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⚠️ WARNING: A few Spoilers for the Ancient Alter (story mode) ⚠️

»»————- ♔ ————-««

You woke up in the kingdom. Wait kingdom? And it's not just any kingdom aswell, it's the underwater one? You still don't remember the kingdoms name, since your parents never told you, for some reason. You swam around cautiously, looking at the citizens smiling happily and waving towards eachother. Wait what? But you thought your kingdom got destroyed just a few days.. weeks or even months ago? You couldn't deny you missed the happy faces of your citizens and the people who gave out baked goods on the streets. To be honest that's how you found most of the stuff from the surface that made you so intrigued to go up there, and Sorbet Sharks tales of the surface and pirates of course. You looked at the wall and swam over it, going towards the reef that was near the kingdom, it was always peaceful and quiet there. You laid (layed? Idk) down and looked at the surface above, it was extremely far from you since the kingdom was deep down below in the sea. Yet you always admired the surface before you were washed up onto land by that thing. You heard a voice come towards you and giggling, you remembered that voice! " Hello, Prince! " Sorbet Shark spoke, you felt your face become warm from embarrassment at the nickname. How long has it been since you last met them? Or heard that familiar nickname they called you at all?.. " Hello Sorbet! " you replied happily, sitting up to greet the familiar friend. You felt arms wrap around you as you leaned into the embrace, it's surely been awhile since you've got a hug. " It's nice to see you again, Sorbet! " you exclaimed happily, smiling, Sorbet smiled back. " It's nice to see you again too! Can we finally go up to the surface now? " they requested, almost begging. you thought about it for a good minute before responding back to your dearest friend. " Of course, I've been putting off that idea for as long as I can remember! I do think we both deserve breaks anyways. " you smiled before grabbing their hand, swimming up to the surface. You could see the shore and a few rocks on the beach as you both got closer and closer towards the surface. At this point you didn't even care if you got caught by anybody with them, its been long enough since you have last seen them. You missed your childhood friend, and you still wonder if their dream about becoming a land cookie and pirate has come true yet. You looked back at your kingdom one last time, letting go of Sorbets hand as they waited ahead for you. the shimmering lights and beautiful structures still sat in place before that monster came and destroyed your home. You hummed as you swam more quickly to the surface, grabbing Sorbets hand yet again as the light getting more blinding until it all went black.

»»————- ♔ ————-««

You woke up in Tiger Lilly's arms. Goddammit why does every good dream you have cut out at the best part? Curse you witches yet again. You looked up to see Tiger Lilly smiling at you, yet continuing to walk. She then placed you on her Butter Tiger before hopping on herself. " This early? Where are we Lilly? " you asked her, using a nickname. " Alter! " she exclaimed happily, Butter Tiger then got up and started to trot to the middle of an area. You glanced around and realised it was the Ancient Alter, it would look pretty if it wasn't for the corrupted and evil look it had. You wonder what happened to this place and why it became like this? Was it that weird Pomegranate Cookie you heard about or something? It also had those red gem things around the place like it had at the ladder thing you visited earlier. " Sound.. There! " Tiger Lilly exclaimed, pointing towards a open gate-like door with destroyed vines around it. You both hopped off as Tiger Lilly booked it to the door while you silently followed her, you were used to her running off like this anyways. The Butter Tiger followed behind you both, keeping up easily. You halted in your steps, almost slipping as you looked at the scene unfolding infront of you. Tiger Lilly and the Butter Tiger stopped in their tracks next to you. a few cookies were having difficulties fighting some sort of large monster. It was in the shape of a ring with those red crystals you've seen earlier surrounding it. It also had dark leaves for some form of wings and another large red crystal in the circle. It was attached to the ring by vines and so were the other crystals around it, speaking of. It was entirely made of vines, what? This wasn't like any beast you've encountered while underwater. Only one cookie was up and the rest were heavily injured. You grabbed Tiger Lilly by the shoulders and began to shake her. " Come on Let's go help them before it's to late! " she nodded quickly as you took your hands off her shoulder, running over to the injured cookies. The boss was on pretty low HP yet these cookies can't put up a fight against it. You turned to the side as Tiger Lilly hopped onto the Butter Tiger, looking at you and smiling as she got in a fighting position. You cheered silently in your mind as you charged towards the beast, using your ability. A large wave was charged at them, making them stumble. They were stunned and Tiger Lilly charged, jumping onto the enemy and taking the remaining HP off. The enemy died and started to fade away, collapsing and crumbling. You did a victory dance as you cheered silently, the last cookie looking at you two in awe yet shock. She tilted her head before smiling at you both, speaking up.

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