Sweeney Sweets

By angelicc_flowerss

1.7M 50.3K 13.9K

When 20 year old Calliope Sweeney's recent boyfriend cheats on her the very same day she graduates from culin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Authors Note
Lovers Lessons (Final Blurb)

Chapter 20

27.4K 967 482
By angelicc_flowerss


"This is so boring." Ambrose mumbled from over in his seat and I nodded in agreement, yawning as I signed off the rest of the papers, passing it over to him to scan.

Kiana and Kauai weren't at work today, so we had to do all the boring shit, like scanning our own papers which honestly was so freaking boring that I wanted to either fall asleep, or leave.

"I don't know how they don't quit, this shit fucking sucks."

"You sound privileged." I told him dryly, which he was, so was I because even if I didn't admit it was boring aloud i'd been thinking about it for the past hour repeatedly and our thoughts were both probably, we could get someone else to do this shit.

"Shut up."

"Im leaving." I say, just about to get up and leave the office but he groaned loudly like a fucking kid who knew they made a mistake. "No its worse alone, just sit."

"Fuck you and the papers man."

He gasped and I almost grabbed the damn stapler to throw it at his head.

We were best friends our entire lives but boring paper work that I didn't have to do was where I mostly definitely drew the fucking line.

But before I did so, a voice interrupted us. "I brought food!" Calli's voice boomed around the office as she walked in and we looked to her just as the door slammed closed behind her.

I blinked at the sudden interruption, just her fucking voice made me feel a little lighter and I looked back over to the woman and away from the door, her eyes strayed from her brother ahead and over to me.

A pretty grin on her face turning into that small sweet smile and I blinked at her, her full lips and her cute dresses and her dimples and her accent and those bracelets she'd always use- fuck.

I looked away and continued with the work at hand even if it annoyed the hell out of me, because it seemed like everything annoyed me right now.

I took a deep breath that didn't help and continued.

I'd met Calliope months ago, and I thought she was odd.

Not in some way that was necessarily bad, but instead in an unconventional way.

She was confusing too.

She was extremely nice, practically an angel put down onto the universe, or maybe she was something along the lines of a piece of the sun itself walking around on Earth, but she didn't seem like she was much of a shy little pushover either.

Even when she'd complimented my eyes I wasn't too shocked, a lot of people took notice of it, but she'd said it so casually that i'd almost found it amusing because to her I was a mere stranger at the time and the first words that'd left her mouth when we spoke was a compliment, and not too long later I realized she did actually get a little bashful, she wasn't always bold, maybe thats just with me but I noticed the way her cheeks flared a pinkish color often but for some reason she could still be blunt on the odd day without so much as flinching.

But every time I complimented Calliope back, I meant it.

I really did like her accent.

It suited her somehow yet she wasn't all that proper all the time, not even half the time, she seemed a little chaotic in the best way possible and surprising too and to be honest, I found her accent unbearably fucking sexy.

I think i'd just be able to sit and listen to her speak for hours, I had a little twinge erupt in my chest that she was easing up to me and speaking more to me, so I could revel in her voice whenever she did.

But there was a lot about her to like.

I liked her hair.

I like that she'd change her hair to different colors.

I liked her smile, a lot. I felt like a fucking idiot for it too.

Everything about her, she was soft, her voice sexy, her body was beautiful and her skin that was probably just as soft begging for my attention all the damn time, just to touch her, not even sexually, just hold her hand or something, to feel her.


Fuck it all.

I couldn't believe that she'd thought I didn't like her at first, because in all honesty, I think I did like her from the moment i'd met her, specifically in a way I wasn't supposed to, which made me very hostile towards her.

I didn't like anyone. Ever.

So I wasn't gonna admit how I felt aloud to anyone, not even myself, not now, not soon, not ever. Because if I did, i'd have her in my bed.

And I only made it worse for myself, because every time time I saw her I couldn't help but stare, every single time, like I hadn't seen her before in my entire life, like I was looking at her for the very first time.

Her smile, scent, giggle and her dresses- fuck, her dresses.

The dress she wore for her bakery's opening was cute, it was pretty and she looked unbelievably beautiful, I wanted her then too even if I'd shrugged her off, even I knew I was full of shit, it was just easier to blow her off than to entertain her.

When her brother left the room I stared at her, having an impulsive urge to pick her up and set her on the counter and taste her tongue in my mouth for just a second, I wanted to taste all of her, not the desserts, just her.

Then it was the worst and simultaneously best fucking surprise ever which was on her birthday days ago when I had the sharpest desire not to just kiss her, but to tug her back upstairs and keep her in there and give her the best birthday present she could possibly ask for.

Licking all the spots where her skin showed, ripping those damn tights off her legs and tasting what lied between those legs, fucking her till she couldn't walk without thinking about what we'd done.

I didn't even want her to leave the house and was actually okay with Ambrose wanting her to stay home, but I saw that she was excited, and who the fuck were we to stop her? Plus the woman needed to go out more often besides for work or to bring us stuff when she felt like it.

But my favorite was the white dress she'd worn on my birthday, not just the dress, just how she looked that day in general.

The way her face glowed, her smile, the cake, the ribbon, her lipstick, her.

She looked like heaven, and fuck, I really did begin to feel like a fallen fucking angel because I desperately wanted in heaven, but I just didn't know what the fuck I was supposed to do.

The way she sat on the chair, the way she leaned on the desk top, the way she maintained eye contact the entire time, the look of sincerity in her beautiful eyes, the way she touched me, tilting my head back up to look directly at her and i'd noticed how she'd dropped her hand to her side shyly, it made me want to groan in that moment, to see how else I could get her face red.

She had no idea what she was doing to me.

Not even a clue.

Sometimes I tried to convince myself that if we did even do anything, it'd be for just one taste, just one fuck because I didn't need a distraction like Calliope.

So just once, just, once.

But I knew it wasn't that simple, it wouldn't just be once if it was with her, she wouldn't be a distraction, instead everything else except her would just become a nuisance, and she'd become my main priority.

My jaw clenched when she'd sat down beside me with the brown bag in her hand, placing it down onto the desk top.

She leans over to me and I almost stiffen at how close she was, and not because I didn't like it, because I really liked it, "I didn't know you were here Rhys, but we can share." She whispered over to me and I blinked.

And fuck, she was the sweetest woman i've ever met.

And here I was thinking about her in some of the most inappropriate ways humanly possible.

I was an asshole, even I knew it. 

I looked to her and shook my head.

I wasn't hungry, not for food at least.

She swallows but shrugged the rejection off and took her food from the brown bag, giving me time to eye her a little without getting caught.

Her cheeks dusted pink with blush and her hair up in a bun, bangs straightened down her forehead, a cute dress that stopped at her thigh, riding up because she was sitting and I looked away at the sight of her exposed thighs.

She was so fucking beautiful.

And so fucking off limits, I reminded myself.

A few days after I'd met her Ambrose told me not to try anything with her, as if he saw the way I stared at Calli when she left the room, but I couldn't help myself, he had a perfect sister.

I knew Calliope had been cheated on numerous times apparently because Ambrose told me and my first thought that was through it all she remained an absolute sweetheart, thats the main reason Ambrose told me she was off limit, he didn't want her to finally reach her breaking point after all the heartache and pain she'd been through and I respected that.

So yeah, I knew that she'd been cheated on already, even when she told me with her own mouth, I just didn't know the assholes name at the time but I came to know when she told me.

The only reason I hadn't told her I knew was because I actually wanted to hear her confide in me by herself and when she did it made me even more pissed than i'd like to admit.

Her ex's were all idiots.

If I got a chance to have her, I don't think i'd ever want to let her go, which was a big fucking problem on my end.

Or maybe not.

I don't know.

Suddenly the reminder of the new fucker that she'd been speaking to clicked into my brain and I blinked back the hints of jealousy... but it was really too late.

I wasn't usually a jealous someone, because I didn't usual want anything all to myself, and if I did want it, I could get it easily.

Not until Calliope Dylan fucking Sweeney who I wanted but couldn't have, I was jealousy personified because of that.

Inwardly, I often wondered how far i'd go for her if she ended things with that guy, specifically because if she wasn't with him, it'd make her so much more accessible to me and I don't think I'd stop myself then.

I wanted her, badly.

I'd swallowed and looked to her again, watching as she licked over her bottom lip after she'd sipped her smoothie, smiling at her brother and nodding at something he'd said, her cheekbones prominent, jaw soft and curved, her skin glowed from her tan she'd gotten since she got to Miami, her hair pulled back away from her beautiful face leaving everything on display, stray hairs out and framing her face.

I just wanted to lean forward and kiss her into oblivion, tell her just how beautiful she was.

As if sensing my stare she looked to me and her eyes grew lighter if possible.

She smiled wider.

I didn't smile back.

I stared at her for a moment.

Then I looked away.

Acting like I didn't want to tell her how she invaded my thoughts constantly.

I cleared my throat, standing up and sent a single nod in both their directions, feeling a little shitty when I walked away without even so much as speaking to her.

But it was better this way.

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