toward me but it was just a reflection of me, I was standing in the opposite direction. He smacked his face on the stupid mirror, I laughed so hard, Scott was furious, but saw the humor in it later. By the way, that house of horror seems awesome—uh, on second thought—no, never mind."

Derek raises his eyebrow. "Why? I don't mind."

Stiles laughs. "Yeah right, and what? Rip out the fake mummy's throat when my heart jumps in surprise?"

Derek shrugs, not denying at all. He just curls his buffy arm around Stiles' shoulder and presses Stiles to his side as they keep walking.

Stiles grins when Derek kisses his cheek and whispers in his ear.

"So, Abominable Snowman, anything you wanna do before we leave?"

Stiles giggles. "I can't believe you still remember that."

Derek's voice is heavy in Stiles' ear. "You were lucky I was paralyzed when you laid on top of me."

Stiles laughs, completely oblivious. "Why? You were going to rip my throat out for violating your personal space?"

Derek winces and shakes his head. The predator in him growls in possessive desire. The things he wants to do to this beautiful young man...

Derek grumbles under his breath, "Stiles, you have no idea."

Stiles remembers the ferris wheel that he saw on the way in. "Oh! Der! We need to go on the ferris wheel!"

Derek rolls his eyes. "That's like, the most boring attraction."

Stiles pulls Derek's arm along with him, "Oh come on, you Grumpy Cat, it's gonna be fun."

Derek scowls, though he's letting Stiles dragging him along. "Who's Grumpy Cat? Why did you call me that?" He asked.

Stiles can't help laughing really hard at that. Derek's scowling makes it even harder to stop.

The line is pretty long, but the ferris wheel is huge. There are about twenty cars attached. Each car can be filled with four persons. So, they don't have to wait for too long until their turn.

When they hop in their car, there is another couple that tries to join them, but Derek glares at them.

Stiles rolls his eyes. "Derek, stop scaring people like that. Hey guys, it's okay if you want to share the car with us."

The couple already shy away. "No, it's okay. We can ride in the next car."

Stiles wants to say something when Derek cuts him. "Yeah you do that," Derek said to the couple.

Stiles slaps Derek's chest with the back of his hand and hisses. "Derek!"

The technician asks them to sit down and he locks the car. Stiles pouts and sits on the bench seat across from Derek and fixes his gaze outside.

Derek frowns in confusion. "Stiles, what are you doing over there? Come here."

Stiles crosses his arms on his chest. "You can't talk to people like that, okay? We have to treat others like—well, humanly. With respect, you know? Don't think that because you're a werewolf, you can act like you're better than all of us. That you get to treat us like shit. I'm a person too, like the two of them. When you treat people like that, then what? You treat me that way next!? Should I be worrying here, Derek?"

Derek gapes in horror. "What..? Stiles, I didn't mean it like that."

When Stiles refuses to look into his eyes, Derek sighs in defeat and moves from where he sits to kneel in front of Stiles. His fingers touch Stiles' chin so Stiles would turn to look at him.

"Hey, look at me. I was just annoyed earlier, I wanted to be alone with you," Derek rests his arms on the seat beside Stiles' thighs, palms on Stiles' hips.

Stiles still pouts. "You can ask nicely though, I'm sure they'd understand."

Derek shrugs weakly, "I couldn't help it, the wolf took over." When Stiles glares dagger at him, Derek rolls his eyes. "Fine, I'll try harder to control my reaction next time."

Stiles just keeps silent and choose to look away to see the scenery outside. Django sits on his lap, Stiles' hands curled around it.

Derek huffs a frustated sigh and moves to sit beside Stiles, wrapping his arm around Stiles' shoulder. "Well at least one lucky plushie here gets to cuddle. Something that I hoped I'd get by having this car only for the two of us, but I guess my gameplan failed me terribly."

Stiles turns his head to Derek, hissing, "This one lucky plushie gets to cuddle because he's maintained his manners, unlike you. And what gameplan? What are you getting at?"

Derek grins in mischief. The strong arm around Stiles' shoulder curls tighter, pulling his prey into his trap. "This."

Derek kisses Stiles' lips.

Stiles hums in surprise and Derek deepens the kiss, tongue asking for entrance. The humans eventually gasps for a breather and Derek, in victory, pushes in right away.

Derek cups his cheek and Stiles grasps the man's leather jacket for support, head floating as they continue to make out.

"Not fair," Stiles whispered with shaky breath when they finally break their kiss. His lips are just an inch away from Derek's, hands still desperately holding on Derek's jacket, "and I'm still mad at you."

Derek chuckles and gives Stiles short but firm kisses while he talks.

"Fine," Derek kisses him, "be mad at me," another kiss, "or whatever."

He pauses to see Stiles' hazy eyes staring back at him, lips so red and wet and kissable.

Derek groans, "It's not entirely my fault though." He leans back in, "you're so fucking beautiful," a sweet peck, "and that goddamn v-neck," comes the growly kiss, "under your silly red hoodie—fuck, you drive me crazy, Stiles," he bites lightly at Stiles' swollen bottom lip, "teasing a werewolf like that, do you want me to eat you?" He kissed deeply, swallowing Stiles' whimper.

When his lips finally move on to kiss Stiles' neck, Stiles obscenely stretches back his head, showing his lean neck to the werewolf.

"Der..." Stiles moaned when Derek kisses along his pulse point like a hungry predator, teeth grazing skin and tongue lapping.

"God, Stiles, when you make voices like that," Derek paused to breathe, "you make me lose my mind."

Stiles loses his mind too when Derek kisses him like this.

Derek gets his cuddle eventually, sitting next to each other, no space between them with Stiles leaning on him.

Stiles rests his head on Derek's shoulder, smiling when Derek buries his lips in his hair. Derek wraps his arm around Stiles' shoulder. Stiles grabs and holds his hand.

They just stay like that, sharing affection with simple gestures. Derek nudges Stiles' cheek with his nose, sometimes kisses his temple.

When their car reaches the top and the night wind gets colder, Stiles turns so his front is pressed on Derek's side then burries his face on Derek's warm neck, wrapping his arms around Derek's waist under the leather jacket. Derek tightening his hold on Stiles when it happens.

The scenery outside is breathtaking. They can see the colors of the town's light and the woods that surround it. The stars are twinkling above them.

They share kisses along the ride, sometimes short and sweet that makes Stiles giggle and Derek smile, sometimes deep and passionate that leaves them breathless.

Stiles never felt so happy before. Derek makes him feel special. He wishes tonight could last forever.

They hold hands walking to the parking lot. Derek opens the passenger door for Stiles and waits until Stiles gets in before closing it.

All the excitement really took its toll on Stiles. He only lasts for ten minutes before falling asleep in the passenger seat.

Stiles is woken up by a touch on his cheek. He opens his eyes to see Derek smile at him, his thumb makes a circle motion on his cheek. "Hey, we're here."

Stiles yawns and rubs his eyes. "Where?"

Derek huffs a laugh. "Your house."

Stiles narrows his eyes outside and notices that they're already in the driveway. "Oh."

Derek walks Stiles to the door. When they reach it, Stiles takes the key out of his pocket and unlocks the door. But he doesn't enter the house right away, instead, he turns around to face Derek. "I had a great time tonight. Thanks for taking me to the fair. And for this." Stiles gestures Django in his hand.

Derek nods, looking at anywhere but Stiles, and uncharacteristically nervous, "Do you want me to pick you up for the pack's lunch tomorrow?"

Ugh. Adorable.

Stiles grins goofily at Derek as he steps closer to stand in front of the man.

"That would be lovely," he leans in and kisses Derek. Derek kisses back instantly, wrapping his arms around Stiles' waist.

Stiles definitely can get used to this.

He decides that making out with Derek Hale is officially his new favorite thing.

Derek leans his forehead on Stiles', his arms still wrapped around Stiles' waist. "I'll text you tomorrow."

Stiles nods.

One last sweet kiss, and Derek reluctantly let Stiles go.

Stiles steps back to the door, smiling at Derek as he twists the doorknoob.

"Good night, my wolf." Stiles whispered, entering the house and closing the door gently.

Derek barely succeeds concealing his smile at the closed door as his response trails off in soft whisper.

"Good night, my mate."

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