Kotlc Sleepover

By BluetBluish

75.7K 489 1.8K

Just a causal hangout with the keeper of the lost cities kids.......definitely no love triangles, disasters... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6
Chapter //7//
Chapter 8
chapter **9**
Chapter ❇10❇
Chapter +11+
Chapter *12*
Chapter =13=
Chapter [14]
Chapter <15>
Chapter 16 <<<
Chapter [17]
Chapter <18>
Chapter .19.
Chapter ●20●
Chapter 21: The End

Chapter 1

8K 39 121
By BluetBluish


Hello everyone!

⚠️Warning, this chapter is currently under construction. The reader may experience typos, bad grammer, misspelled places or names, incomplete sentences, and more. We ask that you please forgive and forget, as the author is working very hard to make an enjoyable story for all. Thank you. ⚠️

(The above message will appear in any chapters that are undergoing editing!)

I first wrote this when I was like, twelve, and reading it again, I realize how terrible it is, so I'm editing the first few chapters to try and ease the pain

A small guide: All authors notes will be bolded, like this one, and tw's (take warnings) will be featured at the beginning of each chapter. If i miss any triggers or forget any heavy stuff, feel free to let me know and I'll go back and fix it!

This book does have Sokeefe, Tiana, and a few other ships in it, though those are the main ones. Of course, all readers are welcome, but those will be included, sorry!

And without farther ado, the story!

Sophie's Pov.

Everglen's fence sparkled and shimmered in the sunlight, temporarily blinding Sophie. She held up her hand to block the nearly blinding rays, squinting as she walked up the path towards the glittering fence, backpack strung over her shoulder.

"You're here!" Biana exclaimed, and Sophie jumped.

She laughed when she saw Biana's panicked expression. The Vacker was standing by the front of her house, waving from the fence, though her hand had fallen still.

"You scared me," Sophie explained.

Biana sagged in relief. "Oh, okay. Sorry. I just . . ."

She didn't finish, but Sophie knew what she was going to say.

The Neverseen's defeat had been intense. Somedays, all Sophie could see was the blood, and Edaline would hold her adoptive daughter tight as Sophie sobbed.

The Neverseen were gone.

But memories still stayed.

Biana offered a sad smile, and Sophie accepted, trying not to eye her friend's scars.

"Come on in," she said, waving her hand, signaling Sophie to follow.

She did, but naturally, tripped on the way in.

Biana smirked, the memories of the Neverseen battle forgotten. "Nice going, clumsy pants. Everyone's in the kitchen."

Sophie nodded, blushing a little, embarrassed. "Okay."

She followed Biana into the house, walking behind her. Everglen's beauty never failed to amaze Sophie. Sure, every elven house was stunning, bursting with beauty, but there was an aura to the Vacker's home that left Sophie reeling, in love with the architecture.

Which was part of the reason Sophie had agreed to this sleepover. No way was she passing up a chance to explore Everglen, even if it meant spending the night with Keefe, Fitz, Tam, and Dex, who were worse than the triplets when the got going.

Finally, the duo walked into the gleaming kitchen. Their group was leaning on the counters, talking, smiling, laughing. Keefe was smirking at Marella, who was blushing, and Fitz was chuckling. Dex's face was bright red, and Sophie could only assume Keefe had made a joke about him and Marella.

Sophie was the last to arrive.


"Hey, Foster!" Keefe said, the first to notice her.

"Hey," Sophie replied. "What did I miss?"

Fitz laughed,  Tam and Wylie not far behind. "Everything," they said in unison.

Sopjoe rolled her eyes. "Thanks," she said sarcastically. "You guys are a real help."

"Aw, your welcome!" Keefe said, flashing her his crooked smirk.

Sophie was about to reply when Biana cut in. "Okay, what do we want to do first!" she was smiling wickedly.

"Uh," Sophie said awkwardly, intelligently. "Should we set up first? Where are we sleeping, anyway?"

Biana pointed to the living room. "In there. And no, who sets up for a sleepover this early? The sun is still out. We're having fun first!"

Marella grinned. "What if we played Never Have I Ever?"

Lihn jumped up and down, breaking her usualquiet demeanor. "Yes, yes!" she squealed. "We are so doing that!"

"How do you play?" This was Dex, of course. He looked confused.

Sophie jumped in to explain, not trusting Biana, Lihn, or Marella to do it right. "You pick someone to ask never have I ever to, and if they've done it, then they get to ask. If they haven't they have to answer a truth."

Dex paled a little, but still nodded. "Okay."

Keefe smirked, always with the smiles. He was the only one who hadn't been hit very hard during the Neverseen battle.

Which was a lie. Sophie could see it in his eyes whenever he stopped grinning for a second, whenver he allowed himself to be seen.

His mom had died in that battle.

Her blood had stained his tunic.

There was no way he hadn't been affected, but stupidly, stubbornly, he refused to let his casual, happy facade down.

Fitz simply nodded, dragging Sophie back down to Earth. He exchanged a glance with Tam she couldn't read.

Marella motioned to the stairs and said, "Guest bedroom. Let's go."

No one argued, and we set off.

Keefe's pov.

Marella led us up the winding staircase. How she knew where everything was was a mystery to Keefe, but he shrugged.


When they were in the guest room, she said, "Okay, everyone sit in a circle."

Arguing with Marella, Keefe knew, was a.death sentence, so everyone settled down at her say so. He plopped himself down next to Sophie. Fitz was on his left, with Lihn next to him, and around the circle it went.

"Okay, who's going first?" Lihn asked.

"I'll go," Keefe offered, instantly. He turned to Sophie, who tucked a piece of hair behind her ear nervously.

"Okay, never have I ever....kept a secret entirely to yourself, without telling anyone at all, ever."

She flushed, the tinest bit. "Uh, yeah. A lot of them, actually. I still do."

She clamped a hand over her mouth like she hadn't meant to say that.

Keefe leaned closer, dropping his voice down.."Care to share any of those secrets, Foster?"

She flushed, but didn't look away. "No way. And it's my turn," she added, changing the subject. She leaned away, a little, and for some dumb reason Keefe felt his heart sink. "Okay, uh, Biana! Never have I ever gone a day without makeup."

Biana took on a perplexing look. "Why would someone do that? No, not that I can recall."

Sophie smiled devilishly, which was rare for her, and Keefe caught himself staring. "Okay. Time for your truth, then. Do you like anyone?"

Biana's face went bright red. Lihn giggled, and Dex and Marella exchanged glances. Tam's eyes widened, and he looked interested in her answer.

Sometimes being an Empath and perks, and this, Keefe concluded, was one of those times. Some of the groups emotions were so strong he could feel them without even trying to.

"Uh, yeah, uh, I do," she stammered.

"Who?" Keefe asked teasingly, batting his eyes towards a certain someone in the group.

She blushed harder when she saw where his eyes were pointing. "I already answered my question," she announced. "Telling who wasn't apart of the deal."

Lihn rolled her soft eyes, and Marella said, "Come on, tell us!"

Biana shook her head.

Keede smirked. He couldn't help himself. "I think I know who."

Biana shot him a death glare, and he only laughed.

"Okay," Biana said, to change the subject, and Keefe was a little surprised when it worked. He had noticed she was good at that, ever since the Neverseen had been defeating.

Switching the subject was a skill to be had, and Keefe, gratefully, seemed to have it.

Biana continued. "Lihn, never have I ever gotten into a fist fight with somebody?"

Biana looked extremely confident, which made it ten times funnier when Lihn nodded yes.

"I have."

"Really?" Wylie asked, surprised. Lihn nodded, and Biana stared slack jawed.

Marella's eyes widened. "Details!" she exclaimed.

Lihn glanced at her hands. Her face was solemn, sad. "I don't remember a lot, just that I heard somebody talking bad about Tam, and when I confronted them, it spiraled, and...yeah."

Tam glanced at his sister through his bangs. "You never told me that," he pointed out.

She frowned. "I guess not. Weird." She chuckled nervously.

"Okay, anyways Lihn, go! I wanna play!" Fitz whined, when the conversation dipped into awkward silence as Tam examined his sister.

"Aw, is little Fitzy getting cranky?" Keefe asked in a fake toddler voice.

He glared at him.

Keefe shrugged. He was used to that look.

Lihn tilted her blue eyes to the ceiling. "Okay. Dex. Never have I ever kissed somebody."

Dex's face went white, and so did Sophie's.

Oh, yeah. Keefe had almost forgotten about that.


Dex nodded ever so slightly, and Lihn squealed. "Who? Who?" she asked, sounding like an owl. The sad girl who fought for her brother had disappeared again, replaced by the one caught up in a game.

"Tell us!" Biana pleaded.

Wylie rolled his eyes. It had been a challenge, deciding whether to invite him, but he had every right to be here. He was apart of this group just as much as any of them.

He had helped take down the Neverseen.

Dex shook his head and met Sophie's eyes. "No way. That's not in the deal, either."

Marella whined. "Why?
P l e a s e ?"

Dex crossed his arms. "No. Stop asking."

Sophie let out a sigh of relief, and Keefe glanced at her.

He was a little relieved, too. That story was already awkward enough without everyone knowing.

"I'm hungry!" announced Fitz, once again. "Let's finish this later."

"Didn't you just say you wanted to play?" Sophie wondered.

Fitz smiled. "I'm hungry now."

Tam nodded. "Me, too."

Sophie scrunched up her noise. "Not me. I couldn't eat a thing. Edaline wouldn't let me leave without having lunch."

"I'm not hungry, either," Keefe said, glancing at Sophie.

He was hungry, he hadn't eaten in a long time, but his stomach repulsed the very thought of food at this point.

He hadn't eaten very mych when he had joined the Neverseen, and when the rebel group had been defeated, he hadn't done anything for days. He was just know getting back into the Grove of normal functions, of drinking and sleeping and eating, but it was still hard.

Marella shrugged. "Suit yourselves. I'm starved."

She got up, and the rest of the group followed, besides Keefe and Sophie.

Sophie's pov.

Keefe was smirking. And Sophie knew for a fact that that meant something was coming.

"What?" she groaned, already regretting asking.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, innocently, like he didn't already know.

Sophie rolled her eyes to the ceiling. "Come on, something is going on. Tell me."

"Nope. Not until tonight, when everyone else is asleep."

Sophie cocked her head and punched him in the side, lightly. "Why?"

He smirked. "So I can kill you with suspense."

Sophie thought about it, and a new worry hit her. What if it was bad news? Was everything okay?

What if the Neverseen were back?

Keefe fanned the air, waving his hand in front of his face. "Stop worrying, Foster. I appreciate it, but there's no need to worry."

An image of Alden popped up in Sophie's mind, but she shook it away. "So it's not bad news?"

Keefe smirked. "Who said it was news?" he wondered out loud.

"You're being impossible," Soohie told him, shaking her head. A few stray hajrs wondered in front of her face. "How could it not be news?"

He shrugged. "Guess you'll have to find out."

She got up and grabbed a pillow off the bed. It was fluffy, large, an expensive pillow case covering it like designer clothes.

She chucked it at his head.

Keefe caught it easily, laughing hard, so she threw another one. This one hit him in the head with a soft thump, landing in his lap.

Satisfied, she returned to her spot on the ground.

Keefe glared at her, but he didn't really look mad.

"You're a bully," he complained, pretending to cry, hunching over with fake, over expressive sobs.

Sophie rolled her eyes. "That's me," she said sarcastically. "And don't worry, I have plenty more pillows to bully you with."

Keefe put his hand on his heart. "And all along I thought you were my friend. Rude!" he joked, smiling.

She laughed.

"Sophie!" Lihn, Marella, and Biana scream at the same time. "We need you!"

Sophie rolled her eyes. "What now?" She asked, to no one in particular, thinking of how terrible of a mess the group must have gotten in.

"Bu-bye!" Keefe said in a sing song tone as she stomped out of the room to find her over dramatic, diastor prone friends.

Well then. First reedited chapter, up! The next chapter, if I didn't already edit it, will give you a taste for how bad I was at writing when I was twelve.

So far warning, be careful.

Love you guys!!

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