.*•A Dangerous Journey•*.

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A/N: have another song :)
⚠️ WARNING!: Spoilers for the actual game, Episode 5 Tainted forest! ⚠️

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The Butter Tiger plopped onto the ground, exhausted. You had apparently been exploring for... 14 hours now. You are reaching the end of the jungle according to the map. " Perhaps we should stop here for a break? Afterall, Butter Tiger does need food for energy so we can continue. " you requested joyfully. Tiger Lilly immediately nodded her head, she must be hungry aswell. You both hopped off the Butter Tiger, you adjusted your crown on your head before looking around. You were surrounded by trees and the sound of a waterfall could be heard in the distance. You smiled before running towards the sound of the waterfall before stopping yourself. A giant rock wall was standing infront of you. Tiger Lilly then grabbed your hand and led you towards a tree. You raised an eyebrow, if cookies had some and watched as she jumped up the tree with ease. You've seen her jump from branch to branch skilfully yet you never got the chance to do the same. You then climbed up the tree, not as swift as Tiger Lilly but you were about near as good as her. You jumped up onto the branch she sat on and watched as she swung to a vine, then leapt towards another branch higher up, reaching above the large rock wall. You watched in awe as you stood up, keeping balance. You then leapt forward, clinging onto the vine for dear life. You then used the vine and swung yourself from the vine towards the next branch, smirking. You then watched as Tiger Lilly jumped on top of the wall, lifting herself up easily. You followed her movements, but instead of lifting yourself up it was more of heaving yourself. You sighed before you looked up, large rocks were around the area and there was a massive waterfall with barely any trees around it. You swore at this point you had stars in your eyes as you watched all the colourful fish leap out of the water and back in. You then got up and shook the grass and leaves from your outfit swiftly. You then bolted towards the waterfall, immediately climbing onto a rock and jumping into the water. You were glad you weren't a normal cookie, as you would have been extremely soggy by now. You swam around the large waterfall area, it reminded you of home. You then saw Tiger Lilly reach her hand into the water and you grabbed it. She must have been worried incase you were in trouble or drowning. You let go and peeked your head out of the water. Tiger Lilly then got out the map you gave her before she pointed at an area.

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She turned the map towards you before realising that she was pointing towards a dark forest area, you seemed to be close to it. You hummed in approval before leaping back underwater to catch fish. And you did so easily, catching quite a few fish and even some berries. You jumped out of the water and placed them into the basket you had brought with you. You got another basket and filled it with water, nothing leaking out. You nodded before walking to the jungle again, Tiger Lilly following and carrying the food basket you had got. You stared off the small wall before looking back at Tiger Lilly. None of you were going to make it down there without spilling water and food or squashing the food overall. You sighed in defeat before Butter Tiger burst out of nowhere,carrying you both down. You giggled before you were being placed down back in the area you landed in moments before. Honestly, you and Tiger Lilly were shocked that you didn't encounter any cake hounds or other enemies yet. But you weren't complaining, afterall it just meant less trouble and difficulties getting towards your location. You all sat on the very small clearing before chowing down on berries and fish. You all had your fair share of both food and water before taking a well deserved break. Afterall, don't we all need a break every once in awhile? It does get tiring after exploring nearly the entire day. You got up and stretched before deciding you were ready to explore, after the dark forest-ish area you will land at the Vanilla Kingdom! It does sound exciting to maybe meet a king,queen,prince or princess after all this time. Apparently according to the map there is also a pretty nice academy or school nearby! Your not sure what that is and neither did Tiger Lilly, but you both decided that more cookies may be there. Meaning more friends! " Alright! Are we all ready to go and explore again? " you asked enthusiastically towards the other two. Tiger Lilly smiled and nodded, jumping up next to you and Butter Tiger also nodded, standing up alongside you both. Tiger Lilly hopped onto the back of the tiger and you followed, Tiger Lilly glared at the map again before pointing towards a direction, patting the tiger gently like you seen yesterday. The Butter Tiger then leapt forward, trotting towards the destination. You hoped that if there was cookies at the forest and Vanilla Kingdom, they were kind and welcoming.

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