[ .• 𝙑𝙞𝙜𝙜𝙤 •. ] [ COOKIE...

By Axel_Is_Tired

8.6K 246 45

Unfortunate Lies have been hidden across the world known as EarthBread, yet one Cookie remains safe under the... More

.: Y/N Description :.
.*•Destroyed Kingdom, Missing Prince•*.
.*•A Dangerous Journey•*.
.*•Deep Dark Blues•*.
.*• An Endless Dream •*.
.*•A Haunted Academy•*.
⚠️ UPDATE ⚠️

.*•Jungle Chaos•*.

1.1K 36 7
By Axel_Is_Tired

A/N: The song above is going to be the jungle theme, so if you want you can listen to it while reading! P.S. please go watch a gameplay or play the liar princess and the blind prince! It's an EXTREMELY underrated but cool game with a good OST!

»»————- ♡ ————-««

It's been a few hours already in the jungle, the new cookie you met was surprisingly nice yet cautious. She taught you a bit about the jungle and even let you on her pet tiger! It was very fun and you almost forgot about your kingdom. Wait, kingdom. Shouldn't you be going to see what happened to it? What was that giant squid monster anyways? Perhaps you should ask Tiger Lilly to come with. Afterall, it does get quite lonely after exploring for awhile. You learned that the hard way sadly, and got grounded by your parents.. A twig snapping caught your attention as you looked to the direction. Tiger Lilly came out of a bush with some berries and other edibles. You smiled and went up to her, starting a conversation. " Hey Tiger Lilly! It's nice to have a friend out here, I bet it does get lonely after some time huh? " you said, trying to not sound rude towards her. Said girl nodded her head, smiling. You opened your mouth to continue but a rustle came from the same bush Tiger Lilly walked out of. You both looked towards the bush to realise it was only the butter tiger that Tiger Lilly had. You hummed before getting the leaf basket that Tiger Lilly was holding gently, she let you take it as she walked over to the tiger, petting it. You looked down towards the basket in your hands, it was made of leaves and other items you could find around the jungle. You sat down as Tiger Lilly and the Butter Tiger came to sit next to you, you grabbed a few berries and gave them to Tiger Lilly and she pulled out another basket, it was full of random stuff that was edible for the tiger. She passed it to the butter tiger and you smiled, eating your berries peacefully. Surprisingly, it was rather nice and peaceful in the forest. Unlike the kingdom, where there was parties every corner you turned or citizens running up to you, begging for an autograph or to be a royal guard. Your glad Tiger Lilly isn't like those people, well she's far off. Not in a rude way of course, but she's far more different than the hybrids that lived in your parents kingdom. For starters, she's good at hunting and skilled with a spear, she had a pet tiger, she's a cookie. Literally everything is different about her. But of course, being different isn't bad. It makes you unique, you suppose. You got up as you dusted yourself off, now you had to go with Tiger Lilly to learn how to hunt and how to make sure no predators or random cookies are around. Of course you didn't mind, as you always learned quickly according to your parents and others. And anyways, eating berries forever isn't a very good diet. If you wanted to live in the wild with Tiger Lilly, then you needed to fight aswell. Who knows what predators are out there waiting to snack on you both.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

You went to place the baskets down in the cave you, Tiger Lilly and Butter Tiger lived in. It was a large cave with no enemies or any cake hounds, making it safe. You slid down into the cave easily, placing the basket and jumped back up onto some rocks. You had some trouble since you weren't as good with jumping as Tiger Lilly was but you were getting the hang of it. You jumped onto the final rock with a huff and climbed out of the cave, Tiger Lilly was on her tiger waiting for you to hop on with her. You smiled before running over to her, hopping on the tiger with ease. Tiger Lilly then Pat the tiger gently, it started to run off towards the stream. You learned that Tiger Lilly called it ' The border ' between her and her tigers territory and the rest of the jungle. No predator or enemy can jump over the stream so it was safe. You felt the Butter Tiger suddenly jump up into the air, landing on the other side of the stream with ease. It started to walk through the forest, sniffing the air. Tiger Lilly was also looking around, most likely looking for prey thats unfortunate enough to come across you both. The Butter Tiger then jumped onto a log, jumping off and stopping. You and Tiger Lilly slid off the tiger easily, landing on the soft ground. You looked up at the sky, realising it was getting darker. But you and Tiger Lilly still had much time to learn about hunting and fighting. Speaking of, your legs are probably gonna end up broken after the fighting practices she has in mind. But, you have to stay strong. In the jungle you're not gonna get spoiled and cared after easily. No, you have to fight and hunt. You just hoped it was easy to learn and not impossible or difficult.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

You and Tiger Lilly kept walking through the bushes, the Butter Tiger was staying behind to guard the area. Suddenly she ducked down, and you followed along with her. You heard a rustling sound and it seemed like Tiger Lilly did too. You peeked over the bush to see a cake hound. Pft! Easy prey, cake hounds are weak! Or atleast that's what your friend told you. You crouched back down next to Tiger Lilly, trying to not be spotted. You looked over to said cookie and she glanced at you before nudging your staff towards you. Or whatever it was called atleast. You looked back at her nervously before nodding your head. You aren't a wimp and can do this. You grabbed your staff and peeked out of the bush again, the cake hound was still there enjoying the sun. You would have honestly felt bad for it until you remembered that you needed to learn to hunt and all. You got ready to jump, your shark tail slightly swaying side to side as you concentrated. Suddenly you felt yourself jumping towards the cake hound, you capturing it under your staff. You held the cake hound down easily with your claw-like hands which you didn't realise you had. You heard a rustle before seeing Tiger Lilly come out of the bush, smiling and nodding at you. She glanced down towards the cake hound before tapping her spear like staff on the ground. You eased your grip on the cake hound, allowing it to go free. The cake hound immediately squirmed out of your grasp and ran off, afraid. You snickered before glancing towards Tiger Lilly again, she was smiling aswell. She then grabbed you by the collar of your clothing before dragging you back into the bushes, you still gripped your staff as she took you somewhere else.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

You smiled as you caught another piece of prey, still alive of course. You let it go and it ran off, you have been getting the hold of hunting as the hours went by. Tiger Lilly nodded at you before beckoning you to come to her. You did so, walking over happily. She grabbed you by the collar of your shirt yet again and ran off, dragging you with ease. You didn't seem to mind tho, since you were both close to the Butter Tiger you both owned now. You hopped on as Tiger Lilly let go of you. The Butter Tiger stood up and turned direction, going back towards the stream and jumping over the same log you had seen when you entered the small clearing. The tiger took a sharp turn, running toward the stream before making a large jump and landing on the other side. You smirked as you got off the tiger once in the clearing near the cave.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

Now what.. Oh right! You had to practice fighting with Tiger Lilly. You can't wait to learn, afterall. This is the most fun you've ever had since you were extremely young! Your parents never let you leave the castle after you found another shark and talked to them, they were a hybrid like you but were a blue-ish shade. You wish you could see him again, he always spoke to you about different tales of pirates and cookies. He was the only hybrid in the sea that actually grabbed your attention and interest. All the citizens in your kingdom were a bit clingy and annoying to you. However, he was also the only sea hybrid you seen that actually wanted to live on the surface and be a cookie of some sort. Even a pirate! You honestly just wished your parents didn't separate you both. You were snapped out of your thoughts at a hand waving in your face. You looked up to see Tiger Lilly looking at you with a worried expression on her face. You smiled before getting up, dusting your clothes gently. " Well, didn't you say we were gonna practice fighting? Let's go! " you spoke enthusiastically. Tiger Lilly looked at you with a surprised face before looking determined. The Butter Tiger didn't want to be in this so they walked off near the cave entrance, jumping onto the rock that was above the entrance of the cave. You smiled before realising Tiger Lilly was in a fighting position, you followed along with your fighting position. You've never actually been taught to fight, only watching the guards train to learn near your kingdom.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

After awhile of fighting and losing, you ended up winning surprisingly. You ended up laughing like a maniac and doing a victory dance. You tripped and looked at the sky, there was no blinding orb surprisingly. Instead there was a large white circle in the sky? That's strange. Little white bits was in the now pitch black sky, barely visible clouds also there. You smiled before getting back up, Tiger Lilly was also getting up. She reached her hand towards you to grab, you did so happily. She pulled you up easily before pointing towards the cave entrance. The Butter Tiger was already going inside said cave. " Right, we have to go inside before those cake hound monsters come here. Right? " You tilted your head towards Tiger Lilly, who nodded and walked towards the cave. You followed, enjoying the sounds of the ' Night ' as Tiger Lilly would call it. You almost got distracted by a small yellow flying thing. It was glowing and pretty, you almost grabbed it before you were pulled back by Tiger Lilly. You felt the soft yet cold grass below you turn to stone, you got up and slid down into the the cave clearing. Tiger Lilly sat down on her own bed, your unsure what it's made out of but it looked cozy. You sat down in the middle of them on your own bed. There was a small waterfall in the cave that you could hear as you drifted off to sleep.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

You woke up to the sound of blueberry birds tweeting. You learned a few animal species from Tiger Lilly, speaking of her where is she? You got up, rubbing your eyes. You got up off your bed and stretched before immediately being dragged and thrown into some warm water. You popped your head out of the surface to be met with a laughing Butter Tiger and Tiger Lilly. You groaned in annoyance before trying to get out. Realising you had your old shark tail, you smirked before you Pat it. Showing it off to Tiger Lilly who gasped. You laughed before jumping out of the water, your cookie legs given back to you miraculously. You stood back up and smirked at the two who stared at you in shock before racing to the entrance slide, jumping onto the rocks with ease. You've grown to be more used to the cave and jungle than yesterday. You heard the sound of Tiger Lilly and Butter Tiger following along with you as you were at the entrance, jumping and rolling onto the soft and lush grass. You sat up a you saw Tiger Lilly and the Butter Tiger jumping out of the cave after you. To be honest, you were glad you had Tiger Lilly as a friend. You just needed to tell her about the plans you had to go look for your seemingly missing kingdom. Tiger Lilly walked up to you and spoke up, even though she couldn't speak English well. " Hunting... Today Fish... Catch! " She spoke happily. So after you catch fish, you can tell her the plan. Or during it maybe? Anyways you were pretty good at catching fish already, aince y'know. You lived underwater and all of course! Tiger Lilly jumped onto her tiger, you following along. The Butter Tiger jumped to the stream yet again but stopped at the edge of the stream. You and Tiger Lilly both got off the Tiger and looked at the stream, it was full of colourful things. Including fish and coral! You smiled before crouching down to the river, looking at the colourful fish that swam by. Tiger Lilly crouched down beside you, Butter Tiger following your movements.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

You jumped into the stream without question and caught a Watermelon fish. Your shark tail was back yet again as you got back to the surface, Tiger Lilly clapping her hands, impressed. You smiled before throwing the fish to the Butter Tiger, who caught it in their mouth and ate it happily. As you watched the tiger eat, you felt your stomach rumble silently. You went back underwater to catch more fish as you saw Tiger Lilly go to get something. You caught a few mango fish with ease and came back to the surface. Tiger Lilly came back jumping from branch to branch with a basket in her hands. You smiled before she came crashing down onto the ground, landing easily. You took the basket and placed the fish you caught in there, you took a fish for yourself and ate it happily. Tiger Lilly also helped herself to a fish, eating a watermelon fish joyfully. " Hey so, Tiger Lilly? " you said, said cookie turned towards you. " I was thinking, perhaps we can go on an adventure? I need to find what happened to my kingdom and why it happened " you requested, Tiger Lilly looked pretty shocked before looking to her tiger then back to you. You saw them both nod to eachother and you smiled. " We go with friend! " Tiger Lilly said joyfully. Butter Tiger nodded with her as she continued " Adventure! " she said, grabbing her spear as you leapt out of the water, landing gracefully. As if coincidentally a map fell out of a tree nearby. You leapt forward and caught it before it hit the stream below. You rolled back onto land as you looked at the map, it had the jungle and more areas nearby. But what caught your eye was different kingdoms spread out across the map. You read them out as Tiger Lilly sat next to you. " Vanilla Kingdom, HollyBerry Kingdom.. The rest are scribbled or unintelligible to read. " you spoke, Tiger Lilly nodded in understanding. You stood up and dusted yourself of like usual before handing the map to Tiger Lilly, who took it happily. " Welp! Adventure here we come! " you said, jumping onto the Butter Tiger and Tiger Lilly following. You peeked and saw Tiger Lilly look at the map before pointing to a direction across the stream. Butter Tiger immediately leapt over the stream and ran in said direction. You hoped this journey would be exciting with friends.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

NOTE: bruh my arms be like: 💀

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