Harry Potter: The Boy Who Liv...

Bởi KhrysThomas

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The complete collection of my Harry Potter Fan Fictions from many different sites. All revolving around the... Xem Thêm

Harry Potter: The Boy Who Lived (Collected Original Works)
A Powerful Sort of Love (Dumbledore)
Solemn in their Grief (Dumbledore)
Responsible Reporting (Dumbledore)
All Grown Up (Twins- Fred and George)
Conjure That Horse, Please (Remus and Tonks)
Remember my Last (Petunia)
Hagrid, a Hero (Hagrid)
Reflections (Arthur and Molly)
Handling the Horcruxes
Paranoia (Molly and Arthur)
Mum (Harry)
Dragon Tamer Part 1 (Charlie Weasley and Cordi (OC))
Taking Flight Part 2 (Charlie Weasley and Cordi (OC))
Flight of the Dragon Tamers Part 3 (Charlie and Cordi)
Wedding Among Dragons Part 4 (Charlie and Cordi)
Honeymoon in Australia Part 5 (Charlie and Cordi)
Greenhouse Guardian (Neville and Luna)
Timid Kisses (Neville and Luna)
Lonely Looney Luna (Neville and Luna)
W W W Wedding (Part One)
W W W Wedding (Part Two)
W W W Wedding (Part Three)
Dancing Under the Stars (Trio/Ginny + Neville/Luna)
Masterful Murder (Murder Mystery Drabble)
Dobby's Drabble
Leah's Drabble
Kumy's Drabble
Shiny Things (Fantastic Beast Drabble)

Dastardly Darkness (Draco Malfoy)

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Bởi KhrysThomas

“Damn, that stings.”

Unconsciously, he rubbed his thumb over the disfigured skin on his forearm. “It’s never hurt that bad before.”

“Where am I?” he wondered out loud.

“Mister Malfoy,” a voice snarled in the darkness. While I put up with your shenanigans during the school term, I will not tolerate them now. You are intruding on my private misery. You are not welcome here.” “The time has come, but I’m not prepared for this.”

“Where is here, and who are you?” Draco asked, choosing to ignore the obvious threat in the voice. “Crap. What have I gotten myself into?”

“I think you are well aware of who I am. If I tell you where we are, there will be several Death Easter knocking on my door shortly. I’m sure you can understand why I don’t wish to do that,” Snape replied. “Maybe he will refuse my help and just leave without an explanation.”

“How did I end up here?” Draco snapped. “I’m not leaving without an explanation. He owes me that. Why is he here? Why isn’t he with Voldemort?”

“I can only assume that you betrayed the Dark Lord.” A single flickering candle illuminated Snape’s face. “You touched the Mark, during a time of need, while you were betraying your Master. That’s how you came to be here.” “Damn. This is why I hate teaching students. They are always too impatient and unwilling to learn. They prefer to flounder in their own superiority.”

“How did you know that?” Draco sputtered. “I didn’t betray him. I just…”

“It’s simple, Mr. Malfoy.” Snape tapped the tips of his fingers together in a sinister motion before continuing. “I brought you here.” “Go away! I don’t want to have to tell you the rest.”

An ominous silence permeated the room, making the tiny hairs on the back of Draco’s neck stand on end. “Why did you bring me here? How did you bring me here? I have a right to know.” Draco was seething. “I should just kill him and take his place at Lord Voldemort’s side.”

“That, would be impossible, Mr. Malfoy.” Snape’s voice was low, revealing no emotion. “The Dark Lord means to kill you. Whether you kill me first or not, you will die if you go to him.” “You failed him.”

Draco remained silent, waiting for Snape to finish his lecture.

“I have discovered an ancient potion. The potion allows me to create a bond, albeit a temporary bond, with another person. The bond only works for someone with whom I share a common interest. I gave you the potion before your attempt at killing Dumbledore.”

“You poisoned me?” Draco screamed. “You freak. You’re just as bad as the Mudblood.”

“Hardly, Mr. Malfoy. You are alive, aren’t you? I do wonder how you attempted to redeem yourself. Did you try to warn Potter and his crew of the impending attacks?” “What a waste of time, I’m sure.”

Draco nodded and a trace of a tremble began in his bottom lip. “I guess that might be considered a betrayal of sorts.”

“Potter and his followers rebuffed your attempt to warn them. You were in a bind and needed help. You chose to take the easy way out and touched the Dark Mark to Disapparate. Am I right so far?” Snape knew he was correct by the terrified look no Draco’s face. He shook his head, in part due to his sympathy for the boy’s upcoming task. He was also disgusted with himself for allowing this charade to progress as far as it had. “If only I had summoned the courage on that dreary night. Bellatrix had no proof. The Dark Lord would have granted me temporary clemency until I had another opportunity to prove my loyalty. Why did I allow my foolish pride to override my common sense? I had no reason to agree to that ridiculous rite. I could have prevented this whole bloody predicament.”

Draco glared at him when he failed to continue his explanation. “Is he really waiting for me to respond?” “Yes. You’re right.”

“I know I’m right,” Snape gloated. “That’s not the point. Keep quiet and let me finish my story. When I’m done, if all your questions aren’t answered, they mustn’t be important.”

Draco’s mouth gaped in astonishment. “Awfully full of himself, isn’t he?”

“It begins the night that you mother made me engage in that asinine ritual. The Unbreakable Vow, what a misnomer. There are many ways to avoid the ramifications of such a spell. It requires a deep knowledge of ancient magic, but it can be done. After I had vowed to protect you, I went searching for the ingredients to make the potion I spoke of before. The potion is unique in that it works through the skin instead of being ingested. You remember, I hope, the Potions class when Longbottom’s cauldron melted? It was that day that I applied the potion to your Mark, I mixed it in with the antidote for the monstrosity Longbottom created. The potion would only take effect after I had satisfied the terms of the Unbreakable Vow. Once I disposed of Dumbledore, effectively betraying the Dark Lord, I took you to a safe place before I touched the Mark. I was brought here. I knew, that in your heart, you were aware of the side you had already chosen. I merely had to bide my time while you came to that realization. I have been waiting, somewhat impatiently, for you to arrive. Once you made the conscious decision to follow your heart, you were greeted with scorn and distrust. In an effort to alleviate the pain, you turned to the easiest solution. Since the ‘good’ side had shunned you, you reached out to the ‘bad’ side yet again. The instant you touched your Mark, our bond was sealed. You were brought here for my help. I am going to make sure that you survive the war. I cannot guarantee that your family will survive. Should you choose to insist on being noble, and trying to save them, I can no longer guarantee your safety.”

Draco was leaning against the wall, letting it support every ounce of his weight. He was petrified with fear for his mother. “I could care less about Father. He can rot in Azkaban for all I care. I have to save Mother. She doesn’t deserve to die because of my failure.”

“Mr. Malfoy,” Snape said icily. “I don’t believe you listened to a word I said. Please try to follow what I am telling you. Your family is not important in the grand scheme of life. Save you own skin. It’s what you do best.”

Draco felt his spine stiffen. He squared his shoulders against the wall, pushed off with his hands, and stood up straight. “You might be right about me, you might not be. But, I won’t let Mother die for my wrongdoings.” He turned around, his back facing Snape. “I won’t be the cause of her death,” he whispered. He stalked out of the room without a backward glance.

“Good luck, Mr. Malfoy. You’re going to need it.”

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