Cherry Bomb [h.s]

Av graciecherie

32.3K 677 1.1K

He cocks his head to the side and gives me a look, then extends his arm and rests his hand on the wall above... Mer

intro / book trailer


717 21 53
Av graciecherie

After I leave Harry's room, I quickly grab my things and leave the hotel in fear that I would want to go back and take him up on his offer to join him in the shower.

I have no idea what came over me just then, it was like I was a whole new person. I mean, having sex with the person I hate most? If that isn't insane then I don't know what is.

But still... it was amazing. We barely said anything, it was like we just instinctively knew what to do. And my God, did we do it well.

I have no idea how this is going to change our interactions, if it even will. Who knows? Maybe we'll just go on as normal and pretend it never even happened, hating and torturing each other as usual.

I walk down to the same café I visited yesterday, wanting to grab some coffee before I head to sound check. I hope I don't look like too much of a mess, because I didn't even bother to brush my hair or change.

I get an iced mocha, then go ahead and message Marlow for a ride to the venue. When he picks me up, I catch him giving me an odd look through the rearview mirror, but he doesn't say anything. 

When I walk into the venue, Niall, Louis, and Zayn are all already there, talking amongst themselves. 

"No, I'm telling you! She's a princess!" Niall says passionately, and Louis shakes his head.

"She's just a fairy." Louis tells him. 

"Yeah! A fairy princess." Niall argues. 

"What are they arguing about?" I ask Zayn, who's watching with his arms crossed in amusement. 

"Whether or not Tinker Bell is a princess." He tells me, watching as Niall becomes more passionate and Louis becomes more frustrated. 

"Really?" I laugh and shake my head. Only they would argue over that. 

"If she's not a princess then why is she friends with the fairy queen?" Niall challenges. 

"My gran met the Queen Mum once, but that doesn't make me Duke of Doncaster!" Louis argues. 

"Spencer," Niall looks to me, "Is Tinker Bell a princess?" 

"I'm sorry, Ni, but she's not a princess." I shrug. 

"See!" Louis says, "She's just a fairy!" 

"Are you being serious?" Niall asks, half disappointed and half in denial. 

"Completely serious." I nod. 

"I really thought she was a princess..." He hangs his head in defeat. 

"I know you did, Ni. I know." I pat him on the back. 

Niall lifts his head to look at Louis, who is more than satisfied with himself. 

"I admit it. You were right, I was wrong." Niall tells him, "Don't let it go to your head, though." 

Niall looks back to me and looks like he's about to say something when he pauses and looks at me curiously. 

"Why are you wearing Harry's shirt?" He asks, causing my stomach to clench a little. I was hoping that I grabbed just a generic shirt. God knows Harry owns like 1,000 of them. It's all he wears.

I look down at the shirt for the first time, seeing that it says But Daddy I Love Him in red lettering. Of course Harry would own something like this. 

"I- uh.." I try to come up with an answer. 

"She stole it to get back at me for ruining her shirt." Harry's voice suddenly says, and I choke up a little as he walks up to us. I look at him in horror, thinking he's talking about ripping my shirt in half earlier.

"When I spilled wine on the David Bowie shirt, right?" He asks, a smirk playing on his lips as I relax a little. 

"That was my favorite t shirt so why not steal yours?" I go along with his story. 

"How are you two not tired of this rivalry yet?" Zayn asks, chuckling a little. 

"We just keep finding new ways to get under each other..." Harry says, drawing out the 'r' sound. 

"..'s skin." He finally finishes his sentence.

I give him a look, pursing my lips. But he just smiles like a kid stealing a cookie, and winks at me. 

"Everyone else should be here soon, they were right behind me." Harry says, referring to Liam, Amber, and Willow. 

"You mean we're all actually going to be on time for once?" Zayn asks, "Wow." 

"Don't get used to it," Harry tells him, then looks back over to me with a knowing smile, causing a shiver to run up my spine at what he's insinuating. 

I have to look away from his piercing green eyes and take a deep breath in. I cannot be thinking about that right now. 

I can't be thinking about his toned chest and stomach, covered in tattoos and glistening with sweat.

I can't be thinking about the way he looks at me with pure hunger, the way his pink lips leave kisses all over me.

I can't be thinking about our bodies twisting together in the bedsheets, hot and messy and violent.

...Damn it. I'm thinking about it, aren't I?

"Helloooo? Spencer?" Niall's voice snaps me out of whatever trance I had been in. 

"Sorry, what?" I say, a bit too quickly. I was really in another world just then...

"We were talking about all of us grabbing some food together after this. Do you want to join?" He asks. 

"Who's all going?" I ask. I don't know if I can handle being around Harry right now, especially in a small group. Just being here with him now is causing my heart rate to pick up. 

"Literally all of us. Liam just texted a confirmation for him, Amber, and Willow." He tells me, and looks at me expectantly. 

Everyone is going? Well shit, now I have to say yes.

"Yeah, of course." I nod, only agreeing because it would be weird for me not to go. 

"Great, I'll make arrangements." Niall smiles. 

"No, I will." Harry tells him, pulling out his phone and typing on it. 

Niall doesn't argue with him on this, or even look upset. He just nods like it was stupid for him to make the arrangements in the first place. 

I step closer to Niall and talk lowly. 

"Why'd you just let Harry take over like that?" I ask, "No offense." It seems like everyone just lets Harry do and say whatever he wants. And I don't really like the idea of Harry walking all over my friends. 

"Harry has the connections to make sure we're not bothered by paparazzi or anything. I don't know exactly how he does it, but it makes all of our lives so much easier." Niall shrugs. 

I sigh a bit at this. Harry and his fucking 'connections.' 

At least we won't have to deal with paps and fans. 

"I hope you picked something good." I say to Harry, my tone implying that I don't have faith in his choices.

"I did." He says, giving no more information. He then leans over and whispers raspily in my ear. "Besides, I doubt you'll even be thinking about the food, sunshine."

Don't even think about it, Spencer.

"Don't get your hopes up, Harold. It was a one time thing." I whisper back.

"Hm," he simply replies, then stands up straight again.

"We've arrived, bitches!" Amber announces as she, Willow, and Liam all walk in through the back door. "And we're all here before Atticus, too. Maybe he'll give us a prize?"

"Or he'll just tell us we did something right for once." Liam shrugs. 

We all just nod in agreement, then turn as the door opens once more and Atticus walks through.

"Speak of the devil," Harry says, smiling with humor. 

"Oh wow look you all got here early. Finally doing something right for once!" He says as he approaches. 

At this, we all just start laughing. 

"What's so funny?" He questions, looking at us all like we're crazy. 

"It's just..." Louis says, trying to calm his laughter, "You're absolutely right." He claps Atticus on the shoulder.

"Ooooo-kay?" Atticus responds, but just shakes it off. "Lucky for all of you, I'm in a good mood, so I won't be too hard on you today."

"Really?" Louis asks, "What's got you in such a good mood, hm?" 

"Well," Atticus says coyly, "I got some news..." He pauses to draw out the suspense, "My wife and I are expecting a mini version of us in about 9 months." 

"Are you serious?!" Liam exclaims, "Congrats, man!" 

"Does this mean I get to be Uncle Ni?" Niall asks excitedly. 

"You two must be so excited!" Willow smiles. 

"We are excited," Atticus says, "But very nervous as well." 

"You'll be a great dad, Atticus." Harry tells him, the most serious and genuine thing I've ever heard him say to him. It's very out of character for him, especially since he bickers with Atticus almost as much as he does with me. 

"Thanks, Harry." Atticus nods once at him. "Alright, I know this is all very exciting, but we need to get started if we want to actually stay on schedule for once!" He announces, declaring the moment over for now. 

As we all start heading to the stage to prepare for sound check, I feel Harry's fingers lightly graze the back of my arm before dropping back to his side, causing a spark of goosebumps on my skin. 

I try to ignore him as I hop onstage. He's watching me intensely as usual, but something feels different about it now... Or maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me. 

At one point in playing samples of our songs for tonight, I watch as Harry pushes his long hair back out of his face. How is it that everything this man does is so infuriating and attractive at the same time? 

He catches me staring, and smiles coyly, then seemingly innocently scratches at the sides of his mouth with two fingers, making a V-shape. I quickly look away, as I begin to get distracted with images.

That motherfucker knows exactly what he's doing.

Once Ardere goes up onstage, I'm ready to just leave the room to avoid any more of Harry's teasing. But I can't let him know the effect he has on me, so I stay and try to avoid looking at him directly. 

Harry puts on more of a performance than what is usual for soundchecks, and it's definitely noticeable. The way he rolls his body while singing Medicine, or the way he runs his hands over his body when talking about the black dress in Kiwi, it seems like every move this man makes is pure sex. It's extremely obnoxious... but I can't look away. 

Fucking hell, stop thinking about it!

I decide to just look at something else instead. 

Oh wow, what a lovely floor...

"Alright guys, that's perfect!" Atticus says, signaling that soundcheck is over. I let out a large breath in relief, knowing that if that had gone on any longer then I would be in trouble. 

Harry walks to the edge of the stage and jumps off, landing with his knees slightly bent to absorb the weight. He then walks up to where he's only a few feet away from me, and it already feels like he's too close. 

"Alright, who's hungry?" Niall asks. 

"I know I am," Harry answers, looking directly at me like I'm the meal. 

We all agree to take Harry's SUV, since it can fit all of us. I try to get a seat in the back, but everyone else beats me to it. By the time I can get into the car, only the front passenger seat is available. 


"Now who decided to put those two in the front together?" Louis asks, "Harry's going to end up crashing the car or something."

I tense up a little at that comment. 

"Please don't joke about that," I tell him, "You're going to jinx us." 

"Put on some music!" Niall says. 

"I haven't even pulled out of my parking spot, Ni." Harry says. 

"So? Spencer can do it." He shrugs. 

Harry sighs and taps on the screen of his car a few times. 

"Go ahead, connect your phone." He tells me, then begins pulling the car out. 

As I pull my phone out and turn the bluetooth on, Harry twists his body to look out the back window. He puts his hand on the back of my seat for support, muscles flexing and veins visible.  

I bite my lip, trying to focus on picking some music instead of the way he looks right now. 

I find a playlist that looks adequate, and press the shuffle button. 

And wouldn't you fucking know it? 

Alanis fucking Morissette . 

Harry looks over to me with probably the biggest smirk I've ever seen in my life. 

"I'm changing it," I say. 

"No! I love this song!" Niall yells, and he gives me a look, like he's offended that I would even think about changing it. 

"Yeah what's wrong, sunshine?" Harry asks. "It's our song." He says the last bit so that only we can hear. 

I roll my eyes and let the song play, Niall having the time of his life singing along while Harry keeps glancing over at me with that stupid, sexy... but stupid smile on his face. 

"I'm sorry if I don't want to be reminded of the time you framed me for murder, Harold." I whisper to him. "Which was just last night, by the way."

"Oh come on, I thought you were over that now." He whispers back. 

I just raise my eyebrows at him in silence, then turn to look out my window. 

A few more songs play before we reach our destination, a small bistro on the strip. Harry parks in the back, and immediately there are employees to greet us and lead us inside. 

The restaurant is empty, probably due to Harry's manipulation, but it's nice. Cozy, even. It's dark, red and black interior with warm lighting and dark wood furniture. 

Louis whistles, "Wow this place is nice. I could take a nap right there." He points to one of the booths. 

"Your seats," a server wearing black slacks and a crisp clean white dress shirt says, showing us to the large rectangular table they have set up for us, champagne and bread already set out for us. A few lit candles are spaced out in the middle of the table, and there are menus, napkins, and silverware are all sitting neatly at each space. 

I take a seat near the end, and Harry takes his place right next to me at the foot of the table. I roll my eyes, but ignore him. 

Niall sits across from me, and he seems completely oblivious to the tension going on between me and Harry. 

Willow sits next to Niall. Amber sits next to me, Liam directly across from her, leaving Louis and Zayn near the other end of the table.

Niall and Louis both immediately grab breadsticks, while Amber takes a generous sip of her champagne. 

I pick up the menu and try to peruse through it, but all I can focus on is the feeling of Harry's eyes on me. 

I sigh and set down the menu to see him looking at me with that hunger again, and it sends a tingle through my whole body. 

"Stop looking at me like that." I hiss at him quietly. 

"Like what?" He feigns innocence. 

"Like we had sex." I whisper, and he furrows his brows curiously. 

"But we did have sex." He whispers back.

"I know, Harold. Thanks for the reminder."  I say, voice dripping with sarcasm. "And it's not going to happen again, so just shut up about it." 

"Fine, I won't say anything." He says.

"Thank you."

"...for the rest of this meal." He adds, and I give him a look.

"Is everyone ready to order?" Our server asks, looking at all of us.

"Oh, um," I say, trying to remember what I saw on the menu earlier before I got distracted by Harry. "I'll have the spring salad."

"Lovely." The server says, "And for you, sir?" He directs the question to Harry.

"I'll have what she's having." He says, but looks at me while he says it.

"I didn't take you for a romantic comedy fan." I say after the waiter moves on.

"Hm?" He hums, pretending not to know what I'm talking about. 

"When Harry Met Sally?" I confirm.

"Ah, you caught that, huh?" He says, raising his brows almost like a flirtation.

"It's a common movie reference." I say.

"Psst! Spencer!" Niall whisper shouts at me, "Can you pass me the butter?"

I glance down to see a plate of butter slices and a knife closest to my side, and I slide it over.

Niall eagerly takes the knife and begins spreading a generous amount of butter on his bread. 

"Like a little bread with your butter, Niall?" I tease him as he takes a bite of the smothered piece of bread.

"Sure do." His answer is muffled due to the way he's stuffing his face. I just chuckle and shake my head. 

I glance over to Zayn at the other end of the table, and he gives me a small smile. I feel kind of bad, I've been so distracted by Harry that I haven't really spent much time with Zayn. 

I hear a buzzing sound and look back over to Harry to see him looking at his phone with furrowed brows. He rolls his bottom lip between his fingers as he types something with his other hand. 

His eyes shoot up to meet mine, and he puts his phone face down on the table as he holds my gaze. It seems like he wants to say something, but he doesn't get the chance to, because suddenly the waiter is back with our food. 

"Wow, that was fast." Amber says. 

"That's what she said." Louis remarks drily. 

I take a bite of my salad, and am amazed at the taste. It's the best salad I've ever had, and I rarely even eat salad. But this... it was like some sort of sorcery. 

"Like it?" Harry asks with a cocky tone. 

"I admit it, you picked a good place, Harold." I say with a slight sigh. 

Throughout our meal, Harry's phone keeps buzzing and he always looks at it with that intense look on his face. Eventually he gets a text that seems to break him, and he suddenly slides out of his seat and heads behind the divider wall  that hides the entrances to the bathrooms. 

He's still gone a few minutes later when I get the urge to use the restroom. I slide out of my own seat and head in that direction. When I reach the bathrooms I don't see Harry anywhere, but I just shrug and go into the women's room. 

When I'm finished, I walk out of the bathroom to see Harry in the middle of the hallway, looking at his phone with a newfound anger and intensity. His eyes flicker up and blaze into mine. 

"Did you follow me back here?" He accuses. 

"I had to use the restroom, you ass. Not everything is about you." I roll my eyes. I can't deal with a moody Harry right now, the regular version of him is already hard enough to deal with. 

I try to pass him and go back into the main part of the restaurant, but he put his hand on my shoulder to stop me. 

"Wait," he says, "I didn't mean that. I'm just frustrated." 

"Really?" I deadpan, "I couldn't tell." 

"Sunshine..." He says, and against my better judgement, I fully turn to face him. 

"What?" I scoff. 

He doesn't say anything, but just looks at me, green eyes running all over my body and causing sparks to form wherever they land. 

I reach my hand up to the side of his face, skin soft and warm. I don't know how much longer I can hold out. 

"I want you so badly right now." He almost whispers, voice deep and raspy. 

It's like I can't control my actions as I pull myself up to meet his lips, and that deep desire burning in me only grows stronger, causing a small moan to escape me.  

He grunts softly as he grips my hips, and my fingers reach around to tangle themselves in his long hair. Our lips glide together like puzzle pieces, tongues caught in some sort of dance. 

We don't even need to think about what we're doing, it just comes so naturally. 

Shit. I shouldn't be doing this. 

Despite every nerve in my body screaming at me to continue, I break away. 

"We can't be doing this, Harold." I say, "It's going to end very badly." 

"Things ending badly is my specialty, sunshine." He smirks. 

Was he seriously making a joke about him killing people? 

"C'mon, what's stopping you from having a little fun? Why can't we be enemies with benefits? Hm?" He asks, cradling my chin with his hand and pulling my bottom lip down with his thumb. I push his hand away. 

"I can't be sleeping with someone who committed murder and then framed me for it." I shake my head. 

"It didn't stop you before." He points out. 

"I know." I say, "But it should have." 

"You know," he says, "I don't need you to get off."

"Good," I reply, "I don't need you, either. In fact, I already have a hook up set up for tonight." 

"Good for you," he responds, "So do I." 

"Great." I say. 

"Great." He echoes. 

And that's where our conversation ends, both of us silently going back to our seats to eat the rest of our meal. 


They're both full of it if you ask me, lmao.

Also, Cherry Bomb has over 400 reads and  over 100 votes! Thank you all for reading and voting and commenting, it really means a lot. 

And if you haven't already voted and commented for this chapter (or any of the others) and you enjoyed it, please consider dropping a vote and/or comment. I would really appreciate it.

Love ya babes!!


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