Growing Up With Hunters (A Su...

By normalsxboring

57.3K 1.5K 245

Violet has always had a hard life. Whether it's the constant torture of knowing that she will probably be kil... More

A Woman In White
Asylum; part 1
Asylum; part 2
What the Hell is a Ghostfacer?
Bring it.
The Yellow Eyed Demon
Oh shit!
Hospitals, Ghosts, and a Reaper
Alone at last
Update on the story.
Dresses and Jealousy.
I'm grounded.
Fighting is their Happiness.
The Truth is what kills us.
Finally hunting again
Love and Destruction.
Not So Serious After All..
I Hate You; I Love You Too Princess.
Q&A/this shit just got real.
Alive but not well.
Could it get any worse?
Christmas Presents.
Sounds Like You're Avoiding Me..
I'm the Man that has Your Girl
How Long Are You Going to Take?
No Way Out.

Violet, I love you.

2K 41 5
By normalsxboring


Violet's POV:

So last night was. interesting. 

No, that's not the word i'm looking for- amazing, phenomenal, I don't even know anymore.

I love Sam, trust me I do, but Dean- he's been with me for like ever, and I think I love him. 

God, I really wish I had someone to tell about these things. I sure as hell wasn't going to tell Sam or Dean about what I think about them. That wouldn't end well. Sam would be heart broken, he doesn't need anymore of that. I mean after Jessica and the fire. 

Who knew what he would do?

"Vi?" My thoughts were interrupted by Sam looking at me straight in the eyes, he had opened the car door when I was day dreaming. "Babe, are you okay?" He said grabbing me bridal style, and setting me on the motel bed. 

Sam sat down right next to me with one arm around my waist holding me up. "Vi, you've been different lately, what's going on? You're always happy, and arguing with the two of us."

How do you answer a question like that? Oh hey Sam, I slept with your brother and my heart wants to pick him over you so bad. 


Think of a lie.

"Yeah, um. I guess i'm just kind of tired of moving around."

"What?" He laughed. "Violet since when do you want to settle down?" Even Dean was giving me a weird look from my answer. Of course he would know it was bullshit. 

You know, there are so many days when I wish that I just worked on my own.

"I love you Violet, just remember that." Sam said slowly pushing me back to lay back and go to sleep with him. I could tell Dean was tensing as he said it.

"I love you too." I practically whispered it so that Dean wouldn't hear it, and become the over sensitive and over-protective prick that he could be. 

He once beat a guy 1/2 to death for looking at me like he would take advantage of me. 

Thank God that he didn't hear it; that wouldn't have ended well, he can be a little too overprotective.

Sam fell asleep within a few minutes, he was completely knocked out. 

I pushed him a few times and he didn't move once. Dean started to get up off the bed and look over to us, he clenched his jaw and I could feel his ice cold stare at me. I had my eyes closed, I planned on following him to make sure he wasn't doing anything he shouldn't be. 

I know i'm 'stalking' him in a way, but I don't want him getting drunk and having another 'one night stand' with some random girl.

The door shut and my eyes fluttered open. I quickly slipped on my shoes and grabbed my jacket. I took one small look at Sam, he seemed so peaceful. 

What was I going to do about him?

I got out of the door, and saw Dean walking down the street to a bar that we had found. 

I slowly walked towards him and the bar. He turned and looked around before stepping into the brick building and walking straight up to the counter, you could see him from the small windows across the street. It was almost a 10 minute walk from the motel if you were taking the small steps that I was taking.

"Damn it Dean." I mumbled to myself. 

I stepped into the bar and automatically saw Dean talking to a blonde waitress. He was flirting and staring at her boobs.

That was when I felt something. I wasn't jealous.
I wouldn't allow myself.

 I felt a sudden rage settle over me. I wonder if this is how Dean feels. 

She bent over in the short skirt to reveal the little bit of her butt, and wrote something on the napkin.

I inched closer.

It was her phone number, and Britt- written on the top in purple pen. 

Hell no.

I sure as hell wasn't having this, Dean wasn't allowed to do this- not with me around at least. He knew that, but he doesn't know i'm here.

 I just kept staring at them all over each other flirting and whispering. I couldn't make out much more than "I get off in 15 minutes, we're going to have a great time tonight."

That bitch, I was the only one who was allowed to give him pleasure.

What the hell is wrong with me? 

You love Dean idiot.


I can't.

But I do, I love Dean. Not as a brother, or a best friend, but a partner

A partner who wants to have the other make you feel good all the time, make your feel like a princess. That's exactly what Dean would do to me, he made me feel special, better than anyone else. 

I had to have been sitting at the stool in the middle of the bar for a considerably long amount of time because Dean and the bitch were getting ready to leave. 

I couldn't have it. She wasn't allowed to sleep with him. Only I was.

Before I knew what came over me, I got up and started to walk over to them. She was whispering dirty nothings in his ear when I tapped on her shoulder.


The blonde turned smiling at me. I gave her a sweet and innocent look, "Hi. Yeah, I'm the only blonde in his life. So yeah, you can leave now." 

"Violet don't." Dean said with a concerned look on his face.

"Excuse you, but he's mine. So why don't you go and find your parents and leave." She turned rolling her eyes and looked back kissing him.

"It's a good thing you got those funbags to make up for your stupidity.  Good looks only get you so far in life, guess that's why you're here working in a bar, sleeping with random guys that walk in."  She turned, rolling her eyes. I punched her as hard as I could right in the nose, I felt a crack- that was definitely broken.

"You psychotic bitch!" She yelled lunging towards me. 

I was tackled on the ground, but I turned so I was on top and punching the shit out of her. She did the same, and flipped me and slapped me and punched me a few times before the owner, some workers, and Dean all helped to break up the fight.

Dean pulled me outside of the bar and threw $20 in the door. I just wiped the blood on my mouth and started walking away.

"And where do you think you are going exactly?" Dean said a little annoyance coated in the way he said it.

"The motel. Where the hell else am I going to go?" I turned and walked backwards casually to the motel down the street.

"The hell you are. You are going to tell me what the hell just happened in there."

"I helped you not make a mistake that I knew you would make." He ran up to me and walked facing me, as I was still facing backwards, walking.

"Violet, you don't ever promote violence. Not even when you are drunk and get upset. I don't think you've ever done that-" He pointed his thumb backwards, signalling at the bar, "when you're sober unless something really bothers you. I know you better than anyone Violet." He said putting one arm around my waist, stopping us from walking any farther.

He spun me so we were facing each other. He smelt of whiskey and mint. Exactly what he always smelt like when he was done in a bar.

 "Dean." I half whispered. He lifted his thumb and went right over my lip, wiping off some blood- not breaking eye contact one bit.

I felt his soft, yet chapped lips brush against mine. It was a feeling like no other, the one where it was you and him. No one else was there. He gave me the look of the two of us being the only people on the planet.

Dean's POV:

She had blood and sweat dripping down her face. She was so beautiful. I couldn't help but stare her down. I saw her in the motel, and I couldn't help but want to rip Sam's head off the moment he laid one hand on her anywhere. She was mine, she made me feel like no other. She deserved better than words. I just don't think I could bring that to her.

Sam obviously couldn't.. I could tell, she wasn't as happy with him. I brushed my lips over hers. I looked at her like the only girl in the world, to me thats what she was. She was the most beautiful, funny, and perfect weirdo i've ever seen. We'd had the best times ever before everything that had happened lately.

God, I loved her.

What am I saying?

I'm Dean Winchester for god's sake, I can't be whipped. The only problem was that when I was with her I was. I felt so protective over her, like I was the only one who could look or even touch her.

She looked fragile, but when she got into the bedroom she was anything but that. Her sense of humor was out this world. She was the defintion of perfect.

She didn't compare to any stupid bar wench. She was out of this world. I wanted her so much. But with Sam here, I couldn't have her.

"Why?" She spoke softly, and quietly.

"Why what?" I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Why did you leave? Why do you tense everytime i'm with Sam? Why do you go crazy when people look at me? Why do you do these things?" She spoke in a kind way, that was the only way she ever got answers out of me. I always caved in, she looked so innocent and gentle.

"I left cause I couldn't stand watching Sam have his hands all over you. I would look at you two, and all I saw was us. You and I that night, you looked so beautiful with ME. Not him. ME. You were always better with me, it was never supposed to be you two. I don't like it when people look at you. Only I can look at you that way, its my job. No one is allowed to look at you that way, you're too perfect. I don't know what I would do if someone hurt you when I could've been a man and stepped up to do the job. I love you Violet. I always have, even as a kid. Thats why I was always protective. Boys liked you and so did I, when they talked about you I just about killed them. You were the perfect girl Vi, and I just don't know what-." She interrupted me smashing her lips into mine... God it felt so good, she tugged on my hair and I let out a moan. Her soft hands ran up my torso to my cheek, holding on as long as she could before she had to break for air. I kept my hands on her waist. "Do you want me to finish?"

That big, giant smile came on her face. I'd never seen her face light up with so much happiness. "Shut up." She whispered, obviously trying not to laugh. I smiled into the kiss due to her last remark. Then all of a sudden I felt more protective than ever, she said the 4 words I knew meant more than anyhting else. "I love you Dean." She breathed into the kiss. I never wanted to let her go, I didn't want anyone near her. She had to come back to the motel though. She had to go and sleep with Sam. No! She can't not after that.

"No." I said. She had a tear brimming in the corner of her eye. "If you say you love me, you can't sleep with Sam anymore."

"Dean, this will destroy him."She gestured to us. "If I leave him for you."

"You left me for him a long time ago.." We had reached the motel. "He'll understand."

"Dean don't do this.." She gave my a concerned look, and placed her hand on my chest.

"It's for the best.."

Violet's POV:

I dont remember much after Dean told Sam. Sam was shocked for about two seconds, but a faint smile appeared on his lips.

"Finally, it was a little more obvious than you guys think. The sexual tension between you two is almost unbarable." He was trying to make good out of this. He knew it was going to happen. It was obvious. "I really thought Dean was going to shoot me earlier when I place my hand on your waist. So is someone going to explain to me what happened?"

I told everything except the details of when Dean poured his heart out, I replaced that with a simple 'I love you Violet,' I could tell he was thanking me about that. Dean liked his tough image, I knew he was partially a softie. We had decided to forget about tonight, and I layed down with Dean. He put his arms tightly around me like everyone was going to try to take me away from him. I have to admit I liked it a bit though. I could get used to him so close to me.

....... Skip a few weeks.

"Sam!!" I screamed his body was laying limp in Dean's arms. I we sat there for so long crying next to his dead, cold body.

"Shut up Bobby!! I'm sorry I don't want to leave without my dead fucking brother!!! I'm leaving, i'm fine!!!" Dean was yelling and had just thrown what was on the desk off. He pushed Bobby. Bobby stumbled back and did the same.

"HEY!!" I got up from next to Sam's lifeless body and let go of his hand, walking over to the guys. "Thats is enough! Stop the both of you. I'm tired of the two of you arguing." I placed a hand on Dean's chest. He touched one my hands, grabbed it in his and kissed it lightly.

"Bobby if your going to leave. Leave."

"Dean." I said calmly.

"What, he was going to anyway."

"Are you?" Bobby nodded to my question. "Im going with you." Both had a shocked look on thier faces. "As much as I don't want to leave Sam or Dean-" I paused and turned to Dean, caressing his face quickly then let down my hand, "Dean needs time to think. I don't want to be here when this is happening. You need to cope, and i'm not going to interfere with that." I put a small but meaningful kiss on his lips, grabbing his t-shirt in the process and cleching it in my fist. He set his hands on the small of my back. "I'll be at Bobby's if you need me, i'm a call away. Please, don't so anything stupid. I beg of you."

"Don't leave Bobby's, or I swear." The corner of my lips turned to a smile, I pecked his lips for the last time in who knows how long. I'm leaving until he can get this figured out inside, and deal with it.

"Alright Bobby, we better get going." I turned over to Sam and walked over kissing his forehead and let a tear fall onto his face. I wiped it off. "I love you Dean." and with that Bobby and I walked out of the door to the building. I hopped into shot gun, and Bobby started the truck.

"Violet." He said slowly.

"Just drive Bobby."


"Bobby, i'm fine. Please just drive. We can talk about this later." I said as softly as I could in that moment. His attention went straight for the road.

About an hour had gone by, and I was done with crying. I finally felt like talking. I turned towards Bobby.

"I think it's good, is what I was trying to say earlier."

"You think what is? Sam dying." Anger took over me.

"No, god no!" I eased a bit. "That you are leaving Dean to do this."

"I don't want to be away from him for however long I am going to have to be.. I love him, and after what just happened to Sam, the last thing I want is him alone. But this is what it is going to have to take.." I smiled a bit, trying to lighten the mood just a little more.

We were back at Bobby's before I knew it. I went straight to bed since it was like 12:00 in the morning. "Goodnight."


I woke up at around 9:00. I went sraight to the kitchen to cook some food. Bobby walked in and thanked me as soon as he saw what I was doing. I smiled graciously and told him it was no problem.

I grabbed a pan for the bacon, another for eggs, and heated the over for sausage. I was surprised that Bobby had this stuff, but I went shopping a while ago because I told Bobby he needed to eat better or he was going to die sooner than later. I heard someone knock on the door, but Bobby went to get it instead of me. I set the bacon on a plate, and the eggs on another. The sausage would be done in about 5-10 minutes.

"Wheres Violet?" I heard a familiar voice. It was the voice of Sam Winchester. There was a long pause from anyone.

"Kitchen!" Bobby yelled. I braced myself for Sam to walk through the doorway. It couldn't be sam, I thought to myself. A few seconds later though, there he was in the doorway looking straight at me. I ran and jumped into his arms, and he spun me around in a small circle.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too. Oh thanks for patching me up by the way."

"Ya. Your welcome." I smiled, what the hell did Dean do?

Wait a second. Where was Dean? He didn't come to see me. Was he okay.

"Hey, stay here. Take the sausage out of the oven if it's ready and it beeps. Thanks." I gave him a frendly peck on the cheek, and with that I walked out to find Dean.

I went searching for a minute, and went outside to see if they were there. I saw Bobby let a small smack on his face. I know what he did, but Bobby did my job. The only thing left to do was make sure he was okay.

I ran over to him, and wrapped myself around him. My head was burried into his neck, I held onto his hair tightly. His arms were wrapped around my back, and he started to spin me in the air, I lifted my legs a bit, making it easier.

"Thank God your okay!!" I said into his neck, I didn't want to let go.

"Did Bobby treat you well?" I just nodded. "Your okay right? Nothings wrong with you?" He rubbed my back and played with my long, blonde hair. I pulled off, taking in everything before I completely let go.

"I'm fine Dean. Calm down." He was frantically looking me up and down making sure everything was still there. He quickly pulled me in again, I let small kisses along his jaw line and neck. "Now does someone want to tell me how long you got?"

"You know?"

"Sam is here. Yes I know. So does someone want to tell me?"

"No." They said at the same time. I chuckled a bit, but Bobby had a completely straight face on. I frowned, "What?"

"1" Is all Dean said.

"Decade?" I asked.

"Year." he said, I felt tears around my eyes. I slapped him as hard as I could right on the cheek. I sucked it up, and just looked at him. He touched my arm, and I slapped him one more time.

"God damnit Dean!!" There was ruffling around the cars. We all stopped and the boys pulled out their guns. Ellen popped out, and I ran to hug her. I didn't care Demon or not... She hugged back, and Dean pulled me back and Bobby threw holy water on her. Dean held me tighter than ever. I didn't want to, but I hugged back. I only have a year with him anyways.

He's so selfish, how could he? We told Ellen everything and she slapped him too. This was going to be fun for Dean..


Ellen had a gun pointed straight at my head, and I had one straight at her. This guy was making us do it.. I was crying, as was Ellen. Everything went faster than I thought it would. We no longer had guns pointed at eachother, the devils gate was open, and Jake was dead. The yellow eyed demon was fighting Sam and Dean. Winning if I do say so myself. But where was I? Well I was laying on the ground, pinned down and couldn't get up do to the stupid demon. I was choking on my own blood.

What does dying feel like? It sucks.

Sam had flipped my over on my side so I wasn't choking anymore. (I know. Major innuendos :)) "Is she okay?" Dean looked over to me, and stared into my eyes. I blinked letting him know I was okay. I started getting up and walking over to Bobby and Ellen.

"You okay hun?" Ellen said putting an arm around my shoulder. Dean walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist and held me.

"You okay?"

"Ya, you?" He just nods.

"Is it over?" I looked at everyone.

"There's a war coming. And you guys are smack in the middle of it." Bobby said looking at all of us.

"Then we better get to work." I said walking up to Dean's side, and wiping a little bit of blood off that he had on the corner of his head. I pecked his lips and grabbed a gun walking over to the car.

"Where are you going?" Ellen asked looking over to me.

"To go and kick some ass. Y'all are okay to join me if you'd like." I turned and walked backwards like i'd done with Dean.

I gave a quick smile, and Dean and Sam did the same. The nodded/gestured my head signalling the boys to hurry up and get in the car. Sam took the keys and threw up for Dean to catch. As he did so, I swung the trunk open and put my gun in there. I didn't like carrying it all the time, unlike Dean.

Dean threw the colt into the back of the trunk. "Lets go kick some demon ass." Dean and Sam both chuckled a bit after Sam said it. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle, and walk around the car to the back seat. I quickly ran to Ellen before I had gotten in.

"thank you!" I said after I gave her a big hug.

"Good luck hun. Your gunna need it."

"Demons aren't that bad." I let out a small chuckle.

"I'm not talking about demons violet." She gestured her head towards Dean. My smile faded a bit. I looked at where her eyes were. Dean and Sam were both in the front seat arguing over the radio, I knew Dean was going to die. "I'm not saying this to offend you, but don't fall in love with a boy like him.." She said as kindly as she could. "He's going to die Violet, you're going to take yourself down with if you fall in love." She placed a hand onto my back.

"I know. But then again, I think i'm already gone.."I just lookedd at her then back over to the boys. Sam signalled that we were leaving, and I gave Ellen more big hug. "Take care of Bobby." I flashed her smile, she did the same.

"Always. You take care of those boys Violet." She said it loud enough so the boys could hear. They both chuckled and you could see them laughing from the side view mirrors. I smiled and hopped into the backseat.

"Alright,, what are we waiting for?" I glanced a smile and 'Dead or Alive' came over the radio. We were speeding down the road to a motel and to find antoher job. Dean and Sam were both screaming the lyrics. I knew the "Dead or Alive" would bother Dean. I could swear I saw a tear form in his eyes.

Hes afraid of dying. I could tell, I wanted to comfort him without giving it away. I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "I know your afraid. I am too." I whispered quietly into his ear so onlyhe could hear it. Sam knew I said something, he started to quiet on the lyrics. To distract his I just kissed Dean one more time, and then started yelling the chorus to the song. Sam started laughing and just sang along.

I didn't want Dean to die, and he didn't want to either. What were we going to do?

Hey guys, how did you like it? I tried to make longer than the others, I blended many episodes and scenes together. Did you like the switch of Sam to Dean? Tell me in the comments what you thought. Happy Easter everyone!! Thank you for 10K. This is amazing. I love you guys so much and thank you for everything. Update soon. <3 ~Josie

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