The Lost Riders | one-shots

Por ILikeWerewolfBooks

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[Taking requests] Basically just some one-shots from here and there of 'the lost riders' and 'the dragon trai... Mais

Catching up with a friend
Drago on the island
Immortal AU version 1
What are your headcanons?
Dragon born
Squid Games
New story?
Arcane AU
Valentines Day ❀

Holliday special: πŸŽƒ

342 8 8
Por ILikeWerewolfBooks

TW: mention of suicide, alcohol addiction, abuse, death, slight homophobia, and a little steamy toward the end.

Hope you enjoy this is a little darker than one I usually do but I just feel like this could apply to my characters as well as anyone else.

The general prompt is:

A few years after a horrible breakup, Heather finds herself looking at the same woman at a Halloween party with her friends.

How will this go?

Heather wasn't all that excited about going to this school party with her friends. Sure, it would be nice to see her old classmates again, she was just really hoping that she wouldn't be there.

"Heather hurry, Hiccup says he is just a few minutes away. What is taking you so long anyway?" Astrid asked through the door.

"I am ok, I am just thinking a little. I'll be out in a second," Heather said. She managed to zip up her dress and made a few adjustments to her hair. "You have my cape out there don't you?" She asked.

"I have it right here Heather, just come out," Astrid responded.

Heather opened the door of her room and stepped out.

"The vampire look suits you," Astrid said and handed her her cape.

"Thanks," Heather said and took the cape from Astrid's hand and clipped it around her neck.

They heard a honk from outside and they both looked out the window. A black car could be seen from the window and both of them knew that it was Hiccup.

Heather made sure that the dogs had enough food before she and Astrid hurried down the stairs of the apartment and out into the chilly October air.

"How are you, ladies?" Hiccup said while leaning on his car.

"We are very good," Astrid said and pecked his lips. "Lovely costume," she said and looked down at his outfit. He was wearing something that looked like leather armor and he had a strange symbol on his forehead. His prosthetic leg also looked stranger than normal.

"What are you supposed to be?" Heather asked.

"A Viking," Hiccup said with a smile.

"I could not have guessed," Heather said truthfully. He looked way too lanky to be a Viking.

"I think he looks handsome," Astrid said and kissed his cheek. Astrid was wearing something that looked like a Viking outfit as well, with a styrofoam ax on her hip.

"I like your outfits to ladies. A vampire and a beautiful Viking. Hop in the car, we don't want to be late," Hiccup said and let go of Astrid and they all jumped into the car.

Heather was often jealous of their perfect relationship. They had been together since high school, and they were now about to get married. Heather had had two relationships, one ended in her and her partner going their separate ways, the other... She didn't like to talk about it.

She often wondered how her last partner was doing. Maybe she found herself a partner and had started a family. Maybe she was able to get the job she always wanted. Heather honestly just hoped she was happy. She deserved it.

* * *

"Please stop doing that!" Heather laughed.

"No chance!" Her partner said and took another picture of her.

"I look horrible," Heather said while laughing.

"You look amazing love," she said and held the camera up in the air as Heather came over and tried to take it.

"It is no fair! You are taller than me!" Heather laughed.

"It is so fair," she laughed and kissed Heather's lips. Heather leaned into the kiss happily and wrapped her arms around her neck.

"I hate you," Heather mumbled against her lips.

"And I love you too," she said and kissed her again.

This life was perfect and Heather never wanted it to end.

* * *

"We are here," Hiccup said, bringing Heather out of her thoughts.

Heather blinked and got back to the present. She needed to get these flashbacks under control.

She got out of the car and went with Hiccup and Astrid into their old high school. Heather could already see the lights and hear the music. It wasn't going to be a boring night at least.

They entered the building and said their names to the person upfront. Once everything was done they entered the gym and saw it decorated for Halloween.

The trio quickly located the rest of their group and walked over to them.

"Hi guys," Hiccup said.

"Hi, Hiccup," Fishlegs said. He was dressed up as something that could only be a giant black cat. He looked rather cute.

"Hi," Snotlout said. It didn't look like he was dressed up. He just wore a leather jacket, a white shirt underneath, to tight black pants, and white sneakers, his hair also looked even greater than normal.

"Where are the twins?" Astrid asked as she looked around.


Heather yelped as she felt two hands on her shoulders.


Heather turned and saw Tuffnut in a Frankenstein's monster costume, with bolts in his neck and green facepaint. Ruffnut was wearing a mad scientist costume.

The gang began to talk and laugh. They got some punch, which was stronger than Heather had expected. Then again, she was never a fan of drinking.

"So how are your love lives going?" Snotlout asked. He was never into relationships so he never got into one, but he was very curious about theirs.

"We are great. Planning our wedding," Hiccup said while wrapping an arm around Astrid's waist.

"Me and Ruff, are still talking about it," Fishlegs said.

"I am still trying to get back with my boyfriend. We went on a little break but I want to talk to him again," Tuffnut said in a sad tone.

"What about you Heather?" Snotlout asked.

"I am still single," Heather said. They all knew about her breakup with her last partner.

"Still not talking to her?" Fishlegs asked.

"No. I don't know what to say. "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you, you just made me really angry with the way you treat yourself and I couldn't take it at that time, but now I am better so please take me back." I can't say that," Heather said and looked at the floor.

It had been her fault, the whole fight. Her poor partner had just wanted her to help her. She was addicted to alcohol but tried her best to stop. Heather was pretty sure that it was her mother's health condition that pushed her back into drinking. And Heather had just left her there. She felt awful.

"Speak of the devil, and he shall appear. Or should I say she?" Snotlout said.

They all turned and Heather felt the air get knocked out of her lungs. She was gorgeous. Heather had never seen her wear something like that. She was wearing a red suit with a white shirt underneath. The suit had some intricate golden design on the cuffs and the collar. She was wearing black, dress pants, and tall, black, slightly heeled leather boots. Her hair was a mess, like it always was. And it was still white as snow.

"You are drooling," Astrid whispered in her ear. Heather snapped out of her trance and hit her friend in the arm.

"Why don't you go up and talk to her? I am sure she would like to know how you are doing," Fishlegs said.

"I can't, it will just be weird," Heather said and tried her best not to look at her friends or her ex.

"You just don't want to. You need to talk to her, and at least explain something," Ruffnut said. Heather was surprised that Ruffnut had said it, then again, she had had about 13 boyfriends before she ended up with Fishlegs.

"What if she hates me? What if she hurts me, what am I supposed to do? She is inhumanly strong," Heather argued.

"She would never hurt you, no matter what you have done," Ruffnut said, and Heather had to agree.

"I do want to know how she is," Heather said and looked back. She was currently downing a glass of punch, so she hadn't gotten out of her drinking habit yet.

A man walked over to her and took the cup out of her hand. He was dressed simply, with a blue jacket, cargo pants, and brown boots. She didn't seem very happy about him taking her glass but didn't argue with him. Heather locked eyes with her as she looked up. Her eyes were still beautiful, but they didn't have the same spark as before. It made Heather worried.

The man caught onto what she was looking at and began to walk over to Heather.

"Here he comes," she said.

The whole group turned and saw the man walking over to them.

"Hello Heather," he said and Heather felt it go cold down her back at his tone. "How are you?"

"Good," Heather said.

He didn't respond but looked up and locked eyes with Tuffnut.

"Hi, Blaze," Tuffnut said.

"Hi," Blaze responded, he wasn't cold or anything in the way he answered, he seemed rather shy. "Frida wants to talk to you by the way. She wants to know how you are doing."

Heather felt a tiny bit of hope bloom in her chest, the small hope she had suppressed for so long because it didn't seem like something that would ever happen.

Blaze went to walk away but Tuff grabbed his arm.

"Can we talk," Tuff asked in a small voice that sounded almost desperate.

"If Heather talks to Frida, I can talk to you," Blaze said.

Tuffnut gave Heather a pleading look. She couldn't say no to him, this was an opportunity for both of them to get with their loved ones.

"I'll do it," Heather said and downed the last of her punch before setting the cup down and walking over to where Frida was leaning against the wall.

"Hi," Heather said shyly as she came up to Frida.

Frida looked at her and Heather could see all the pain behind her eyes. What had she done?

"Hi," Frida replied shortly. She went to take another glass of punch but stopped herself.

"How is your drinking going?" Heather asked. It wasn't the best question to ask her but she was curious.

"A little better. Blaze has banned it from his apartment so I can't really have a drink there," Frida said and rubbed her nose. "How are you doing? Found anyone better for you?"

The question sent a wave of pain through Heather.

"Can we talk? Just not here, there are way too many people," Heather said. She expected Frida to laugh in her face and tell her to fuck off, but she nodded.

They walked out of the gym and into the hallways. They walked in silence for a while, just looking around at the different pictures on the walls.

"How have you been?" Frida asked after a while.

"Good, I guess," Heather responded. Her life hadn't been that good. After their breakup Heather found it hard to concentrate, she always thought back to that one night.

That one horrible night.

* * *

"Another one?!" Heather shouted. She had found Frida on the floor with a bottle of vodka in her hands.

"Listen, Heather, it is not what you think," Frida said, desperate to try and get her fiancée to calm down.

"No! You are always drinking, you go out and you get into trouble and use a shit tone of money!" Heather shouted. "Sometimes I have to go and get you from pubs or ally-ways after you have gotten into fights. Why can't you just stop!?"

"I am trying. I haven't gone to a pub in over 2 years and I haven't ended up in a fight in 3 years. Heather, I just ask that you try and stay with me. I realize I am a shit fiancée for making you go through all of this, but you are helping me. I promise that I didn't have that much," Frida said. She tried to take Heather's hand but she yanked it away.

"I can't trust you! One day you say you won't have another drink, then the next you are passed out on the couch!" Heather screamed. She knew it wasn't true. The first year of them being together it might have, but Frida had gotten better. Heather just didn't understand why she couldn't just believe that at the moment.

"I have gotten better. Heather listen, my dad called," Frida began. It was never a good sign when she mentioned her father. "My mom is in the hospital, she is in critical condition. I promise, I didn't have that much to drink, you can check the bottle. I just don't know what to do." Frida was staying calm, but the tears were streaming down her face and her voice was starting to break.

"So what do you want?! Money, to pay for her hospital bills?! Do you want me to pay like I always do?! You are pathetic!" Heather shouted as Frida backed away and shrunk down at her words. Heather didn't mean any of this. She didn't know why she was saying it at all.

"I don't want money, I just want you to be here for me. She might die. I just need you to be by my side. I'll get money from my job," Frida said. She never raised her voice or even lifted a hand at Heather.

"You are lying! And why should I help you, what have you done for me except being a burden!? You don't do anything here, all you do is feed off my money! That shit job you have doesn't even cover food! Why can't you just ask your dad for money! He is stupid rich isn't he?!" Heather shouted.

Frida was now back on the ground against the wall, the tears streaming down her face.

"My dad disowned me the second I told him about you. You know this. He barely has any money left and I know he won't use that on mom. I don't have a car and I only ask that you drive me to the hospital to see her. Please," Frida pleaded, her voice still low.

Heather was so angry at this point she could throw a glass at her and it wouldn't bother her. She looked down at her finger and saw the engagement ring laying there. Frida had used her own money to buy it and it had been the happiest day of Heather's life. The only thing she felt looking at it now was hatred.

She ripped the ring off her finger and threw it at Frida. Frida caught it and stared at it in disbelief.

"Love?" She asked, her voice broken because of the sobs.

"Don't "love" me! We are done! I can't take it anymore! Take your stuff and leave!" Heather shouted.

"Where will I go?" Frida asked.

"I don't care where you fucking go, Frida! I just want you out of my apartment! Out of my life!"

"Heather... Please," Frida tried to stand up but sat back down at Heather's glare. "Why are throwing away 5 years of love?"

"I never fucking loved you! Can you get that into your head?! I! Never! Fucking! Loved you! I felt sorry for you! I decided I wanted to try and help you, but it didn't work! I don't deserve this bullshit life!" Heather shouted. She was being selfish, why couldn't she see that? Why was she still shouting at Frida? Of course, she loved her.

Heather could see how hurt Frida was at her words. She quickly stood up and ran to their bedroom. She came out a few minutes later with a suitcase and walked over to the door. She looked back at Heather but Heather only gave her a cold glare back.

"Keep Shadow, I love you," was the last thing Heather heard from Frida.

* * *

"How have you been?" Heather asked.

"Bad," Frida said. "After... You know, I spiraled into depression. I moved back in with my dad and managed to see my mom one last time before she died."

Heather felt like her heart dropped. Sigrid was dead. She had been the most amazing woman and had supported Heather and Frida fully. And now she was dead? And Heather hadn't been there for Frida.

"How did it go with your dad?" Heather asked.

Frida opened and closed her mouth. Heather could see the fear and pain flash before her eyes every time she tried to speak.

"You can show me if it is easier," Heather said. Frida wasn't that good with words, she liked expressing her feelings and words with actions. That was one of the things Heather loved. They night cuddles, movie nights, and the small kisses here and there.

Frida cautiously lifted up her shirt and Heather gasped once she saw the giant gash on her hip.

"He threw a knife at me," Frida said. "I talked back to him."

Heather nodded, she knew what a bad father Grimmel was, and it couldn't have helped him that his wife died, but then again, he didn't really love her.

"How did you get out?" Heather asked. She was happy that Frida still trusted her and wanted to share everything without lying.

"Blaze came and got me away. I have lived with him since," Frida said. Heather felt like she was leaving something out. "He had to drive me to the hospital once after I shot myself."

Heather stopped in her tracks. Frida tried to kill herself? Why?

"Why did you shoot yourself?!" Heather yelled. She saw how Frida flinched and immediately apologized.

"I just had enough. It was a few days after he got me away from my dad. I had seen you in the streets that day with some of your friends. You seemed very happy, and it wasn't with me. I wasn't jealous or anything, I just realized you didn't need me. I felt like I had no one. Blaze had Tuffnut so he would be fine. You had your friends and you were very vocal about how you didn't love me. All of my friends had others that could help them through life. I wasn't needed. I still am not needed."

"Blaze said that if I met you here and you really didn't love or need me, that I was allowed to take my own life," Frida finished.

Heather felt awful. She had almost committed suicide because she thought no one wanted her around, and she would do it if Heather didn't need her. Heather did need her, but she wasn't sure how she could say it.

"You are clearly ok with your friends, so I am going to find Blaze and ask him to get out of here," Frida said. She began to walk away but Heather quickly caught up with her.

"No, wait!" She grabbed Frida's arms and turned her around. They were only inches apart, but Heather found herself to be a lot smaller than she remembered herself being. She could barely reach Frida's lips with her own.

"Did you ever... Move on?" Heather asked. She was desperate to keep Frida there with her.

Frida nodded and Heather saw the tears build up in her eyes.

"Died. Cancer."

This seemed to be the breaking point as Frida's legs gave out and Heather had to help her sit down on the ground.

"Shh, relax, I am here," Heather said while holding her head. Heather rested her back on the wall and let Frida cry into her chest. Heather stroked her head and played a little with her short hair. She always loved Frida's hair, as short as it was, it was still so fluffy and smooth.

Frida pulled away and looked at Heather after she calmed down. They both stared deep into the eyes of each other before Heather smashed their lips together. She had no idea what this was going to do to Frida, but she couldn't control herself, she missed Frida. She missed the late nights in bed when they would just cuddle. She missed when Frida would talk about her problems without the fear that Heather would judge her. She missed the feeling of pure happiness when Frida went down on one knee. Heather missed them.

They pulled away but they kept their foreheads touching. Heather could feel Frida's heavy breaths and she could hear how it shook.

"I miss you, I want to get back together," Heather said.

Frida nodded and placed a small kiss on Heather's lips. That little kiss ignited something strong deep in Heather's stomach.

"I know this is the worst possible moment to ask this but I have really missed our sex," she said.

She heard Frida chuckle.

"You still live in that apartment?" She asked.

Heather blushed, she was really willing to do it, right after they had met. It made Heather, for some reason, feel like Frida thought she was safe. Frida was a strange woman, she barely trusted anyone, and if she would trust Heather with this.

"I do, but Hiccup drove me here," Heather said.

"We can steal Blaze's car," Frida said and helped Heather up from the floor. Heather was always surprised by how strong she was. She felt lighter than a feather every time Frida lifted her. "I am pretty sure he is going to hang out at Tuffnut's house," Frida smirked as they walked.

Heather laughed as they walked back to the gym. She could see the clear discomfort on Frida's face as they neared it. She had never been a fan of bright lights and sounds.

"How about you wait by Blaze's car and I will come soon. Ok?" Heather suggested. Frida nodded, kissed her cheek, and walked out.

Heather looked after her for a while before she walked back into the gym. She soon found the gang and walked over to them.

"You were gone for a while," Astrid said. She had a playful but worried tone.

"Yeah. Blaze?" Heather said. She wanted to get away from this party and back to her apartment as fast as possible.

"What?" Blaze said. He currently had his arm wrapped around Tuffnut's waist. So they were back together.

"I need your car keys," Heather said quickly.

"Why do you need my car keys?" Blaze asked.

"I am going to take Frida to my apartment. And she guessed you would go back to Tuffnut's apartment so she decided to ask for your car keys."

Balze blushed crimson at her comment but quickly fished out his car keys. Before handing them to her, though, he whispered in her ear:

"Hurt her and I will end you."

Heather was scared. She knew that Blaze would go through with it if he had the right motivation.

"Don't worry, I won't," she said with a smile and began to walk out of the gym with his car keys.

"Use protection!" She heard Astrid yell after her. Heather blushed and hurriedly exited the gym and entered the cold October night.

She quickly found Blaze's shiny, iridescent blue car with Frida leaning on it. Heather was surprised she didn't smoke. That was another bad habit she had before they broke up that she had partially left in their time together.

"Come on," Heather said, startling Frida.

"Thought you had ditched me," Frida said with a small hint of humor and stepped into the car once Heather opened it.

Heather felt hurt by that. She would never ditch her. Heather felt this was her fault, which it was. She had broken their trust, but Frida still seemed to trust her after everything. Heather didn't deserve her.

They drove back to Heather's apartment in silence, but Frida did take the opportunity to place a hand on her covered thigh and move her hand up and down which drive Heather mad.

They made it to the apartment way too slowly for Heather's liking and she practically dragged Frida out of the car and to the elevator.

Heather did her best to contain herself, someone could come into the elevator at any moment and she didn't want them to be traumatized by seeing two women dressed as vampires violently making out or having sex in the elevator.

The elevator finally stopped at Heather's floor and she dragged Frida over to her door. Frida didn't once complain or resist. Heather fumbled with the keys and finally opened the door. She let Frida in first before closing and locking the door behind them. She led Frida to the bedroom and made sure that neither of the dogs were there before she pressed Frida against the door and attacked her lips.

While Heather was violent, releasing all her pent-up frustration into the kiss, Frida was calm and let her control the pace. Another thing Heather loved about Frida, she was always considerate, always letting Heather control when they had sex since Frida was slightly insecure and was often scared of hurting her.

In no time, all clothes were ripped off, that including Frida's prosthetic leg, and they were on the bed, Frida on top and Heather on the bottom.

"Is this ok? Do you really want this?" Frida asked in a shy, innocent voice, but her eyes deceived her.

"This is more than ok Frida, and I do want this," Heather said. Frida smirked and got to work.

* * *

Heather balled her fists into the sheets as her muscles tensed up before finally releasing. Frida crawled back up and whipped her mouth.

"That was good, right?" She asked.

Heather could only nod, she was so tired.

"Do you want me to leave now or...?" Frida asked.

Heather just pulled her down and hugged her tightly, showing her to not leave her.

"Can I put on some pants and a top first, I am not that comfortable sleeping naked," Frida said.

Heather nodded. "Bring me some shorts and a top too?"

"Sure," Frida said and kissed her neck which was already full of hickeys.

Frida got out of bed, jumped over to the closer, and quickly got back with a big t-shirt and small shorts in her hand while she was wearing something Heather recognized as Frida's own sweater and her sweatpants.

Frida helped Heather put on her clothes as Heather's muscles were of little to no use at the moment.

Frida then laid back down and faced Heather. They stared at each other for a long time before Heather moved over and wrapped her arms around Frida. She gratefully hugged her back and kissed her head.

"Thank you for leaving that hoodie, by the way, I always sleep in it," Heather said.

"Do you want to sleep in it now?" Frida asked and seemed fully ready to take it off.

"No, it is fine. I need you to make it smell like you again either way.

Frida laughed and hugged her tightly. "I love you," she said, fully meaning it.

"Love you too," Heather responded.

They both soon fell into a deep sleep, entangled in each other's limbs.

* * *

Heather woke up and felt around the bed. She didn't feel anything. She shot up from the bed and began to look around the room. Her leg was still there, so she couldn't have gone far.

Heather jumped out of bed and ran into the living room. She stopped once she smelled... Pancakes?

She looked into the kitchen and saw Frida. She was humming to something while leaning on two crutches as Shadow was sitting at her feet, the all-white husky happily wagging his tail back and forth with his tongue out.

"You scared me," Heather said and came up to Frida and wrapped her arms around her.

"Sorry. Just had to call Blaze and tell him where I went. I also needed a little time to think," Frida said and turned off the stove.

"Think about what?" Heather asked. She was beyond terrified. Was she thinking that she didn't want this? Did she change her mind? Did she not trust her after all? Did she think Heather just used her?

"About this," Frida said and got down on one knee while holding out the same ring Heather had thrown at her all those years ago.

"Why didn't you sell it? You could have used the money to save your mom," Heather said.

"My mom was beyond saving, Heather. She said that I should keep this and try and make amends with you. So, will you marry me? Again? I will try to be better. I'll go to therapy, I'll stop drinking. I'll do anything you wan-"

Heather cut her off by pressing their lips together.

"Just be you. You are the one I fell in love with. I understand you have flaws but don't feel like you have to fix them for me. Fix them because you want to," Heather said while stroking her cheeks, running her fingers over the scar on her cheek.

"I think I need to fix some as well," Frida laughed.

Heather laughed as well.

"I'll marry you, and we will go through this together," she said and took the ring from Frida and put it on her finger. "Still fits."

Frida kissed her again, but it was quickly interrupted by Shadow licking their joined lips.

"Oh. I have missed you," Frida said as she rubbed the sides of Shadow's face. "Fluffy dog."

Heather laughed at them. Shadow had never been the same without Frida. He kept waiting at the door for her to come back after she left. He never wanted to play and he just ate enough to stay alive. It wasn't just Heather that was happy Frida was back.

"I made pancakes," Frida said.

"I can see that," Heather said and helped Frida up. They took their plates and went to sit down on the couch.

Heather was so happy. Her fiancée was back with her. They were happy. This was perfect. And as Heather snuggled into Frida's chest that night while watching a movie, she couldn't imagine a life without her.

A/N: so this was a little dark, but I still hope you still enjoyed it.

I did actually lose a friend to cancer a few months ago and we found out that my grandma had breast cancer. My grandma is fine, they operated and everything is fine. Both my grandparents are a little scared but they are ok.

To clear anything up: Frida still has the scar and burn on her ear, and she lost her leg long before the events of this chapter.

Hope you are taking care of yourself both mentally and physically. If you have any problems, talk to someone you trust. Please, someone will help you, and someone wants you here.

If no one has said it yet: I am so proud of you! If you reached your goal: congrats, you did amazing!! I am so happy for you!!

If you haven't reached it yet: keep going! You will get there and it will be so worth it in the end!!! I believe you can do it!!!

Take time off your day to either relax or do something you enjoy, you deserve it.

Hope you all have a blessed day/night/afternoon.

I love you all so much and I hope you are doing ok!!!❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖

I also want to thank Alex_chuan for these beautiful pictures. He did a really good job.

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